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“Liberation and Salvation”: Revisiting Gustavo Gutiérrez’s “Liberation Theology” 50 Years Later


Gustavo Gutiérrez is one of the main references of the Latin American liberation theology. His book “Liberation Theology – Perspectives”, published in 1971, as well as being one of the main vehicles to disseminate this theology, acquired a symbolic value, giving name to this theological movement and becoming its initial theoretical framework. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of this publication, we want to resume its fundamental theological problematics about the relation between “liberation and salvation”. This topic is more systematically and elaborately developed in chapter 9 which synthesizes the core of the problem of his theology in its title and tries to “sketch” or “suggest the basic lines of the work to be undertaken”. We will start by summarizing the chapter, presenting its problematics and theological development. Then, we will make some historical-theological considerations about these problematics and their theological development. Finally, we will conclude by emphasizing the pertinence, the actualities, and the challenge of continuing this unfinished work.

Gutiérrez; Liberation Theology.; Salvation; Liberation

Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE) Avenida Doutor Cristiano Guimarães, 2127 - Bairro Planalto, Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Cep: 31720-300, Tel: 55 (31) 3115.7000 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil