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The main caregiver of onchologic terminally ill patient, repercussions of this incunbency

OBJECTIVES: to identify the profile of the caregivers of terminally ill patient, to inquire the activities, changes and difficulties. The researchers applied a questionnaire. From all the 53 caregivers, 48 were female. 92% of the caregivers were relative to the patient. Despite of the financial problems, their relationship between caregiver and patient improved. The hygiene cares, feeding, medication were responsibility of the caregiver. The activities developed increased their amount of job, negative physical and psychical repercussions appeared. 60% of the caregivers answered that the most convenient place of the patient's death was the hospital, 40% chose home. There is a distinction between the routine of care and the death of the patient; the caregivers in fact take care of life.

Bioethics; Terminally ill; Quality of life; Hospice care; Caregivers

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