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(Updated: 2024/07/10)

About the journal


Basic information


Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira - Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research (, is a bilingual journal in the form of continuous publication edited by the Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal (CBPA), in partnership with the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The Journal publishes original works of scientific contribution in broad sense pathology in the area of (1) Livestock Diseases, (2) Small Animal Diseases, and (3) Wildlife Medicine.

The abbreviated title of Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira is Pesq. Vet. Bras.



Indexing sources


The journal is indexed and/or abstracted  by:

  • SciELO- Scientific Electronic Library Online;
  • ISI/Thomson Reuters, in its products Science Citation Index Expanded and BIOSIS Previews;
  • CABI, in its key-databases CAB Abstracts and Global Health, and in several derived databases, such as:
  • Animal Science Database and VetMedResources (for the internet),
  • Index Veterinarius and Veterinary Science Database (abstract databases),
  • Veterinary Bulletin (printed),
  • DOAJ-Directory of Open Access Journals.

In preparing the originals, the authors must follow de journal's presentation guidelines, explained in the "Submission Guidelines" on the journal's website, option "Submit your article", and in Papers submitted  will be accepted for publication through peer review.





The Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal receives financial support for the publication of the journal through:

  • Programa de Apoio a Publicações Científicas of the Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq),
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) 
  • Patrocínio do Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária (CFMV)


Intellectual Property

  All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution type BY.  


Editorial Board


Editorial board



Managing Editor




Livestock diseases



Associate editors

  • Ana Lucia Schild, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS, Brasil (
  • David Driemeier, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil (
  • Francisco A. Uzal, University of California, Davis (UCDavis), San Bernardino, CA, USA (
  • Franklin Riet-Correa, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), La Estanzuela, Uruguay (
  • Grazieli Maboni (University of Guelph), Ontario, Canada (
  • Leticia Trevisan Gressler (IF Farroupilha), Frederico Westphalen, RS (;
  • Mateus M. Costa, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Univasf), Petrolina, PE, Brasil (
  • Pedro M. O. Pedroso, Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brasil (
  • Raquel R. Rech, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (
  • Ricardo A.A. Lemos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS, Brasil (
  • Roselene Ecco, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil (

Advisory Board

  • Adivaldo H. Fonseca (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Aldo Gava (UDESC), Lages, SC
  • Alexandre S. Borges (Unesp), Botucatu, SP
  • Amauri A. Alfieri (UEL), Londrina, PR
  • Ana Lúcia Schild (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • Angélica T.B. Wouters (UFLA), Lavras, MG
  • Aníbal G. Armién, Diplomado ACVP (Univeristy of Minnesota), St. Paul, USA
  • Antônio F.M. Dantas (UFCG), Patos, PB
  • Axel Colling (CSIRO), Gueelong, Australia
  • Bruno L. Anjos (Unipampa), Uruguaiana, RS
  • Carlos L. Massard (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Caroline A. Pescador (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Cláudio E.F. Cruz (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Claudio S.L. Barros, Membro honorário ACVP (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS
  • Claudio W. Canal (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Corrie Brown, Diplomada ACVP (University of Georgia),Athens, GA, USA
  • Daniel A. Balthazar (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Daniel C.L. Linhares (Iowa State University), Ames, USA
  • Daniel G. Ubiali (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Daniel R. Rissi, Diplomado ACVP (University of Georgia), Athens, GA, USA
  • Daniela I.B. Pereira (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • Danilo C. Gomes (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS
  • David Driemeier (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • David E.S.N. Barcellos (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Djeison L. Raymundo (UFLA), Lavras, MG
  • Eduardo F. Flores (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS
  • Edson M. Colodel (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Fabiana M. Boabaid (Univ. La Republica), Tacuarembo, Uruguay
  • Fabiano J.F. Sant’Ana (UnB), Brasília, DF
  • Fábio S. Mendonça (UFRPE), Recife, PE
  • Felício G. Júnior (UFCG), Patos, PB
  • Felipe Pierezan, Diplomado ACVP (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG
  • Félix Gonzáles (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Fernando H. Furlan (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Fernando R. Spilki (Univ. Feevale), Novo Hamburgo, RS
  • Flademir Wouters (UFLA), Lavras, MG
  • Francisco A. Uzal, Diplomado ACVP (UCDavis), San Bernardino, CA, USA
  • Franklin Riet-Correa (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), La Estanzuela, Uruguay
  • Glaucia D. Kommers (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS
  • Glauco J.N. Galiza (UFCG), Patos, PB
  • Gustavo S. Silva (Iowa State University), Ames, USA
  • Huarrison A. Santos (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Ingeborg M. Langohr, Diplomada ACVP (Louisiana State University), Baton Rouge, LA, USA
  • Iveraldo S. Dutra (Unesp), Araçatuba, SP
  • Janildo L. Reis Júnior, Diplomado ACVP (UFJF), Juiz de Fora, MG
  • John Edwards, Diplomado ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • José R.J. Borges (UnB), Brasília, DF
  • Juliana S. Brum (UFPR), Curitiba, PR
  • Juliana T.S.A. Macêdo (UnB), Brasília, DF
  • Luciana Sonne (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Luciano A. Pimentel (UFRB), Cruz das Almas, BA
  • Luciano Nakazato (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Luciano S. Alonso (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Luis Fernando Pita Gondim, (UFBA), Salvador, BA
  • Marcelo B. Labruna (USP), São Paulo, SP
  • Mauro Pereira Soares (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • Paulo M. Roehe (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Paulo V. Peixoto (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Pedro M.O. Pedroso (UnB), Brasília, DF
  • Pedro Malafaia (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Pedro S. Bezerra Junior (UFPA), Castanhal, PA
  • Peres R. Badial (Mississipi State University), Starkville, MS, USA
  • Raquel R. Rech, Diplomada ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Renata A. Casagrande (UDESC), Lages, SC
  • Ricardo A.A. Lemos (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS
  • Ricardo B. Lucena (UFPB), Areia, PB
  • Rinaldo Aparecido Mota (UFRPE), Recife, PE
  • Roberto M.C. Guedes (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG
  • Roselene Ecco (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG
  • Rudi Weiblen (UFMS), Santa Maria, RS
  • Saulo A. Caldas (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Saulo P. Pavarini (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Tatiane T.N. Watanabe, Diplomada ACVP (North Carolina State University), Raleigh, NC, USA
  • Tiago C. Peixoto (UFBA), Salvador, BA
  • Valéria Dutra (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Welden Panziera (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS


Small Animal Diseases



Associate Editors

Advisory Board

  • Alessandra E.S. Lima (UFBA), Salvador, BA
  • Alexandre Mazzanti (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS
  • Aline M. Viott (UFPR), Palotina, PR
  • Aline R. Hoffmann, Diplomada ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Angélica T.B. Wouters (UFLA), Lavras, MG
  • Aníbal G. Armién, Diplomado ACVP (Univeristy of Minnesota), St. Paul, USA
  • Antônio F.M. Dantas (UFCG), Patos, PB
  • Bruno L. Anjos (Unipampa), Uruguaiana, RS
  • Carlos L. Massard (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Caroline A. Pescador (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Claudio S.L. Barros, Membro honorário ACVP (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS
  • Corrie Brown, Diplomada ACVP (University of Georgia),Athens, GA, USA
  • Daniel A. Balthazar (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Daniel R. Rissi, Diplomado ACVP (University of Georgia), Athens, GA, USA
  • Daniela I.B. Pereira (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • David Driemeier (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Felipe Pierezan, Diplomado ACVP (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG
  • Fernando H. Furlan (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Fernando R. Spilki (Univ. Feevale), Novo Hamburgo, RS
  • Flademir Wouters (UFLA), Lavras, MG
  • Francisco A. Uzal, Diplomado ACVP (UCDavis), San Bernardino, CA, USA
  • Glaucia D. Kommers (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS
  • Glauco J.N. Galiza (UFCG), Patos, PB
  • Ingeborg M. Langohr, Diplomada ACVP (Louisiana State University), Baton Rouge, LA, USA
  • John Edwards, Diplomado ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Juliana S. Brum (UFPR), Curitiba, PR
  • Juliana T.S.A. Macêdo (UnB), Brasília, DF
  • Luciana Sonne (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Luciano A. Pimentel (UFRB), Cruz das Almas, BA
  • Luciano Nakazato (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Mauro Pereira Soares (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • Mateus M. Costa (Univasf), Petrolina, PE
  • Paula R. Giaretta, Diplomada ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Paulo César Maiorka (USP), São Paulo, SP
  • Paulo V. Peixoto (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Pedro S. Bezerra Junior (UFPA), Castanhal, PA
  • Raquel R. Rech, Diplomada ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Renata A. Casagrande (UDESC), Lages, SC
  • Saulo A. Caldas (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Saulo P. Pavarini (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Tatiane T.N. Watanabe, Diplomada ACVP (North Carolina State University), Raleigh, NC, USA
  • Tessie B. Martins (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS
  • Tiago C. Peixoto (UFBA), Salvador, BA
  • Ticiana N. França (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Valéria Dutra (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Welden Panziera (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS


Wildlife Medicine



Associate Editors

Advisory Board

  • Ana Lucia Schild (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • Angélica T.B. Wouters (UFLA), Lavras, MG
  • Aníbal G. Armién, Diplomado ACVP (Univeristy of Minnesota), St. Paul, USA
  • Claudio S.L. Barros, Membro honorário ACVP (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS
  • Corrie Brown, Diplomada ACVP (University of Georgia),Athens, GA, USA
  • Daniel A. Balthazar (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Daniel G. Ubiali (UFRRJ), Seropédica, RJ
  • Daniel R. Rissi, Diplomado ACVP (University of Georgia), Athens, GA, USA
  • David Driemeier (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Edson M. Colodel (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Felipe Pierezan, Diplomado ACVP (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG
  • Fernando H. Furlan (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT
  • Guilherme G. Verocai (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Janildo L. Reis Júnior, Diplomado ACVP (UFJF), Juiz de Fora, MG
  • Jean Carlos R. Silva (UFRPE), Recife, PE
  • Jeann Leal de Araújo (UFPB), Areia, PB
  • John Edwards, Diplomado ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • José Luiz Catão-Diaz (USP), São Paulo, SP
  • Josué Díaz-Delgado, Diplomado ACVP (USP), São Paulo, SP
  • Mauro Pereira Soares (UFPel), Pelotas, RS
  • Paulo César Maiorka (USP), São Paulo, SP
  • Pedro M.O. Pedroso (UnB), Brasília, DF
  • Raquel R. Rech, Diplomada ACVP (Texas A&M University), College Station, TX, USA
  • Ricardo B. Lucena (UFPB), Areia, PB
  • Richard Ploeg, Diplomado ACVP, (IDEXX) Melbourne, Austrália
  • Valéria Dutra (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT


Instructions to authors


Peer Review Process


The Pesq. Vet. Bras. The peer review process has been single-masked since 1981, in which all the manuscripts are evaluated by at least two independent reviewers and the authors are visible to reviewers. In line with open science practices, in 2024, the journal Pesq. Vet. Bras. offers the possibility of publishing the names of the editors or reviewers responsible for the evaluation and opinions. Authorization to disclose their names must be given by the authors when submitting the manuscript and by the reviewers when filling out the Form on the Open Science Compliance Form. Authors, reviewers, and editors will be offered the option of publishing approval opinions for articles with or without the reviewers' identification.

Compliance with Standards: the Editorial Assistant assesses whether the manuscript aligns with the Instructions for Authors. Otherwise, the manuscript is returned for adjustments. Once the requirements have been met, the manuscript is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief.

Initial Assessment: The Editor-in-Chief assesses the text's scope, relevance, and contribution to similarity analysis of documents using the platform. There is confirmation of ethical standards for animal research and certificates from ethics committees. In case of doubt about the documentation presented, the journal may reject the article. Articles that do not fulfill the criteria will be returned to the authors for corrections as repeatedly judged as necessary. Only manuscripts that comply with all journal rules may be for revision.

Editor-in-Chief Review Process: The Editor-in-Chief reviews the manuscript and, if judged appropriate, assigns an Associate Editor, who reviews or selects expert reviewers for further review.

Reviewers' Report: All the manuscripts are evaluated by at least two independent reviewers who submit their opinions through the ScholarOne system. Based on these opinions, the Associate Editor makes a preliminary recommendation, which is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief. Authors and referees will be offered the option of publishing approval of their recommendations for articles with or without the identification of the referees in the Form of an attached Supplementary Material.

Final Decision: The Editor-in-Chief makes the final Decision on the manuscript, which may be accepted, rejected or returned for revisions. This Decision is communicated to the authors. The Final Decision (Accepted, Minor revision, Major revision or Rejected) will be received by e-mail by the corresponding author in a ScholarOne form, and the point-to-point revisions to the manuscript.

Receiving the Final Decision: In the case of Minor Revision or Major Revision of the Final Decision, the articles will be returned to the corresponding author for correction, modification, adaptation and justification of the considerations according to the opinion. The revised manuscript must be submitted online on ScholarOne by the same author who submitted the original manuscript. The revised version must be accompanied by a cover letter point-to-point explaining the changes. Suggestions that are not accepted must be justified. Changes must be highlighted in the text. A Rejection Recommendation may be issued when the Editor-in-Chief detects the reviewers' unmet recommendations. After acceptance of the article, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail with instructions for paying the publication fee. Upon confirming the rate, the article goes to layout and exchange of proofs with the authors.

Corrected Article: At this stage, the file with the article in its final phase is sent to the corresponding author for possible reference checking, and the final .pdf version of the article will be sent for approval. Only minor modifications, such as spelling and grammar corrections, are accepted at this phase. Extensive modifications imply review by reviewers and delay in the article's publication. The author will be asked 72 hours to correct and return the revised file for each stage (Reference check and .pdf proof). If there is no response within 72 hours, the Editor-in-Chief considers the unmodified version final, and no further modifications are permitted.





The editorial board of Pesq. Vet. Bras. adopts a copyright policy based on the recommendations of the SciELO Criteria. These recommendations are essential to protect the interests of authors and promote the open and ethical dissemination of scientific knowledge.

From 1981 to 2006, the copyrights of articles published by the journal were transferred to the journal when the authors published it free. In 2007, the copyrights were held by authors, but without a specific license, when the cost of publication became mandatory for the authors, and the content became the authors' sole responsibility. In 2018, the journal adopted Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-NC), in which authors held copyrights and published articles could be reused without permission for any purpose except commercial. Since 2023, the journal has used the Creative Commons (CC-BY) for scientific published articles. Under this license, the users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose, even commercially, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, as long as the original work is correctly cited.



Submission guidelines


PESQUISA VETERINÁRIA BRASILEIRA - Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research (, edited by the scientific association Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal (CBPA, Pesq. Vet. Bras. publishes original papers on animal diseases within the three following areas: Livestock Diseases (LD), Small Animal Diseases (SA), and Wildlife Medicine (WM)PVB publishes Original Articles, Critical Literature Reviews (upon invitation from the Editor-in-Chief), and Topics of General Interest. Case Reports are accepted only in the Wildlife Medicine Area.

The Original Papers should contain research results not yet published and not submitted to other journals.

Literature Reviews should be critical and consist of subjects of the Author's line of research.

Topics of General Interest should be of great importance and based on the large experience of the authors.

The Case Reports must be unpublished, with clinical importance, conservationist and/or associated with forensic medicine.

The opinions and concepts emitted are the responsibility of the authors. The Editorial Board of the journal, assisted by the peer review, may suggest or ask for modifications in the text. The Author's rights to the accepted papers are preserved.

A maximum of eight authors can only exceed for research papers involving three or more institutions. In articles with more than eight authors, each author's contribution must be present at the end of the manuscript.

Pesq. Vet. Bras. is edited since 1981 and publishes subjects on natural and experimental diseases. The journal publishes results from diagnostic investigations of animals' natural and emerging diseases, especially those affecting herds in Brazil. The submission of topics on animal diseases related to public health is encouraged. In its broad sense, Pathology is the flagship of the journal, including laboratory diagnostic, epidemiology, clinics, and others. Manuscripts on anesthesia, surgical techniques, animal husbandry, and nutrition (except for deficiency diseases or poisonings by any element or food additives) are excluded from this journal's publication interest. Target public of Pesq. Vet. Bras. are veterinary practitioners, pathologists, veterinary diagnostic laboratory staff, toxicologic pathologists, comparative pathologists, medical pathology researchers, and others involved in veterinary diagnostics and animal research across domestic and wildlife species.

The journal is indexed and/or abstracted by: SciELO-Scientific Electronic Library Online; ISI/Thomson Reuters, in its products Science Citation Index Expanded and BIOSIS Previews; CABI, in its key-databases CAB Abstracts and Global Health, and in several derived databases, such as: Animal Science Database and VetMedResources (for the internet), Index Veterinarius and Veterinary Science Database (abstract databases), and Veterinary Bulletin (printed), DOAJ-Directory of Open Access Journals.

Articles are published only in English, including a Portuguese Abstract. The Editorial Board assumes that published articles are not being considered for publication in other journals and have not been published. Articles are peer-reviewed.

Papers will only be published in English. Authors may submit their papers in English or Portuguese (Please check Translation Services on the website of Pesq. Vet. Bras.). Authors from English countries do not need to present a translation letter. To authors from other countries, a certificate of the English's quality, issued by an institution accredited by Pesq. Vet. Bras. (see the list in Language Services) is required.

All authors should register in the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and link it to their ScholarONE profile. The link can be done by editing the user profile on ScholarONE in the option Associate your existing ORCID iD. The ORCID identifiers contribute to the singular identity of the authors and the interoperation and bibliometric processes. Using ORCID, researchers are easily and correctly connected with their research results, publications, and affiliations.

Papers should be prepared in all details according to the style of the journal, in order to be peer-reviewed. Tables and Figures should be submitted separately from the text.

For the preparation of the manuscript, authors must follow the format indicated by the journal, which can be found under "Instructions for Authors”, "Submission of articles" in the journal webpage ( Submission of articles outside the presentation standards will not be considered for publication and will be immediately rejected. Dear Author, to shorten the time most possible for the evaluation of your article, act following the steps for submission, as shown below:

Papers to "Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira" (PVB), a Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research, are submitted in Word online through ScholarOne, link <>

Organizationand preparation of the manuscript

1. Organize the article in TITLE, ABSTRACT, RESUMO, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION(S) (the last three preferably as separate chapters), Acknowledgements, Conflict of interest statement, and REFERENCES:

a. The TITLE should be concise and indicate the content of the article; inform details of scientific identification in the MATERIALS AND METHODS.

b. Names of authors with several first and family names should be shortened, e.g., simplify Claudio Severo Lombardo de Barros to Claudio S.L. Barros or Barros C.S.L. The Corresponding Author should be one who guarantees contact with the Editorial Board of PVB. Elevate once more the asterisks for the call to the footnotes, so they appear larger.

c. The Heading of the ABSTRACT should contain the shortened and inverted names of the authors, the year, the title [in brakes when translated], and the postal address of the laboratory or institution where the main part of the research was done (Always compare the authors of the paper and their listing in the Heading of the Abstract to avoid discrepancies).

d. The footnote of the first page should contain the complete professional address of each Author (in the language of the Author's country where to correspondence could be posted, Portuguese, Spanish, English, etc.) as well as the underlined e-mail of the corresponding Author.

e. The ABSTRACT should be a well-explained version of the Portuguese RESUMO, followed by "INDEX TERMS," which should include terms of the title, as they are not only Additional Index Terms.

f. The RESUMO should contain (1) the title [within brackets and in bold type (2) what has been investigated, indicating (2) materials and methods used, (3) the most important results, and (4) the conclusion, followed by "TERMOS DE INDEXAÇÃO" (which also include words of the title, as they are not only Additional Index Terms).

g. The INTRODUCTION must be short, with citation of the specific literature, followed by the research's objective.

h. In MATERIALS AND METHODS, provide all data necessary to repeat the study.

i. In RESULTS presented the data obtained in a concise form.

j. In DISCUSSION, confront the results with the literature. Avoid mentioning research development or future planning to avoid the journal's commitment to publish the results.

k. Base the CONCLUSIONS only on your results.

l. Do not mention Acknowledgements in the text or footnotes, but after CONCLUSIONS.

m. State any conflict of interest or "none" if t is the case.

n. The REFERENCES should include all citations consulted and presented chronologically in the text. Write the list of References in alphabetical and chronological order, beginning with the first author's family name, followed by all other authors of the respective reference, in high and low case letters. Each Author divided only by a comma, followed by the year, title, and the data of the publication (extensively in case of doubt about abbreviation), according to

2. The style of the journal has to be met as follows

a. Font Cambria at 10 pitch, simple space between lines; page format A4, with 2cm margins (superior, inferior, left and right), text in one column justified. Place Figure captions below the list of Reference List; do not repeat the captions along with the images of the Figures. Submit Figures and Tables separately.

b. ABSTRACT and RESUMO are written in only one paragraph and should not contain references.

c. The articles should be concise and, Palicourea marcgravii) at the beginning of each chapter (Title, Abstract, Resumo, Introduction, etc.) when they appear for the first time, followed with the abbreviation of the genus (p.ex. P. marcgravii).

d. The scientific names should be presented in full (p.ex. Palicourea marcgravii) at the beginning of each chapter (Title, Abstract, Resumo, Introduction, etc.) when they appear for the first time, followed with abbreviation of the genus (p.ex. P. marcgravii).

e. In the Title of Tables and Figure captions, write the scientific names in full.

f. In the text, calls to footnotes are given in Arabic numbers, in crescent order through the whole paper, without using "Insert final note" of Word. Note: Don't use spaces between numbers and their units to avoid separate them into two lines (p.ex.: 100ppm, 10mm, 50cm, 18x10cm, P<0.05. The abbreviation for the number is “nº” and not “no”; for degree Celsius “oC” and not “ºC”.

g. Tables and Figures should be cited in the text with their respective numbers in crescent order.

h. Abbreviations of institutions, when presented for the first time, should be put within parentheses after the institution's full name.

i. Citations of the literature in the text are given by "author and year" (p.ex. Caldas 2005). Cite papers with two authors busing the two names (p.ex. Pedroso & Pimentel 2013.) Cite papers with more than two authors in the text by the first Author's name followed by "et al." and the year (p.ex. Brito et al. 2015). If two articles' citation is identical, make the distinction by adding small letters after the year of publication (p.ex. Barros 2017a, 2017b). The citation order in the text should be chronological (p.ex. Barbosa et al. 2003, Armién et al. 2004).

j. Consult the full text of all cited articles; if not possible, cite the original reference in the manuscript text as, p.ex., Bancroft (1921); and then, in the List of References, it should appear as Bancroft 1921. .......... title. ... journal …. (Apud Suvarna & Layton 2013). Also, include this in-full-consulted reference in the List of References.

k. The use of "personal communication" and "unpublished data" should be exceptional and cited in the text as Author and Year (Barbosa 2016), and in the List of References: Barbosa 2016. Personal Communication (Universidade Federal do Pará, campus Castanhal, Brazil).

l. Figure captions (p.ex. "Fig.3. ………..") should be sufficiently informative for understanding (because Figures are independent of the text).

m. Title of Tables should be written in bold, and the Heading  (titles of the columns) should be in clear (not bold), written in high and low case letters, and separated by two long horizontal lines. There are no vertical lines and no grey bottom; exceptionally can exist horizontal lines. The calls for footnotes should be in small letters or other signs, but not in Arabic numbers. Tables should be submitted in Word (not as images) to allow corrections according to the journal's style.

n. Submit complex data should as graphics (but referred to as Figures) in 2D without grey bottom and horizontal lines. Write graphics, including text, with Cambria at 10 pitch.

3. Figure presentation

a. Format and dimension. Format and Dimension. Images must be in TIFF format, RGB channel, 85mm long, and 300 dpi resolution (pixel/inch) resolution for color and black & white figures (graphics and maps).

b. Numbering. The TIFF files of the figures must be named and identified separately by numbers in the order in which they are cited in the text (Fig.1, Fig.2, Fig.3...). Do not use letters (Fig.1A, 1B, 1C....) to identify the figures.

c. Identification of structures. If it is necessary to highlight specific structures within the image, use font "Cambria 8 points", black or white, or black or white arrows depending on the background of the figure.

c. Grouping of figures. Figures can be grouped on boards. Make sure all figures are named sequentially. All figures that will compose the board must be sent separately and, preferably, have the same dimensions. If necessary, a sketch with the layout can be suggested, however the final grouping will be done by the image editor.

d. Identification of structures. If it is necessary to highlight specific structures within the image, use font “Cambria 8 point”, black or white; or discrete black or white arrows contrasting on the background of the figure.

e. Micrographs. Scale bars are not mandatory.

f. Figure legends. Each figure must have a self-explanatory legend. It should contain what is in the image, followed by additional information. Example of figure legend format:
Fig.1. Description of the image. Diagnosis, organ or tissue, animal species, case number. Histochemical (HE, PAS, etc.) or immunohistochemical (vimentin, etc.) method. When describing aspects of immunohistochemistry, use the term "immunolabeling" instead of "staining" or "positive." Indicate where "immunolabeling" occurred (nuclear, cytoplasmic, and membranous) and to what extent. Place Figure legends should appear in the main manuscript, after References.

g. Subtitles. Each figure must have a self-explanatory legend. It should describe what is seen in the image and explain any abbreviations or symbols used. Example of caption format: “Fig.1. Description of the image. Diagnosis, organ or tissue, animal species, case number. Histochemical staining method (HE, PAS, etc.) or immunohistochemical (S100, Ki67, Vimentin, etc...)”. When describing immunohistochemistry results, use the term "immunolabeling" instead of "staining" or "positive." Indicate where "immunolabeling" occurred (nuclear, cytoplasmic, and membranous) and to what extent. Finally, the objective lens used in micrographs, must be indicated (obj.10x, obj.20x, obj.40x, etc...). Figure legend must appear in the main manuscript file, after the References.

4. All references cited in the text should be included in the List of References. Before submitting the paper, discrepancies have to be corrected by the Author. The system ScholarOne blocks automatically if such disparities exist).

5. Examples for References

Articles published in scientific journals:

Groch K.R., Díaz-Delgado J., Santos-Neto E.B., Ikeda J.M.P., Carvalho R.R., Oliveira R.B., Guari E.B., Flach L., Sierra E., Godinho A.I., Fernández A., Keid L.B., Soares R.M., Kanamura C.T., Favero C., Ferreira-Machado E., Sacristán C., Porter B.F., Bisi T.L., Azevedo A.F., Lailson-Brito J. & Catão-Dias J.L. 2020. The pathology of cetacean morbillivirus infection and comorbidities in guiana dolphins during an unusual mortality event (Brazil, 2017-2018). Vet. Pathol. 57(6):845-857. <> <PMid:32964811> \
Molossi F.A., Cecco B.S., Pohl C.B., Borges R.B., Sonne L., Pavarini S.P. & Driemeier D. 2021. Causes of death in beef cattle in southern Brazil. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 33(4):677-683. <> <PMid:33834923>
Bertolini M., Schwertz C.I., Vielmo A., Piva M.M., Bilhalva L.C., Pavarini S.P., Driemeier D. & Sonne S. 2021. Pathological and microbiological findings in fatal cases of salmonellosis in captive Bothrops snakes in southern Brazil. J. Comp. Pathol. 186:7-12. <>
(Note: The first letters of the words in the title of papers published in journals are small. It is preferable to indicate the number of the respective issue.)


Marsh P. & Martin M. 1992. Oral Microbiology. 3rd ed. Chapman and Hall, London, p.167-196.
Tokarnia C.H., Brito M.F., Barbosa J.D., Peixoto P.V. & Döbereiner J. 2012. Plantas Tóxicas do Brasil para Animais de Produção. 2ª ed. Helianthus, Rio de Janeiro, p.305-348.
(Note: The first letter in the words of the title of books should be capital.)

Chapters of books:

Uzal F.A., Plattner B.L. & Hostetter J.M. 2016. Alimentary system, p.1-257. In: Maxie M.G. (Ed.), Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer´s Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol.2. 6th ed. Elsevier, St Louis, Missouri.
Barros C.S.L. 2007. Doenças víricas: leucose bovina, p.159-169. In: Riet-Correa F., Schild A.L., Lemos R.A.A. & Borges J.R.J. (Eds), Doenças de Ruminantes e Equídeos. Vol.1. 3ª ed. Pallotti, Santa Maria, RS.
Tokarnia C.H., Brito M.F., Barbosa J.D., Peixoto P.V. & Döbereiner J. 2012. Plantas que afetam o funcionamento do coração, p.27-94. In: Ibid. (Eds), Plantas Tóxicas do Brasil para Animais de Produção. 2ª ed. Helianthus, Rio de Janeiro.

Dissertations and Theses:

Rech R.R. 2007. Alterações no encéfalo de bovinos submetidos à vigilância das encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria. 228p.
(Note: Use articles which originated from dissertations or theses instead of these).

Abstracts published in Events:

Massa A.T., Potter K.A. & Bradway D. 2016. Epizootic bovine abortion outbreak in Eastern Nevada cattle. Annual Meeting American College of Veterinary Pathologist (ACVP), New Orleans, Lousiana. (Abstract D-50)
Mendonça F.S., Almeida V.M., Albuquerque R.F., Chaves H.A.S., Silva Filho G.B., Braga T.C., Lemos B.O. & Riet Correa F. 2016. Paralisia laríngea associada à deficiência de cobre em caprinos no semiárido de Pernambuco (IX Endivet, Salvador, BA). Pesq. Vet. Bras. 36(Supl.2):50-51. (Resumo)
Pierezan F., Lemos R.A.A., Rech R.R., Rissi D.R., Kommers G.D., Cortada V.C.L.M., Mori A.E. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. Raiva em equinos. Anais XIII Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária, Campo Grande, MS, p.145-146. (Resumo)
(Note: If available, look for the full articles instead of just the abstract).

Publication fee

After communicating the acceptance for the article, the author will be asked to pay the publication fee.

For foreigners authors: The corresponding author must pay a Word Charge of $0.16 (sixteen US cents) per word of the submitted manuscript (except for the list of references). Publishing up to 4 photos will not be charged. Each additional photo will cost $10.00 (ten US dollars). When photos are organized on boards, for payment purposes, each photo will count individually.

For Brazilian authors: The corresponding author must pay a Word Charge of R$ 0.50 (Brazilian reais, fifty cents per word) for the submitted manuscript (except for the list of references) in English. Publishing up to 4 photos will not be charged. Each additional image will cost R$ 50.00 (Brazilian reais, fifty reais per photo). Even when photos are organized on boards, for payment purposes, each photo will count individually. Brazilian authors who submit manuscripts in English will be responsible for translating and sending a letter from a professional translation company.

After acceptance, authors have four months to pay the publication fee.




Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, Caixa Postal 74.591, 23890-000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 2682-1081 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil