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About the journal




Cadernos EBAPE.BR is an online journal focused on the area of administration, maintained by the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE). Formerly known as Cadernos EBAP, it was launched in 1980 and is currently published bimonthly.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Cad. EBAPE.BR and should be used in footnotes, references, and bibliographic elements.



Editorial scope


The journal aims to promote the debate of relevant topics in administration and its editorial line is based on interdisciplinary and critical perspectives. The target audience includes practitioners, professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students in administration and related areas in Brazil and abroad.

Cadernos EBAPE.BR’s editorial line aims to create a free access platform for academic debate by publishing empirical research, theoretical essays, case studies, and bibliographic reviews. Published articles explore topics discussed in the field, privileging the debate and plurality of ontologies, epistemologies, methodologies, and theoretical approaches in organizational studies.



Intellectual property


The online journal Cadernos EBAPE.BR, currently classified as A2 by the evaluation system Qualis Capes, within its broad field Administration, Accounting, and Tourism, aims to promote the debate of relevant themes in the Administration field, based on interdisciplinary and critical perspectives, with the purpose of constituting a free access academic space by publishing qualified articles.

The editorial process of Cadernos EBAPE.BR, from manuscript submission to publication decision, involves several parties: author(s), editor, associate editors, editorial board, reviewers, and editorial staff – thus, complying with the ethical standards applied by the journal at all stages of the editorial process is mandatory.

Cadernos EBAPE.BR, as a journal with national and international reach, is grounded in the ethical practices provided for by the regulations of Committee on Publication Ethics  (COPE), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) – Criteria, policy, and procedures for admission and permanence of scientific journals in the SciELO Brazil Collection – and the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration(ANPAD) – Good practices of scientific publication – a manual for authors, reviewers, editors, and editorial board members, which set parameters for good editorial practices. Cadernos EBAPE.BR agrees and signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the FGV.

Each member of the journal’s Editorial Structure, while pursuing her/his duties, takes responsibilities based on ethical practices in relation to gender relations, religion, and politics, ensuring her/his neutrality throughout the editorial process.

Cadernos EBAPE.BR has a plan for electronic backup and preservation of access to the magazine's content, in case it is no longer published, the entire collection will be available at the FGV Repository of Journals and Magazines.


Ethical guidelines mandatory for authors:
The author(s) should observe the ethical and practical guidelines, under penalty of sanctions imposed by the editor and the editorial staff, which can suspend or revoke the publication privileges at any stage of the editorial process, as well as to request clarifications and/or further review of the article.
Ethical guidelines mandatory for the editorial board and reviewers:
The editorial board and the reviewers who work in the analysis of manuscripts selected for their assessment should be free of conflicts of interest related to the research and/or research funders, not acting at a personal level and observing proper conduct to present their arguments and recommendations to the author(s). They should accept for assessment only the manuscripts that fall into their field of practice/expertise, in order to ensure a coherent and relevant expert opinion.
Ethical guidelines mandatory for the editorial staff (Editor, Associate Editors, Editorial Department) and to the author (s):
The editorial staff should preserve the anonymity of everyone involved in the editorial process and have no conflicts of interest related to the rejection or approval of a manuscript throughout the editorial process.

  • Copyright

The content of submitted articles is the sole responsibility of the author(s).When submitting an article, the authors guarantee that there is no violation of copyright or any other right of third parties. Articles may be cited without prior authorization provided that the source is clearly identified. The journal follows the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0). This allows others to remix, adapt and build on from the originals for any purpose, even commercially, but they must acknowledge the source.

  • Plagiarism

Safeguarding the editorial ethics of the studies submitted and published, Cadernos EBAPE.BR uses the software for checking content similarity/plagiarism (Crossref Similarity Check). Also, it resorts to the collaboration of expert reviewers, who, during double blind review, notify the editorial staff about any significant similarity between the manuscript submitted and articles already published or simultaneously submitted to other journals, as well as other information deemed relevant.

  • Editorial transparency

Every stage of the editorial process, estimated deadlines, etc. are informed in the flowchart, available on the journal webpage for the internal and external audiences (editorial board, authors, readers). The annual statistical data may also be accessed by the journal’s regulation and classification agencies and the academic community as a whole.

  • Article originality

Articles, book reviews, and case studies & teaching cases submitted should be unpublished elsewhere, either in Brazil or overseas, and should not be under consideration for publication and/or published in any other journal or other media source, except for works presented in Proceedings of conferences. The content of submitted articles is the sole responsibility of the author(s). When submitting an article, the authors guarantee that there is no violation of copyright or any other right of third parties. Articles may be cited without prior authorization provided that the source is clearly identified.

  • Statement of Responsibility and Copyright

Before the official publication of the article on the journal webpage and indexers, the journal is responsible for sending the final version of the manuscript for approval of publication by the author(s), along with the nominal Statement of Responsibility and Copyright (institutional internal model), for signing and validation.

  • Retraction

The procedures adopted by Cadernos EBAPE.BR for filing and publishing errata, retractions, and expressions of concern are based on the standards provided by the indexer and publisher SciELO, which follow the guidelines of the main committees of scientific ethics, indexing, and publication. The main source within the journal field consists in the COPE’s retraction guidelines.



Classification and Indexing

  • Academic Keys
  • Canal Ciência
  • Clase
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
  • EconBib
  • Electronic Journals Library
  • EuroPub
  • Gale - Cengage Learning
  • GoogleScholar
  • LatAM-Studies
  • Latindex
  • Periódicos Capes
  • ProQuest
  • Qualis/Capes
  • Redalyc
  • Redib
  • Road
  • Science Library Index
  • Sherpa/Romeo
  • Spell
  • Ulrich's




This publication is financed by:






By Bianor S. Cavalcanti

Professor Marcelo Milano Falcão Vieira, the Editor of EBAPE's Electronic Review, decided to give it the suggestive title "Cadernos EBAPE.BR". The name chosen could hardly be more symbolic, as the earlier 'Cadernos' played a pioneering role in the history of the study of Administration in Brazil.

The School was founded in 1952, and as early as April 1954 Benedicto Silva inaugurated the series entitled CADERNOS DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA, which continued until 1971, by which time it was in its 82nd issue. This series of books of texts, dissertations and case studies specially elaborated for the research program on Brazilian Public Administration, a tribute to the accord between FGV and the Ford Foundation, was to a great extent responsible for the standard of material taught in this academic field, as it was then being established in the country. The purpose of the program was to enhance existing specialized bibliography with works that reflected the Brazilian experience and contains studies of the administrative scenario and problems of the time, thereby contributing to the development of a genuinely Brazilian doctrine and literature in the field of Administration. Many leading exponents and students contributed to the original series, as will be seen below.

Publication of Cadernos resumed in 1980, in a new series entitled CADERNOS EBAP, of which there were 127 issues, the last being in 2002. This series which was more modest in graphic and editorial terms sought to stimulate the circulation of ideas between professors and students of the School, as well as among members of the academic community in the area of administration and disseminate, on a preliminary basis and in a more restricted manner, academic works and others derived from consultancy work with public institutions and companies.

In any discussion of EBAPE's editorial programming, it is important to remember how the CADERNOS series was complemented by the Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), issued since 1967 and consolidated today among the academic and professional communities, as well as with the Revista Portuguesa e Brazileira de Gestão (RPBG), issued in partnership with INDEG/ISCTE of Lisbon since 2002.

Changing times and new technologies oblige us to accept a commitment to innovation in the context of the contemporary world, building a guaranteed stepping-stone to the future. Cadernos EBAPE.BR will undoubtedly affect notions of time and space, as well as terminology acquired in our past editorial experience. However, it is worth remembering that the spirit of Cadernos remains the same, namely to share our knowledge and remain involved in a silent, albeit valuable dialogue with the greatest possible number of readers dedicated to the topic of Administration.

By Marcelo Milano Falcão Vieira (editor-in-chief, 2003-2009)

In 2003, I received from the then Director of the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), Professor Bianor Scelza Cavalcanti, and the Head of the Academic Training and Research Center, Professor Deborah Moraes Zouain, the mission of creating a new journal. It wouldn't start from scratch. The intent was to revitalize the long-lasting Cadernos EBAPE, published in print edition and, although narrowly distributed, very useful for disseminating the School's scientific production.

This mission wasn't easy to accomplish. EBAPE already published Revista de Administração Pública (RAP) and, in partnership with ISCTE, in Lisbon, Revista Portuguesa e Brazileira de Gestão (RPBG). On the one hand, the new journal should have an editorial policy of its own, quite different from the then current EBAPE journals; on the other, it should provide the academic community within the field of administration in Brazil with something innovative. Thus, we decided to adopt a policy which clearly and explicitly gives privilege to theoretical essays and qualitative studies, since at that time our community was still heavily influenced by positivist and quantitative traditions, and, specifically with regard to the Organizational Studies, it was grounded on the Structural Contingency Theory.

The initiative was very well received in the academic community. The journal started with a few issues a year (three), but, from the very beginning, it published provocative papers, produced not only by Brazilian professors, but also by renowned foreign ones, both from the North and South. The journal's impact and acceptance in the academic community were soon realized by the small team of Cadernos EBAPE, constituted only by me, the Executive Secretary Vânia Mattos da Silva, and the Editorial Assistant Leonardo Darbilly, besides, of course, the Editorial Board, with whom I could always count on. In the beginnings of the journal, institutional support received from EBAPE and, later on, from CNPq was decisive. This support enabled the journal to go on, and it soon started to publish five issues a year.

In the subsequent years, with the increasing regulation and classification of Brazilian journals, we made efforts to include Cadernos EBAPE in indexing and classification bases, such as SciELO. In 2009, after six years as editor-in-chief, when the journal was fully consolidated and recognized by the academic community within the area, I passed the editorship to Ana Lucia Guedes, who continued the work done earlier and brought, as it should be, her own style as editor-in-chief, extending the Editorial Board, in a smooth and balanced transition.

It must be made clear that the journal has always been devoted to publish an autonomous knowledge production, with strong sociocultural relevance, and that, more than an EBAPE journal, it's a scientific journal belonging to the academic community within the area which is ruled by the accuracy and impartiality in the review and publication of the texts it receives.

By Prof. Ana Lucia Guedes (2010-2012)

In June 2009, I was asked by the editor-in-chief of Cadernos EBAPE.BR, Marcelo Milano Falcão, about my interest and readiness to take the journal editorship, in order to continue the work developed by him and his competent team, then in charge of Vânia Mattos da Silva.

I followed for a period of six months the allocation of agenda and prepared the editorials along with him, to ensure “a smooth and balanced transition”. Our commitment was keeping intact the editorial policy, something which I think I was able to fulfill during the term effectively exercised, between January 2010 and December 2012. The journal maintained its interdisciplinary and critical scope, merely adopting a thematic broadening in the contributions with a qualitative design, by publishing articles and essays with this nature addressing other realms and/or dimensions of Administration.

Throughout this term, however, Cadernos EBAPE.BR underwent deep changes in its editorial practices, aiming to increase the visibility and reputation of the journal within the academic community of Administration. Among the many dramatic moments, due to the transition to the online submission system of SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), on May 20, 2010, which aimed to provide the editorial process with transparency, and to the fact that the editorial team consisted of only one assistant, who worked part-time, I highlight the adoption of the controversial desk review procedure as the first step after submission. However, this measure enabled an increase in the quality of the editorial letters sent to authors.

In parallel, efforts aimed at the journal internationalization were intensified, with the renewal of the editorial board and the call for submission of articles in other languages. The review of the journal submission guidelines according to the Best Practices of ANPAD resulted in numerous manifestations, against and favorable, on the part of authors and members of the editorial board. Throughout this change process, the page which hosted Cadernos EBAPE.BR in Portal EBAPE/FGV was reviewed numerous times, guidelines were adopted for language and format reviewers and we adopted a new layout at the article pagination phase, in order to improve the electronic and printed versions. Another major challenge was the project for scanning, converting, and marking up 25 retrospective volumes of Cadernos EBAPE.BR, published between 2003 and 2009, for inclusion into the indexing basis of SciELO, attributing a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to them.

At the end of the term, we run the project for including the journal in a new host page (Digital Library of Portal FGV), aiming to use new tools in the process of submission, review, and publication of articles, provide readers and authors with easy access and registration, as well as to meet the specific requirements for further indexation. These commitments were fulfilled with institutional support received from Fundação Getulio Vargas and the publishing proposals funded by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).

The pleasurable side of the publishing activities is recorded in the supportive messages from authors, reviewers, and editors (associated and guests), but, also, in the preparation and publication of calls for papers for the thematic issues Echoes of LAEMOS (Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies) and Interfaces Público-Privado no Contexto Luso-Brazileiro, in 2010; Gestão Social: Ensino, Pesquisa e Prática and the special issue Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração, in 2011. The thematic issue Rio+20, in 2012, and the calls for the thematic issues Development-Management/Development&Management, in 2013, and Management Industry, with publication scheduled for March 2014. As part of the collective efforts, we encouraged contributions to the Opinion Section, in order to keep the privileged space for debate on themes relevant to the academic community of Administration.

It is important to record the creation of the positions of associate editors for the following areas: Alexandre Faria (Critical Studies); Alketa Peci (Organizational Studies); Francisco Giovanni Vieira (Marketing Studies); and Janann Joslin Medeiros (Strategy Studies). I am very grateful to all for sharing the editorial responsibility of Cadernos EBAPE.BR.

Finally, I record the support, collaboration, and patience of the associate and guest editors, the reviewers, the revisers (Angela Cristina da Silva, Evandro Lisboa Freire, Leila Seabra, Newmar Pereira, and Robert Stewart), and visual designers (Patrícia Gonçalves and Maristela Carneiro de Souza), with a special emphasis on Fabiana Braga Leal, hired, at last, as editorial assistant, in April 2012.




Editorial board





Associate editor



Editorial policy committee



Editorial board



Editorial Team


Editorial Assistant
Fabiana Braga Leal Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,,

Editorial Assist
Jackelyne de Oliveira da Silva – Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,,

Revision of the language and guidelines
Angela Cristina da Silva
Maristela Carneiro de Souza

Spanish Reviewer and Translator
Diana Holtz

English Reviewer and Translator
A2Z Serviços de Idiomas e Soluções em Gestão LTDA. ceb

Maristela Carneiro de Souza

Editorial Address
Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30 – 1th floor - Room 107
Code: 22231-010 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Phone: +55 (21) 3083-2731

Semiannual - in 2003.
Every four months - in 2004.
Quarterly - since 2005.
Bimonthly - 2022.




Instructions to authors


Preparation of manuscripts


The electronic journal Cadernos EBAPE.BR publishes scientific articles, book reviews, and case studies & teaching cases in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in accordance with the editorial policy.

The Cadernos EBAPE.BR do not charge any publishing fee (Article Processing Charges - APC), submission or publication rate of papers to the authors.

The Journal uses the similarity verification software of content (Crossref Similarity Check) in all papers submitted to the journal.

OPEN ACCESS POLICY (Open Journal Systems - OJS)
This site uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

Papers approved in Desk Review stage will be submitted to blind peer review evaluation being analyzed by at least two external referees blindly (without identification of authorship and reviewers). The Cadernos EBAPE.BR editorial flowchart is available on the link:

In order to expand its international audience, the journal Cadernos EBAPE.BR, from the issue v.16, n.1 (2018) on, will publish articles in two languages. The translation of the approved manuscripts is the responsibility of the authors:

  • Original in Portuguese - translated into English;
  • Original in English - translated into Portuguese;
  • Original in Spanish - translated into English.

Articles, book reviews, and case studies & teaching cases should be submitted in accordance with the following standardization guidelines:


Paper: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm).
Margins: upper: 3cm; lower: 2cm; right: 2cm; left: 3cm.
Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
Spacing: single (including titles, abstract, text, citations and references).
Paragraphs: justified alignment: flush left and right.

The text should have between 6.000 and 8.000 words, including abstracts, keywords, illustrations (tables, boxes, graphs, and others), references, notes, appendices, and Footnotes (avoid the use).

Since October 2020, Cadernos EBAPE.BR is adopting the American Psychological Association (APA) standard for citations and bibliographic references. The Guidelines of format is available at:


Title of the article: articles must contain the title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, the first one is the language of the paper; only the first word and proper names should start with a capital letter. On the next line, title translated into English and followed by the Spanish, if the article is in Portuguese. Article written in English must provide translation into Portuguese followed by the Spanish. Article written in Spanish must present English translation, followed by the Portuguese.

Resumo, abstract and resumen: Each one should contain no more than 250 words and present the purpose, approach, methodology, results and conclusions in a single paragraph in the corresponding language, following the same order of languages of the titles.

Palavras-chave, keywords and palabras clave: minimum of 3 and maximum of 5, beginning with a capital letter and separated by a full stop and in the same language as the article.

In the text: this should begin below the items outlined above, without page breaks. The conventional order of a theoretical and empirical scientific article should be an introduction, theoretical and reference framework, methodology, results and analysis, conclusion and references. Theoretical essays should be formatted in coherence with the approach adopted by the author.

Number of submissions: the editorial policy of Cadernos EBAPE.BR limits the number of submissions per author to two per year, irrespective of contribution to the authorship; modified versions of rejected articles are also not eligible for submission.

Number of authors: Since June 2020, the maximum number of authors per article is 4; no alterations to authorship are permitted (inclusion or substitution) after an online submission has been made. Requests to change authorship will result in the article being shelved.

Identification of authors and co-authors: submitted articles should not identify the author or co-authors. If it is possible to identify the author in the text or in the references, the article will be shelved.

The authors should be identified in a separate file containing the title of the work, the full name(s) of the author(s), the institution(s) with which they are connected, the position(s) they hold, an e-mail address and academic background. When a work has been written by more than one author, their names should be listed according to their contribution to the article.

Overlapping publication: the publication of two articles with considerable overlapping is not acceptable, even in different academic journals. Several publications with a single set of data can only be permitted: (a) if it is not possible to write a single article in a maximum of 30 pages; and (b) if the articles have different purposes and approaches. The editor must be informed upon submission if the article is in some form available online.

Originality of the article: articles and reviews submitted should be unpublished elsewhere, either in Brazil or overseas, and should not be under consideration for publication and/or published in any other journal or other media source, except for works presented in Proceedings of conferences.
The content of submitted articles is the sole responsibility of the author(s).When submitting an article, the authors guarantee that there is no violation of copyright or any other right of third parties. Articles may be cited without prior authorization provided that the source is clearly identified.

Articles will only be forwarded for blind review by members of the editorial committee if they fit in these submission rules and have been submitted through the online submission system. The same procedure applies for the submission of book reviews.

Book reviews: are critiques of national or international books and scientific publications or publications of scientific interest in the field of Administration. A review should summarize, analyze, compare and criticize  the work in question, thereby constituting a theoretical or scientific contribution to the field. In this sense, a review does not only mention the publication or existence of the work, but should offer some contribution either to the field or theme in question by way of critical analysis.

The first page should contain the title, names of the authors and publishing data of the reviewed work (location, publisher, year of publication, number of pages and ISBN) without identifying the author of the review. The review should be no longer than three pages and should include a scan of the book cover on the last page.

Case Studies & Teaching Cases: the documents must obey the same rules of submission of the journal regarding the minimum and maximum number of words and formatting/standardization. The work should be divided into two parts: one formed by the case itself and the other in which the teaching and/or research notes will be presented.

When an article, book review, and case studies & teaching cases is accepted for publication, the copyright (including translation rights) are ceded by the author(s) to Cadernos EBAPE.BR.



Sending of manuscripts


Articles, bookreviews, and case studies & teaching cases should be submitted using the online submission system a:



How to get your article published: a brief guideline


How to get your article published: a brief guideline

Considering that standards are high and getting published is not easy, we have set out these few tips on how to get published.

Why should you consider publication?

You have something relevant to say; i.e, your work is innovative and you will contribute to the theory filling a gap, or to building a better society or organization.

Why should you consider Cadernos EBAPE.BR?

Journals are not alike. So make sure that you submit your article to the right one. Thus ask yourself

  • Does my paper fit the journal’s aims, scope, and subject area?
  • What types of submission does the journal accept?
  • Who reads the journal? Will they be interested in my research?

For instance, Cadernos EBAPE.BR does accept both theoretical essays and empirical research, but, for instance, we are not dedicated to Public Administration. These topics may be used merely as a background for broader discussions.

Furthermore, make sure you have followed our guidelines (word limit, formatting). Should you have a question, go to guidelines or do not hesitate to contact us.

Is my article relevant?

If you are still not sure if your article is relevant; so ask yourself a few questions:

  • Who is going to be interested?
  • How does it build upon we already know?
  • What is the relevance of your research?
  • Are you sure about your findings?

High risk and low risk submissions

Our colleagues at Sage distinguish submissions as high or low risk. They understand that a high risk submission is a conversion of a big report or monograph. Do not misunderstand us, we are looking forward to reading your thesis or dissertation, but be sure that your artcile is not a cut and paste.

An article is also considered high risk:

  • When even part of it has already been published elsewhere;
  • When it is 30% under the word count (or above it);
  • And also, when it does not fall in line with the journal’s focus.

Said that, what would be considered a low-risk publication?

  • Papers written for the journal, so that it fits with our genre and scope;
  • A paper that engages with the debates;
  • One that refers to related publications.

What should I do to prepare my manuscript?

First, and above all, read the guidelines; furthermore

  • Double check if you have used APA referencing style;
  • Make sure you have stayed within the word limit;
  • Verify if you have formatted your article (tables, figures) correctly;
  • Ensure there are no identifying features in the text;
  • Improve the quality of the manuscript before submission (follow the conventions of academic writing);
  • Make sure your manuscript is complete and well-written;
  • Ensure that you have been granted permission for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the web);
  • Proofread your manuscript thrice before submitting;
  • Provide a cover letter to the editor: keep it short, notwithstanding, highlight the salient features of your article;
  • Consider including supplemental data, should it add value to the content;
  • Certify that you have adhered to all forms of publication ethics, including listing authors, acknowledgements, disclosure of any conflicts of interest and avoided all kinds of plagiarism.

Conventions of academic writing

  • Title: avoid long titles (ten words is a good limit);
  • Abstract: it must contain the research question, a brief research design (should it be the case), the findings and, above all, the implications of your research;
  • Introduction: it is a brief contextualization of the research, which must have a clear and compelling statement (research question), as well its purpose and relevance. The introduction must clearly emphasize the incremental contribution of your research and the originality, and briefly and clearly state its goal and motivation. It is also a good idea to explain how the article is structured;
  • Theoretical framework also called literature review is the base upon which hypothesis will be built (if it is the case), the state-of-the-art of the field and debates will be highlighted, and also the findings will be discussed and analyzed. You may use seminal articles, but  as a rule of thumb, we expect you to refer to articles published in high-impact journals in the past five years;
  • Research design is  the section in which the research protocol as well as the methodological procedures (how the data was collected and treated) are presented. This explanation must be clear so that it my allow the replication of the research. Your research design must be described in detail, explaining the methodological choices you adopted and why;  
  • Findings: using the method you have chosen, you must present the results of your research;
  • Discussion is  the section in which you confront your findings to the theoretical framework;
  • Implications: describe the contributions and impacts of your research to the field, society and organizations;
  • Conclusion: do not merely repeat results. In this section, it is a good idea to reinforce our constibutions, include directives of research, practice, and awareness of limitations. Do not go beyond the evidence.

"TEACHING CASES – guidelines for submission"

Cadernos EBAPE.BR’s Case Studies & Teaching Cases section aims to promote the production and use of teaching cases in administration, contributing to the dialogue among scientists and technological production, and the application of this teaching and learning methodology in undergraduate and graduate programs in business and public administration.

Teaching cases must present the following basic structure:

(a) Initial description of the context and problem (introducing the characters/actors involved, decision-making context, company situation, etc.);

(b) Background of the company object of the process under analysis (history, sector of activity, main products and/or markets, financial indicators, etc.);

(c) Detailed description of the context and problem;

(d) Conclusion of the case;

(e) Teaching notes and case application.

What happen next?

As all submissions are online, right after submitting your manuscript, you will receive and acknowledgment and reference number. Keep it! You will need this number to follow up on your manuscript.

First, we will check if your manuscript has followed all the guidelines.Then it is forwarded to the Associate Editor and the Editor-in-chief for desk review. There are two possible outcomes: your manuscript can be accepted and forwarded to double blind-review or rejected right away.

Desk reject occurs when the editors identify that the paper does not fit with the journal, in case of non adherence to the conventions of academic writing, poor presentation (grammatical errors, incorrect formatting), weak methods or literature base.


If the article is pre-approved by editors in the desk review, the percentage of similarity will be analyzed using the Crossref Similarity Check software (Anti-Plagiarism System). If the percentage is higher than expected by the editors, the article will be rejected or returned to the author(s), so those parts identified as similar to previous research can be rewritten.

A new similarity check will be carried out if the article is approved for publication.

After the reviewers have analyzed the paper, there are four possible outcomes:

  • Accept without change – which is extremely rare;
  • Minor revisions – these papers tend to be accepted, provided these adjustments are adhered to;
  • Major revisions – depending on the level of revisions, the paper may need to be resubmitted as a new manuscript (due to multiple factors);
  • Reject after review – which my occur in the first, second or even the third round. It may occur due to several reasons, such as writing style, flaws in the methodology, lack of discussion and implications, or even insufficient conclusions.

Handling revisions

  • First of  all, take your time and do not take it personal. Consider the editor’s and the revewers’ comments;
  • Follow  the timeframes requested for review;
  • Demonstrated what you have changed point by point (a good idea is to create a table: on the left-hand side replicate the reviewer’s comment and on the right-hand  side, what you have changed – or not – in your manuscript, and why);
  • If yo cannot meet all criticisms, point ou why;
  • Be polite, positive, and constructive;
  • Be aware that this reviewing interaction process may take two or three rounds.

Handling rejections

  • We know it is frustrating, but do not overeact for criticism is there to enhance;
  • Carefully read the referees’ reports and the editor’s letter;
  • Aim to understand why your manuscript was rejected: did you submit to the right journal?Is the research fundamental? Any specific problem?
  • Try and rework the paper.

What happens once your paper is accepted?

Once your paper is accepted for publication, it will be forwarded to the production team for processing. You will have to sign a contributor agreement form “Statement of Responsibility and Copyright”.

The article will be added to a waiting list or directed to a specific edition. The article must be revised to meet the language standards and must follow the journal’s formatting rules. Following the journal’s guidelines regarding the language of submission, the authors are responsible for sending translated versions (English, Portuguese, or Spanish), choosing service providers, and paying the related costs. Before being published, a new verification of similarities (anti-plagiarism) will be applied, followed by layout verification and validation by the author(s).

Promoting your publication

Social media aids discoverability of your research and allows users to engage with your publication. It allows for a two-way conversation raher than one-way communication.

Good luck and count on us!

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30 - sala 107, 22231-010 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil, Tel.: (21) 3083-2731 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil