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From autopsy rooms and microscopes to life: informal mentoring in a pathology medical residency program



Mentoring in medicine is time-consuming on several levels and complex, as it can include various combinations of teaching, clinical practice, patient care, and research.

Experience report:

This report is on the individual experience of a mentee in a medical residency program in Pathology at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital (Manaus-AM). The individual and collective benefits of mentoring outside a formal program are described, guided by the discernment and maturity of the relationship between mentor and mentee.


Medical residency program students can benefit greatly, both personally and professionally, from well-conducted mentoring.


In the mentoring relationship, qualities such as mutual respect, discernment, and selflessness are essential so that the mentee grows and develops a fully developed and independent professional identity, albeit bound to the mentoring relationship, in order for him become a new mentor and to benefit new students.

Medical Education; Mentors; Residency; Pathology

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