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Researcher facing post-graduation evaluation: under discussion, new ways of subjectivation

Thinking the current CAPES model of Post-Graduation evaluation, in Brazil, brings into a reflexive visibility some components of the mechanism that ended producing this subjectvation device of the researcher, since its creation in the seventies, through the process of globalization of the economy and expansion of telecommunications until the creation of the World Trade Organization in the nineties, followed by a stimulation of competition and individualization strategies. From the lines that come to us with several effects, configuring a complex context of Brazilian Post-Graduation, I bring three issues to be discussed - indicators of the researcher's productivity; quality indicators defined by the QUALIS of their areas; and the ressuscitated fee for CNPq board -, as I am able to trace at this moment, trying to give them an outline of the scene in course, in the researcher's perspective. Historically produced, these scenes, in perspective, may suggest an increasing process of shattering to the researcher in different levels: (a) inside the Post-Graduation Program, by the continuous requirement to reach the expected quality rates; (b) in the researcher's own knowledge area, specially when working in two Post-Graduation Programs, needing to attend to two QUALIS; (c) inside research groups, by asymmetries that are formed in the relations due to differentiated treatment towards CNPq scholarship holders (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). If evaluation is a necessary condition to increase research and Post-Graduation education excellence, it is not, however, the only condition: it is needed to create conditions to possibilities in micropolitics instances to propose, based on collective evaluations, intervention strategies that work linking and producing new connections, in the countercurrent of the homogeneous, individualizing thinking and excluding competition. Such movements, when acquiring strength and power, may provoke the emergence, in macropolitic instance, of more contemporaries evaluation models, setting under perspective scienfific-politics issues in the dimension of its commitment with an ethic-aesthetic.

evaluation and management; college education and post-graduation and research; subjectivation and subjectivity

Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (CFCH), Av. da Arquitetura S/N - 7º Andar - Cidade Universitária, Recife - PE - CEP: 50740-550 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil