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The stage in the city: the Prager Tagblatt theater reviews in Alfred Döblin’s work


This article aims to present Alfred Döblin’s theater reviews, written for the Prager Tagblatt newspaper between 1921 and 1924, and later published in book form under the title Ein Kerl muß eine Meinung haben. Focusing primarily on the first review, “Theater in Berlin,” we intend to indicate the relevance of these writings to Alfred Döblin’s oeuvre as a whole, highlighting how urban transformations and social events are incorporated textually. We will also try to demonstrate that these reviews provide an opportunity to identify elements less known to the Brazilian public regarding the Berlin theater scene of those years, as well as observe the unfolding of recurrent aspects of Döblin’s theory – such as the question of naturalism – in his theater criticism.

Alfred Döblin; theater; Weimar Republic; theater review

Universidade de São Paulo/Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403, 05508-900 São Paulo/SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 11)3091-5028 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil