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Proposal and validation of a theoretical model of customer retention determinants in a service environment

Proposição e Validação de um Modelo Teórico de Determinantes da Retenção de Clientes em um Ambiente de Serviços


Customer retention is an imperative for competitiveness within organizations, with important reflexes in their profitability and income. Although studies of customer retention determinants have been conducted for at least three decades, the constructs employed in the elaboration of the models have gone through few changes throughout this time. In this sense, a new Theoretical Model has been developed and tested. Such model contemplates the constructs of Value Proposition, Operand Resources, Operant Resources, Value Facilitation, Value Co-creation and Value in use as determinants in the Customer Retention. The study was conducted via a survey, with a pooling of 273 clients of a banking institution. The result analysis used the Modeling of Structural Equation to analyze and understand the relations which make up the proposed Theoretical Model. The results show that the proposed Theoretical Model has shown satisfactory adjustment indexes, taking into account their originality.

Proposition; Resources; Value; Co-creation; Retention

Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 908, sala F184, CEP: 05508-900, São Paulo , SP - Brasil, Telefone: (11) 3818-4002 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil