This paper had the objetive of understandig the subjective dimension of the oncological patients who receive an educational provision at the IOP-GRAACC-UNIFESP. Using a qualitative methodology, based on the social-historical psychology, we intended to understand how these students see the hospital school, the teacher who works at the hospital and the kind of apprenticeship that is carried on in this context. We have noticed that the hospital school is marked by a significative absense of the elements that build the way the teenagers see the tradicional school, at the same time that it is seen as a more pleaseant learning environment. The teacher who works at the hospital is loaded with a positive affectivity charge and the subjects he teaches have other functions in this context. The hospital school must act according to its differences, even when they are based on something that is missing, assuming itself as a special scholar enviroment.
Teaching; Hospitalization; Schools; Cancer