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Psychoanalysis, acquaintance and knowledge

Towards the end of 19th century, a revolution takes place in the field of knowledge production: Freud, Marx and Nietzsche introduce the idea of a not totally guaranteed certainty. Afterwards, Gödel demonstrates the possibility of contradiction in a given logical system. Parting from these premises, this assay studies the knowledge production conditions in psychoanalysis and proposes a two way analysis: thinking psychoanalysis from an epistemological point of view, as well as thinking the contribution of psychoanalysis theory of Inconscient to an epistemology. We believe that the study of this relation is an important epistemological question, relevant to the comprehension of scientific activity as a whole.

Psychoanalysis; Epistemology; Knowledge

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia Campus do Gragoatá, bl 0, sala 334, 24210-350 Niterói - RJ Brasil, Tel.: +55 (21) 2629 2845 / 2629 2847 - Niterói - RJ - Brazil