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Analysis of preterm infant feeding practices in a public maternity hospital of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the early feeding practices and the type of diet at discharge of preterm infants. METHODS: This descriptive, retrospective two-year cohort study included 203 preterm infants (weight< 1 500g) from the Bonsucesso General Hospital, Rio de Janeiro. The following practices were analyzed: days to start enteral feeding, days to achieve full enteral feeding, days to start and duration of parenteral nutrition and also, type of diet at discharge. RESULTS: The mean time to start enteral feeding was 6.5 days (CI 95% 6.0-7.2); to achieve full enteral feeding, 18.9 days (CI 95% 17.6-20.3); to start parenteral nutrition, 2.8 days (CI 95% 2.6-3.0). Parenteral nutrition lasted 10.8 days (CI 95% 9.7-11.9). The feeding practices were associated and the highest correlation occurred between days to achieve full enteral feeding and duration of parenteral nutrition (Pearson=0.69). The length of time to start enteral feeding, achieve full enteral feeding and use of parenteral nutrition increases with decreasing birth weight. This trend was not observed for time to start parenteral nutrition. At discharge, the most common feeding practices were mixed feeding (61.6%) followed by formula feeding (26.1%) and exclusive breastfeeding (12.3%). CONCLUSION: This study showed that there is a delay in starting to feed preterm infants. Total breastfeeding proportion at discharge was 74.0%. Efforts are necessary to start feeding these patients sooner and promote breastfeeding.

Feeding; Risk groups; Infant, premature

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Núcleo de Editoração SBI - Campus II , Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n. - Prédio de Odontologia, 13059-900 Campinas - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 19 3343-6875 - Campinas - SP - Brazil