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About the journal


Basic Information


Audiology - Communication Research (ACR), ISSN 2317-6431 is a technical-scientific publication from Brazilian Academy of Audiology (Academia Brasileira de Audiologia) (ABA), continuation of the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia (RSBF) (online version ISSN 1982-0232). It is published quarterly with the objective to disclose scientific production concerning relevant topics from Audiology, Language, Human Communication and related fields, aiming to improve and update professionals. It is an open-access journal, published with bilingual (Portuguese/English) and exclusively online publication.

Its abbreviated title is Audiol., Commun. Res., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Indexed in

  • Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - LILACS
  • Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica – SIIC Data Bases
  • Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe - Redalyc


Intellectual Property

  • All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC.




The jornal is fully maintained by the Brazilian Academy of Audiology (Academia Brasileira de Audiologia).



Editorial Board





Associated editors



Editorial board



Editorial production



Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


Audiology - Communication Research (ACR), ISSN 2317-6431 is a technical-scientific publication from Brazilian Academy of Audiology (Academia Brasileira de Audiologia) (ABA), continuation of the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia (RSBF) (online version ISSN 1982-0232). It is published in continuos flow with the objective to disclose scientific production concerning relevant topics from Audiology, Human Communication Disorders and related fields, aiming to improve and update professionals. It is an open-access journal, published with bilingual (Portuguese/English) and exclusively online publication.

ACR accepts original unpublished studies in either Portuguese or English, which contribute to knowledge and present applicability to Speech, Language and Hearing sciences. When submitting a manuscript, the authors ensure that the study was not previously published nor is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. If a previous publication or simultaneous submission to another journal is identified the article will be disregarded. 

All submitted manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Board, and after approval are forwarded to a reviewer committee (peer review). However, the final decision on the manuscript is made by the editors. The manuscript acceptance will be based on originality, relevance, and scientific contribution to the improvement of the field. The confidentiality is guaranteed throughout the evaluation process. Authors are solely responsible for the manuscript content, the accuracy of information and citations, as well as its translation into English, done or reviewed by a native speaker.

ACR publishes the following types of manuscripts: Original articles, Original case reports, Review articles, Short communications and Letters to the editors. 

Simple case reports, summaries and technical reports will not be accepted.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Audiology - Communication Research (ACR) support the policies for registration of clinical trials in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of such initiatives for registration and international disclosure of information concerning clinical trials, in open-access publications. Thus, only clinical research articles which have received identification number from one of the Clinical Trial Registers validated by criteria established by WHO and ICMJE will be accepted for publication in ACR. Information are available at, at or The trial registration number must be reported at the end of the abstract.

The regulations bellow must be followed for each type of manuscript, and are based on the format proposed by the ICMJE and published in the article “Recomendações Para Elaboração, Redação, Edição e Publicação de Trabalhos Acadêmicos em Periódicos Médicos”, on December 2014, avaliable:

ACR publishes the following types of manuscripts: Original articles, Original case reports, review articles, Short communications and Letters to the editors. Simple case reports, summaries and technical reports will not be accepted.

The text should conform to the structure required for each type of manuscript.

Original articles

Manuscripts designed to present original data and new findings from scientific researches must include: Abstract and Keywords(in Portuguese and English),Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

  • Introduction: should provide a brief review of the related literature, and the context and background of the study, justifying its purposes. The objectives must be presented at the end of the introduction, without the need to start a new section.  
  • Methods: should be described in sufficient detail, and include only the information required for the study to be replicated. 
  • Results: should be shown with an indication of statistical significance of the findings, and should not therefore be mere presentation of tables, charts and figures. Data presented within the text should not be duplicated in tables, charts and figures and/or vice versa. It is recommended to subject data to inferential statistical analysis in order to obtain more conclusive results. 
  • Discussion: the findings must be discussed and compared with other relevant studies; should not repeat the results or the introduction.
  • Conclusion: should answer concisely the proposed objectives, stating clearly and objectively the relevance of the present study and its contribution to the advancement of Science.
  • References: a maximum of 30 references must be cited, and at least 70% of it should consist of published in national and international journals, preferably in the last five years.  
  • For manuscripts reporting humans or animals experiments (as well as surveys of medical records or documents of an institution), the approval number from the Research Ethics Committee, and a statement confirming that all involved subjects (or their guardians) provided signed informed consent (Resolution MS/CNS/CNEP nº 196/96 from 10 of October of 1996), are required and must be mentioned in the methods section.

Original case reports

Describe unpublished unusual or innovative cases or experiences, presenting the originality of a conduct or treatment and illustrating rare situations with unique characteristics of interest to professional practice. These reports must describe its aspects, history, conducts and observed outcomes.

Manuscripts should contain: Abstract and Keywords(in Portuguese and English), Introduction (with a brief literature review), Clinical case presentation, Discussion, Final comments and References.

A clinical case presentation should include a statement that the involved subjects (or their guardians) provided signed informed consent therefore agreeing to participate in the research and to have its results published. If images of patients are used, the authors must attach a copy of the signed consent, stating the approval for use of image in scientific journals.

Maximum of 15 references should be presented.

Review or articles

Critically evaluate scientific evidence regarding an aspect of research. Review articles are the result of methodological research with the purpose to identify, collect and analyze studies that test the same hypothesis, systematically gathering the data and presenting these data in graphics, charts and/or tables while interpreting the evidence. Reviews of the literature should describe with details the method of choice to data survey, justifying the choice of the consulted databases and indicating the relevance of the topic and its overall contribution to Science. Numerical results of the included studies may be, in many circumstances, subjected to statistical analysis through meta-analysis. Meta-analysis articles should comply strictly with the standards specified for this technique.

Manuscripts should follow the structure: Abstract and Keywords (in Portuguese and English), Introduction, Purpose, Research strategy, Selection criteria, Data analysis Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. All articles included in reviews must be listed in the references, thus, there is no limitations regarding the number of cited references, however, at least 70% of it should consist of articles published in national and international journals, preferably in the last five years.  

Short communications

Short research articles with the purpose to present interesting preliminary results with potential impact to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. The manuscript should be limited to 1500 words (from introduction to conclusion), following the same format from original articles: Abstract and Keywords(in Portuguese and English), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

No more than 15 references should be cited, of which at least 70% should consist of articles published in national and international journals, preferably in the last five years.

Letters to the editors

Brief communications of criticism of published material, with constructive, clear and educational feedback, as well as discussions of specific and current topics. It will be published at the discretion of the Editors, and should be brief (up to 500 words).


In addition to the manuscript files, it is mandatory to include the following scanned documents:

1. Letter signed by all authors, containing permission to reproduce the material and copyright transfer, and a brief clarification regarding the contributions of each author (model available at;
2. Approval of the Ethics Committee of the institution where the work was done, in cases where the research involved humans or animals;
3. Copy of the Informed Consent signed by subject(s) (or their guardians), authorizing the use of an image, if applicable;
4. Declaration of conflicts of interest, when applicable (list of potential conflicts of interest available at


Form: The text must be typed in MS Word, with ISO A4 paper size (212x297mm)
Margin: 2,5 cm on each side
Font: Arial font size 12 for the text, and size 8 for tables, charts, figures e appendices
Spacing between lines: Double-spaced (including tables, charts and appendices)
Indents and spacing: zero
Text alignment: justified
Tab settings: 1,25 cm

Length of the manuscript: the length of the manuscript (including title page, abstract e keywords - in Portuguese and English - text, tables, charts, figures, appendices, and references) must not exceed: 30 pages for Original articles and Systematic reviews or meta-analyses, 20 pages for Case reports and Short communications, and 500 words for Letter to editors.

Article sequence: each section should begin on a new page in the following sequence: identification page, Abstract and Keywords (in Portuguese and English), text (according to the type of manuscript), Acknowledgments, References, tables, charts, figures (graphs, photographs and illustrations) and appendices with their respective captions.

Identification page

All authors must be in the Title Page. The manuscript should not contain authorship data. At system named as “Title Page


"Authors" are generally considered to be those who participated in the research with substantial intellectual and scientific contributions. Each researcher designated as author should take responsibility for the authorship of the article, and must have participated in the study enough to take public responsibility for its content. Credits of authorship must be based on substantial contributions during:

1. Conception and design of the study, collection, analysis or interpretation of data
2. Draft or critical review of important intellectual content
3. Approval of the final version of the article to be published

People who does not meet these requirements and had purely technical participation (surgical procedure, literature review, heads of department and clinics, or funding) should be listed in acknowledgements section.  Thus, acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship.

Abstract and keywords

The second page should contain the abstract in Portuguese and in English, with no more than 250 words, and both abstracts should provide the same information. The abstract in English should be presented first, than the Portuguese version (Resumo e descritores), and a page break should be inserted between both abstracts.

The abstract text must be plain, without paragraphs, and present relevant information from the study which may encourage reading. It must be structured according to the type of article, briefly describing the main parts of the manuscript of the study and emphasizing the most significant data. Should not contain the institution where the study was performed or numerical and statistical results.

For Original articles and Short communications, the abstract structure must be, in Portuguese: Objetivo, Métodos, Resultados, Conclusão; in English: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Review abstract should have the following structure, in Portuguese: Objetivos, Estratégia de pesquisa, Critérios de seleção, Resultados, Conclusão; in English: Purpose, Research strategy, Selection criteria, Results, Conclusion.

The abstracts of Case reports should not be structured, nor present headlines.
Below the abstract, a list of 5-10 descritores/keywords that define the subject of the study should be given. Keywords should be based on DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde – Health Sciences Descriptors) published by Bireme, a translation of the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) from the National Library of Medicine and available at:


The text should follow the structure required for each type of manuscript. Citations within the text should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals in parentheses and superscript, undated and preferably without reference to authors' names, as in this example:

"Embora a medicação seja necessária e fundamental para muitos pacientes proporcionando melhoras significativas, aumentando a sobrevida desses indivíduos(7),  existem relatos na literatura que discutem seus efeitos adversos(8,9)."
Grammar and orthography: the new rules of the Portuguese language grammar must be used. Words or expressions in English that have no official translation into Portuguese (and vice versa) should be written in italic.

Numerals: up to ten numerals should be spelled out. From 11 should be indicated by Arabic numerals.


This section includes recognition for individuals or institutions who cooperated in the completion of the research. It should include acknowledgement to funding institutions that have provided grants for the implementation of the research, including numbers of processes, if applicable.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text, and identified with Arabic numerals. Presentation should be based on the "Vancouver Style" format, shown below. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the style presented by the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus, from the National Library of Medicine.

For all references, the names of the first six authors should be included; beyond six, et al should be indicated after the first six names.

It is recommended that authors employ references published in the last five years.

Musiek FE, Shinn JB, Jirsa R, Bamiou DE, Baran JA, Zaida E. The GIN (Gaps in Noise) test performance in subjects with confirmed central auditory nervous system involvement. Ear Hear. 2005Dec;26(6):608-18.

Coates V, Beznos GW, Françoso LA. Medicina do adolescente. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Sarvier; 2003. 731p.

Santos MFC, Pereira LD. Escuta com Dígitos. In: Pereira LD. Schochat E. (Org.) Processamento auditivo: manual de avaliação. São Paulo: Lovise, 1997. p.15-32.

BOOK CHAPTERS (same author)
Russo IC. Intervenção fonoaudiológica na terceira idade. Rio de Janeiro: Revinter; 1999. Distúrbios da audição: a presbiacusia; p. 51-82. 

Minna JD. Recent advances for potential clinical importance in the biology of lung cancer. In: Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association for Cancer Research; 1984 Sep 6-10; Toronto. Proceedings. Toronto: AMA; 1984; 25:2293-4.

Linares AE. Correlação do potencial auditivo de estado estável com outros achados em audiologia pediátrica [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo; 2009.

ASHA: American Speech and Hearing Association [Internet]. Rockville: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; c1997-2008. Otitis media, hearing and language development. [cited 2003 Aug 29]; [about 3 screens} Available from:


Tables should be presented separately from the text, each on a page at the end of the document, following the references. Tables should be double-spaced, with Arial 8 font, sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they are cited within the text. It should be indicated in the text the location where each table must be inserted.  All tables must be accompanied by a self-explanatory short title inserted above it, with no use of abbreviations and acronyms. Tables must be presented in black and white, with simple lines, without any distinction. All table columns should be identified with a header. At the bottom of the table, a caption for abbreviations and statistical tests should be included. The number of tables should be adequate to describe the data in a concise manner, and should not repeat information presented in the text. Regarding the formatting, all tables must contain horizontal borders separating the header, body and conclusion, and must be open laterally. Up to five tables will be accepted.


Charts should be presented separately from the text, each on a page at the end of the document, following the references, sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of appearance in the text.

Charts must follow the same structure orientation as tables, except for the formatting. They may have vertical borders and must be closed laterally. It should be indicated in the text the location where each chart must be inserted. All charts must be accompanied by a self-explanatory short title inserted above it, with no use of abbreviations and acronyms. At the bottom of the chart, a caption for abbreviations and statistical tests should be included. Up to two charts will be accepted.

Figures (graphs, photographs, ilustrations)

Figures should be placed separately from the text, at the end of the document, following the references, sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of appearance in the text. It should be indicated in the text the location where each figure must be inserted. All figures should have adequate graphic quality (they may be in color, black and white or grayscale, always with white background), contain a title typed in Arial 8 font and a caption for abbreviations and acronyms at the bottom. If figures have already been published elsewhere, they must be accompanied by the written permission of the author/publisher, and contain the source in the caption of the illustration. Up to five figures may be included.


Supplementary data that might be necessary to comprehension of the text may be presented as lists, protocols, forms, tests, etc. Should be double-spaced, with Arial 8 font, and sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they are cited within the text. They must be accompanied by a self-explanatory short title inserted above the content, with no use of abbreviations and acronyms, and should be presented in black and white.


Subtitles must be presented in Arial font size 8, double spaced, with justified alignment and included following the respective tables, charts, figures (graphs, photographs and illustrations), and appendices.

Abbreviations and acronyms

All abbreviations and acronyms must be preceded by the full name when first cited in the text. Abbreviations and acronyms used in tables, charts, figures and appendices must appear in the caption with their meaning and full name. They may not be included in either the title or the abstract of the manuscript.


Footnotes must be identified by an asterisk (*), and in case of two or more footnotes within the same page, the next ones must add asterisks. On footer, the footnote should be Arial 10 font size, with justified alignment.

Units of measure

Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be in millimeters of mercury.


All articles will have bilingual publication (Portuguese/English). The manuscripts may be submitted in Portuguese or in English. In case of manuscripts written in English a copy of the final version in Portuguese will be requested.

The Portuguese version of the manuscript will be responsibility of the authors. After technical review of the manuscript approved in English, authors will be instructed to proceed with translation of the document into Portuguese.  Author should guarantee that the Portuguese version will go through at least a review by a commercial entity with international experience.

Brand representations

Therapeutic agents must be nominated by their generic names followed, in brackets, by trade name, manufacturer, city, state and country of origin. All manufactured instruments and apparatus used must be cited with its trade name, manufacturer, city, state and country of origin. It is necessary to place the symbol (superscript) trademark ™or ® next to names of all instruments or other brand representations.



Send of the manuscripts



Only articles submitted by the Online Publishing System will be accepted (available at

All authors must be registered in the system to receive mailing regarding the progress of the article.

Important: The system's time zone does not follow Brazilian time, it follows London time. For this reason, the system ends up blocking submissions before the deadline, and it is impossible to change this setting.

There are no fees for submission and review articles.

For additional inquiries, authors should contact the executive office by e-mail:

Important: The system's time zone does not follow Brazilian time, it follows London time. For this reason, the system ends up blocking submissions before the deadline, and it is impossible to change this setting.

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711, Fax: (11) 3253-8473 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil