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Initiation in health practices: bricolage in content selection

The polysemic nature of health care practices allow multiple theoretical and methodological approaches to the topic. To define the content of the subject Initiation in Health Practices in the Medicine Course at the Federal University of Piauí entailed a bricolage of several different meanings of health practices, arranging and connecting aspects of medical practice to the principles of the SUS and to the sense of empowerment and autonomy of pedagogical practice, pointing out that such topics can be contextualized and organized in the form of a discipline by making using of bricolage to relate seemingly isolated and invisible aspects, the meaning of which is intentionally given by the teacher.

Medical Practice; Teaching Health; Methodology

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil