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Systematic review and meta-analyses rheumatology

Science knowledge is growing exponentially. Doctors and policy makers are inundated with amounts of information, needing systematic reviews to efficiently integrate existing information and provide data for rational decision-making. To improve the medical decision making in a better conditions, systematic reviews, including meta-analyses, establish whether scientific findings efficiently are consistent and can be generalized across populations or a patient in particular way. This paper aims to update the concepts of these kind of studies, emphasizing their methodological principles to be used in the clinical practice.

systematic reviews; meta-analyses; medical decision making; concepts

Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia Av Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio, 2466 - Cj 93., 01402-000 São Paulo - SP, Tel./Fax: 55 11 3289 7165 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil