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O gênero Megacyllene s. str. Casey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) na Mata Atlântica: descrição de duas espécies inéditas, chave para identificação e novas ocorrências

Megacyllene s. str. Casey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the Atlantic Rain Forest: description of two new species, identification key and new records. Twenty five species of Megacyllene (s. str.) Casey, 1912 ocurr in the Atlantic Rain Forest. New species described: M. globosa sp. nov. from Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil and M. guarani sp. nov. from San Estanislao, San Pedro, Paraguay. Megacyllene (Megacyllene) insignita (Perroud, 1855) is revalidated. A key to species of the Atlantic Rain Forest and new distributional records are added for 12 species.

Cerambycinae; Clytini; new taxa

Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil