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Claudia Regina Furquim de Andrade

Professora Titular

Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional

Faculdade de Medicina

Universidade de São Paulo

Dear Readers,

It is with great satisfaction that we inform that since 2007 Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica will be quarterly, that is, we have reached the goal of four Numbers per year. This progress is significant for the development of the Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences and also for the Journal's editorial development. We are also completely on-line. The submission and assessment process of manuscripts will be entirely electronic, very agile in all of its steps. Also, the access to all articles is possible at the Journal's web page The electronic version of our Journal is registered in Open Archives, that is, it is international and with open access, as well as having full texts available in Medline.

Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica has been deeply modified. We are presenting a more dynamic and updated structure. The new structure is composed of 11 submission categories, giving more flexibility for the composition of manuscripts. These categories are:

1. Research Papers: should include a structured abstract (Background, Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion) with a maximum of 250 words. Full text should contain a maximum of 2500 words; a maximum of 30 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI); three tables or figures. For these manuscripts (of a quantitative or qualitative nature), introduction should have no more than a page and must be entailed to the exact content of the study. The emphases of the manuscript should be on the methodology and results, with clear and well determined statistical descriptions and analyses (for qualitative studies). Only the necessary figures will be accepted, those which replicate data already presented in statistical tables will not be accepted. Discussion and Conclusion should be resumed and exclusively based on the results of the study. Sections of this type of manuscript: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References.

2. Reviews and Systematic Reviews: we are particularly interested in reviews of any whole field or aspect of the Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences that is of relevance to our readership. These should be authoritative and identify any gaps in our knowledge or understanding. Systematic Reviews must contain a brief section entitled "Search strategy and selection criteria". This should state clearly: the sources (databases, journal or book reference list, etc) of the material covered, and the criteria used to include or exclude studies - for example, all that was published in a certain journal in the last three, four or five years. Maximum of 3000 words, maximum of 30 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI); structured abstract with 250 words (Background, Aim, Conclusion), maximum of 4 tables or figures. Sections of this type of manuscript: Introduction, Conclusion, References.

3. Case Reports: clinically interesting cases should be written in a maximum of 600 words (plus 125 word structured abstract - Background, Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion) with no more than one figure or table and maximum of 10 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI). Case reports should be of conditions that provide new insight, describe rare but modifiable disorders or present new treatments and understanding. Sections of this type of manuscript: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References.

4. Book Reviews: we encourage reviews of international books which have been published in the last three years. The original should be completely cited, in its original language (author(s), title, edition, publishing company, city of publishing company, year, number of pages). Maximum of 1500 words.

5. Commentary: commentaries include debate articles, long comments or personal observations on current research or trends in the field of the Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences that is likely to be of interest to our readers. Maximum of 1500 words, 15 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI), one table or figure.

6. Letters to the Editor: we welcome lively, provocative, stimulating and amusing letters on general points of interest, as well as comments on and criticism of articles previously published in the journal. Maximum of 450 words, 5 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI), one table or figure.

7. Research Letters: a shorter article which should report original findings of already concluded parts of a larger research project (e.g. a pilot study). Research Letters should contain no more than two tables or figures, a maximum of 1500 words and a maximum of 30 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI). These letters do not include an abstract. Authors of full articles may be invited to re-submit a shorter version of their manuscript for publication in this section.

8. Clinical Reminders: very short and simple resumes of Case Reports that are not unusual enough to be published in full, but are useful messages that could be of use to general readers and juniors. Clinical Reminders should be of no more than 150 words, 1 small table or figure and 3 references (exclusively of nationally and internationally indexed journals, 50% preferably indexed in ISI).

9. Fillers: we are always pleased to receive short pieces of a thoughtful or humorous nature that touch on the personal or professional experiences of colleagues working with speech-language and hearing pathologies. We also welcome suggestions for relevant short quotations from any source. Maximum of 900 words.

10. Conference Reports: we would be interested in reports distilling the essence of papers presented by our researchers in international conferences (unpublished in Brazil). The original paper should be entirely cited in its original language (author(s), title, conference were the work was presented, city, country). Maximum of 1000 words.

11. Web Sites: we are pleased to accept short descriptions of web sites that are likely to be of interest to our readers. Maximum of 200 words.

Ten articles are presented in our second Number of Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica - 2007, eight are research articles, one case report and one update article.

Fujinaga et al. (2007) presented a research that had as a purpose to test the reliability of an instrument that evaluates the readiness of preterm infants for the transition of gastric to oral feeding. Results indicate that, overall, the items of the instrument presented adequate reliability between the observers.

A study about temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and mastication was presented by Felício et al. (2007). This study compared individuals with TMD with a control group regarding mastication and analyzed the possible related variables. The study indicated that the mastication patter presented by the group of TMD differed from the normal physiological standard. The number of occlusal interferences and the severity of TMD were variables correlated to chewing.

The manuscript presented by Porto et al. (2007) had as a purpose to identify the adequate moment and adequate duration of the video recording of an interaction in order to analyze the pragmatics of children with Down Syndrome, in such a way that there were no losses in terms of quality and effectiveness of the obtained data. The analyzed situation consisted of an interaction between the therapist and child while at play. The results do not indicate significant differences related to the obtained samples with different video recording durations for the pragmatics analyzes of the communication of children with Down Syndrome.

The purpose of the research presented by Stuchi et al. (2007) was to delineate the receptive and expressive oral language profile of children who have been using cochlear implants for five years, verifying the influence of sensorial privation time on the receptive and expressive oral language of these children. Results indicate that the oral language profile of children who have been using cochlear implants for five years is deviant and not simply delayed when compared to normal children. Comprehensive language was similar to that of hearing children of four years of age; and expressive language was similar to that of hearing children of five years of age. The influence of sensorial privation time was statistically significant for the scores of a few of the assessed aspects.

The purpose of the study presented by Zanardi et al. (2007) was to verify the benefits of vestibular rehabilitation exercises through the application of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) questionnaire - Brazilian version - pre and post rehabilitation. Results indicate the application of the VR protocol favored the improvement of the life quality of elderlies and was of assistance in the process of vestibular compensation.

Vieira & Azevedo (2007) evaluated the minimum levels of response through visual reinforcement audiometry in 50 hearing and 25 hearing impaired children, considering the variables of: side of stimulus presentation, gender, age and type of stimulus. The authors concluded that for hearing children the minimum levels of response decrease with age, independently of the type of stimulus. For the hearing impaired children, there was no significant difference regarding the studied variables.

The study of Pinto & Lewis (2007) described the distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) records of infants from birth to two months regarding the variables of: gender, timpanometry pressure peak, state of infant during the test (sleepy, in deep sleep and awake but with no body activity). Results indicate that there was no statistically significant difference between genders and between ears for the response level. The timpanometry pression peak determined by three groups had no influence on records of the response level and the infant's state during the exame also had no influence on the response level of DPOAE.

Palladino et al. (2007) analyzed the possible co-occurrence of these disorders taking into consideration a relationship that has structural implications, the reciprocal influences between language, body and physique. The authors concluded that the co-occurrence of oral language problems and eating disorders is not just a coincidence. Both disorders configure themselves as oral disturbances.

The purpose of the case report presented by Mangilli & Andrade (2007) was to present the speech therapy procedures adopted with a patient with botulism and who was presenting dysphagia. Botulism is a severe neuroparalytic disease, of an acute characteristic, afebrile, that causes flaccid paralysis of the cranial nerves and skeleton muscles. The conclusion of the study was that speech therapy demonstrated to be efficient in the re-establishment of the orofacial myofunctional system and of the swallowing function, enabling the patient to restore the adequate functionality of this system.

Finally, in the update article presented by Goulart & Chiari (2007) some concepts concerning screening and diagnostic tests and their application according to a specific purpose are presented. The authors conclude that diagnostic instruments differ from screening instruments in their objectives and eligibility criteria. Sensibility and specificity are two important indicators to be considered when choosing an instrument for screening or diagnosis. Reproducibility, time required to complete the evaluation and previous preparation of patients are also indicators to be considered when choosing an instrument or clinical application.

We are anxiously waiting for the new submissions, hands to work.



Referências Bibliográficas

FELÍCIO, C. M.; MELCHIOR, M. O.; SILVA M. A. M. R.; CELEGHINI, R. M. S. Desempenho mastigatório em adultos relacionado com a desordem temporomandibular e com a oclusão. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p.151-158, abr.-jun. 2007.

FUJINAGA, C. I.; ZAMBERLAN, N. E.; RODARTE, M. D. O.; SCOCHI C. G. S. Confiabilidade do instrumento de avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para alimentação oral. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 143-150, abr.-jun. 2007.

GOULART, B. N. G.; CHIARI, B. M. Testes de rastreamento x testes de diagnóstico: atualidades no contexto da atuação fonoaudiológica. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 223-232, abr.-jun. 2007.

MANGILLI, L. D.; ANDRADE, C. R. F. de. Botulismo e disfagia. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 215-222, abr.-jun. 2007.

PALLADINO, R. R. R.; CUNHA, M. C.; SOUZA, L.A.P. Problemas de linguagem e alimentares em crianças: co-ocorrências ou coincidências? Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 205-214, abr.-jun. 2007.

PINTO, V. S.; LEWIS, D. R. Emissões otoacústicas: produto de distorção em lactentes até dois meses de idade. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 195-204, abr.-jun. 2007.

PORTO, E.; LIMONGI, S. C. O.; SANTOS, I. G.; FERNANDES, F. D. M. Amostra de filmagem e análise da pragmática na síndrome de Down. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 159-166, abr.-jun. 2007.

STUCHI, R. F.; NASCIMENTO, L. T.; BEVILACQUA, M. C.; BRITO NETO, R. V. Linguagem oral de crianças com cinco anos de uso do implante coclear. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 167-176, abr.-jun. 2007.

VIEIRA, E. P.; AZEVEDO, M. F. Audiometria de reforço visual com diferentes estímulos sonoros em crianças. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p.185-194, abr.-jun. 2007.

ZANARDINI, F. H.; ZEIGELBOIM, B. S.; JURKIEWICZ, A. L.; MARQUES, J. M.; BASSETTO, J. M. Reabilitação vestibular em idosos com tontura. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 177-184, abr.-jun. 2007.

  • FELÍCIO, C. M.; MELCHIOR, M. O.; SILVA M. A. M. R.; CELEGHINI, R. M. S. Desempenho mastigatório em adultos relacionado com a desordem temporomandibular e com a oclusão. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p.151-158, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • FUJINAGA, C. I.; ZAMBERLAN, N. E.; RODARTE, M. D. O.; SCOCHI C. G. S. Confiabilidade do instrumento de avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para alimentação oral. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 143-150, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • GOULART, B. N. G.; CHIARI, B. M. Testes de rastreamento x testes de diagnóstico: atualidades no contexto da atuação fonoaudiológica. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 223-232, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • MANGILLI, L. D.; ANDRADE, C. R. F. de. Botulismo e disfagia. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 215-222, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • PALLADINO, R. R. R.; CUNHA, M. C.; SOUZA, L.A.P. Problemas de linguagem e alimentares em crianças: co-ocorrências ou coincidências? Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 205-214, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • PINTO, V. S.; LEWIS, D. R. Emissões otoacústicas: produto de distorção em lactentes até dois meses de idade. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 195-204, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • PORTO, E.; LIMONGI, S. C. O.; SANTOS, I. G.; FERNANDES, F. D. M. Amostra de filmagem e análise da pragmática na síndrome de Down. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 159-166, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • STUCHI, R. F.; NASCIMENTO, L. T.; BEVILACQUA, M. C.; BRITO NETO, R. V. Linguagem oral de crianças com cinco anos de uso do implante coclear. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 167-176, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • VIEIRA, E. P.; AZEVEDO, M. F. Audiometria de reforço visual com diferentes estímulos sonoros em crianças. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p.185-194, abr.-jun. 2007.
  • ZANARDINI, F. H.; ZEIGELBOIM, B. S.; JURKIEWICZ, A. L.; MARQUES, J. M.; BASSETTO, J. M. Reabilitação vestibular em idosos com tontura. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, Barueri (SP), v. 19, n. 2, p. 177-184, abr.-jun. 2007.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Sept 2008
  • Date of issue
    June 2007
Pró-Fono Produtos Especializados para Fonoaudiologia Ltda. Condomínio Alphaville Conde Comercial, Rua Gêmeos, 22, 06473-020 Barueri , São Paulo/SP, Tel.: (11) 4688-2220, Fax: (11) 4688-0147 - Barueri - SP - Brazil