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(Updated: 2024/08/20)



Brief Background


Created in 1971, the journal Estudos Econômicos is a publication of the Department of Economics of the School of Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, and Actuarial Science (FEA) at the University of São Paulo (USP).

It publishes original, unpublished works with contributions in any area of Economics. The articles can be written in English or Portuguese.

The article evaluation process follows the double-blind review practice, in which specialized ad hoc reviewers are unaware of the authors' identities and the authors do not know who is reviewing their articles.

The journal's editorial policy strictly adheres to criteria of academic excellence and is committed to the plurality of ideas, theories, and methods.

The Editorial Board is composed of researchers with recognized expertise in their respective areas of specialization, affiliated with renowned academic institutions from Brazil and abroad. The journal has twelve associate editors responsible for specific areas, also affiliated with a diverse set of institutions.

In the CAPES Qualis ranking, the journal is classified in the highest tier (A1).

The publication frequency has been quarterly since the journal's inception.



Open Science Compliance 


The journal is committed to the principles of Open Science—transparency, sharing, collaboration, and inclusiveness in scientific research. It adopts the Gold Open Access model, freely providing the published online version of the articles while safeguarding the authors' rights to their work. Among other practices, the journal requires the citation, referencing, and declaration of the data used in the research; it encourages the sharing of data, protocols, materials, and software codes used; it allows and promotes the submission of articles deposited in well-known preprint servers—such as SciELO Preprints and IDEAS-RePEc (Research Papers in Economics); it aligns with informed peer review, where the name of the editor responsible for the evaluation process is included in the final published version of the article, and offers reviewers and authors the option to have their identities disclosed; it publishes the specific contribution of each co-author in multi-author articles; it adheres to the code of good practices for editors; and it uses social media to disseminate the published works.

At the time of submission, authors should be aware of the journal's compliance with Open Science communication practices, as stated at the link. In the case of publishing the reviews that supported the decision to accept the article, the journal's editorial board may edit them.



Focus and Scope


The journal aims to promote the production of knowledge in Economics based on standards of academic excellence, as well as to disseminate this knowledge. To pursue this objective, the evaluation process adopts rigorous procedures to ensure the selection of original articles with relevant contributions on any economic topic. This process is conducted by a chief editor and 12 specialized associate editors, assisted by members of the editorial board and qualified reviewers. In addition to research articles, the journal publishes book reviews, technical notes, and documents of academic interest in the field of Economics.

The editorial policy strictly observes the plurality of ideas, theories, and methodologies shared by the academic community of economists. The evaluation focuses exclusively on the academic quality attributes of the articles—such as the delineation of the investigated issue, its contextualization in the literature, methodological rigor, the verifiable and reproducible production of evidence, logical argumentation, inference substantiation, and concise writing, without ambiguities, and in accordance with grammatical norms.



Digital Preservation 


The articles are preserved in the Digital Libraries and Collections Agency of the University of São Paulo (ABCD-USP) and in the Digital Preservation Policy program of the SciELO Program.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Journal Information 

  • Journal Title: Estudos Econômicos
  • Abbreviated Title to be used in bibliographies, footnotes, captions, and bibliographic references: Estud. Econ.
  • Affiliation: Department of Economics, School of Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, and Actuarial Sciences, University of São Paulo
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Publication Mode: Continuous
  • Year of Creation: 1971






The journal accepts and encourages the submission of articles previously deposited in recognized preprint servers, such as SciELO Preprints and IDEAS​-RePEc.

Adhering to Open Science practices, the journal accepts as original and unpublished articles available in preprint repositories.



Peer Review Process


The peer review process constitutes one of the journal’s pillars that underpin the selection and improvement of articles with original contributions, allowing qualified reviewers to assist in the editorial decision-making and provide authors with insights, suggestions, and critiques to enhance the article.

The evaluation includes a preliminary stage (desk review) in which the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editor of the area examine whether the article meets the formal and quality content requirements shared by the academic community and whether it fits the editorial line of the journal. If these prerequisites are not met, the article is rejected (desk rejection). If the article meets these requirements, it proceeds to the peer review stage by ad hoc reviewers, through the double-blind review system, where the authors' identities are not disclosed to the reviewers, nor are the reviewers' identities known to the authors.

At the time of article submission, if the authors authorize it, their identification can be provided to the reviewers. Similarly, with the authorization of the reviewers when they accept the collaboration request, their identities can be disclosed.

In the first issue of the journal in the subsequent year to the evaluations, an acknowledgment to the reviewers is published, followed by a list with their names. If requested by the reviewers, the journal provides a collaboration statement. Reviewers can also verify their collaboration on Publons.

Each published article credits in the text the contribution of the editor who conducted the evaluation process.



Data access and sharing policy in accordance with Open Science


In line with the purpose of Open Science of observing transparent, shared, collaborative, and inclusive scientific practices, the journal adopts the policy of open access to articles, the code of good practices for editors, and the use of social networks for the dissemination of accepted articles for publication.

To ensure transparency and the conditions for reproducibility and scrutiny by the academic community of the procedures that authors followed in their research, especially in evidence production, the journal requires the detailed description of these procedures and the necessary references for access to relevant content. Additionally, it encourages sharing research data, instruments, statistical software codes, algorithms, and additional materials in open online repositories, and guides that corresponding access links be reported in the articles (SciELO provides a list of recommended repositories).

Starting in 2025, the journal will adopt the CRediT taxonomy, whereby each author of a multi-authored article accepted for publication must specify their contribution in a form.



Policy for charging submission or publication fees


The journal does not charge submission or publication fees. However, it requires authors, who benefit from the journal's evaluation and publication services, to collaborate as reviewers.



Ethical violations and misconduct prevention policies


The journal ensures the integrity and compliance with ethical standards and good academic conduct of its publications through protocols to identify and prevent inappropriate research procedures or ethical violations—such as plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data, manipulation of citations, lack of relevant authorizations, or any types of discriminatory behaviors.

It adopts the practices’ recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), established in the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, including those related to the use of artificial intelligence. It also adheres to the guidelines of the "SciELO Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publishing" and the "Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publishing".

Editors are instructed to investigate any ethical concerns or allegations of misconduct that may cast doubt on the integrity and fairness of the evaluation process and publications. If the suspicions are substantiated, it is the editors' responsibility to take appropriate action, in accordance with the COPE - Retraction Guidelines—such as publishing corrections, clarifications, statements of concern, and retractions. If necessary, the case may be referred to higher authorities.

To detect and prevent plagiarism and ideas with improperly credited authorship and ensure the originality of publications, each submission undergoes text similarity verification using the Ithenticate Similarity Check platform, operated by Crossref.

If the research involves procedures with human subjects or uses data sensitive to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution to which they are affiliated.

In matters related to sex and gender conduct in research, the journal recommends adherence to the guidelines of SAGER (Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER). The journal has been pursuing gender equity in the formation of its editorial board.



Policy regarding conflicts of interest


Authors, editors, and reviewers must report conflicts of interest that may potentially raise suspicion of impartiality in the evaluation of articles.

Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest with individuals and entities that have the potential to raise suspicion of bias in the research results.

In the case of reviewers, upon receiving the review request, they must inform the editor of any ties of any nature with the authors (e.g., advisor/advisee or participation in research projects) or any pecuniary or commercial interest in the underlying research.

Editors should refrain from managing the article evaluation process for authors affiliated with their corresponding department or with whom they may have academic or financial benefits.

In the event of a conflict of interest with the author of an assigned article, the associate editor must declare themselves disqualified.

Starting in 2025, the journal will not publish articles authored by its own editors.





The journal adopts the Creative Commons CC-BY license, whereby authors grant it the right of first publication, but retain the rights to their published works.



Content Use License


In accordance with the SciELO Criteria for Copyright, the journal adopts the Creative Commons CC-BY license, which allows for the full or partial republication of content and the distribution of articles with the sole restriction that the original publication is cited. Thus, the journal holds the right of first publication, and the authors retain the copyright of the published works in an open access environment, fostering the wide dissemination of scientific knowledge.

There are no restrictions for authors to publish accepted articles on personal blogs and social media accounts, institutional repositories, and academic social media platforms as long as they cite the original version published on the journal's website.



Responsibility for published content


Authors bear sole responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal, as well as for obtaining the necessary permissions for reusing any copyrighted materials and ideas in their articles.

Duties of Editors

  • Editors must adhere to the journal's policies and current legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
  • Transparency and respect: editors must evaluate submitted manuscripts without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, ideology, or political beliefs of the authors.
  • Confidentiality and editorial responsibility: editors must treat articles as confidential documents and commit to preserving the anonymity of authors and reviewers. They may disclose information about articles only to reviewers and members of the Editorial Board when necessary for editorial decisions.
  • Conflict of interest: editors must disqualify themselves from evaluating a manuscript if they have institutional or personal ties with the author, or rivalries that may raise suspicion about the integrity of the evaluation process, in which case another editor must be appointed.
  • Collaboration in internal investigations: editors must take appropriate measures when there are any ethical concerns regarding submitted or published articles.

Duties of Reviewers

  • Confidentiality: manuscripts must be treated confidentially and cannot be shared or discussed with third parties. Reviewers must keep confidential any information or ideas obtained from reading the manuscripts and cannot use them for personal gain or for the benefit of third parties.
  • Conflict of interest: Reviewers must inform the Editor if they have personal or institutional ties with the author, or rivalries that may raise suspicions about the integrity of the evaluation process. In this case, another reviewer must be appointed.
  • Literature review: Reviewers should strive to identify relevant works that were not cited by the authors, as well as any similarities or overlaps between the manuscript and other articles they are aware of.

Duties of Authors

  • Originality and plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their works are original, and any form of plagiarism is considered unethical and unacceptable.
  • In accordance with Open Science, authors may authorize the disclosure of their identity to reviewers at the time of article submission. Similarly, reviewers may authorize the disclosure of their identity after the editorial decision.
  • Authorship of the work should be limited to those who have made substantial contributions to its conception and development. If the article is accepted for publication, only the authors registered at the time of submission are considered. The corresponding author must ensure the inclusion of the names of all co-authors who have effectively contributed to the research resulting in the article, ensuring that all co-authors agree to the submission for publication and approve the final version of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts that do not present substantive contributions compared to already published articles should not be submitted.
  • Authors must properly cite all works that contributed to the manuscript, explicitly acknowledging the authorship of other people’s ideas. Such delineation is an ethical imperative respecting the ownership of ideas pursued by the journal. Information obtained from conversations, correspondences, or discussions should be used only with explicit permission from the source.
  • If authors identify errors or inaccuracies after the publication of their work, it is their responsibility to inform the editors and collaborate in the correction.
  • Given the high number of submissions and the limited availability of potential qualified reviewers willing to cooperate, the journal adopts the policy that authors who benefit from it must commit to collaborating as reviewers.
  • The opinions expressed by the authors are solely their responsibility.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions to reuse copyrighted materials in their manuscript or for any applicable regulations or for the use of trademarks and generic and commercial names.


Financial Support


The Library and Digital Collections Agency (ABCD), of the University of São Paulo, has been a regular source of funding for the journal. Every year, the journal submits a project to ABCD’s financial aid announcement. The journal also seeks financial support from CNPq, whenever this agency launches announcements. Occasionally, it receives financial support from the Institute of Economic Research Foundation (FIPE).








Editorial committee



Associate Editors



Technical Team



  • Rutinéia Farias Ribeiro, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, S.P, Brasil, Email:

Proofreading in Portuguese

  • Luan Michel Soares Pereira, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, S.P, Email:

Text layout

  • Ismael Belmiro do Rosário, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, S.P, Email:




The journal accepts original articles, reviews, technical notes, documents and reports of academic interest for submission. The submitted article must not have been published and must not be under review in another national or foreign journal.





With the aim of fostering wide discussion of articles and subjecting them to scrutiny by the academic community before potentially being published, the journal accepts the submission of articles previously deposited in recognized preprint servers, such as SciELO Preprints and IDEAS/RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).

In line with the practice of Open Science, the journal considers that the dissemination of articles in preprint repositories does not violate the requirements of novelty and originality.

Articles published in proceedings of scientific meetings – such as congresses, seminars, and symposiums – are also eligible for submission.

All submissions – initial and subsequent versions after rounds of evaluation – must be made only in PDF format and without author identification in the body of the text and in the title and properties of the documents.

The names and information (ORCID, email, and affiliations) of all authors must also be entered into the journal system at the time of submission.

Submissions that exceed the page limit and formatting rules, as defined in the "Author Guidelines" section, will not be accepted for evaluation.

Failure to comply with any of these conditions leads to automatic rejection of the article.

In addition to the main document containing the article without author identification, a PDF file with the cover page of the article must be attached, containing the following information: article title (in Portuguese and English), author(s) name(s) and respective affiliations and positions, abstract and abstract, keywords and keywords, and three JEL classification codes.

Resumo (abstract in Portuguese) and abstract, palavras-chave (keywords in Portuguese) and keywords, and three JEL classification codes should also appear in the file without identification along with the main text.

Authors with articles under review or in the publication process in the journal cannot make a second submission, even in co-authorship. If this happens, the second submission is automatically rejected.



Article Submission Format


The submitted manuscripts must have a maximum length of 30 pages with 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font size 12, and a minimum margin of 2.5 cm.

They must include in English and Portuguese: the title, an abstract of 100 to 150 words, 3 to 5 keywords, and three JEL classification codes.

The pages must be numbered.

Mathematical formulas developed by the authors themselves must be shown in an appendix.



Digital Assets


Texts must be presented in PDF format (Acrobat Reader).

Tables should be presented in WORD and Excel formats, with captions and complete sources.

Graphs should be presented in Excel format, with captions and complete sources



Citations and References


The journal adopts the Chicago citation style. Citations in the text of the article should identify the sources by reporting only the author's last name and the year of the work in parentheses, without a comma between them. If appropriate, add page numbers after a comma.

"There are many reasons why students panic when assignments are due. For instance, they may not understand the task (Noggin and Noddin 2015, 16–17). Or perhaps they have missed too many classes (Stickler 2013, 112)."

The complete citation of sources should appear in the reference list, presented at the end of the text. The list should follow the alphabetical order of authors' surname and should include only the works cited in the text. In the citation in the list, it should be used a period after the author, after the date, and after the title.


Campos, Rodger Barros Antunes, and Carlos Roberto Azzoni. 2024. "Estimating the Intra-Urban Wage Premium for a Metropolitan Region in a Developing Country." Estudos Econômicos 54 (1): 7-34.

Mourão, Gustavo Nunes, and Eduardo Angeli. 2024. "The Constitutional Economics of James M. Buchanan: The Transmission of Ideas from Political Economy and Social Contract Philosophy through the Italian Tradition of Public Finance." Estudos Econômicos 54 (1): 35-60.



Submission platform


Submissions must be made at this address.

Each article published in the journal has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which identifies it and ensures permanent accessibility on the internet.



Primary Contact


Departamento de Economia, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP)

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 - FEA 01 - Cidade Universitária, CEP: 05508-010 São Paulo/SP – Brasil


Phone: (55 11) 3091-5803/5947




Departamento de Economia; Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP) Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 - FEA 01 - Cid. Universitária, CEP: 05508-010, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-5803/5947 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil