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Comparative study between two tonsillectomy techniques: Ultracision harmonic scalpel and traditional dissection with cold scalpel

Tonsillectomy is the most commom surgical procedure in Otolaringology. The modifications and the technique surgical evolutions aim to simplifly and reduce the complications. The UltacisionÒ harmonic scalpel begin to be used in 1999 in tonsillectomies with good outcomes. AIM: To compair the time of the procedure, bleeding and the need of trans operative hemostasis, post operative pain, healing aspect of the tonsilar fossa and complications in patients submitted to tonsillectomy with cold and ultrassonic scalpel. STUDY DESIGN: Transversal cohort. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Twenty six patients underwent tonsillectomy: 13 using the traditional thecnique with cold instruments and 13 using the ultrassonic one. They were evaluated with a standart protocol. The post operative pain were graduated through the horizontal visual scale analogue. RESULTS: Surgical time were shorter with the ultrassonic thecnique compared to the traditional cold instruments. The amount of stitch at tonsilar fossa was lesser than the traditional thecnique. There were no post operative statistical difference in pain and in the aspect of the tonsilar fossa. CONCLUSION: The ultrassonic scalpel is an excellent choice in surgeries where surgical time and transoperatory bleeding are important.

tonsillectomy; Ultracision; surgical time; post operative pain

ABORL-CCF Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial Av. Indianápolis, 740, 04062-001 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5052-9515 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil