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(Updated: 2024/08/02)


Brief Background


RAM. Revista de administração Mackenzie.

Is a scientific journal published by the Post-Graduate Program in Business Administration sponsored by the Social and Applied Sciences Center (Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas - CCSA) at the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM), São Paulo, SP, Brazil. It is classified as Qualis A2.

Its goal is to promote scientific research in the form of high-quality theoretical and empirical papers that generate new knowledge in the field of Business Management. RAM was launched in 2000. Its papers are published in different issues identified by volume and number. The volume of each issue corresponds to the sequential calendar year numbered as from the year of its establishment. The issue number corresponds to the sequential number of the issue for each volume.

Currently, RAM publishes six annual issues, each of them containing between six and eight articles. Of the six annual issues, there may be one or more special issues.

This Journal used to produce hardcopy issues for the period encompassed by v. 1, n. 1, through to v. 6, n. 1. Since then, it has been published solely in electronic format. It is important to detach that all its issues from v. 1, n. 1, onwards are also available on the website of the Journal.

The Journal periodicity in the years 2000 to 2004 was six-monthly. From 2005 to 2007 publication became quarterly. Then, in 2008, the Journal changed its periodicity to bimonthly, which is maintained since 2018 in the format of continuous publication. Dossiers may be presented once a year.

The abbreviated title of the Journal is Rev. Adm. Mackenzie, which can be used in bibliographies, footnotes, bibliographical references, and strips. The title in English is Mackenzie Management Review.



Open Science Compliance


RAM requires authors to complete, at the time of submission, the Open Science Compliance Form. In the aforementioned document, the author responsible for the submission informs whether the article is derived from a preprint – RAM accepts preprints – being aware that this information will be known to everyone involved in the article evaluation process. In the same document, it must be indicated whether the data from the submitted research are already openly available or whether they can be considered as available in their entirety at some point until publication, or whether at no time will the data be openly available and the justification for this response. Still on the aforementioned form, the author responsible for the submission must inform whether or not they accept that, when the option is offered, the opinions obtained during the evaluation process can be published, and whether, when offered the possibility, the authors of the submission agree to interact directly with the article evaluators.



Ethics in Publication


RAM is member of ABEC and a signatory of DORA.

The opinions, ideas and concepts contained in the papers are the sole responsibility of their author(s). The Institution or any editorial entities related to this Journal accept no liability for them.

The papers submitted must be unpublished in Brazil and elsewhere in the world. This Journal does not publish papers from guest authors or papers translated from foreign scientific periodicals. However, papers that have already been disclosed at congresses, seminars and similar events may be submitted, provided that there are no constraints imposed by the organizers of these events. All papers submitted, including those that have already been disclosed at congresses, seminars and similar events will undergo the review process described above.

This Journal believes that the quality of the expert opinions underpinning publication decisions for each issue of this periodical must reflect a solid, transparent and meticulous review process whose purpose must be to further knowledge in the field while also fostering researchers’ development.

Activities by reviewers are seen as part of an ongoing collective process for constructing knowledge that must underpin content enhancement and the manner in which research projects are conducted. In order for this intention to materialize in the publication of papers whose excellence is acknowledged at domestic and international levels, reviewers engaged by this Journal must follow the guidelines listed below, grounded on the document entitled Good Scientific Publication Practices issued by the National Association for Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD):

  • Reviewers should not agree to examine a manuscript if they feel they are not professionally qualified in the respective topic.
  • Reviewers must advise the Editor if an author’s identity is known to them.
  • Reviewers must specifically agree to comply with timeframes or discuss any alterations thereto for the review process of a paper proposed by the editor, returning it by the agreed on date.
  • Reviewers must study the editorial policy and reviewer instructions carefully, following them.
  • Reviewers must initially complete an in-depth reading at a single session and may also mark or note down important points during this initial reading. However, they must be attentive to the paper as a whole. Subsequently, they must return to the review process, conduct a detailed analysis and draw up an expert opinion.
  • Reviewers must consider the existence of several paradigms, striving to ensure that their reviews are neutral. Papers must be analyzed in terms of their relevance and internal and external consistency, rather than on the basis of theoretical or methodological preferences.
  • Reviewers must list any problems that can be corrected, stating what should be done to rectify them while also assessing the cost-benefit of the requested alterations in terms of enhancing the quality of the paper.
  • Reviewers must consider the references used, ensuring that they cover related international and domestic literature on the topic addressed by the paper, whether through the inclusion of classics or literature updated during the past five years. When timely, they must suggest relevant references to the authors for rewriting the paper.
  • Whenever possible, reviewers must indicate all alterations required and avoid further requests being issued for each re-submission, when this could have been mentioned earlier.
  • When receiving a new version of a paper, reviewers must ensure that requests for alterations issued previously have been complied with or were otherwise justified.
  • Reviewer opinions must present well-grounded and objective arguments that clearly justify the favorable or unfavorable stance adopted for the paper under analysis. Extremely concise opinions should not be used, providing only brief explanations of how a final decision was reached on a paper’s acceptance or rejection.
  • The fields on the review sheet requesting analysis of positive and negative aspects related to the theoretical grounds, methodology and structure of the paper are mandatory and must be completed carefully.
  • A constructive approached focused on enhancement must permeate the review process. This means that a paper may be resubmitted for successive reviews as required, until reaching the necessary level of maturity.
  • Compliance by the paper with the editorial line adopted by this Journal, the Guidelines for Authors, and a smooth flow and internal coherence of the body text must be ascertained, as well as the use of appropriate language.

Prospective candidates wishing to apply for positions as ad hoc reviewers must forward an email to this Journal necessarily stating: the section of this Journal for which they would like to work; five keywords outlining their field of specialization, certified by registration in the Lattes résumé of their degrees and scientific bibliographic output in Qualis periodicals and at events acknowledged as high quality in the field of Management knowledge; the number of papers they are capable of reviewing each year; the State and country in which they live; and the internet address (URL) of their résumé (for Brazilian candidates the Lattes résumé URL on the website of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq). These applications from candidates will be assessed by the Editor-in-Chief and Section Editors.

The members of the Scientific Editorial Committee are recruited through invitations issued by the Journal Editor. The activities of the members of this Committee are voluntary and not remunerated. The pre-requisites for participation are the same as those established for the ad hoc reviewers. Additionally, the members of this Committee must have held PhD degrees for at least five years, with significant scientific and technical biographical output, acknowledged as high quality by the editorial staff in their specialty fields.



Focus and Scope


The Revista de Administração Mackenzie (RAM - Mackenzie Management Review) is a scientific journal whose mission is to contribute to the excellence of academic activities in the field of business management, and to the development of administrative action in organizations through the disclosure of scientific research works in the form of unpublished high-quality theoretical and empirical articles that generate new knowledge in the field. Articles can be empirical, theoretical or measurement oriented. Conceptual articles should provide new theoretical insights capable of advancing our understanding of management and organizations. Empirical articles should have well-articulated and strong theoretical foundations. All kinds of empirical methods -quantitative, qualitative or combinations - are acceptable.

RAM is structured into three sections. The first section, Human and Social Management in Organizations, publishes papers on organizational development focused on social and human issues, thus contributing to the creation of innovative management processes in organizations, based on relations of respect and reliance with stakeholders, values, organizational culture, diversity and organizational learning.

The second section, Strategic Finance, includes works covering the issue of how companies and individuals make decisions on funding and allocating resources (whether or not financial), based on parameters of the notion of creating shareholder/owner value.

The third section, called Knowledge, Strategy and Innovation (KSI), publishes works related to the development and performance of organizations of different sizes and segments of the economy, emphasizing modern technologies for managing their internal and external resources (tangible, intangible or technological). Research is focused on contemporary themes, such as knowledge management, intra and interorganizational dynamics, industry structure, sources of competitive advantages, evolutionary theories, dynamic capacity of organizations, strategic operations, logistics and supply chain management, business models and innovation strategies, aiming at understanding and proposing adjustments for the organization in its organizational capacities in order to satisfy the demands of the sectors in which they operate, focusing on the creation, capture and appropriation of value, and on strategic performance and competitive.

There are five acceptance requirements for submissions:

  • The first is that each author may submit not over two articles annually to RAM, regardless of their condition (as author or co-author). In other words, should an author submit an article as first author and another as third author, he/she may not submit other articles during that year.
  • The second requisite is that articles must be unprecedented in the country and overseas, and are not being considered for publication in any other disclosure vehicles. Works published in the minutes of congresses are considered, provided that in their definite publication format.
  • The third requisite is that such works must be written in the Portuguese, English or Spanish languages.
  • The fourth requisite is that they should be associated with topics for the section to which they were submitted and must be in accordance with the section’s policy.
  • The fifth requisite is that articles must meet criteria and technical features as required by RAM, its quoting and referencing style must comply with APA standards. 

This Journal’s target public consists of professionals and students in the academic universe specialized in administration, as well as managers of public, private and third sector organizations interested in the development of administration.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy.



Indexing Sources


RAM is indexed by:

And is referenced in the following directories:



Bibliographic Journal Information

  • Título do periódico: Revista de Administração Mackenzie
  • Título abreviado: Rev. Adm. Mackenzie
  • Publicação de: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Periodicidade: Bimestral
  • Modalidade de publicação: Publicação contínua
  • Ano de criação do periódico: 2000


Websites and Social Media





The criteria employed for assessing articles are as follows:


  • The title must reflect precisely the article’s intention


  • Contains a rationale of the problem in question 
  • Describes the justifications for performing the study
  • Describes previous relevant surveys that provided am approach to the study
  • Describes differences regarding other studies already published
  • Makes clear what is being replied (objective)
  • Gives rise to advances of knowledge on the subject under study
  • In case of an empirical study, puts forth proposals or assumptions that are being created, redefined or added
  • Clearly puts forth the survey’s design, in the case of an empirical survey
  • Poses arguments that highlight the reasons for the study’s relevance
  • Points out clearly what is known and what is unknown
  • The topic is up-to-date, involves creativity and an unprecedented approach


  • Reflects the state of the art of what is under investigation
  • Provides a convincing support for scientific knowledge on the topic approached
  • Puts forth causal logical or empirical relations while establishing proposals or assumptions
  • A review of literature explicits which were the bases employed review of literature includes studies with a lag not in excess of 5 years with regard to the submission date
  • The study reflects a critical “conversation” by the mentioned authors
  • If the study is a theoretical trial, there is a view stated in its beginning
  • The arguments employed in the theoretical trial support the initial view
  • The theoretical trial contains a relevant scientific contribution


  • The method’s clear description - comprehensive, objective
  • Method appropriate to the problem under consideration
  • Analysis appropriate to the method
  • Analysis performed in detail


  • The conclusions counter conclusions from other studies
  • The results are directly related to the issue broached in the introduction
  • The discussion reflects convincing arguments on the progress gained in the knowledge area under study
  • The conclusions consider that the passage of time is a factor that changes results. In other words, the results have are valid for the future
  • The conclusion reasserts the study’s importance and is convincing when justifying bridging the gap detected
  • Does not set forth empirical or logical results unrelated with the objectives


  • The study explicits which were the limitations
  • The study submits considerations on future studies 


  • A summary of the SURVEY PROTOCOL is submitted
  • Makes clear which was the ANALYSIS UNIT
  • MULTIPLE SOURCES of evidence were employed
  • Specifies which was the DESIGN ADOPTED (simple, multiple, holistic, built-in)
  • Explains which was the STRATEGY for data analysis
  • Describes the RELATION among sources of evidence
  • Includes elements that reflect attention with RELIABILITY
  • Includes elements that assure INTERNAL VALIDITY
  • The case sets out CONCURRING THEORIES


  • Text structure and editing appropriate for a scientific paper
  • Adequacy with the APA standard
  • Clear and concise language, free from spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Fluent and pleasant reading




A preprint is defined as a manuscript ready for submission to a journal and which is deposited on trusted preprint servers before or in parallel with submission to a journal. This practice joins that of continuous publication as mechanisms to accelerate the communication of research. Preprints share the originality of the publication of articles with journals and inhibit the use of double-blind procedures in evaluating manuscripts. The use of preprints is an option and choice of the authors and it is up to journals to adapt their policies to accept the submission of manuscripts previously deposited on a preprint server recognized by the journal”. In line with Open Science, RAM accepts preprints and encourages publication of preprint articles on public platforms, such as Preprints, SciELO Preprints and EmeRI, so that, if applicable, they are discussed openly before being published.



Peer Review Process


This Journal’s Editorial Process involves three eliminatory stages as described below:

1. During the first stage an article is received and examined by the Editor-in-Chief and subsequently by the Editor of the Section to which it was submitted for an admission review (desk review). Editors may occasionally request a double-blind opinion by a Scientific Editorial Body member (specialized in the article’s area) in order to support their decision. During this process the editors will ensure that the article complies with the basic requisites for approval by the editorial process:

  • Scientific relevance; 
  • A significant theoretical and/or methodological contribution in the field of knowledge in Administration;
  • unprecedented; correct language, with special attention to the quality of the text (orthography, concordance and punctuation), regardless of the language in which it is submitted;
  • good overall presentation;
  • List of bibliographical references representing the topic in question’s state of the art, necessarily covering articles published in the last five years in Brazilian and international scholarly circles;
  • Adequacy with editorial policy and the section to which it was submitted.

Articles not in accordance with these basic requisites or with the criteria and technical features required by RAM (see editorial policy, policies by subject area sections e guidance to authors) will be rejected by the Editor-in-Chief or by the Section Editor. At the time of submission, the author responsible for the submission must indicate the participation of each of the authors in the production of the article, according to the criteria of the CRediT Taxonomy. To be considered author of a submission, the researcher must have met at least the criteria of active participation in the results of the article and review and approval of the final version of the manuscript.

2. The second stage consists of an anonymous review of papers submitted for publication and the double blind review system. These papers will be forwarded by the Section Editors to the ad hoc reviewers, selected on the basis of their fields of specialization and availability, whose affiliations are in States other than those of the States of the authors. The Section Editors coordinate this phase of the editorial process. Papers approved will be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief with a suggestion for publication. The Section Editors may request a double blind expert opinion from a member of the Scientific Editorial Body (specializing in the field of the paper) in order to support their decisions.

3. During the third stage of the review process, the Editor-in-Chief takes the final decision on publication. The Editor-in-Chief may also request a member of the Scientific Editorial Committee to validate the previous stages, through a double blind review process. In this case, the paper approved during the previous phase and the respective expert opinions of the ad hoc reviewers (not identified) are forwarded to a member of the Scientific Editorial Committee (specializing in the field of the paper) for analysis and validation. Approved papers are presented and recommended for publication to the Editor-in-Chief by the Scientific Editorial Committee member.

Approved articles are published with the name of the Editor in charge. 

Also in line with open science practices, the journal offers authors and reviewers options to open the peer review process, with or without identifying their names. Authorization to disclose the name may be given by the authors when submitting the article and by the evaluators when filling out the Open Science Compliance Form.


Open Data


Valuing the consolidation of Open Science processes, the author is requested to share all content, program codes, data, and other materials underlying the text of the manuscript. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. Authors must inform during submission whether the article has open data, when filling out the Open Science Compliance Form. The repository where the data and information are located, if applicable, must be cited in the text in accordance with the Research Data Citation Guide:

For sharing, the author can use the repository of their institutions, as well as identify relevant and certified repositories: List of repositories for depositing research data:





RAM – Revista de Administração Mackenzie does not charge fees for submission of articles. The translation into English is the responsibility of the authors.



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


In case of incorrect information that is eventually identified in an article already published, an erratum will be published with the appropriate correction. The retraction of an article will be applied in specific cases, which are evaluated by the journal's Editorial Committee.

RAM adopts the following Guides:

Guide to good practices

Guide for registering and publishing Errata

Guide for registering and publishing retractions



Policy on Conflict of Interest


For the Mackenzie Administration Journal, a conflict of interest is any interest of a financial, professional or personal type that actually or potentially interferes in the preparation, review or publication of a paper and the work giving rise to it. Authors and their employers (academic institutions or not), sponsors, reviewers and editors may have conflicting interests. Conflicting interests may be rated as hidden or explicit, real or perceived.

In order to pursue its mission, this Journal feels that it is important to ensure that the research project presented in the papers are bias-free, the greatest possible extent. Thus, the Journal Editor may decide not to accept papers that he believes may be adversely affected in some way through a conflicting interest declared by their authors.

Any conflicting interest by the author or co-authors related to the paper and the work giving rise to it and that are relevant and arise within five years as from the start of the work must be disclosed. During the submission process, the first author must state on his / her behalf and on behalf of other co-authors the existence of any financial, personal and professional interest that might actually or potentially influence the paper’s work and preparation. Examples of conflicting interests include but are not limited to: research grants received from any sources, travel grants or attendance at meetings, providing paid services, relations with this Journal’s editorial staff, relations with the organizations involved and participation in Government agencies. All sources of financing for the work must be described, including their role and involvement in the decision to submit the paper for publication. Grants received by institutions or organizations financing the paper from other institutions or organizations that are known to the authors must also be declared.

The Editor will take the final decision on the relevance of any conflicts of interest declared by the authors and their possible influence on the work or paper. If necessary, this matter will be discussed with the ad hoc reviewers and the editorial staff. The decision will be based on the conflicting interests declared by the authors.

The ad hoc reviewers of this Journal must also declare conflicts of interest before starting to review any paper. Should any reviewer feel unable to review a paper due to conflicting interests, the Editor must be advised.



Adoption of similarity software


Articles submitted to RAM are submitted to the iThenticate software to check the percentage of similarities with other texts available on the internet. RAM accepts works originating from course completion works (monographs, dissertations, theses, etc.), and academic events, but requests that there be a reduction in the percentage of similarity between the previous version and the version submitted to the magazine.



Gender and Sex Issues


RAM seeks to maintain a balance in its editorial board and in relation to the authors who publish in the journal on sex and gender issues, observing the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER.



Ethics Committee


Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research, in cases where approval was required.





After approval of the article, authors maintain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. The author(s) grant RAM the right of first publication.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Website responsibility:

  • The Revista de Administração do Mackenzie (RAM) maintains the right to be mentioned as the first vehicle for publishing the article, and the authors maintain the copyright over the article published in the magazine.

Author's responsibility:

  • Translation for manuscripts accepted for publication will be the responsibility of the authors.
  • The author retains his or her moral rights in the article, including the right to be identified as the author whenever the article is published.
  • The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their exclusive responsibility.

As of July 1, 2015, RAM adopted the CC-BY (Creative Commons – BY) license standard. The author is permitted to copy, distribute, display, transmit and adapt the article. The author must explicitly and clearly attribute the original publication of the article to RAM. Through the CC-BY license, content is free to fully interoperate with the most different systems and services, including commercial purposes. In the case of any reuse or distribution of the article, the author must make the licensing terms of the article clear to third parties.

  • All magazine content and articles published by RAM magazine, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY license.
  • RAM encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation is included in the journal website version.


Sponsors and Promotion Agencies


Editora Mackenzie
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie







Assistant Editor



Section Editors



Methods Editors



Editorial Committee


Editorial Policy Board

Scientific Editorial Committee



Technical Team


Publishing Coordination

Technical Support




Types of Documents Accepted


In order to submit a paper the first author must necessarily be registered with this Journal, through the ScholarOne platform.

After registration, the author must access this Journal through a login and password, in order to submit a paper, opting for the author category on the user page. Next, the online submission option must be select on the About the Journal page. During the paper submission procedure, the first author will be requested to complete the registration information for the co-authors.

Brief Biography(ies) of the author and co-authors must necessarily be provided by the first author when submitting the paper. These brief biographies must have around fifty words and state their degrees, affiliation, positions and research interests. The degree requires two types of information: the highest academic title held by the author (e.g. Bachelor; Master; Doctor; Lecturer) and the awarding Institution. The affiliation corresponds to the main institution with which the author is currently affiliated. In both cases, the Institutions must be identified in full, and must necessarily show two organizational units, for example, college and university or department and college. Students must indicate the degree for which they are studying (Graduate, Master's, Doctorate) and must state the institution to which they are affiliated under affiliation. The degrees and affiliations of the authors (as completed during the submission process) will be published on the coversheet of the article, if approved. The full brief biographies of the authors (as completed during the submission process) will be made available for consultation by readers when accessing the paper through this Journal website.

Thanks and acknowledgments must be included during the paper’s submission process by the first author in the Development Agencies field. Please mention any significant grants received and disclose the URLs of the institutions or financing organizations. Add the phrase: “The financing entities had no influence on the study’s design, on the data collection and analysis, the decision to publish and the paper’s preparation." Should this statement not be correct, it is not necessary to enter the sentence and the first author must complete the Conflict of Interests field, explaining the role of the sponsors or financing entities on the work and the paper.

Contents of undersigned articles are under the authors’ sole responsibility. When submitting articles, authors assure that they contain no violations of any copyrights or other third-party rights or any materials of an obscene, libelous or other unlawful nature. Quoting portions of articles without prior approval is permitted, provided that the source is disclosed.

After submission, the paper will be assessed in compliance with the Peer Review Process. This Journal reserves the right to request possible alterations in texts approved for publication. The first author will monitor the editorial process receiving requests for alterations and submitting revised versions of the paper through the desktop publishing system used by this Journal, with a login and password in the User / Author category.

The submitted papers must be unpublished in Brazil and elsewhere in the world. Papers presented previously at congresses, seminars and similar events may be sent in, provided that no constraints are imposed by the organizers of such events.

After approval of the paper, all the authors must register with this Journal, giving their correspondence and e-mail addresses, which will be published on the coversheet of the paper. The authors will receive the Assignment of Copyright document by e-mail, which must be signed by all the authors and sent back to this Journal by regular mail.

Papers submitted may not be under simultaneous review by other periodicals. Should this situation be ascertained, the paper will be rejected and the authors will be suspended from submitting papers for this Journal for three years. Moreover, the Editor of the periodical for which such simultaneous review process was identified will also be notified of this matter.



Authors' Contribution


During submission, the corresponding author responsible for submission must inform the specific contribution of each author in relation to the articles, in accordance with the CREDiT taxonomy, whose criteria will also be available on the ScholarOne submission platform.



Manuscript Preparation


Form and preparation of manuscripts

RAM accepts academic contributions consisting of scientific papers written in Portuguese, English or Spanish (at the discretion of the authors) that are of interest to the field of knowledge of administration and for the activities of the business administrator, in compliance with its Editorial Policy. If your submission is in English, it is not necessary to send the Portuguese version. If the submission is in Portuguese or in Spanish, it is necessary to send the Portuguese and English versions for publication. Translation is the responsibility of the authors. At the time of submission, authors must inform their ORCID where it is indicated in the platform.

The manuscripts must be formatted in the Word for Windows 6.0 editor or later, A4 format, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, font, 12 point, 3 cm upper and left-hand margins and 2 cm lower and right-hand margins. THE COMPLETE TEXT containing every element (covering page, summary, abstract, text body, references and appendices) MUST HAVE AT LEAST 7600 WORDS AND NOT OVER 8400 WORDS.

Figures, tables or graphics must be shown in the article’s body, close to the location in which they are mentioned (main file). Furthermore, figures, tables and graphics inserted in the text must be provided separately, each contained in a separate complementary file, in the software font format in which they were created. Such files must be submitted jointly with the main file. Complementary files must not exceed 1MB.

Owing to the large number of submissions, authors and co-authors will be restricted submitting to RAM not more than two articles at every consecutive 12-month period. In the case of special calls, each author can submit only one article for call, regardless of whether he or she is an author or co-author, and this submission will be counted in the two papers per year that each author can send. Re-submitting rejected papers will not be allowed, albeit containing changes. It is also not permitted to submit a paper simultaneously to two RAM sections. Each author may publish not more than one paper during the same year, regardless of his/her position in an article’s authorship.

The maximum number of authors per article is five. Changes in authorship of articles in the course of the editorial process is not permitted.

Files and contents of text, figures, tables and graphics must not contain any identification of author or co-authors. Should it be possible to identify the author or co-authors, the article will be rejected.

Special editing resources such as underscoring, hyphens, macros, insets, etc. must be avoided. Italics should be restricted to words in foreign languages. Highlighting words and symbols should employ bold type.

Titles and subtitles should be written in bold type and must not be extensive, with not over two lines in length and must have from 12 to 15 words.

Notes should be used sparingly. When used they should be placed in the footer. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text.

The manuscript’s submission (containing the text’s body and enclosed in the main file) should comply with the format as follows:

  • Unidentified covering page: Title in Portuguese followed by an abstract in Portuguese containing from 200 to 250 words. The abstract should be organized by items, pursuant to the proposed model that follows. Labels should be in bold type, without numbers.
  • Purpose: Consists in setting forth objectives to be achieved with the paper. As a suggestion, we illustrate with Blaikie’s rating (2009)1.
    • Explore: Provide an initial description or an understanding of a phenomenon;
    • Describe: Provide a detailed array of data or measurements of the nature of any population (sample), group or phenomenon, including regularities found in the data;
    • Explain: Establish elements, factors or mechanisms that gave rise to the state or regularities in the phenomenon under study;
    • Understand: Establish the reasons inherent to a specific social action, an event’s occurrence or of the development of a social episode;
    • Foresee: Employ a phenomenon’s established understandings or explanations in order to infer certain outcomes in accordance with specific conditions;
    • Modify: Intervene in a social situation by manipulating some of its aspects or to aid participants in the change, preferably based on an understanding or a pre-established explanation.                                                                                                                                                                               1Blaikie, N. (2009) Designing social research: the logic of anticipation. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • Originality/value: Explain why the article should be considered original. Which knowledge gap does it complete? Are there issues with no replies on the subject investigated? Does it propose a new approach, concept, theory, paradigm? Does it encourage changes or advances in knowledge, in terms of concepts, relationships, models or theories? What is its practical usefulness (and interest)? Reflects trends likely to contribute to present and future organizational changes?
  • Design/methodology/approach: Briefly describe the methodological approach and survey techniques; - qualitative, quantitative, mixed. Survey strategy. Data gathering and analysis technique. In case of a theoretical text, explain the procedures adopted (systematic review of literature, bibliometrics, analysis target, proposal of model or theory, etc.).
  • Findings: What do the results mean (interpreted in the light of relevant theories), in particular in view of what was known on the subject under investigation? Conclusions should not advance and be extended beyond what is supported by their results. What would be the practical applications of the outcome and which would be the next survey steps?
  • Contribution/Implication: Explicitly indicate the main theoretical contributions. If applicable, explain the methodological and practical implications of the article, based on the results obtained.
  • The text’s body: The text’s body should appear on a new page. Do not begin a new page for each subtitle. Please note that the conventional portions of a scientific theoretical and empirical article should include: Introduction, theoretical reference, methodological procedure, outcome and analysis, conclusion, references and optionally appendices. The theoretical reference must necessarily cover relevant domestic and international scientific production for the last five years. Appendices must be employed as little as possible.
  • References: Whenever a source is employed, surname(s) of author(s) and years of publication should be mentioned. In case of direct references, the page should be mentioned. All the sources quoted must be mentioned in references following the summary page.
  • Figures, tables and graphics: Titles and subtitles (when required) should always be placed in the text’s body close to the figures, tables and graphics (main file). These should also be placed in the complementary files.
  • Title in English and Abstract: The “abstract” is the summary in the English language. The same guidance provided is valid for the summary. After the abstract five keywords in English should be inserted (Keywords) compatible with the keywords in the summary in Portuguese.
  • Title in Spanish and Resumen: The “resumen” is the summary in Spanish. The same guidance provided is valid for the summary. After the resumen five keywords in Spanish should be inserted (Palabras Clave) compatible with the keywords in the summary in English and Portuguese.
  •  Rules for submitting the paper: The use of APA standards is mandatory when submitting scientific papers.


Article Submission Format


Articles must only be submitted in .doc, .docx (Word) format, and must contain: Title, abstract and keywords (these three items both in English and in the language of the article – Spanish or Portuguese), text of the article, and references, following the instructions available in the section Form and preparation of manuscripts.

In the submission tabs, the corresponding author responsible for submission must fill in the full name, affiliation, email, and ORCID of all authors.



Digital Assets


Charts, tables, figures, maps, illustrations and other digital assets must be sent in the submission either present throughout the text, when they are cited, or they must be submitted separately in the format of supplementary documents. They must be sent in an editable format.



Citations and References


RAM follows APA publication standards, as per previous items.



Supplementary Documents


Authors must attach in supplementary document format all figures that are also in the manuscript, as well as the completed Open Science Compliance Form.


Financing Statement


Authors must inform the journal if there was a source of funding to carry out the research, in a tab available in the submission fields of the ScholarOne platform. Acknowledgements must be sent after approval of the article.




Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas
Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa
Térreo – Coordenação da RAM
Consolação, CEP 01302-907
São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Telefone: (+55) (11) 2114-8843
From 11:30h to 20:30h, from Monday to Friday

Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil