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A cordialidade como mal-estar ou a violência como o recalcado

This essay deals with the question about the constitution of the subjectivity oriented by the speech that adopts the myth of the Brazilian people’s cordiality as a model of identification. Using a psychoanalytical background, we take from Brazilian history some speeches (related to this question) which are analyzed by interrogating ourselves about the violence repression and its consequences upon the subjectivity. As far as we are concerned, we presume that this speech of cordiality works as a controlling and sustaining frame of status quo, since it gratifies and offers a pretense representation of the Brazilian people. Besides, this speech triggers the violence repression and its return under the guise of domination, i.e., the exercise of the control over the body and the Other’s desire that manifests itself in the pratices of social and sexual domination. These cordiality models of identification and domination act as complementary poles associated with the violence repression. We finally think over the psychoanalytical and psychotherapeutics practices developed out of the national scene since the entering of psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in this cultural context.

Cordiality; repression; model of identification; violence

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil