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How do we recognize otherness? Politics, narrative turn and pragmatic uses


This essay inquires the reduction of political agency to its narrative dimension, and also the reduction of otherness to a binary, fixed and projective identity. Therefore, the essay draws two analytical plans which progressively intercept each other: the first one, critically apprehends the relationship between law and literature, since it subsumes reality to a narrative regime; the second one, reviews some topics on the critic collection of gender, postcolonial and subaltern studies, that risk to lose their political efficacy due to its capture by identitarian narratives. Those two analytical planes intercept each other through the constant problematization of the reductionist conceptions of otherness, such as ideal and moral principles. They also converge in the proposal of a pragmatic enlivened by post-structuralist and post-identity trends, aiming to problematically enrich the more structural approaches. As results, the essay defines a corpus of transversal problems composing a research agenda on identitarian social movements which could benefit from the creative interaction between all those theoretical matrices.

Linguistic Turn; Otherness; Politics; Post-structuralism; Pragmatism

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - 7º Andar, CEP: 20.550-013, (21) 2334-0507 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil