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(Updated: 2024/06/12)



A Brief History


Brazilian Oral Research - BOR (online version ISSN 1807-3107) is the official publication of the Brazilian Society for Oral Research - SBPqO (Brazilian Division of the International Association for Dental Research - IADR). The journal has an A2 Qualis Capes classification (Dentistry), Impact Factor™/2018/2019 1.508 (Institute for Scientific Information - ISI), is peer-reviewed (double-blind system), and its mission is to disseminate and promote the exchange of information on the various areas of dental research and with open access, gold modality, without embargo.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Braz Oral Res, a form that should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic captions.



Compliance with Open Science


In line with the Open Science guidelines, BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH adopts a series of practices, such as the open access policy, the code of good practice for editors, and the use of social networks to disseminate published work. In addition, it requires the precise indication of the contribution of each author in articles with multiple authorship through the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT), encourages the sharing of analysis data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts, and additional materials, made available in open online repositories such as Zenodo, Figshare and OSF, if they cannot be published in the work itself, and this information should be indicated in the manuscript.

BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH encourages the publication of preprint articles on public platforms such as SciELO Preprints,, and Emerging Research Information (EmeRI) so that, where appropriate, they can be discussed openly before being published.

Also in line with open science practices, BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH offers authors and reviewers the option of opening up the peer review process, with or without identifying their names. Authorization to disclose the name can be given by the authors when submitting the article and by the reviewers when filling in the Evaluation Form on compliance with Open Science.

The contribution of the Associate Editors is duly credited in the published article. Reviewers receive a statement of opinion on the manuscript and can also validate the activity in the Reviewer Credit.



Ethics in Publishing


BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH is dedicated to complying with good practices regarding the moral conduct of scientific journal publishing, based on the code of conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as the Equator Network and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Authors, Editors, and Reviewers are encouraged to follow all the rules of good practice in scientific research.

The journal uses similarity checking programs - iThenticate and Crossref Alliance - with previously published texts. BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH does not condone plagiarism or any other unethical behavior. Cases of similar texts are immediately communicated to the authors.



Focus and Scope


BOR accepts submissions of the following types of original and review articles: Original Research (full article or Short Communication), Systematic Review (and Meta-Analysis), as well as Letters to the Editor. All submissions must be exclusive to BOR.

Critical literature reviews are articles written at the invitation of the editor.

Manuscripts and all related documentation must be submitted exclusively through ScholarOne Manuscripts™, via the online submission link.

The process of evaluating the scientific content of the manuscript will only begin once the requirements described in these Instructions to Authors have been met. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the corresponding author for adjustments.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy.



Indexing sources




  • Journal title: Brazilian Oral Research
  • Short title: Braz Oral Res
  • Published by: Brazilian Society for Oral Research (SBPQO)
  • Frequency: Annual
  • Type of publication: Continuous publication
  • Year the journal was created: 1984










BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH encourages the publication of preprint articles on public platforms such as SciELO Preprints,, and Emerging Research Information (EmeRI) so that, where appropriate, they can be discussed openly before being published.



Peer review process


Pre-analysis: the Editor-in-Chief evaluates the manuscripts based on quality and scope of interest and decides whether to select the manuscript for peer review.

Peer review: if selected in the pre-analysis, the manuscript is sent to one of the Associate Editors registered in the system according to their area of expertise. The Associate Editor selects the reviewers (two) according to their expertise and sends the manuscript for evaluation. If the Associate Editor considers that the opinions received are insufficient for a conclusion, they must appoint other reviewer(s). Based on the opinions, the Associate Editor decides: rejection, if the manuscript has major deficiencies; acceptance; or corrections, in which case they must indicate in their comments the modifications to reformulate and improve the manuscript, which will be re-evaluated by the reviewers.

BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH has a peer review process with double anonymization for manuscripts submitted to the journal; this process cannot be implemented for preprints, since authors and reviewers are known.

In line with the principles of Open Science and transparency in evaluation, articles published in BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH will contain the name of the associate editor responsible for evaluating the manuscript. In addition, BOR will offer the following options for reviewers and authors to request or accept by mutual agreement: 

1. publication of the reviews of approved articles with the optional identification of the reviewers; and 
2. mutual disclosure of their identities in the evaluation process.

Authors will be able to choose the options on the Evaluation Form on compliance with Open Science. Reviews constitute a new type of literature in the SciELO methodology and are treated similarly to research articles.



Open data


BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH encourages the sharing of analysis data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts, and additional materials, made available in open online repositories such as Zenodo, Figshare and OSF, if they cannot be published in the work itself, and this information must be indicated in the manuscript. Consequently, articles reporting research should indicate and reference the availability of the content underlying the research and the results obtained.



Charging fees


Brazilian Oral Research will charge a fee of R$ 150.00 (Brazilian reals) (for Brazilian corresponding authors) and US$ 35.00 (US dollars) (for foreign corresponding authors) per additional page over 10 published/printed pages (including figures and tables). This fee will apply to articles submitted to BOR after October 1st, 2023, and accepted for publication. Articles with up to 10 published/printed pages will not be charged.



Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata, and Retraction


BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH is committed to upholding the integrity of the literature and publishes Errata or Retraction Notices depending on the situation and in accordance with the COPE Retraction Guidelines.

Corrections and retractions: Authors are expected to carefully consider the list and sequence of authors before submitting their manuscript and to forward the final list of authors at the time of submission. No additions or changes of authorship will be allowed during the evaluation stage or after the acceptance of the submitted text.

The article already published in which the misconduct is identified remains indexed in the journal's database as retracted. The retraction documents the reason for the retraction duly referenced, through communication from the author or editor or other authorized agent and published in the same journal. The retraction can be partial when the misconduct applies to a specific part of the article, without, however, compromising the whole of the published research.

The article cannot be "unpublished". Mistakes or errors, regardless of their nature or origin, which do not constitute misconduct, are corrected by means of errata. The journal will publish errata, corrections, or retractions as soon as possible.

Any additions and modifications to the submitted text should only be made prior to acceptance of the manuscript and only if approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The Editor will only consider additions and modifications to the text in exceptional circumstances after the manuscript has been accepted. While the Editor considers the request, publication of the manuscript will be suspended.



Conflict of Interest Policy


They must be communicated not only by the authors but by everyone involved in the editorial process of a manuscript.

Authors are obliged to disclose any potential conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest can be of personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature. If there is even a potential conflict of interest, the author(s) must disclose this in a signed document attached to the submission platform. Authors must identify in the manuscript all financial support obtained for the work and other personal connections related to the work.

If Associate Editors have a conflict of interest, such as articles submitted by authors from their department, research collaborators, or relatives, they should delegate decision-making to another Editor.

Reviewers should consider any type of conflict of interest before evaluating the manuscript. This information must be answered on the ScholarOne submission system form. Working relationships with the author should be considered.



Adoption of Similarity Checking Software


As part of its actions to prevent plagiarism, Brazilian Oral Research has adopted the text similarity identification service iThenticate and Crossref Alliance. Up to 30% similarity of the text is considered acceptable; above this, after verification, the author is notified so that they can review the text and plan to reduce the percentage to the established minimum. If there are any doubts or questions, the editor-in-chief contacts the corresponding author and, if necessary, all the authors.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team of Brazilian Oral Research, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER guidelines. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines for reporting sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results, and interpretation of findings. In addition, Brazilian Oral Research observes the policy of gender equity in the formation of its editorial board.



Ethics Committee


Brazilian Oral Research reaffirms the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki and requires that all research involving human beings, in the case of publication in this journal, be conducted in accordance with these principles and others specified in the respective ethics committees of the authors' institution. In the case of animal studies, the same ethical principles must also be followed.

All studies carried out on humans or animals must be accompanied by a description in the 'Methods' section mentioning that the study has been approved by the Ethics Committees for Research with Humans or Animals of the institution indicated in the authors' affiliation, mentioning the protocol approval number. Authors must attach the approval statement from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research in the submission process.





BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH uses the Creative Commons (CC-BY) license, thus preserving the integrity of the articles in an open access environment. The journal allows the author to retain publication rights without restriction. The author grants the journal the right of first publication.



Intellectual property and terms of use


Responsibility of the website:

  • The publication reserves the right to make normative, orthographic, and grammatical changes to the originals in order to maintain the cultured standard of the language, while respecting the authors' style. The originals will not be returned to the authors.

Author's responsibility:

  • The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility.
  • Authors of articles published in BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided that the original work is correctly cited.
  • BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH journal encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation to the journal's website version is included.


Sponsors and Funding Agencies

  • Brazilian Society for Oral Research (SBPqO)
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ)







Associate Editors



National Editorial Board



International Editorial Board



Technical Team





Presentation of the manuscript


The manuscript text should be written in English and provided in a digital file compatible with “Microsoft Word” (in DOC, DOCX, or RTF format).

All figures (including those in layouts/combinations) must be provided in individual and separate files, according to recommendations described under the specific topic.

Photographs, micrographs, and radiographs should be provided in TIFF format, according to the recommendations described under the specific topic.

Charts, drawings, layouts, and other vector illustrations must be provided in a PDF format individually in separate files, according to the recommendations described under the specific topic.

Video files may be submitted as per the specifications, including the author’s anonymity (for purposes of evaluation) and respect for the patient’s rights.

Important: ScholarOne™ allows upload of a set of files up to 10 MB. In case the video file exceeds this size, it is possible to leave information about the link to access the video. The use of patients’ initials, names, and/or registry numbers is prohibited in the reproduction of clinical documentation. The identification of patients is prohibited. An informed consent statement, signed by the patient, concerning the use of his/her image should be provided by the author(s) when requested by BOR. The Copyright legislation in force must be respected and the source cited when the manuscript reproduces any previously published material (including texts, charts, tables, figures, or any other materials).

The sections of the manuscript must be presented observing the specific characteristics of each type of manuscript: cover sheet (Title Page), introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments and references.



Title page (compulsory data)

  • Indication of the themaic 11nti of the research focused on in the manuscript.
  • Thematic Areas: Anatomy; Basic Implantodontology and Biomaterials; Behavioral Sciences; Biochemistry; Cariology; Community Dental Health; Craniofacial Biology; Dental Materials; Dentistry; Endodontic Therapy; Forensic Dentistry; Geriatric Dentistry; Imaginology; Immunology; Implantodontology – Prosthetics; Implantodontology – Surgical; Infection Control; Microbiology; Mouth and Jaw Surgery; Occlusion; Oral Pathology; Orthodontics; Orthopedics; Pediatric Dentistry; Periodontics; Pharmacology; Physiology; Prosthesis; Pulp Biology; Social/Community Dentistry; Stomatology; Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction.
  • Informative and concise title, limited to a maximum of 110 characters, including ntity.
  • Full names of all authors, includinf their e-mail, and ORCID.
  • Authors are recommended to compare their names noted on the Title Page with the profile created in ScholarOne™, in order to avoid incompatibilities.
  • Institutional/professional affiliation data for all authors, including university or ntity in the original language, college/course in English, department in English, city, state and country. Only one affiliation per author is accepted. Check that affiliations have been entered correctly in ScholarOne™.


Main Text


Abstract: Must be presented as a single paragraph (without sub-divisions into sections), containing objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. In the System if applicable, use the Special characters tool for special characters.

Keywords: Ranging from 3 (three) to 5 (five) main descriptors should be provided, chosen from the keywords registered at (no synonyms will be accepted).

Introduction: This should present the relevance of the study, and its connection with other published works in the same line of research or field, identifying its limitations and possible biases. The objective of the study should be concisely presented at the end of this section.

Methodology: All the features of the material pertinent to the research subject should be provided (e.g., tissue samples or research subjects). The experimental, analytical, and statistical methods should be described in a concise manner, although in detail, sufficient to allow others to recreate the work. Data from manufacturers or suppliers of products, equipment, or software must be explicit when first mentioned in this section, as follows: manufacturer’s name, city, and country. The computer programs and statistical methods must also be specified. Unless the objective of the work is to compare products or specific systems, the trade names of techniques, as well as products, or scientific and clinical equipment should only be cited in the “Methodology” and “Acknowledgments” sections, according to each case. Generic names should be used in the remainder of the manuscript, including the title. Manuscripts containing radiographs, microradiographs, or SEM images, the following information must be included: radiation source, filters, and kV levels used. Manuscripts reporting studies on humans should include proof that the research was ethically conducted according to the Helsinki Declaration (World Medical Association). The approval protocol number issued by an Institutional Ethics Committee must be cited. Observational studies should follow the STROBE guidelines, and the check list must be submitted. Clinical Trials must be reported according to the CONSORT Statement standard protocol; systematic reviews and meta-analysis must follow the PRISMA, or Cochrane protocol.



Clinical Trials


Clinical Trials according to the CONSORT guidelines. The clinical trial registration number and the research registration name will be published along with the article.

Manuscripts reporting studies performed on animals must also include proof that the research was conducted in an ethical manner, and the approval protocol number issued by an Institutional Ethics Committee should be cited. In case the research contains a gene registration, before submission, the new gene sequences must be included in a public database, and the access number should be provided to BOR. The authors may use the following databases:

Manuscript submissions including microarray data must include the information recommended by the MIAME guidelines (Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment) and/or itemize how the experimental details were submitted to a publicly available database, such as:

Results: These should be presented in the same order as the experiment was performed, as described under the “Methodology” section. The most significant results should be described. Text, tables, and figures should not be repetitive. Statistically relevant results should be presented with enclosed corresponding p values.

Tables: must be numbered and cited consecutively in the main text, in Arabic numerals. Tables must be submitted separately from the text in DOC, DOCX, or format (they can be gathered in a single file).

Discussion: This must should discuss the study results in relation to the work hypothesis and relevant literature. It should describe the similarities and differences of the study in relation to similar studies found in literature, and provide explanations for the possible differences found. It must also identify the study’s limitations and make suggestions for future research.

Conclusions: must be presented in a concise manner and be strictly based on the results obtained in the research. Detailing of results, including numerical values, etc., must not be repeated.

Acknowledgments: Contributions by colleagues (technical assistance, critical comments, etc.) must be given, and any bond between authors and companies must be revealed. This section must describe the research funding source(s), including the corresponding process numbers.

References: Only publications from peer-reviewed journals will be accepted as references.

Reference citations must be identified in the text with superscript Arabic numerals. The complete reference list must be presented after the “Acknowledgments” section, and the references must be numbered and presented in Vancouver Style in compliance with the guidelines provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, as presented in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. The journal titles should be abbreviated according to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus. The authors shall bear full responsibility for the accuracy of their references.

Spelling of scientific terms: When first mentioned in the main text, scientific names (binomials of microbiological, zoological, and botanical nomenclature) must be written out in full, as well as the names of chemical compounds and elements.

Units of measurement: These must be presented according to the International System of Units ( or

Footnotes on the main text: These must be indicated by asterisks and restricted to the bare minimum.

Figures: Photographs, microradiographs, and radiographs must be at least 10 cm wide, have at least 500 dpi of resolution, and be provided in TIFF format. Charts, drawings, layouts, and other vector illustrations must be provided in a PDF format. All the figures must be submitted individually in separate files (Figure 1a, Figure 1b, Figure 2...) and not inserted into the text file. Figures must be numbered and consecutively cited in the main text in Arabic numerals. Figure legends should be inserted together at the end of the text, after the references.




Characteristics and layouts of types of manuscripts


Original Research

Limited to 30,000 characters including spaces (considering the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, tables, references, and figure legends). A maximum of 8 (eight) figures and 40 (forty) references will be accepted. The abstract can contain a maximum of 250 words.


  • Title Page
  • Main text (30,000 characters including spaces)
  • Abstract: a maximum of 250 words
  • Keywords: 3 (three)-5 (five) main descriptors
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References: maximum of 40 references
  • Figure legends
  • Figures: a maximum of 8 (eight) figures, as described above
  • Tables.

Short Communication

Limited to 10,000 characters including spaces (considering the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, tables, references, and figure legends). A maximum of 2 (two) figures and 12 (twelve) references will be allowed. The abstract can contain a maximum of 100 words.


  • Title page
  • Main text (10,000 characters including spaces)
  • Abstract: a maximum of 100 words
  • Descriptors: 3 (three)-5 (five) main descriptors
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References: a maximum of 12 references
  • Figure legends
  • Figures: a maximum of 2 (two) figures, as described above
  • Tables.

Critical Review of Literature

The submission of this type of manuscript will be performed only by invitation of the BOR Publishing Commission. All manuscripts will be submitted to peer-review. This type of manuscript must have a descriptive and discursive content, focusing on a comprehensive presentation and discussion of important and innovative scientific issues, with a limit of 30,000 characters including spaces (considering the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, tables, references, and figure legends). It must include a clear presentation of the scientific object, logical argumentation, a methodological and theoretical critical analysis of the studies, and a summarized conclusion. A maximum of 6 (six) figures and 50 (fifty) references is permitted. The abstract must contain a maximum of 250 words.


  • Title page
  • Main text (30,000 characters including spaces)
  • Abstract: a maximum of 250 words
  • Keywords: 3 (three)-5 (five) main descriptors
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References: maximum of 50 references
  • Figure legends
  • Figures: a maximum of 6 (six) figures, as described above
  • Tables.

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

While summarizing the results of original studies, quantitative or qualitative, this type of manuscript should answer a specific question, with a limit of 30,000 characters, including spaces, and follow the Cochrane format and style. The manuscript must report, in detail, the process of the search and retrieval of the original works, the selection criteria of the studies included in the review, and provide an abstract of the results obtained in the reviewed studies (with or without a meta-analysis approach). There is no limit to the number of references or figures. Tables and figures, if included, must present the features of the reviewed studies, the compared interventions, and the corresponding results, as well as those studies excluded from the review. Other tables and figures relevant to the review must be presented as previously described. The abstract can contain a maximum of 250 words.


  • Title page 
  • Main text (30,000 characters including spaces)
  • Abstract: a maximum of 250 words
  • Question formulation
  • Location of the studies
  • Critical Evaluation and Data Collection
  • Data analysis and presentation
  • Improvement 
  • Review update 
  • References: no limit on the number of references 
  • Figures: no limit on the number of figures
  • Tables.

Letter to the Editor

Letters must include evidence to support an opinion of the author(s) about the scientific or editorial content of the BOR, and must be limited to 500 words. No figures or tables are permitted.



"Checklist" for initial submission

  • Title page file (Title Page, in DOC, DOCX or RTF format).
  • Main text file (Main Document, manuscript), in DOC, DOCX or RTF format.
  • Tables, in DOC, DOCX or EXCELL format.
  • Figures: Photographs, micrographs and radiographs (minimum width of 10 cm and minimum resolution of 500 DPI) in TIFF format. ( Graphics, drawings, diagrams and other vector illustrations in PDF format. Each figure must be submitted in separate and individual files (not included in the text file).
  • Declaration of interests and funding, submitted in a separate document and in PDF format.


Examples of references



Bhutta ZA, Darmstadt GL, Hasan BS, Haws RA. Community-based interventions for improving perinatal and neonatal health outcomes in developing countries: a review of the evidence. Pediatrics. 2005;115(2 Suppl):519-617.

Mattos FF, Pordeus IA. COVID-19: a new turning point for dental practice. Braz Oral Res. 2020;34:e085.

Articles with title and text in a language other than English

Li YJ, He X, Liu LN, Lan YY, Wang AM, Wang YL. [Studies on chemical constituents in herb of Polygonum orientale]. Zhongguo Ahong Yao Za Zhi. 2005 Mar;30(6):444-6. Chinese.

Supplements or Special Editions

Pucca Junior GA, Lucena EHG, Cawahisa PT. Financing national policy on oral health in Brazil in the context of the Unified Health System. Braz Oral Res. 2010 Aug;24 Spec Iss 1:26-32.


Stedman TL. Stedman's medical dictionary: a vocabulary of medicine and its allied sciences, with pronunciations and derivations. 20th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1961.

Online Books

Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:

Websites New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Brasília, DF: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; 2010 [cited 2010 Nov 27]. Available from:

World Health Organization. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011 [cited 2011 Jan 17]. Available from:





Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica – SBPqO
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227, CEP: 05508-000 
São Paulo SP - Brazil, 
Tel. (55 11) 3044-2393/(55 11) 9-7557-1244 




Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica - SBPqO Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227, 05508-000 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel. (55 11) 3044-2393/(55 11) 9-7557-1244 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil