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Structural analysis in an unexplored terra firme dense ombrophylous forest, Eastern Amazon

The objective of this study was to analyze the floristic composition and the horizontal, internal and diametric structure of an unexplored terra firme dense ombrophylous forest. The research was carried out at the Forest Management Unit (FMU) in Tracajás Farm (02º35'53" S and 47º47'10"W), owned by Nova Era Agroflorestal, in Paragominas, Pará, Brazil. The forest was stratified in three homogeneous areas denominated classes of volumetric stock I, II and III, through multivariate analysis (cluster and discriminant analysis). In each of the stock classes, five plots of 100 x 100 m (1 ha) were randomly set up for the measurement of individuals with dbh > 15cm. In the center of each 100 x 100 m plot, a subplot of 10 x 100 m (0.1 ha) was installed for the measurement of individuals with 5cm < dbh < 15 cm. In classes I, II and III of trees with dbh > 15cm (level I inclusion), the total density was estimated at 322.4; 309.0 and 313.8 individuals per hectare, respectively. The total dominance was of 27.36; 27.45 and 25.88 m²/ha and the total volume of commercial whole-tree were of 358.69; 328.33 and 408.69 m³/ha. In classes I, II and III of individuals with 5 cm < dbh < 15 cm (level II inclusion), the total density was estimated at 846; 854 and 886 individuals per hectare, respectively. The total dominance was of 4.80; 4.93 and of 5.46 m²/ha and the total volume of commercial whole-tree were of 93.98; 91.23 and 97.61 m³/ha. The species of highest relative importance value, Lecythis idatimon (potential), Rinorea guianensis (non-commercial) and Pouteria guianensis (potential) occurred in all inclusion levels and all three stock classes. The diametric distribution of all species and of the commercial species with dbh > 5 cm estimated by the Meyer equation confirmed the negative exponential trend ("inverted J"). The analysis of the forest structure in stock classes allowed the evaluation of the species composition and the forests phytosociologic structure, being useful for the elaboration and execution of sustainable management plans.

Tropical forest; diversity; floristic composition; phytosociologic structure

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, CEP: 36570-900 - Viçosa - Minas Gerais - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil