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Acquisition of CV silable in the typical and impaired phonological development


to describe and compare acquisition of the consonant-vowel syllable in children with typical and impaired development of speech, investigating the linguistic and extra linguistic variables intervening in this process.


it was analyzed the speech of 24 children, 12 with typical phonological development and 12 with phonological deviation, equated in relation to gender, between 1:0 and 3:11;29 (typical group) and between 4:0 and 6:11;29 (group with phonological diversion). The samples were transversally collected, based on the Children Phonological Evaluation instrument. It was analyzed the words which presented the consonant-vowel as the target syllable (consonant + vowel), with a corpus of 888 words for the typical development and 2.233 for the impaired development. It was considered as variables of variants dependent of correct production, the consonant erasure, the syllable erasure, epenthesis, metathesis and others (as, for example, the compensatory stretching). As independent intervening variables it was considered the extra linguistic factors as age, gender, kind of development and the variables as tonicity, sound groups, syllable number, following and preceding syllable context, Word position and metrical foot. The speech data were statistically analyzed by the VARBRUL.


the statistic program selected as statistically meaningful variants for the correct production of consonant-vowel, the variables age and sound groups, analyzing the typical data; the variable sound groups, gender, age and metrical foot, in the impaired data; and the variables of sound groups, gender, age, tonicity and kind of development, when analyzed in conjunct with the typical and impaired data. It was verified, from the findings of this study, that both groups use the same fixing strategies, however, with more frequency in the group of children with phonological diversion. On the other hand, the correct productions are more frequent in typical children.


a bigger number of statistically meaningful variables were selected in the group with impaired development for the correct production. Furthermore, a greater frequency of strategies occurs in this group.

Speech Disorders; Child; Speech-Language Pathology; Language Development

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil