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Intestinal preparation for colonoscopy using lactulone at 8%: Santa Casa of São Paulo's method

Colonoscopy is the best diagnostic method for colon and rectal diseases. However, for better results, the cleansing preparation should be very simple, effective and adapted to the patients' conditions. The Colonoscopy Group at Santa Casa of São Paulo developed a simple preparation using commonly found ingredients. From 2001 to 2003, 1,750 patients were examined using this preparation. From these, 982 (56.1%) were female and the average age was 54.3± 19, with ages ranging from 13 to 94. The preparation consists of a low fiber diet, bisacodil taken on the day prior to the exam and 1l of lactulone 8% solution taken 6h before the exam. The quality of the preparation was considered excellent in 723 (41,3%) cases, good in 662 (37,8%), regular in 289 (16,5%) and poor in 76 (4,3%). We concluded that the lactulone 8% solution can be easily prepared, can be obtained at a low cost, it is effective and can be easily prescribed to the general population. For these reasons, we recommend its use at Santa Casa of São Paulo.

Colon preparation; lactulone; colonoscopy

Cidade Editora Científica Ltda Av . Marechal Câmara, 160- sala 916 - Ed Orly - 20020-080 - Rio de Janeiro - Rj , Tel 2240 8927 , Fax 21 22205803 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil