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Knowledge management practices in the institutions of the Brazilian justice system



The aim of this article is to identify how knowledge management practices contribute to organizational learning and innovation in institutions of the Brazilian Justice System.


The Integrative Literature Review was used as a research instrument.


The main results of the research are: (i) there are few studies related to organizational learning within the Brazilian Justice System; (ii) in the articles found it was possible to verify important elements for the study topic; (iii) it was observed the effort of public institutions to provide management routines and knowledge management practices to promote innovation.


Finally, it’s concluded that the research has academic relevance because it presents gaps for future academic research, and it reports important aspects about the study of Organizational Learning within the public institutions of the Brazilian justice system.

Knowledge management; Knowledge in organizations; Innovation



O objetivo deste artigo é identificar como as práticas da Gestão do Conhecimento contribuem para a aprendizagem organizacional e inovação nas instituições do Sistema de Justiça brasileiro.


Como instrumento de pesquisa utilizou-se a Revisão Integrativa da Literatura.


Os principais resultados da pesquisa, apontam: (i) existem poucos estudos relacionados a aprendizagem organizacional no âmbito do Sistema de Justiça brasileiro; (ii) nos artigos encontrados foi possível verificar elementos importantes para o tópico de estudo; (iii) observou-se o esforço das instituições públicas em prover as rotinas de gestão e práticas de gestão de conhecimento para promover a inovação.


Por fim, conclui-se que a pesquisa tem relevância acadêmica, pois apresenta lacunas para pesquisas acadêmicas futuras e relata importantes aspectos sobre o estudo da Aprendizagem Organizacional no âmbito das instituições públicas do sistema de justiça brasileiro.

Gestão do conhecimento; Conhecimento nas organizações; Inovação.


As studies on knowledge management are carried out, the multidisciplinarity of this science and its proximity to the management areas become evident.

Knowledge Management uses concepts, models, methods, and techniques developed by several disciplines, composing a growing body of knowledge that step by step form the theoretical framework of the area. There are several aspects from each area that converge among themselves to analyze and study the organizational knowledge. Among these disciplines, we can mention: a) Cognitive Science; b) Information Science; c) Management Science; d) Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

In Cognitive Science, the studies and research work with the essence of knowledge and learning, allowing a better understanding of human behavior. In Information Science, the studies deal with how to deal with the collection, analysis, storage and dissemination of information, the raw material of knowledge. In Management Science, the studies are about organizational learning, with a focus on change management, best practices, process reengineering, leadership, people management, and risk management. In Information and Communication Technologies, the implementation of Knowledge Management systems is investigated, based on the media and techniques of knowledge engineering.

For this reason, it is important to understand how the knowledge cycle happens and its impact on the organizational management process.

Like every organization, the Public Administration, to stay competitive and integrate people, processes, and technologies, has realized the need to manage institutional knowledge, especially to innovate and develop organizational learning. The non-management of organizational knowledge has caused these institutions not to achieve their purpose efficiently.

Linked to Public Administration is the administration of Justice. In Brazil, there is the Judiciary, which is the central system of justice, with the power to judge, and the justice system, which comprises, besides the Judiciary, other organizations that seek to enforce society's rights, including the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Public Defender's Office, the Legal Department, the Police and the Penitentiary System. These institutions work with knowledge-intensive processes centered on data, information and knowledge, with several routines implemented and knowledge management practices.

With this, the question that directs the study of this article arises: How can Knowledge Management practices contribute to organizational learning and innovation in Brazilian Justice System institutions?

The objective of this article is to identify how knowledge management practices contribute to organizational learning and innovation in the institutions of the Brazilian Justice System. This research is justified because there is an understanding among researchers that such elements underlie the study of Justice Administration, providing the opportunity to know the aspects of knowledge management and organizational learning in this environment.

In the following chapter, the theoretical framework that outlines this study and supports the analysis of the results will be presented.


Davenport and Prusak (2003DAVENPORT, Thomas; PRUSAK, Laurence. Conhecimento empresarial: como as organizações gerenciam seu capital. São Paulo: Elsevier, 2003., p. 6) define knowledge as "a fluid mixture of experience, values, contextual information and experienced insight, which provides a structure for the evaluation and incorporation of new experiences and information. In the organizational context, knowledge can be implicit and incorporated in people; or, it can be explicit and described in the company's routines, systems, and procedures.

Dusya and Crossman (2007DUSYA, Vera; CROSSAN, Mary. Reconciling learning paradoxes through improvisation. In: Organization Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC), 2007, London, Ontario, CA. Anais… London, Ontario, CA: University of Western Ontario, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
, p. 993) define that "explicit knowledge is communicated to individuals and groups through institutionalized non-human repositories such as strategy, culture, systems, and procedures. Implicit knowledge is the non-verbalized, intuitive, and unarticulated knowledge that resides in the human brain and cannot be easily codified or captured (ROUSSEAU; EGGHE; GUNS, 2018ROUSSEAU, Ronald; EGGHE, Leo; GUNS, Raf. Scientific Research and Communication. In: ROUSSEAU, Ronald; EGGHE, Leo; GUNS, Raf. Becoming metric-wise: a bibliometric guide for researchers. Cambridge: Chandos Publishing, 2018. p. 11-35). Therefore, knowledge travels through the organization passing through human and non-human elements with the mission of promoting the learning of people, groups, and the institution.

The life cycle of knowledge in the organization involves five steps: identify, create, store, share, and apply knowledge (NAIR; PRAKASH, 2009NAIR, Praba; PRAKASH, Kamlesh. Knowledge Management: Facilitator’s Guide. APO: Tokyo, 2009.). In this sense, knowledge management practices help us understand the organizational knowledge life cycle and how knowledge is institutionalized, providing opportunities for organizational learning.

Organizational learning happens when individual and group learning become institutionalized, when individual and group knowledge is inserted into non-human repositories, such as routines, systems, structures, culture, and strategy (DUSYA; CROSSAN, 2005DUSYA, Vera e CROSSAN, Mary. Organizational learning and knowledge management: toward an integrative framework. In: EASTERBY-SMITH; LYLES, Marjorie. Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Malden: Blackwell, 2005. p. 122-141). It can be seen that organizational learning and knowledge feed back into each other in an interactive process, with a focus on achieving the organization's strategic objectives.

Organizational learning is analyzed in levels: 1) individual, which refers to the learning of people in the organizational context; 2) Group of individuals, refers to the learning of groups in the organizational context; 3) Organization, occurs when the organization achieves the organizational purposes, shares and distributes among the members of the organization, occurring change in the system, structure, procedures and organizational culture; 4) Interorganizational, refers to learning between groups and peers of organization, evidencing cooperation; 5) Network, refers to learning by a group of organizations, as a group, when organizational learning occurs at the time the group of organizations "learn", that is, all are impacted, not just one of them. (CROSSAN; LANE; WHITE; DJURFELDT, 1995CROSSAN, Mary M. et al. Organizational learning: dimensions for a theory. The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, v. 3, n. 4, p. 337-360, 1995. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2022.
; KNIGHT, 2002KNIGHT, Louise. Network Learning: exploring learning by interorganizational networks. Human Relations, London, v. 55, n. 4, p. 427-454, 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2022.

The common thread between Knowledge Management and other management areas is precisely the recognition that information and knowledge are corporate assets that require appropriate tools to manage them, because it is not possible to manage the new aspects of the knowledge economy with the tools of the industrial economy.

According to Jadertrierveiler, Sell and Santos (2019)JADERTRIERVEILER, Heron; SELL, Denilson; SANTOS, Neri dos. The benefits and challenges of digital transformation in Industry 4.0. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: a Administration and Management, v. 19, n. 12, p. 17-40, jan. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2022.
digital transformation, the development of smart technologies and knowledge workers, are making Knowledge Management an imperative member of any business activity. Knowledge Management occurs supported by people, technology, processes, and leadership (FELICIDADE; ARAUJO; POLEZA; VARVAKIS, 2021FELECIDADE, Christian Pereira et al. Tópicos em Gestão do Conhecimento para iniciantes. Florianópolis, SC: UFSC, 2021. E-book. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
). It is complemented that it is the institutionalized practices and routines that allow the effectiveness of Knowledge Management.

Practices and routines have different but complementary aspects. Routines refer to the norms and rules institutionalized in the organization, and knowledge management practices refer to the actions that foster knowledge within the organization.

It is noteworthy that the ability of an organization to recognize and use knowledge is observed by the organization's absorptive capacity. For Zahra and George (2002)ZAHRA, Shaker A.; GEORGE, Gerard. Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization, and extension. Academy of Management Review, v. 27, n. 2, p. 185-203, abr. 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2022.
absorptive capacity is the "set of organizational routines and processes by which companies acquire, assimilate, transform, and exploit knowledge to produce a dynamic organization".

From the perspective of investigating knowledge management practices in the Brazilian justice system, it is worth noting that aspects of organizational learning and knowledge management are also present in public administration. For Freitas (2017FREITAS, Eliezer da Silva. Gestão do Conhecimento na Administração Pública: tendências de aprimoramento dos Tribunais de Contas. Revista Controle: doutrina e artigos, Fortaleza, v. 15, n. 1, p. 424-457, jan. jun/2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
, p. 431) "the biggest challenge for public administration is the ability to develop systematic practices to meet new social demands for public goods and services." This same author states that knowledge management practices promote organizational learning, highlighting the importance of leadership coordination to improve organizational performance.

The public administration has been aligning its management with the purpose of increasing operational efficiency and delivering better results and services to society, but still with many challenges to face. According to Castro and Guimarães (2019)CASTRO, Marilú Pereira; GUIMARÃES, Tomas Aquino. Dimensões da inovação em organizações da justiça: proposição de um modelo teórico-metodológico. Cadernos Ebape.Br, São Paulo, v. 17, n. 1, p. 173-184, mar. 2019. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
public organizations perform social functions and become resistant to change due to routines and institutional patterns of political subsystems.

The following chapter will describe the methodological procedures of this article.


To reach the objective of this research, an Integrative Literature Review was performed in the search for scientific articles in the literature. This research is characterized as exploratory and descriptive; exploratory because it seeks to understand the problem investigated and make it explicit; descriptive because it analyzes and describes the results obtained in data collection. Severino (2007)SEVERINO, Antonio Joaquim. Metodologia do trabalho científico. 23. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2007. cites that exploratory research raises information about the object, delimiting a field of work and mapping the conditions of its manifestation. For Gil (2010)GIL, Antonio Carlos. Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa. 5. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2010., the descriptive research has as its primary objective the description of the characteristics of a certain population or phenomenon. As for the technique used, it is a bibliographic research of a qualitative nature. Data were collected by means of an Integrative Literature Review, using Google Scholar and three scientific databases: Scopus Base, Science Direct Base and Web of Science.

For Whittemore (2005)WHITTEMORE, Robin. Combining evidence in nursing research: methods and implications. Nursing Research, Baltimore, v. 54, n. 1, p. 56-62, 2005. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
"integrative reviews are the broadest type of research review methods that allow the simultaneous inclusion of experimental and non-experimental research, in order to more fully understand the research problem". An integrative review, when conducted within well-defined technical criteria, allows for theoretical analysis on a given study allowing for consequent scientific advancement and development. Therefore, the "TQO" search strategy defined by Araújo (2020)ARAÚJO, Wánderson Cássio Oliveira. Recuperação da informação em saúde: construção, modelos e estratégias. Convergências em Ciência da Informação, Aracaju, v. 3, n. 2, p. 100-134, maio/ago. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
was used and detailed in chart 1 below.

The search was defined in six steps (GANONG, 1987): 1) Identification of the topic and research question; 2) Establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria; 3) Identification of studies; 4) Categorization of selected studies; 5) Analysis and interpretation of results; 6) Synthesis of knowledge.

Figure 1 below illustrates the defined steps and the respective processes involved.

Figure 1
Stages of an integrative literature review

The first stage "Identification of the theme and selection of the research question" is the one that defines the identification and selection of the theme and the research question that must represent the researcher's problem and be clear enough to highlight his or her objective and concern (GANONG, 1987). In this research, the question is: How can Knowledge

Management practices contribute to organizational learning and innovation in the institutions of the Brazilian Justice System?

To design the search strategy, we used the TQO methodology (ARAUJO, 2020), which is structured from three categories: 1) the theme, represented by the main subject of the research; 2) the qualifier, represented by the characteristics or situations related to the theme or research object; and 3) the object, represented by an individual, population, institution, device, procedure, etc.).

The chart below represents the research strategy built for the Integrative Review performed:

Chart 1
Search Strategy

The databases defined for the research were: Scopus Base, Science Direct Base, and Web of Science. As a way of expanding the results and broadening the base of studies, research was also carried out in Google Scholar, with the same search criteria defined by the research (chart 1). Considering the amount of documents that are retrieved in Google Scholar, the first 100 results were analyzed, in this order: 1st) title and abstract reading; 2nd) full article reading. It should be noted that articles retrieved from Google Scholar were incorporated into the portfolio if they were published in peer-reviewed journals. The checking of the peer review was done by consulting the page of each of the journals.

The second step "Establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria" defines the criteria that will select the studies to be considered relevant for the research. "The ideal conduct is to include all the studies found or their randomized selection; however, if both possibilities are unfeasible due to the quantity of papers, one should clearly expose and discuss the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles" (GANONG, 1987). As the research has a well-delimited study universe, few inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined for the research, these being four criteria: 1) being articles published in scientific journals; 2) being articles published in scientific events; 3) having a complete version in English and Portuguese; and 4) publications in peer-reviewed journals. After the initial search conducted in the sources cited (Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Google Scholar), with the inclusion and exclusion criteria presented, the third stage begins with the universe of 344 articles for reading.

In the third step "Identification of pre-selected and selected studies", the studies are analyzed by carefully reading the title, abstract, and full article. The selection or discarding of studies takes into account their suitability to the theme from the subjective perspective of the researchers. At this point, repeated articles, which are eventually retrieved from more than one database, are also excluded. Figure 2 shows the evolution of the selection of articles for the final portfolio:

Figure 2
Reading the articles - titles, abstracts and in full

Of the total number of articles retrieved from the Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science databases (244), 37 repeated articles were excluded, leaving 207 to read the titles. After reading the titles of the 207 articles, 47 were selected; after reading the abstracts, 9 were selected; and finally, after reading the articles in their entirety, the final number of articles was 5. The low number of articles selected at the end of the process was due mainly to the specificity of the research theme, which seeks to identify knowledge management practices in the institutions that make up the Brazilian Justice System.

With the purpose of expanding the results and broadening the study base, a Google Scholar search was conducted using the same search criteria defined previously, selecting the first 100 (one hundred) publications retrieved. Figure 3 illustrates the selection in Google Scholar:

Figure 3
Reading the articles - titles, abstracts and in full

From the first 100 (one hundred) publications, the title and abstract were read, 82 articles were excluded, leaving 18 for reading in full. From these, eight more articles were eliminated, integrating 10 articles for the final portfolio. All articles selected from Google Scholar were published in journals that passed the peer review criteria. The final portfolio of the Integrative Review was composed of 15 papers.

Figure 4
Reading the articles - titles, abstracts and in fulz

Chart 2 shows the composition of the final portfolio, with the indication of the journal's1 1 JCR:, search conducted on July 27, 2021. Qualis and impact factor, as well as the number of citations of each article2 2 Google Scholar data:, search performed on 27 July 2021. identified in Google Scholar. For the purposes of Qualis3 3 Qualis: icos.jsf, research done on July 27, 2021. , the highest score was determined, regardless of area classification, 2013-2016 quadrennium.

Chart 2
Pre-selected studies for analysis

The fourth step "Categorization of the selected studies" demonstrates the elements analyzed in the articles. The articles in the portfolio were categorized according to pre- established categories for this integrative review, which are: a) objective, b) methodology, c) legal institution, d) Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKM) practices used, e) results found. The categories were analyzed, catalogued and summarized in a specific table, available in Appendix A.

The fifth step presents the results of the integrative research from the discussion of the articles, interpretation and analysis of the results. This analysis will be presented in Chapter 3, Results, below.

Finally, in the sixth step of the Integrative Review the "Synthesis of knowledge" is presented. It is believed that the integrative review is an important tool in the scientific communication process, because it enables the synthesis of the knowledge already produced by academia. Ganong (1987) states that "primary research reports should include enough information to allow the reader to critically examine the evidence".

Figure 5
Phases of the integrative review.

The integrative review enables researchers to collect data and synthesize knowledge from different authors and scientific studies. The objective of this review was to identify how Knowledge Management practices contribute to Organizational Learning and Innovation in the Brazilian Justice System, based on studies and research available in repositories and scientific article bases.

The following chapter will present the discussion of the articles in the portfolio, interpretation and analysis of the results of the integrative research.


This section describes the results of the integrative research from the discussion of the articles, interpretation and analysis of the results. The discussion was conducted by quantitative analysis (year, collaboration, journals and keywords) and qualitative analysis of the relevant points that characterize the articles. The objective is to identify possible gaps in knowledge and suggest guidelines for future research (MENDES; SILVEIRA; GALVÃO, 2008MENDES, Karina Dal Sasso; SILVEIRA, Renata Cristina de Campos Pereira; GALVÃO, Cristina Maria. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enfermagem, Florianópolis, v. 17, n. 4, p. 758-764, 2008. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.

Regarding the distribution of articles by year of publication, we see a variation of ups and downs in the frequency of publications on the proposed theme, as shown in Graph 1.

Graph 1
Number of publications per year.

The research did not count on an exclusion criterion of year of publication, the proposal was to comprise the largest number of works. It can be seen that the first publication identified was in 2006 and the most recent, belonging to this portfolio, was in 2019. It can be observed that the portfolio did not include more recent papers, from 2020 and 2021.

Next, the journals where the articles were published were analyzed. Table 3 shows that the journal of Public Administration (Qualis A1 and impact factor JCR 0.24) obtained four of the articles surveyed, totaling 181 citations; as for the other journals, which together total 11 articles, obtained 197 citations. A confirmation pointed out is that although the impact factor of the Journal of Public Administration is not the highest in the portfolio, the journal is the one that stands out in the subject, having a high number of citations and possibly being of greater interest to researchers. The journal of Public Administration is maintained by the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV EBAPE) and has been publishing regularly since 1967.

Chart 3
Number of publication and citations per journal

Following the analysis, seeking to identify the collaborations between authors, Figure 6 presents the main co-authorship networks identified. The network presented a total of 14 clusters (group of authors) from the total of 33 researchers identified in the portfolio.

Figure 6
Collaboration Network

The most relevant author in the portfolio is Tomas de Aquino Guimarães, from the University of Brasilia, Brazil, with 92 citations of his authorship. In the collaboration analysis, one can observe the author associated in three clusters of researchers with publications made between the years 2012 and 2018, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7
Featured Collaboration Network

Another relevant point to demonstrate is that the authors of the articles belonging to the portfolio are predominantly Brazilian researchers, justified by the object of study, which is the Brazilian Justice System, of greater interest to researchers from the country itself.

An illustration of the keywords of the researched articles is presented below. Figure 8 shows that, from the total of words (44) extracted from the articles' keywords, after analyzed by the VOSviewer system, the words Public Administration, Judiciary Power and Court Management stand out.

Figure 8
Keyword clusters

The analysis shows that these highlighted words created four clusters linking 16 related terms. By observing the keywords of the articles, it is evident that the terms are mostly related to the area of administration and the public sector.

Once the metric analysis is completed, the qualitative evidence of the analysis of the articles is related to the categories observed: a) objective, b) methodology, c) legal institution, d) EKM practices used, and e) results found. We emphasize that these categories are detailed in Appendix A.

As to the objectives, the articles analyzed presented clear, methodologically adequate objectives, mainly seeking to identify and analyze elements of management in the Brazilian justice system.

As for the methodologies, the studies were predominantly quali-quantitative, with data collection by means of a questionnaire and documentary research. One study (article 10), however, carried out a solely quantitative analysis, seeking through the verification data of a questionnaire the "knowledge management in the sharing of best practices" in the Federal Regional Court of the First Region (TRF-1 DF).

Regarding the legal institutions, they all belong to the Brazilian Justice System, as this review proposed. The studies were analyzed at the institutional, regional or national level. It was verified the predominance of studies in State Courts of Justice (8) and Federal Regional Courts (1), and the rest at the national level. No studies were identified from institutions outside the Judiciary, such as the Public Ministry, Public Defender's Office, or other organs of the justice system. The states that had studies carried out were: Distrito Federal (2); Minais Gerais (2); São Paulo (1); Bahia (1); Rio Grande do Sul (1); Santa Catarina (1); studies at the national or federal level (7).

Table 4
Legal Institutions

Regarding the EKM practices used, the articles presented both practices and routines established in the institutions. The adoption of Information Technology was observed, as evidenced in article 6 "Improved software development aimed at enhancing corporate governance and Information Technology (IT) practices" and article 7 "Electronic judicial processes and creation of online systems" and "use of artificial intelligence in judicial decisions. Aspects of Communication, on inter-organizational information exchange showed to be present as in article 4 "Public institutions connected in order to share their intangible assets" and article 6 "Integration to share ICT solutions and services with public entities, aiming at cooperation and exchange of solutions."

In the People Management aspects, studies point to Leadership as a relevant aspect for Knowledge Management and Innovation as "Magistrates act as leaders with expected skills: innovation and creativity; systemic vision and ability to mobilize the work group and to define objectives and goals" (article 5) and "knowledge management practices are enabled by leadership, people, processes and information technology in order to achieve the organization's objectives for the benefit of society" (article 11). Studies 9, 10, and 14, point out aspects regarding the suitability of the space for improving Knowledge Management practices, an important consideration for the practices to happen. Within the category of Process Management and Control the practice that stood out the most was the establishment of goals and performance indicators (articles 3, 8, 12 and 13), for example, in article 8 and 12: "Establishment of annual goals for the Brazilian courts; definition of efficiency, productivity and quality indicators. (by the CNJ)". The practices of "Monitoring results" in this same category had the frequency of three articles (4, 8, 12), as an example, article 4: "measuring the accumulated intangible results of inter-organizational networks".

Table 5 presents the categorization and frequency of the practices and routines identified in the portfolio articles.

Chart 5
Elements that characterize KM practices and routine

It is possible to verify, as highlights, the elements that involve:

People Management, with a frequency of 13 occurrences, categorized into five practices and routines: Training of teams; Leadership; Motivation and management of teams; Work groups; Adequacy environment for sharing.

Process Management and Control, with a frequency of 12 occurrences, categorized into four practices: Analysis of productive efficiency; Establishment of performance objectives and indicators; Organization and standardization of the flow of activities; Monitoring of results.

Information Technology, with a frequency of 14 occurrences, categorized into six practices and routines: Use of IT tools; Electronic judicial process; Repository of best practices and knowledge; Software improvement; Automatic data extraction; Artificial intelligence.

Communication, with 7 occurrences, categorized into five practices and routines: Sharing in inter-organizational networks; Electronic government; Corporate governance; Use of social networks; Use of transparency portals.

In analyzing the results of the researched articles, positive and negative aspects of management in legal institutions were verified. Article 4, which measured the variation of intellectual capital in public organizations involved in "government-to-government" ventures, presented important elements of the impact of e-government initiatives in Brazilian Courts of Justice, showing that the "collaborative performance of entities has a positive effect and homogeneous impact on all components of the intellectual capital of a public organization, that is, its human, organizational, external and innovation capital."

Article 3, meanwhile, presents that "Knowledge management is a prerequisite for the use of project management as a tool for implementing innovation, and innovation, in turn, is contributing to the development of a systemic vision, reducing the fragmentation effects of the division of labor activities within the Court." Article 11 highlights the need to implement Knowledge Management practices and ensure that "Learning and innovation practices provide opportunities to improve organizational performance with regard to the exercise of external control and, consequently, to ensure the effectiveness of public policies and positive results for society." Aspects of leadership were reported in the results of articles 1, 5, 12, and 13, presenting aspects of the magistrates' lack of preparation for directive activities, the importance of leadership to manage changes and management difficulties, and the commitment of the public servants. Article 7, which reflected on the perspectives of innovation, emphasized in its final considerations that: "Innovation, performance, governance, and legitimacy are central themes in the administration of justice and presents several gaps and research opportunities."

Having concluded the analysis, interpretation and presentation of the results the final considerations of the article will be presented.


The results of the research showed that there are few studies related to organizational learning within the Brazilian Justice System. However, those found bring important elements to the study area, since it was observed the effort of public institutions in providing management routines and knowledge management practices within their activities, as a way to promote improvements and innovation. No study was observed to demonstrate effective organizational learning in these institutions.

The knowledge management practices and routines most highlighted in the studies were related to People Management and Process Management and Control, followed by Information and Communication Technology. In relation to People Management, there is the issue of training, motivation, and leadership preparation for team and process management. These aspects are of relevance to organizational learning when talking mainly about team learning which, for Wiese and Burke (2019)WIESE, Christopher W.; BURKE, Shawn C. Understanding team learning dynamics over time. Frontiers in Psycology, v. 10, n. 147, p. 1-14, 2019. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2021.
, is defined as the change in the collective knowledge state of a team. And when it comes to Process Control, the categorized elements evidenced the mechanisms of control, monitoring, and indicators. Regarding this, the relationship to "learning triggers" (WIESE; BURKE, 2019) which are events that cause the team to inspect their current collective knowledge state and sometimes drive them toward new learning is considered.

Information Technology highlighted the use of technological mechanisms for innovation, especially those linked to the electronic judicial process, which are proving essential for the efficiency of the legal system. The aspects of Communication, despite being fewer in number in terms of frequency of practices and routines, denoted the defronting and cooperation among public institutions, raising the possible analysis of organizational learning at the inter- organizational level.

Leadership plays a fundamental role for the synergy of people, processes, and technologies, and communication is the one that attracts the energy for the practices to happen. It is emphasized that these and other aspects can be observed from the analysis of the information and knowledge flows present in these organizations.

The contribution of this research is based on the possibility, for other researchers, of building knowledge about the theme, based on the portfolio of articles surveyed, and subsidizing opportunities for new studies and expansion of science in this area. Furthermore, it was perceived in the results of the analyzed articles that organizational learning in public legal institutions is a recent theme and has been little addressed in the academic literature. It is also believed that this research is configured as a work of academic relevance, since it presents important aspects about the study of Organizational Learning in the scope of public institutions of the legal system, elucidating the paths already outlined in the literature and gaps for future research.

The integrative review was carried out in the multidisciplinary scope and proved to be a relevant method for analyzing and categorizing the studies. The TQO search strategy (ARAUJO, 2020) enabled the retrieval of articles relevant to the theme, characteristics, and object of the subject studied, with excellent precision. It is pointed out as limitations of this research: a) the analysis only of scientific articles, it is suggested the research in other bibliographic materials, such as repositories of theses and dissertations; b) the research was conducted within the legal system, it is suggested to expand to other Brazilian public institutions as a way to obtain a larger number of results. Finally, it is considered that the integrative literature review allowed for the approaching of the problem addressed, enabling the evolution of knowledge and a diagnosis on the scientific production regarding knowledge management practices and organizational learning in Brazilian public legal institutions.


NR A) TITLE B) OBJECTIVE C) METHODOLOGY D) LEGAL INSTITUTION E) PRACTICES OR ROUTINES F) RESULTS 1 Organizational commitment: a study at the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais To describe and analyze the organizational commitment of the servers of Lafayette Forum, Belo Horizonte (MG). Case study, descriptive, quantitative and qualitative.Documentary survey, questionnaires and interviews. Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais (TJMG) Unidentified weaknesses regarding the commitment of the servers 2 An exploratory study of the efficiency of Brazilian state courts of justice using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Comparing the relative efficiency of Brazil's state courts of justice Exploratory, quantitative and qualitative, documentary and bibliographic. State Courts of Justice Analysis of the productive efficiency of Brazilian judicial organizations. The technique presented allows the identification of the behavior of certain factors inherent to the jurisdictional provision, enabling an enrichment in the management of resources, making it more scientific, agile, and reliable. 3 Management Innovation at the Brazilian Superior Tribunal of Justice The study attempts to shed some light on innovation management by writing the introduction of a new management model at the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). Qualitative research, Documentary analysis and interviews. Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) Establishment of performance objectivesand indicators; Rationalization, organization and standardization of the flow of activities; Trainingof the teams in the new paradigms of jurisprudence; Management by results; Use of information technology (IT) tools; and Delegation of tasks.Electronic judicial management; Project management; and Process management. Innovation is contributing to the development of a systemic vision, reducing the fragmenting effects of the division ofactivities within the Court; Knowledge and skills management is a prerequisite for the use of project management as a tool for implementing innovation; These routines are more than organizational resources, as they involve not only the development and internalization ofThese routines are more than organizational resources, as they involve not only the development and internalization of knowledge, but also the incorporation of management technologies, manuals, programs and equipment for planning, monitoring and controlling activities. 4 The impact of government-to- government endeavors on the intellectual capital of public organizations Measuring the variation in intellectual capital in public organizations involved in government-to- government (G2G) ventures. Qualitative- quantitative, exploratory research, data collection by questionnaire. Methodology based on the existing heuristic model of several authors. Central Bank of Brazil and Brazilian State Courts of Justice Public institutions linked in order to share their intangible assets (inter- organizational networks). Government is (or should be) similar to virtual companies without physical boundaries or barriers. Create, manage, and make available the knowledge developed and accumulated by your organizations in appropriate databases. Measure the accumulated intangible results of inter- organizational networks. The model was validated through a positive and strong statistical correlationbetween the variation of intellectual capital in the Courts of Justice and the employees' perception of valueG2G enterprise; G2G enables the collaborative performance of the entities - it has a positive effect andhomogeneous impact on all components of a public organization's intellectual capital, i.e. its human, organizational, external and innovation capital. 5 The model was validated through a positive and strong statistical correlation between the variation ofintellectual capital in the Courts of Justice and the perceived value of employees G2G; G2G enables the collaborative performance of entities - has a positive effect and homogeneous impact on all components of a public Identifying what makesa magistrate of the State Justice System of Rio Grande do Sul is recognized as a leader by his or her peers. Qualitative research, questionnaire data collection, content analysis. Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS) Acting as a leader with the following expected skills: innovation and creativity; systemic vision and knowledge about the work to be done; and ability to mobilize the work group and define objectives and goals.and definition of objectives and goals. We identified the characteristics of leadership expected and existing in the judiciary, aspects that make magistrates recognized as leaders, and the difficulties in exercising leadership in this public the exercise of leadership in this public institution. organization's intellectual capital,i.e. its human, organizational, external, andinnovation capital. 6 Innovation in the public sector and the evolution of public administration models: the case of TRE-SC Identify, characterize, and classify the innovations that occurred at TRE- SC in the period from 2008 to2012. Case study, exploratory, descriptive- evaluative, qualitative approach, documentary research. Regional Electoral Court of Santa Catarina (TRE/SC) Improvement in software development to improve corporate governance and Information Technology (IT) practices; Use of the Internet as a resource making new services available to society; Partnerships with other service providers (public or not) and the citizen itself; Integration of sharing ICT solutions and services with public entities, aiming at cooperation and exchange of solutions. Automatic extraction, directly from the TRF4 (RS) database, to issue criminal certificates necessary for the instruction of cases. 38 innovations in the period 2008-2012, six classified as service innovation, 28 as process innovation, four as auxiliary innovation. 7 Administration of justice: an emerging research field Conceptualizes Administration of Justice as a research field and discusses related phenomena from institutional and economic perspectives on innovation, performance, governance, and legitimacy. Critical essay, theoretical and conceptual analysis. Brazilian Justice System- State Courts of Justice Electronic judicial proceedings and the creation of online systems;use of artificial intelligence in judicial decisions;database: relevant increase in knowledge about the functioning of the courtsmeasuring efficiency and comparing courts improvements in management planning, monitoring, and control techniques; political- legal, which involves legal changes and judgment procedures; and technological, mainly involving the use of new information and communication technologies.As social phenomena, four levels of analysis are appropriate for investigating the justice system: social, interorganizational, organizational, and operational.Innovation, performance, governance, and legitimacy are central themes in the Administration of Justice and present several research gaps and opportunities. 8 The Judiciary reform paradox: clashes between the new public management and the organizational culture of the “Brazilian little way” Analyze the judicial reform based on the perceptions of civil servants of the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia Qualitative, exploratory research, data collection by questionnaire. Bahia Court of Justice (TJBA) Establishment of annual goals for Brazilian courts; definition of efficiency, productivity and quality indicators. (by CNJ) It reflects on compatibilities and incompatibilities between the reform model adopted by the Judiciary and its organizational culture. 9 Implementation of electronic process in the judicial system: a study on organizational learning in a personnel management office. Investigate organizational learning in this situation of critical change in the work process, in light of the sociological perspective proposed by Giddens (2009). Qualitative- descriptive approach. Documentary research and Interviews with a semi-structured script. Federal Regional Court implementation of the electronic judicial processholding seminars to problematize the consequences of this digital transformationformation of working groups to analyze and discuss the reorganization of work creation of more flexible and dialogic spaces in progress. The empirical results show an organizational learning process based on the agents' ability to intervene in a process for which such participation was not expected.The inter-subjective relationships between the agents-servants were the social spaces where the organizational learning processes and the generation of knowledge in practice took placeThe adoption of a management model with a broader historical understanding, a process of organizational learning at the TRF, is capable of drawing trends and anticipating readings, and with ethical reflection based predominantly on the practical experience of the institution's own employees. 10 Knowledge management in sharing best practices in a database at the federal regional court of the first region Identify recommendations for structuring a base of best practices, surveying the benefits of itsof its implementation for the Federal Quantitative research, data collection by questionnaire. Federal Regional Court of the First Region (TRF-1 DF) - identifying the factors that influence the capture and transfer of knowledge;- create an environment that truly values sharing;social networks at work are important vehicles for sharing knowledge, to create a culture of sharing it is good to intensify these networks;identification of best practices and the results achieved; - a database of best practices is a tool for knowledge retention, retrieval and dissemination;- identifying best practices helps in decision making and problem solving. Regarding decision making, although it was not found in the questionnaire it is assumed that the existing knowledge in a PM database can assist in decision making;- a database of best practices helps not to repeat past mistakes. Considering that people Regional Court of the First Region - management commitment to the process of transferring best practices;- technology to obtain, process, store and exchange information (which does not guarantee the sharing and use of knowledge); are clear about the mission and objectives to be met by the TRF - 1st Region, they will be more likely to share their best practices. 11 Knowledge Management in Public Administration: trends for improvement in Courts of Auditors Analyze improvement trends of the Audit Courts based on knowledge management in public administration Bibliographic, documental, qualitative. Data collection: questionnaire Brazilian Court of Auditors Investment in practices predominantly of technological support, although they point out trends towards mapping strategic processes and managing people by competencies.Integrated systems for the provision and analysis of public accounts, the Courts of Accounts apply resources in transparency portals that stimulate social controlKnowledge management practices are made possible by leadership, people, processes and information technology in order to achieve the organization's objectives for the benefit of society The need to implement knowledge management practices for the improvement of external control with the integration of management enablers of people, decision- making processes and technological support; the importance of leadership for the improvement of the Courts of Auditors and the trend of valuing technology in these institutions as support and application to improve their organizational performance.The learning and innovation practices provide opportunities to improve organizational performance in the exercise of external control and, consequently, to ensure the effectiveness of public policies and positive results for society. 12 Dimensions of innovation in justice organizations: proposition of a theoretical- methodological model To propose a theoretical- methodological model that points out dimensions that influence the innovation process in Justice organizations. Theoretical research model creation Justice System- Courts of Justice The justice system has created a regulatory framework that is intended to foster the implementation of innovations aimed at improving the delivery of judicial services to citizens.Adoption of new technologies and new organizational processes can constitute useful mechanisms for achieving the goals indicated in the Republican Pacts. Definition of standards and targets to Successful and rapid implementation of innovation in Justice requires leadership, effective teams, and the ability to manage change. Change and innovation in justice are politically sensitive, which can also stifle innovation.Several authors discuss the factors necessary for innovation to occur in the public sector, recognizing that it is necessary to consider the multi-level nature of innovation processes. implement new management and governance techniques (by the CNJ), investment in technology and learning.The wealth of experience and knowledge created opportunities for innovation that were particularly appropriate at a time when budgets were reduced and courts needed to work together more efficiently. 13 The Judge as manager: skills needed for a difficult role conciliation Analyze the functions of the Judge of Law, as well as the competencies, possible conflicts and strategies involved in the challenge of exercising the directive function simultaneously with the jurisdictional function Qualitative, semi- structured interviews. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG) Search for training or improvement to exercise the administrative function; Training of employees; Periodic meetings; Setting goals; Dialogue; External help from the community; The research verified that the Law Judge's lack of preparation and knowledge for the directive function, besides the lack of employees specifically hired to help and advise him/her in issues related to the management of the court.The directive function, considered an activity- mean, ends up negatively affecting the jurisdictional activity, the end-activity of the Judiciary, since this often ends up being displaced to a second plan, in the case of urgency of certain administrative issues, to which also contributes the lack of planning, preparation and institutional infrastructure 14 Gamification for online training of court professionals in a labour court in sao paulo, brasil (trt- 2): o which can be implemented in moodle 2.5 Compare the creation of the structure of an online course without game elements to its gamified version. Experience Report Regional Labor Court of the 2nd region.(TRT-2/SP) Gamified distance learning course development. Compare the creation of the structure of an online course without game elements to its gamified version with elements that can motivate and engage people in online learning contexts, such as activity completion, restricted access, progress bar, badges, and quizzes. The gamified course had greater motivational elements than the non-gamified course. 15 Management information and judicial knowledge: prospects and challenges Reflect on the creation of a unit capable of serving as a concentrator of skills and competencies capable of managing information and knowledge? Theoretical research model proposal Federal Regional Court of Justice - 1st region Creation of the Information and Knowledge PolicyCreation of the Organizational Intelligence Unit (UIO), an inter, multi and transdisciplinary unit with competence to conduct actions related to CI. The proposal to create the UIO, specialized in IJM, is an attempt to respond to the movements imposed by society and the information age. Among such responses is the need for information management, associated with vehicles and repositories that are compatible with the technological innovations present in the market, enabling rapid retrieval and intelligent processing. The value and utility of information and knowledge, its producers and clients must be considered in the mapping of organizational assets (tangible and intangible).
nr a) Título b) Objetivo c) Metodologia d) Instituição jurídica e) Práticas ou Rotinas f) Resultados 1 Comprometiment o organizacional: um estudo no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais Descrever e analisar como se encontra configurado o comprometimento organizacional dos servidores do Fórum Lafayette, Belo Horizonte (MG). Estudo de Caso, descritiva, quantitativa e qualitativa.Levantamento documental, questionários e entrevistas. Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais (TJMG) Não identificado fragilidades no que tange ao comprometimento dos servidores 2 Estudo exploratório da eficiência dos Tribunais de Justiça estaduais brasileiros usando a Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) Comparar a eficiência relativa dos Tribunais de Justiça estadual do Brasil Exploratório, quantitativo e qualitativo, documental e bibliográfica. Tribunais de Justiça estaduais Análise da eficiência produtiva organizações judiciárias brasileiras. A técnica apresentada permite identificar o comportamento de determinados fatores inerentes à prestação jurisdicional, possibilitando um enriquecimento na gestão de recursos, tornando-a mais científica, ágil e confiável. 3 Management Innovation at the Brazilian Superior O estudo tenta lançar alguma luz sobre a gestão da inovação Pesquisa qualitativa, Análise documental e entrevistas. Estabelecimento de objetivos de desempenho A inovação está contribuindo para o desenvolvimento Tribunal of Justice escrevendo a introdução de uma nova gestão modelo no Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ). Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STF) e indicadores; Racionalização, organização e padronização do fluxo de atividades;Treinamentodas equipes nos novos paradigmas da jurisprudência; Gestão por resultados; Uso de ferramentas de tecnologia da informação (TI); e Delegação de tarefas. Gestão judicial eletrônica; Gestão de projetos; e Gestão de processos. de uma visão sistêmica, reduzindo os efeitos de fragmentação da divisão do trabalhoatividades dentro do Tribunal; Gestão do conhecimento e de habilidades é um pré-requisito para o uso da gestão de projetos como uma ferramenta para a implementação da inovação; Essas rotinas são mais do que recursos organizacionais, pois envolvem não apenas o desenvolvimento e internalização de conhecimento, mas também a incorpotecnologias de gestão, manuais, progr equipamentos para planejamento, moe controle de atividades. 4 The impact of govemment-to- government endeavors on the intellectual capital of public organizations Medir a variação do capital intelectual em organizações públicas envolvidas em empreendimentos de governo para governo (G2G). Pesquisa quali- quantitativa, exploratória, coleta de dados por questionário.Metodologia baseado no modelo heurístico de existente de diversos autores. Banco Central do Brasil e Tribunais de Justiça dos estados brasileiros Instituições públicas ligadas de modo a compartilhar seus ativos intangíveis (redes interorganizacionais). O governo é (ou deveria ser) semelhante a empresas virtuais sem limites físicos ou barreiras. Criar, gerenciar e disponibilizar o conhecimento desenvolvido e acumulados por suas organizações em bancos de dados adequados. Medir os resultados intangíveis acumulados de redes interorganizacionais. O modelo foi validado por meio de uma correlação estatística positiva e forteentre a variação do capital intelectual nos Tribunais de Justiça e a percepção de valor dos empregados ambos provenientes do empreendimento G2G; O G2G permite a atuação colaborativa das entidades - tem um efeito positivo eimpacto homogêneo em todos os componentes do capital intelectual de uma organização pública, ou seja, seu capital humano, organizacional, externo e de inovação. 5 Liderança no Judiciário: o reconhecimento de magistrados como líderes Identificar o que faz com queum magistrado da Justiça Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul seja reconhecido como um líder pelos pares. Pesquisa qualitativa, coleta de dados por questionário, análise de conteúdo. Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS) Atuação dos magistrados como líder com habilidades esperadas: inovação e criatividade; visão sistêmica e o conhecimento acerca do trabalho a ser realizado; e capacidade de mobilização do grupo de trabalho e dedefinição de objetivos e metas. Identificaram-se as características da liderança esperadas e existentes na magistratura, aspectos que fazem com que os magistrados sejam reconhecidos como líderes e as dificuldades existentespara o exercício da liderança nesta instituição pública. 6 Inovação no setor público e evolução dos modelos de administração pública: o caso do TRE-SC Identificar, caracterizar e classificar as inovações ocorridas no TRE-SC no período de 2008 a 2012. Estudo de caso, exploratório, descritivo-avaliativo, de abordagem qualitativa, pesquisa documental. Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de Santa Catarina (TRE/SC) Melhora no desenvolvimento de software visando aprimorar as práticas de governança corporativa e de Tecnologia da Informação (TI); Uso da Internet como recurso disponibilizando novos serviços à sociedade; Parcerias com outros prestadores de serviços (sejam públicos ou não) e o próprio cidadão; Integração compartilhar soluções e serviços de TIC com entidades públicas, visando à cooperação e ao intercâmbio de soluções. Extração automática, diretamente da base de dados do TRF4 (RS) para emissão certidões criminais necessárias à instrução de processos. 38 inovações no período 2008-2012, seis classificadas como inovação de serviço, 28, como inovação de processo, quatro, como inovação auxiliar. 7 Administration of justice: an emerging research field Conceitua Administração da Justiça como um campo de pesquisa e discute fenômenos relacionados a partir de perspectivas institucionais e econômicas sobre inovação, desempenho, governança e legitimidade. Ensaio crítico, análise teórica e conceitual. Sistema de Justiça brasileiro - Tribunais de Justiça estaduais Processos judiciais eletrônicos e criação de sistemas online;uso de inteligência artificial em decisões judiciais;base de dados: aumento relevante no conhecimento sobre a funcionamento dos tribunaismedição de eficiência e comparação de tribunais melhorias na gestão técnicas de planejamento, monitoramento e controle; político-legal, que envolve legal mudanças e procedimentos de julgamento; e tecnológico, envolvendo principalmente o uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação.Como fenômenos sociais, quatro níveis de análise são apropriados para investigar o sistema de justiça: social, interorganizacional, organizacional e operacional.Inovação, desempenho, governança e legitimidade são temas centrais da Administração da Justiça e apresentar várias lacunas e oportunidades de pesquisa. 8 O paradoxo da reforma do Judiciário: embates entre a nova gestão pública e a cultura organizacional do jeitinho Analisar a reforma do Judiciário a partir das percepções dos servidores do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, coleta de dados por questionário. Tribunal de Justiça Bahia (TJBA) Estabelecimento de metas anuais para os tribunais brasileiros; definição de indicadores de eficiência, produtividade e qualidade. (pelo CNJ) Reflete sobre compatibilidades e incompatibilidades entre o modelo de reforma adotado pelo Judiciário e sua cultura organizacional. 9 Implantação de processo eletrônico no sistema judiciário: um estudo sobre aprendizagem organizacional em uma secretaria de gestão de pessoas. Investigar a aprendizagem organizacional nesta situação de mudança crítica no processo de trabalho, à luz da perspectiva sociológica proposta por Giddens (2009). Abordagem qualitativo-descritivo. Pesquisa documental e Entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado. Tribunal Regional Federal implantação do processo judicial eletrônico realização de seminários para problematizar as consequências dessa transformação digitalformação de grupos de trabalho para análise e discussão da reorganização do trabalho.criação de espaços mais flexíveis e dialógicos em curso. Os resultados empíricos evidenciam um processo de aprendizagem organizacional pautado pela capacidade dos agentes em intervir em um processo para o qual não se preconizava tal participação.As relações intersubjetivas entre os servidores- agentes foram os espaços sociais onde ocorreram os processos de aprendizagem organizacional e de geração de conhecimento na práticaA adoção de um modelo de gestão com compreensão histórica mais ampla, processo de aprendizagem organizacional no TRF, é capaz de desenhar tendências e antecipar leituras, e com reflexão ética baseada, predominant experiência prática dos próprios serv instituição. 10 A gestão do conhecimento no compartilhamento de melhores práticas em uma base de dados no tribunal regional federal da primeira região Identificar as recomendações para estruturação de uma base de melhores práticas, levantando os benefícios de sua implantação para o Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região Pesquisa quantitativa, coleta de dados por questionário. Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região (TRF-1 DF) - identificação dos fatores que influenciam a captura e transferência do conhecimento;criar um ambiente que, verdadeiramente, valorize o compartilhamento;as redes sociais no trabalho são importantes veículos para o compartilhamento do conhecimento, para criar uma cultura de compartilhamento é bom intensificar essas redes;identificação das melhores práticas e os resultados alcançados;comprometimento da adminsitração com o processo de transferência das melhores práticas;tecnologia para obter, processar, armazenar e trocar informação (o que não garante o compartilhamento e o uso do conhecimento); - uma base de dados de melhores práticas é um instrumento de retenção, recuperação e disseminação do conhecimento;identificar as melhores práticas auxilia nas tomadas de decisão e solução de problemas. Com relação à tomada de decisão, apesar de não ter sido constatado no questionário presume-se que o conhecimento existente em uma base de MPs pode auxiliar na tomada de decisões;uma base de dados de melhores práticas auxilia a não repetição de erros do passado. Considerando que as pessoas têm clareza da missão e objetivos a serem atendidos pelo TRF - 1ª Região, existirá maior probabilidade de compartilharem suas melhores práticas. 11 Gestão do Conhecimento na Administração Pública: tendências de aprimoramento dos Tribunais de Contas Analisar tendências de aprimoramento dos Tribunais de Contas a partir da gestão do conhecimento na administração pública Bibliográfica, documental, qualitativa. Coleta de dados: questionário Tribunal de Contas brasileiros Investimento em práticas predominantemente de suporte tecnológico, embora apontem tendências para mapeamento de processos estratégicos e gestão de pessoas por competências.Sistemas integrados para a prestação e análise de contas públicas, os Tribunais de Contas aplicam recursos em portais de transparência que estimulam o controle socialAs práticas de gestão do conhecimento são viabilizadas pela liderança, pessoas, processos e tecnologias da informação a fim de alcançar os objetivos da organização em benefício da sociedade A necessidade de implementação de práticas de gestão do conhecimento para aprimoramento do controle externo com a integração dos viabilizadores de gestão de pessoas, processos decisórios e suporte tecnológico; a importância da de lideranças para aperfeiçoamento dos Tribunais de Contas e a tendência de valorização da tecnologia nestas instituições como suporte e aplicação para melhoria de seu desempenho organizacional.As práticas de aprendizagem e inovação oportunizam a melhoria do desempenho organizacional no que tange ao exercício do controle externo e, por conseguinte, à garantia da efetividade das políticas públicas e resultados positivos para a sociedade. 12 Dimensões da inovação em organizações da justiça: proposição de um modelo teórico- metodológico Propor um modelo teórico-metodológico que aponte dimensões que influenciam o processo de inovação em organizações da Justiça. Pesquisa teórica criação de modelo Sistema de Justiça - Tribunais de Justiça O sistema de Justiça criou um arcabouço regulador que tem por objetivo fomentar a implementação de inovações que visam a melhorar a prestação de serviços judiciais aos cidadãos.Adoção de novas tecnologias e novos processos organizacionais pode constituir mecanismos úteis para a consecução dos objetivos indicados nos Pactos Republicanos. Definição de padrões e metas para implementar novas técnicas de gestão e governança (pelo CNJ), investimento em tecnologia e aprendizagem. A riqueza de experiências e conhecimentos criou oportunidades para inovações particularmente apropriadas em um momento no qual os orçamentos foram reduzidos e os tribunais necessitavam trabalhar juntos de forma mais eficiente. A implementação rápida e bem-sucedida da inovação na Justiça requer liderança, equipes efetivas e capacidade de gerenciar a mudança. A mudança e a inovação na Justiça são politicamente sensíveis, o que também pode sufocar a inovação. Vários autores discutem os fatores necessários para que a inovação ocorra no setor público, reconhecendo ser necessário considerar o caráter multinível dos processos de inovação. 13 O Juiz de Direito como gestor: competências necessárias para uma difícil conciliação de papéis Analisar as funções do Juiz de Direito, bem como as competências, possíveis conflitos e estratégias envolvidas no desafio de exercer a função diretiva Qualitativa, entrevistas semi- estruturadas. O Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais (TJMG) Busca de capacitação ou de aprimoramento para exercer a função administrativa; Treinamento dos funcionários; Reuniões periódicas; Estabelecimento de metas; Diálogo; Ajuda externa da comunidade; A pesquisa constatou que a falta de preparo e de conhecimentos do Juiz de Direito para a função diretiva, além da falta de funcionários concursados especificamente para ajudá-lo e assessorá-lo nas questões relacionadas à gestão do foro.A função diretiva, considerada atividade-meio, acaba por afetar negativamente a atividade simultaneamente com a função jurisdicional jurisdicional, atividade-fim do Poder Judiciário, pois essa muitas vezes acaba por ser deslocada para um segundo plano, no caso de premência de certas questões administrativas, para o que contribui também a falta de planejamento, preparo e de infraestrutura institucional 14 Gamification for online training of court professionals in a labour court in sao paulo, brazil (trt-2): what can be implemented in moodle 2.5 Comparar a criação da estrutura de um curso on-line sem elementos de jogos com sua versão gamificada. Relato de experiência Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2ª região.(TRT-2/SP) Desenvolvimento de curso a distância gamificados. Comparar a criação da estrutura de um curso on- line sem elementos de jogos com sua versão gamificada com elementos que possam motivar e engajar pessoas em contextos de aprendizagem on-line, como completação de atividades, acesso restrito, barra de progresso, badges e quizzes. O curso gamificado apresentou elementos motivacionais maiores que o curso sem gamificação. 15 Management information and judicial knowledge: prospects and challenges Refletir sobre a criação de uma unidade capaz de servir de concentrador de habilidades e competências capazes de gerir a informação e o conhecimento? Pesquisa teórica proposta de modelo Tribunal Regional Federal de Justiça - 1ª região Criação de Política de Informação e de ConhecimentoCriação Unidade de Inteligência Organizacional (UIO), unidade de natureza inter, multi e transdisciplinar com competência para conduzir ações relativas à CI. A proposta de criação da UIO, especializada em GICJ, é uma tentativa de resposta aos movimentos impostos pela sociedade e pela era da informação. Entre tais respostas, emerge a necessária gestão da informação, associada a veículos e repositórios compatíveis com as inovações tecnológicas presentes no mercado, que possibilitem rápida recuperação e inteligente processamento. O valor e utilidade da informação e do conhecimento, seus produtores e clientes devem ser considerados no mapeamento dos ativos organizacionais (tangíveis e intangíveis).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Jan 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    10 Jan 2022
  • Accepted
    22 Jan 2022
  • Published
    06 Feb 2022
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil