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(Updated: 2024/07/19)



Brief Background


The first issue of Manuscrito appeared in October 1977 published by the then just created Center for Logic and Epistemology (CLE-UNICAMP) and was meant to reflect the state of the art in logic, epistemology, and philosophy of science. With time the journal acquired a broader interest so as to include many other topics of philosophy (especially within the analytic tradition) and history of philosophy. The journal’s longevity (47 years of uninterrupted publishing completed in 2024) and the originality of the articles published attest to its uniqueness in relation to other academic journals in Latin America.



Open Science Compliance


Manuscrito follows the Gold Open Access model and adopts practices in line with open science guidelines, such as the open access policy, the code of good practices for publishers and the use of social networks to disseminate published works. In addition, the journal requires the precise indication of the role of each of the authors in papers with multiple authorship. See the Open Science Compliance Form for more details of our policy in this field.



Ethics in Publication


Manuscrito is in line with the current norms of good practice and moral conduct by everyone involved in the publication process (authors, referees, editors). Prevention of malpractice is also a crucial responsibility of the editor and the editorial team. We adopt the COPE guide to ethics on publication. The detection of any form of unethical behavior or plagiarism will prevent publication in Manuscrito. Authors submitting articles must declare that the content is entirely original and has not been published or is under review/evaluation in any other journal.



Focus and Scope


Although it tends to focus on general topics of analytic philosophy broadly conceived, Manuscrito also welcomes contribution in the history of philosophy and in neighboring fields such as psychology, computer science, etc., as long as they have a clear philosophical interest. The journal’s purpose is to reflect the progress of philosophy as a whole and to increase the exchange of ideas and arguments between different contemporary research centers. The main areas of interest are philosophy of language, philosophy of the formal sciences, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and history of philosophy.



Digital Preservation


Manuscrito follows the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policicy. The articles are also preserved at the State University of Campinas Libraries System.



Indexing Sources


Manuscrito is indexed in:

  • The Philosophers Index
  • Qualis/CAPES
  • Répertoire Bibliographique de La Philosophie
  • Ulrich's International Periodicals
  • Web of Science
  • Scopus
  • DOAJ


Bibliographic Journal Information


Journal Title: Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy 
Short title: Manuscrito
Publication of: State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Frequency: Quarterly
Publication type: Continuous publication
Year of Journal Creation: 1977



Websites and Social Media


Blog: SciELO in Perspective







Manuscrito publishes only original articles (i.e., that have not appeared in other journals, books, etc.) on relevant issues in the international panorama of philosophy and that have gone through the double-blind refereeing process. However, the journal also has a section reserved for critical reviews and book symposia of selected books. Manuscrito does not publish translations of already published works.





Only fully original articles or reviews are considered for publication in Manuscrito. However, preprints deposited in the SciELO Preprints platform may also be considered, although this might hinder the full anonymity of the article in the evaluation process. Preprints from other platforms will be considered case by case.



Peer Review Process


Articles submitted for publication in Manuscrito are selected in two steps. First, they are read and carefully considered by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors who decide about the relevance and suitability for the journals’ editorial line. Second, articles selected in the first step go through double blind refereeing process. After considering the referees’ reports, the Associate Editors, together with the Editor-in-Chief might decide for:

  • Acceptance
  • Major Revisions
  • Minor Revisions
  • Revise and Resubmit
  • Rejection

If major or minor revisions are required, authors are invited to present a revised version within a deadline, which will again be sent to the same referees for a new evaluation. 

Manuscrito adopts double blind refereeing as its default praxis. However, upon explicit request (to be included in the letter to the editor in the submission system), the authors’ identity may be disclosed in the evaluation process (i.e., be available to the referees). The same applies to the referees: upon explicit request, a referee’s identity might be disclosed to the authors, and credits to a named referee might appear in the published version of the paper.



Open Data


Manuscrito encourages the sharing of information and data collected during the research process for a paper (if applicable). For more detail regarding the procedures, see the Guide to promoting the opening, transparency and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals.





No fees are charged in any stage of the publication.



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


We adopt the COPE guide to ethics on publication, as well as any issue concerning retractation and disclaimers. Corrections in published articles that do not affect their content might be made in the form of errata in accordance with the SciELO guidelines for Erratas.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


Authors must inform any existing or potential conflict of interest of any kind (financial, academic, etc.) in the letter to the editor required by the editorial submission system ScholarOne. For additional information, see the Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.



Adoption of similarity software


All submitted articles go through Similarity Check with Crossref using the Turnitin system before the evaluation process starts. If any form of plagiarism is detected, the article is immediately rejected (except in cases of preprints mentioned above).



Gender and Sex Issues


Manuscrito’s editorial board and authors must observe the guidelines about Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER. The journal strives to reach and maintain equity in the editorial board, as well as in the gender of the referees consulted and in the accepted articles.



Ethics Committee


Submitting authors must attach a statement of approval by an appropriate ethics committee if the research in any way involves experiments with human beings or any kind of sensitive information.





In line with the DOAJ guidelines and Creative Commons Attribution license, authors retain the copyrights of the published articles in Manuscrito and the journal has the copyright of the first publication. Any later reprints must fully mention the original publications in Manuscrito.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Authors are fully responsible for the content of published articles, and the editors are fully responsible for the norms and editorial policy of Manuscrito, as well as for the information disclosed in the journal’s webpage. All contents published by Manuscrito are licensed by the CC-BY.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies


Manuscrito is supported by:









Associate Editors



Editorial Board

  • James G. Lennox, Pittsburg State University (PSU), Pittsburg, PA, USA. 
  • Guillermo Rosado-Haddock, University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras (UPR-RP), San Juan, Puerto Rico. 
  • John R. Searle, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA, USA. 


Technical team






Types of Documents Accepted


Manuscrito publishes only original articles (i.e., that have not already appeared in print before) and that are not simultaneously submitted to other journals. However, the journal also has a section reserved for critical reviews (also original) of selected books. Symposia of recent books are also welcome.



Authors' Contribution


Manuscrito adopts the taxonomy CREDiT of modalities of participation (if any of the authors has any form of participation other than co-authorship). The modality of participation (if other than co-authorship) must be specified in the letter to the editor required by our submission system.



Manuscript Preparation


Only original articles written in English and that are not simultaneously submitted to other journals are considered for publication. The submitted version must be entirely anonymous, with no information about the author’s affiliation, previous publications, acknowledgements, etc. (This information can be added later if the paper is accepted for publication.)



Article Submission Format


Submitted articles must be written in clear English. They must be in editable format (Word or Latex). There is no word limit, although articles might be judged as too short or too long by the referees depending on the topic, development of the main arguments, etc.

Submissions must be made through Manuscrito’s ScholarOne system, and provide the following information (in the corresponding fields of the system):

  • Full name and affiliation of all authors, with full information about the corresponding institution (name, address, country, state and city);
  • Indication of the corresponding author, with contact information (address, email, etc.);
  • No less than three and no more than five keywords;
  • ORCID of all authors;
  • Information concerning existing or potential conflict of interests;
  • Information concerning agencies or other sources of support;
  • Declaration informing the approval by an ethics committee (if applicable).

All accepted articles will receive a DOI.



Digital Assets


Tables, figures, illustrations, graphs and drawings must be inserted in the text, and preferably numbered or tagged to facilitate reference inside the text. We also request that the material be sent, preferably in PNG format, to ensure the resolution quality of the images. If necessary, additional files must be provided (e.g., the bibliography of tex. files).



Citations and References


Norms of Style:

Manuscrito adopts the APA convention for citations and references.

References: All works quoted in the text should be listed at the end of the article, according to the following sample:

BURGE, T. "Belief De Re". Journal of Philosophy, LXXIV, pp. 338-62, 1977.

KRIPKE, S. Naming and Necessity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980.

MADDY, P. "Mathematical epistemology: what is the question?". Monist, 67, pp. 46-55, 1984a.

MADDY, P. "How the causal theorist follows a rule". Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 9, pp. 457-77, 1984b.

ROBERTSON, D. "A skeptical puzzle for for belief-reports". Forthcoming in Synthese.
YOURGRAU, P. (ed). Demonstratives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Details about translations, editions, reprints, etc., should be mentioned:

KANT, I. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Second edition. Riga: Johann Freidrich Hartknoch, 1787. Transl. by N. Kemp Smith, London: Macmillan, 1929.

For reprinted works, the details about the original edition should be given, but the pages can be just those of the reprinted edition:

PUTNAM, H. "Mathematics without foundations". The Journal of Philosophy, LXIV, I, 1967. Repr. in H. Putnam (1979), pp. 43-59.

Books containing articles are cited separately:

HAAPARANTA, L., HINTIKKA, J. Frege Synthesized. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Co., 1986.

VAN HEIJENOORT, J. "Frege on Vagueness". In L. Haaparanta and J. Hintikka (eds.) (1986), pp. 31-45.

Please follow carefully the punctuation convention in the samples above, and be as complete as possible regarding the facts of publication.

Quotations: The author (date) convention should be used for quotations internal to the text:

"See Quine (1948), Devitt (1980), Lewis (1983)."

"...with H. P. Grice's conceptual creature construction (1975)."

Further details follow a coma after the date, as in:

Putnam (1964, p. 1) claims that a new philosophy of science is being constructed.

As Carston (1988, pp. 161-2) has argued...

According to Frege (1884, § 62), numbers can be defined by abstraction.

Frege's second definition of number (1884, §§ 62-4) failed for other reasons.

Footnotes should not be used for normal quotations; these shoud be incorporated in the text, using the author (date) convention. For all articles or books quoted, the date used in the text should be the one of the original publication, and not the one of the reprint, even if the page references are to the reprint. Thus, an author referring to Putnam's "Mathematics without foundations" (originally published in 1967), using the second reprinted edition in Putnam's book Mathematics, Matter and Method (published in 1979) would quote from the first page of the article in the following way: "(Putnam 1967, p. 43)".

Short quotations may appear just enclosed in double quotation marks. Longer quotations should appear as indented material, preceded and succeeded by a line space, and should not be enclosed in quotation marks. The information about the source of the reference should appear as part of the indented material, after the full stop, according to the following sample:

This, I think, is characteristic of metaphysics, or at least of that part of metaphysics called ontology: one who regards a statement on this subject as true at all must regard it as trivially true. One's ontology is basic to the conceptual scheme by which he interprets all experiences, even the most commonplace ones. (Quine 1953, p. 10)

Quotation of Classical Works: For classical works, authors might prefer to use an abbreviation instead of the date. For example, an author referring to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason could write "According to Kant (CPR, B 43)..." or "According to Kant (KrV, B 43)...". The abbreviation used should be mentioned in the reference section at the end, as in

KANT, I. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. (KrV) Second edition. Riga: Johann Freidrich Hartknoch, 1787. Transl. By N. Kemp Smith, London: Macmillan, 1929.

Classical articles might be quoted by their name, enclosed in quotation marks:

Frege draws in "The Thought" a famous comparison between logic and ethics.

Quotation marks: Single quotation marks should be used for mentioning a word or symbol, as in

By 'Cicero'I shall mean the man who denounced Catiline; and that's what the reference of 'Cicero' will be.

For mentioning an expression within anoter one that is already enclosed in single quotation marks, please use double quotation marks as in

If one was determining the referent of a name like 'Glunk' to himself and made the following decision, 'I shall use the term "Glunk" to refer to the man I call "Glunk"', this would get one nowhere.

Otherwise, double quotation marks should be used only for quoting, or to suggest special usage (irony, etc).

Footnotes: For notes, please use footnotes (numbered with arabic numerals), and not endnotes. Quotations within footnotes follow the same conventions above.

Acknowledgement footnote: If the author decides to include an acknowledgement footnote, this should be referenced at the title, indicated with an '*' (i.e., not numbered).

Logical symbolism: Variables, predicate letters, Greek characters, etc. should be italicized.

Foreign words: Foreign words (to the language in which the article is written, of course) should be italicized.



Supplementary Documents


If the submitted article involves experiments with human beings or any kind of sensitive information, authors must upload a statement of approval by the corresponding ethics committee.



Financing Statement


Manuscrito charges no fees in any stage of the publication. We are entirely supported by state research agencies.



Additional Information


The Editorial Team strives to keep the time of evaluation of submitted papers as short as possible. It usually takes in average 90 days, although the time may be longer depending on the referees’ availability and on the depth of required changes. After acceptance, it takes only a few weeks for appearance, since Manuscrito adopts continuous publication.





UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência

Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 251, CEP: 13083-859
Campinas, SP, Brasil
Tel.: (55 19) 3521-6523, Fax: (55 19) 3289-3269




UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 251, 13083-859 Campinas-SP, Tel: (55 19) 3521 6523, Fax: (55 19) 3289 3269 - Campinas - SP - Brazil