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(Updated: 2024/06/14)



A Brief History


Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (ANP) is the official journal of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN). Its aim is to publish relevant, peer-reviewed articles for professionals and researchers in the fields of neurology and neuroscience.

The journal was founded in June 1943 by students of Prof. Enjolras Vampré from the Neurological School of São Paulo. Prof. Oswaldo Lange, from the University of São Paulo Medical School, was appointed as the first editor-in-chief and led the journal until 1986. Subsequently, Prof. Antonio Spina-França assumed the position of editor-in-chief from 1987 to 2010. It was during the joint tenure of Prof. Luís dos Ramos Machado and Prof. José Antonio Livramento (2010-2017) that the journal came under the editorship of the ABN. In 2018, Profs. Paulo Caramelli and Hélio A. Ghizoni Teive took over the management of the ANP journal. As of January 2023, Prof. Ayrton Massaro succeeded Prof. Paulo Caramelli, sharing the position of editor-in-chief with Prof. Hélio A. Ghizoni Teive. 

Currently, the journal publishes all its content in English and provides its articles in open access. All issues are accessible through its online version. In a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, as of January 2022, the journal suspended the publication of its print version. In order to streamline the publication process of its content, the journal adopted Continuous Publication as of January 2024. 

Mission: To contribute to the quality of care provided to patients with neurological diseases by providing open access to peer-reviewed studies to neurologists, healthcare professionals, and researchers in neurology and neuroscience from Brazil and Latin America. 

Vision: To establish itself as the leading peer-reviewed scientific journal for studies in neurology and neuroscience in Latin America.



Compliance with Open Science


ANP is an open access journal, following the Gold Open Access model.

Submission of a manuscript requires the mandatory completion of the Open Science Compliance Form, which will allow sharing of information on the study's alignment with Open Science communication practices. 

ANP accepts the submission of preprint articles to public repositories such as:, SciELO Preprints, and EmeRI. For the submission of previously deposited manuscripts, it is essential that authors provide deposit data in the Cover Letter. 

In order to promote data reuse and transparency in research, the ANP journal encourages the availability of research data in repositories if they cannot be published in the paper itself. Some examples of data repositories are: Zenodo, Figshare, and OSF

As of January 2024, submitted and approved manuscripts will include, at the end of the published article, the names of the editor-in-chief and associate editor responsible for coordinating the peer review process.



Ethics in Publishing


ANP follows the ethical principles and international standards for responsible research publication set forth by COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics, Equator Network, ICMJE, and the Good Practices Guide for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publishing

In accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, revised in 2013, all studies involving human subjects must be approved by the institutions where they were conducted. 

Manuscript submission must include the Cover Letter, signed by all manuscript authors or with digital confirmation. 

Submitted text must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria uses iThenticate to detect plagiarism.



Focus and Scope


The journal aims to publish relevant peer-reviewed articles for professionals and researchers in the fields of neurology and neuroscience. Articles focused on neurosurgery are not within the thematic scope of the journal. From the field of psychiatry, only manuscripts in the subfield of neuropsychiatry are accepted. Only articles from the fields of neurosurgery and psychiatry that interface with the fields of neurology and neuroscience and are intended for clinical neurologists will be accepted. 

The journal's content is categorized into various sections, including Original Articles, Views and Reviews, Historical Notes, Images in Neurology, and Letters. The journal does not accept case reports submissions.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy.



Indexing Sources


The journal is indexed in the following databases and sources of information:



Bibliographic Information

  • Journal Title:  Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
  • Abbreviated Title: Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. (online)
  • Published by: Brazilian Academy of Neurology 
  • Frequency: Monthly
  • Publication Type: Continuous Publication
  • Year of Journal Creation: 1943
  • ISSN: ISSN impresso  0004-282X;  ISSN online  1678-4227; ISSN Linking 0004-282X


Websites and Social Media





Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (ANP) – Online ISSN 1678-4227; Print ISSN 0004-282X – is an online open-access scientific journal, peer-reviewed, and publishes its content in English. The journal continuously publishes studies in the fields of neurology and neuroscience.





Since 2020, the journal accepts the submission of manuscripts previously deposited in preprint servers, such as:

When submitting manuscripts previously made available in repositories, it is essential for authors to acknowledge the deposit by providing details in the cover letter

After the preprint publication, it is the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that the record is updated with a reference to the publication, including the DOI and the link to the published version of the article on the journal's website.



Peer Review Process


Manuscripts submitted to the journal Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria are evaluated to verify their adequacy to the scope and formal aspects. In case of non-compliance with the scope, such as case reports and articles from the areas of neurosurgery or psychiatry, the manuscripts will be rejected, and the authors will be informed. Manuscripts that do not meet the standards and formats specified in this document, on the other hand, will be returned to the authors for proper adjustments.

For manuscripts submitted from the sections Original Articles, Views and Reviews, and the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, once approved in the scope and formal aspects evaluation, similarity reports are generated and evaluated individually. If the reports present similarity percentages outside the defined standards or require adjustments in specific sections, the authors are notified and invited to implement the necessary corrections. Manuscripts with excessive redundancy are rejected. Similarity reports are not generated for manuscripts submitted from other sections of the journal (Historical Notes, Images in Neurology, and Letters).

After the similarity check stage, the manuscripts are sent to the editors-in-chief who conduct a preliminary evaluation based on criteria of originality, relevance of the topics addressed, and methodological quality. At this stage, a second member of the editorial board will be called upon if the minimum quality criteria are not met. Approximately 30% of submitted manuscripts are rejected in the preliminary evaluation.

Manuscripts approved in the preliminary evaluation will be forwarded to the associate editors of their respective thematic areas, responsible for the selection and invitation of external reviewers. In the evaluation process, at least two opinions are obtained, with the associate editor being able to request a third opinion in cases of concise or divergent evaluations. Reviewers issue their opinions using the ScholarOne system form, with the option to recommend: Acceptance, Minor Revision, Major Revision, and Rejection.

During the manuscript evaluation process, the deputy editor work together with the editors-in-chief to manage the editorial flow, select appropriate reviewers, streamline evaluation processes, interpret review reports, and make final decisions on the manuscripts, aiming to improve the overall quality of contributions. Additionally, manuscripts are evaluated according to the single-blind review model.

Rejection decisions are final. Manuscripts may only be resubmitted under exceptional circumstances and with the indication of the editors-in-chief. Currently, approximately 40% of manuscripts submitted to the journal are approved for publication. Manuscripts are evaluated following the single-blind review model.

Starting from January 2024, submitted and approved manuscripts will be published with the indication of the names of the editors-in-chief, deputy editor, and associate editor responsible for coordinating the peer review process.


Open Data


ANP encourages the sharing of data, codes, methods, and other materials used and resulting from research, which are often underlying in the texts of published articles. Some examples of data repositories include: Zenodo, Figshare e OSF.



Fee Charging


The journal waives submission and manuscript review fees for authors.

In order to develop the sustainability of the Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria journal, as of January 2022, a publication fee has been established for articles in the Original Articles and Views and Review sections. Publication fees are applied to the corresponding author upon article acceptance. The fees are R$ 1,000.00 per article for Brazilian authors and US$ 200.00 per article for foreign authors. 

ANP adopts a policy of fee waivers and discounts, as detailed below:

1) The following cases will be exempt from publication fees:

  • Manuscripts where a member of the editorial board is the corresponding author;
  • Manuscripts from invited authors;
  • Annually, fee waivers will be granted for the publication of one article to reviewers with outstanding performance, limited to 3 or 5 reviewers per year.

2) A 50% discount on the publication fee will be applied in the following cases:

  • Manuscripts where a member of the editorial board is a co-author;
  • Manuscripts where the corresponding author is a member of the ABN (paying category);
  • Manuscripts where the corresponding author is a professor at a Brazilian federal or state university, provided that the study has not received funding.


Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata, and Retraction


ANP follows ethical principles and international standards for responsible research publication, developed by COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics, Equator Network, ICMJE, and the Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publishing.

Practices that compromise ethics and scientific integrity, such as plagiarism and self-plagiarism (redundancy), data falsification, misconduct in research involving human subjects, duplicate or redundant publication, undisclosed conflicts of interest, and violations of authorship criteria, are widely recognized as unethical.

To address cases of scientific misconduct and publication ethics violations, the journal follows COPE principles, available at:, to determine appropriate actions for each situation.

In confirmed cases of misconduct, the editorial team contacts the authors, affiliation institutions, ethics committees, and other involved parties. Authors of articles with confirmed misconduct are subject to an embargo for a specified period for the submission of new manuscripts to the journal. 

For cases of misconduct identified in published articles, the content will remain indexed in databases as retracted, with documentation of the reason for retraction duly referenced.

Errors or failures that do not constitute misconduct are corrected through errata.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


All participants in the article review and publication process, including authors, reviewers, editors, and editorial team, must disclose conflicts of personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature.

Authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work at the time of submission. The declaration of conflict of interest should be indicated in the Cover Letter and in the manuscript itself.

Reviewers should declare any relationships or activities that may affect the review of a manuscript, refusing to participate in the evaluation process if necessary. They must refrain from using prior knowledge of the reviewed work for personal gain. 

Editors should abstain from decisions with potential conflicts. Invited editors must adhere to these guidelines.

For more information, please refer to the Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.



Use of Artificial Intelligence


During manuscript submission, authors are required to declare the use of artificial intelligence-assisted technologies in producing the work. A detailed description of the utilization of these technologies must be provided both in the cover letter and within the submitted manuscript, in the relevant section, where applicable.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, language models, machine learning, or similar, do not fulfill authorship requirements. Authors are responsible for the integrity of the content generated by these tools.



Adoption of Similarity Checking Software


Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria adopts the iThenticate system for plagiarism detection. Similarity reports are generated for all manuscripts submitted under the Original Articles, Vision and Review, and Brazilian Academy of Neurology sections, after approval in the formal evaluation stage.

Regardless of the percentage of similarity presented, all reports undergo evaluation by one or more members of the editorial team to identify discrepancies. If the reports show percentages of similarity outside defined standards or require adjustments in specific sections, authors are notified and invited to implement the necessary corrections. Manuscripts with excessive redundancy are rejected.

Similarity reports will not be generated for manuscripts submitted under the "Historical Notes," "Neurology Images," and "Letters" sections.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team of the journal Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria is committed to the SAGER guidelines, which provide guidance on reporting information about "sex" (biological attribute) and "gender" (shaped by social and cultural circumstances) in the study design, data analysis, and results.

Authors should carefully use the terms "sex" and "gender" in articles submitted to the ANP journal. Reviewers are encouraged to consult the SAGER guidelines for guidance on the correct use of these terms.

The document "Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines" can be accessed at:



Supplementary Material


During the evaluation process, both editors and reviewers will have access to a manuscript's supplementary material; however, this content will not undergo the same review as the main material.

Unlike the manuscript, the supplementary material will not undergo editing or formatting during the production process. Therefore, it is the authors' responsibility to ensure the accuracy and presentation of the content provided in the supplementary material.



Ethics Committee


In accordance with the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013, all studies involving human subjects must be approved by the institutions where they were conducted.

At the time of submission, manuscripts involving the collection of data from human subjects must indicate in the Cover Letter the approval protocol number of the study by the Institution's Ethics Committee. For articles that do not require Ethics Committee approval, authors must include in the Cover Letter the reason for the exemption from the document.





Authors of articles published by the journal Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria retain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license type CC-BY, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided that the original work is properly cited. The journal retains the right of first publication.

The concepts expressed in the published works are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors-in-chief, deputy editors, associate editors, or the editorial board. It is hereby established that authors will assume the intellectual and legal responsibility for the described results and presented observations.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


All content and articles published by the journal Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, unless otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY license.

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media accounts, provided that the full citation to the journal's website version is included.



Promotion and Social Media


Approved articles for publication are disseminated on the journal's and the Brazilian Academy of Neurology's social media platforms, as well as highlighted in newsletters and specialized science communication blogs.

The production of content to promote the journal's articles is carried out by the Social Media Content Editors, under the supervision of the Associate Editor of Promotion and Social Media, and coordinated by the co-editor of the journal. This includes the creation of press releases, visual abstracts, tweets, podcasts, infographics, videos, and other relevant materials for the dissemination of the studies.



Sponsors and Funding Agencies


The journal receives support from:

  • Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN).







Deputy Editors




  • Oswaldo Lange



  • Antonio Spina-França Netto



  • José Antonio Livramento (Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo, SP, Brasil)
  • Luís dos Ramos Machado (Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo, SP, Brasil)
  • Paulo Caramelli (Universidade Federal de MG - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil)


Associate Editors

Cerebrovascular Disorders, Interventional Neuroradiology and Neurointensive Care



Child Neurology



Clinical Neurophysiology



Cognitive Neurology and Neuropsychology






Experimental Neurology and Neuroscience



General Neurology






History of Neurology



Images in Clinical Neurophysiology



Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System and Cerebrospinal Fluid Studies



Movement Disorders












Neurological Rehabilitation



Neuromuscular Disorders and Peripheral Neuropathy















Sleep Disorders



Promotion and Social Media



Social Media Content Editors



Editorial Advisory Board



Brazilian Academy of Neurology

  • Carlos Roberto de Mello Rieder (Porto Alegre, Brasil) – President
  • Delson José da Silva (Goiás, Brasil) - Vice-President
  • Jerusa Smid (São Paulo, Brasil) - General Secretary
  • Roberta Arb Saba (São Paulo, Brasil) – 1st Secretary
  • José Luiz Pedroso (São Paulo, Brasil) – General Treasurer
  • Adalberto Studard-Neto (São Paulo, Brasil) – 1st Treasurer 



Technical Team



Publishing Services


Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda 
Project Coordinator Journals
Paula Di Sessa Vavlis





Academia Brasileira de Neurologia
phone: +55 (51) 98119-9804






Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (ANP) publishes relevant peer-reviewed articles in the fields of neurology and neuroscience, with the mission of contributing to the improvement of patient care for neurological diseases. The journal offers open access to a variety of content, including Editorials, Original Articles (clinical and translational research), Review Articles, Opinions, Historical Articles, Images in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, letters regarding published articles, and responses. Case Reports are not accepted.

Although the journal does not include articles on neurosurgery in its thematic scope, exceptions are made for works that have interfaces with the fields of neurology and neuroscience, provided they are directed towards the clinical practice of neurologists, healthcare professionals, and related areas.

In the field of psychiatry, only manuscripts from the subfield of neuropsychiatry are considered, emphasizing the relationship between somatic structure and mental and emotional operations, as well as functional or organic disorders of the central nervous system associated with mental and emotional disorders.

ANP accepts the submission of preprint articles in public repositories. For the submission of previously deposited manuscripts, it is essential for authors to provide the deposit data in the Cover Letter



Official Language


Only manuscripts written in English will be accepted, following the international standards of textual composition established by the ANP journal. If deemed necessary, editors and reviewers have the right to request authors to undergo linguistic revision by a specialized company. Additionally, it is mandatory that the title, abstract, and keywords are also presented in Portuguese or Spanish.



Types of Accepted Documents


ANP publishes its content through the following sections:

Editorial: an in-depth critical commentary prepared as a response to the Editors’ invitation.

  • Up to three authors;
  • Abstract and Keywords are not required;
  • The text must not exceed 1,000 words*;
  • The paper must have up to 10 references.

Original Articles: pesquisas clínicas ou experimentais originais, incluindo: estudos clínicos controlados, estudos observacionais, ensaios clínicos, estudos de revisões sistemáticas e metanálises, estudos de neuroimagens, estudos de desenvolvimento, validação ou atualização de modelo de previsão, dentre outros.

  • Resumo estruturado, com até 250 palavras;
  • Não mais que 7 palavras-chave;
  • Texto com até 3.000 palavras*;
  • Até 40 referências;
  • Com até 5 tabelas ou quadros;
  • Com até 5 ilustrações.

Para relatórios de pesquisas clínicas, os autores devem seguir as diretrizes estabelecidas pelo Equator Network, como: Revisões Sistemáticas e Meta-Análises (PRISMA2020); Ensaios Clínicos (CONSORT); Estudos Observacionais (STROBE), dentre outros.

Views and Reviews: reviews, critical analyses or opinion papers on current relevant topics in Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience.

  • Abstract, not necessarily structured, with up to 250 words;
  • No more than 7 keywords;
  • The text should contain with up to 5,000 words*;
  • Up to 80 references (additional references may be provided online as supplementary material);
  • With up to 5 tables;
  • With up to 5 illustrations.

Historical Notes: history of Neurology and data on descriptions on neurological signs, diseases or syndromes.

  • Abstract, not necessarily structured, of no more than 150 words;
  • No more than 7 keywords;
  • The text should contain with up to 1,000 words*;
  • Up to 20 references;
  • With up to 2 tables;
  • With up to 2 illustrations.

Images in Neurology: original images that illustrate neurological diseases.

  • Abstract and Keywords are not required;
  • The text must not exceed 100 words*;
  • The paper must have up to 5 references;
  • With up to 4 illustrations;
  • The video must be in high resolution, in MP4 (MPEG) or AVI format. Any need to edit the video will be the responsibility of the author.

Images in Clinical Neurophysiology: educational images and/or videos in clinical neurophysiology including electroencephalography, electromyography, polysomnography, and evoked potentials.

  • Abstract and keywords are not required;
  • The text must not exceed 100 words*;
  • The manuscript may have up to 3 references;
  • The manuscript may have up to 2 figures;
  • The video must be in high resolution, in MP4 (MPEG) or AVI format. Any need to edit the video will be the responsibility of the author;
  • The authors are requested to provide 3 multiple-choice questions with answers related to the manuscript.

Letters: Comments on articles previously published in Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria.

  • Abstract and Keywords are not required;
  • The text must not exceed 700 words*;
  • The paper must have up to 5 references;
  • With up to 4 illustrations.

Brazilian Academy of Neurology: Institutional texts on regional issues, topics related to the activities of the Scientific Departments of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, proceedings of scientific meetings, and other subjects. This section includes Guidelines and Consensus.

Guidelines: evidence-based recommendations aimed at guiding healthcare professionals in decision-making regarding the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and management of various neurological medical conditions.

  • Abstract, not necessarily structured, with a maximum of 250 words;
  • Text with up to 9,000 words*;
  • No more than 150 references.

Consensus: provides information to healthcare professionals for decision-making, both in clinical practice and in the development of healthcare services.

  • Abstract, not necessarily structured, with a maximum of 250 words;
  • Text with up to 7,000 words*; 
  • No more than 120 references.

*The maximum word limit in the body of the text applies only to the study and does not include the abstract, resumo/resumen, and reference list. 
The parameters established for each type of contribution will be taken into account during the evaluation of the original manuscript.



Author Contributions


The manuscript should present the authors' contributions, as defined by the CRediT taxonomy: conceptualization or design of the work, data acquisition, analysis or interpretation, writing or manuscript revision. All authors must approve the final version of the manuscript and agree to be responsible for all aspects of the work.

The list and order of authors should be accurately indicated during manuscript submission. The inclusion of authors during the evaluation process will only be allowed with prior approval from the editors-in-chief, after analyzing the justifications for the change. After manuscript approval, no modifications to the composition and presentation format of the author list will be accepted.



Structure and Preparation of Manuscripts


Authors must submit their contributions in the Microsoft Word text processing format, using font size 12 (Arial or Times New Roman). The text must contain, in this order:

1) Title and short title

The English title should contain up to 120 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and be accompanied by a brief title of up to 80 characters.

Widely accepted abbreviations may be used in the title.

Avoid citing the region or location where the work was conducted.

Clinical trials and meta-analyses should include the study design in the title.

2) Author(s)

Complete given names and surnames.

The family names must be stated exactly how they should appear in indexation systems.

3) Complementary information

Authors’ affiliations: name of the institution in the native language or in the English version when Latin words are not used, with up to three levels (for example: University, School, Department), City, State or Province, Country.

Sectors in which the work was performed should not be stated (clinic, laboratory, outpatient service).

Corresponding author, with the respective e-mail.

ORCID of all authors of the manuscript

Funding agency(ies).

Declaration of conflict of interest.

Indication of authors’ contributions.

4) Abstract and Resumo (in Portuguese) or Resumen (in Spanish):

For original articles, the abstract should be presented in a structured format: Background; Objective; Methods; Results; Conclusions. Only refer to relevant data, in a clear and concise manner.
Avoid abbreviations, unless they are used universally. This is the most important part of the study: if readers do not read the complete text, they should have access through the Abstract/Resumo/Resumen to the relevant information of the article. The Resumo or Resumen should be placed after the Abstract and Keywords.

5) Keywords and Palavras-chave (in Portuguese) or Palabras-Clave (in Spanish):

Only use terms that are include in the Medical Subject Headings – MeSH or Health Science Descriptions – DeCS.

6) Text

Manuscripts submitted from the Original Articles section should present the following structure in the body of the text: Introduction; Methods (with explicit reference to compliance with ethical standards, including the name of the Ethics Committee that approved the study and the statement of informed consent provided by patients or their relatives); Results; Discussion including a paragraph with conclusions; Acknowledgments; References. Do not repeat in the text the data expressed in tables and illustrations. For the other sections, there is no predefined structure for the body of the text.

7) Acknowledgments

This section should be concise and restricted to acknowledgments that are necessary.

8) Citation and References

In the body of the text, citations should be identified by Arabic numerals, superscripted (e.g., superscript1).

References should be listed at the end of the article and numbered in the order they appear in the text. Do not use underlining, bold, or italics. The DOIs of cited articles should be indicated in the references.

References should follow the style of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors – ICMJE. The abbreviation of journal titles should adhere to the style presented by the Index Medicus: journal title abbreviations.

Reference format:

a) Articles: Author(s). Title of the article. Title of the journal. Year; volume(number): first page-last page of the article;

b) Books: If there are up to six authors, list all of them; if more than six, list the first six followed by et al. Author(s). Title of the book. Edition (from the 2nd edition onwards). City: Publishing house; year of publication;

c) Chapters of books: When the author of the chapter is the same as the author of the book: Author(s) of the book. Title of the book. Edition (from the 2nd edition onwards). City: Publishing house; year of publication. Title of the chapter; first page-last page of the chapter. Different authorship: Author(s) of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: author or editor of the book. Title of the book. Edition (from the 2nd edition onwards). City: Publishing house; year of publication. First page-last page of the chapter;

d) Books in electronic media: Author(s). Title of the book. Edition (from the 2nd edition onwards). City: Publishing house; year of publication [date of access, using the expression “accessed on”]. Available at: link.

e) Studies presented at events: Author(s). Title of the study. In: Annals of the number of the event title of the event; date of the event; city, country where event was held. City of publication: Publishing house; year of publication. First page-last page of the study;

f) Dissertations, theses or academic studies: Author. Title of the thesis [degree level]. City of publication: Institution at which it was defended; year of defense of the study.

9) Tables

Tables In their electronic version, tables should be presented in .doc (Microsoft Word) or .xls (Microsoft Excel) format. Send tables as separate files or after the references. Include sequential number, title, and caption.

10) Illustrations

Illustrations All figures should be submitted in JPG or editable file format. Diagrams and flowcharts should be submitted in editable formats. No patient or institution identification is allowed. Photos of recognizable individuals must be accompanied by written permission, and a copy of the document should be submitted along with the manuscript. Each image should be placed in a separate file, with the figure number indicated in the file. Captions should be provided after the references, and figures should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. Images should be uniform in size and magnification and should not be redundant. Significant findings should be appropriately marked in the images. Written permission for the use of previously published images must be provided, and the original citation should be included in the caption.

Images must have the following resolution:

  • Line art: 1,200 dpi/ppi.
  • Halftones: 300 dpi/ppi.
  • Combination of halftones: 600 dpi/ppi.

Videos should meet the following specifications:

  • Preferred video formats: MP4 (MPEG-4 - .mp4 extension) or AVI (Audio Video Interleave - .avi extension), accompanied by a representative thumbnail. Any necessary video editing will be the responsibility of the author.
  • Limit the file size to 50 MB.


Submission of Manuscripts


Manuscript Submission Only online submissions will be accepted:

Articles submitted to the journal for publication should include: 

a) Cover letter, in PDF format, signed by the corresponding author and indicating the study approval protocol number by the Institutional Ethics Committee, according to the model available at:

b) Completed Open Science Compliance Form

c) Main document.

d) Illustrations in separate files, if applicable.

e) Supplementary material, if applicable.

The author can track the manuscript's progress on the website (





Brazilian Academy of Neurology
Rua Vergueiro, 1353, Sls. 1402, 1403 e 1404
14º andar, Torre Norte Top Towers Office
São Paulo/SP, Brasil, CEP: 04101-000

Fabiana Montanari Lapido
Executive Editor

Denise Ieiri de Moraes
Editorial Assistant



Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil