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(Updated: 2024/08/06)

About the journal


Basic information

  Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais publishes inedited articles - not previously published in books, magazines or journals - with explicit substantive empirical and theoretical contributions to their fields. Review essays are published only when specifically commissioned by the Editorial Board (ANPOCS publishes BIB, a bibliographical review journal). Book review articles, on the other hand, are published by the Revista and must be inedited and cover books concerned with the three mentioned areas and their subareas. Specifics about articles' layout are can be consulted in the “Guidelines for the authors”. The Journal accepts of articles and reviews submissions in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, which will be published in the original language. The Revista publish keynote addres given at t ANPOCS Annual Meeting aiming at making available to wider publics the speeches of outstanding international scholars, often financed with public founding. The Revista does not publish dossier, neither translations of non original articles.  


Indexing sources

  • Scielo - Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • Hispanic American Periodicals Index
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Bulletin Signalétique - INIST - CNRS
  • Latindex
  • - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras
  • Scopus Elsevier
  • SJR -SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • EBSCO Publishing
  • ProQuest Social Sciences Journals
  • WorldCat/OCLC - Online Computer Library Center
  • ReadALyC


Copyright, exclusivity, and CC-BY license


By submitting an article or book review, authors undertake not to submit the same text to another journal during the evaluation process. Conversely, the journal does not accept articles that are still under review in other journals. Nor will the journal accept two simultaneous submissions from the same author. Simultaneity is understood as the submission of a new article while another has not yet been published or rejected.

The author retains the copyright to the published article and RBCS/ANPOCS retains the right of first publication. The Journal adopts the CC-BY license used internationally by the main open access journals and publishers, in accordance with SciELO. This license aims to maximize articles’ dissemination. Every author of an article published in RBCS is understood to agree to the use of this type of license.

Reproductions of articles should refer to the original source (Rev. bras. ciênc. soc.), issue, volume, and year of publication.





The Journal is granted with resources from the Ministry of Science and Technology's (MCTI) Programa de Apoio à Editoração e Publicação de Periódicos Científicos as well as from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and occasionally from the Research Support Foundation of the State of Sao Paulo (FAPESP).



Editorial board





Editorial assistant



Editorial commission



Editorial council

  • Álvaro Pires - University of Ottawa (uOttawa), Ottawa - ON, Canada
  • Andrés Malamud - Universidade de Lisboa (uLisboa), Lisboa, Portugal
  • Ângela Alonso - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo - SP, Brasil
  • Antônio Sérgio Guimarães - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo - SP, Brasil
  • Arlene B. Tickner - Universidad del Rosario (uRosario), Bogotá, Colômbia
  • Ben Ross Schneider - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge - MA, USA
  • Bernard Lahire - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS), Lyon, France
  • Bruno Reis - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil
  • Carlo Severi - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France
  • Carlos Benedito de Campos Martins - Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília - DF, Brasil
  • Cesar Barreira - Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza - CE, Brasil
  • Cornélia Eckert - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil
  • Edna Castro - Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos (NAEA), Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém - PA, Brasil
  • Eduardo Marques - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo - SP, Brasil
  • Elizangela Valarini - Universität Heidelberg, Max Weber Institut, Germany
  • Elsje Maria Lagrou - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
  • Eveline Huber - University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill - NC, USA
  • Ernesto Isunza Vera - Cento de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores em Antropología Social (Ciesas), Jalapa, México
  • Fabiano Santos - Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Iesp/Uerj), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
  • Fernanda Arêas Peixoto - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo - SP, Brasil
  • Gisela Zaremberg - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso), Ciudad del México, México
  • Izabela Tamaso - Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) Goiânia - GO, Brasil
  • José Vicente Tavares dos Santos - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil
  • Leticia Pinheiro - Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Iesp/Uerj), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
  • Luiz Fernando Dias Duarte - Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MN UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
  • Luena Pereira - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica - RJ, Brasil
  • Manuela Carneiro da Cunha - University of Chicago (uChicago), Chicago - IL, USA
  • Marcelo de Almeida Medeiros - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife - PE, Brasil
  • Maria Filomena Gregori - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas - SP, Brasil
  • Michel Wieviorka - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France
  • Miriam Grossi - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Florianópolis - SC, Brasil
  • Philippe Descola - College de France, Paris, France
  • Renata Motta - Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Germany
  • Solange Simões - Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti - MI, USA
  • Soraya Vargas Côrtes - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil
  • Stephanie McNulty - Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster - PA, USA
  • Tim Ingold - University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK


Instructions to authors


Purpose and editorial policy


The Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (Rev. Bras. Ci. Soc.) is one of the most prominent multi-subject journal in the field of Social Sciences in Brazil and pleads to the mission of spreading edging academic production in the three big areas which makes not only the Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais (ANPOCS is its Portuguese acronym) but also the very Social Sciences tradition: Anthropology, Political Sciences and Sociology. The journal covers the thematic diversity which is characteristically broad for these fields, as well as its corresponding methodological and development plurality, theoretical and conceptual. Occasionally, the journal accepts papers from other fields, when they are clearly intended to establish a dialogue with the knowledge that is yielded in Social Sciences.

The Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais only accepts unpublished papers -- published neither in books, journals nor periodicals -- with substantive contributions about relevant issues to their areas and subareas, that informs empirically and theoretically the corresponding paper. Having the goal of contributing to the circulation of national and international yielding of knowledge that is relevant to the social sciences, the journal also regularly serves literature reviews. These reviews are requested by the Editorial Committee, covering books of the three areas and their subareas or that dialogues, theoretically or methodologically, with them. The Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais does not accept literature reviews that were not requested by the Editorial Committee. The specific characteristics of papers and reviews can be found in the session "Regulations for presenting contributions". The journal accepts submission of papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English which will be published in their original languages. The journal does not publish dossiers in its regular editions, neither does it accept translations of unpublished papers.

Publishing and evaluation criteria
The evaluation process is identical for all articles ― including those that may be ordered by the Editorial Board or are previously available on Scielo Preprints or any other preprint platforms. The complete list of preprint servers accepted by RBCS can be found at

The deadline for desk review is 60 days, if all criteria for submission are met. After the desk review approval, the area editors will seek opinions for a period of 4 months, after which the author will receive communication regarding these searches. If it has not been possible to complete the number of reviews, the author will have the opportunity to choose to continue waiting or to withdraw his/her submission. If you decide to continue, subsequent 4-month rounds will follow the same routine. It should be noted that the difficulty in obtaining reviews is a reality that unfortunately has become increasingly present in the works of all academic journals in the area.

Approved papers will be submitted to at least two double-blind peer reviews. In the cases of preprints, the reviewers are acknowledged of the authorship of the manuscript. When submitting an item deposited in the preprint repositories the author(s) agree with this evaluation method.

There are four possible results of the second stage: approved for publishing without modifications, approved for publishing pending modifications, tagged for proofreading and resubmission, and refused. The resubmission means a new evaluation process by double-blind peer review. Refused papers can not be resubmitted. The average duration of the second stage is six months.

Papers that need proofreading must meet the deadline stipulated by the Editorial Commission for such. After the submission period is over, the papers will be removed from schedule. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to suggest new modifications regarding form in a whole or in specific issues regarding content or form, for the sake of fitting the paper into the editorial or graphical profile of the journal.
All authors agree to wait a minimal interstice of 24 months before a new submission. This period starts counting at the paper's publishing date.

Book reviews
RBCS changed its policy for publishing reviews in April 2023. The magazine now has an editorial section that will make proposals for broader book reviews. These reviews must necessarily include a recent book and at least two other references, which can also be non-bibliographic materials, such as works of art and films.

All book reviews are evaluated by the Editorial Board itself based on the criteria of adherence to RBCS editorial policy and scope and the relevance to ongoing debates in the three major areas of the social sciences in Brazil. The Editorial Board may request a specific peer review if deemed appropriate. Book reviews can be “accepted”, “accepted with changes” or “rejected” and there is no possibility of resubmission. In the case of the last two results, a brief review will be issued to the author.

It is understood that the submission of papers to be evaluated under the double-blind peer review system implies the author's commitment in answering, to the best of their capabilities, to observations made by their peers. The journal values the effort of everyone in the academic community in contributing with their work to improve the quality of scientific yielding of the social sciences in Brazil. Therefore, it will not accept for evaluation papers that have received a negative evaluation in another journal if the authors have not taken the effort of answering to the adjustments requested by the reviews. The author must send, attached to the proofread paper, a cover letter to the editor in which they will answer to recommendations, suggestions and criticisms made by the reviewers, pointing out which changes were made and offering reasons for the ones not made.

Authors that submit papers to the journal accept the commitment of issuing peer reviews. The Editorial Committee reserves the right of not submitting, to the second stage of evaluation (double-blind peer review), a paper whose authors repeatedly refuse to submit a peer review when invited by RBCS.

Best scientific practices
In harmony with the advances in the field of ethics and the best scientific practices, all approved papers in the first stage will be submitted to a plagiarism check and also "self-plagiarism" or republishing (publishing as unpublished works that have already been published). Eventual cases of ill practice will be examined and decided by the Editorial Committee in accordance to the Basic Directives for Integrity in the Scientific Endeavor of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ is its Portuguese acronym) which can be checked at; and to the Code of Best Practices of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP (

Opinions expressed in a signed paper and its whole content are absolute responsibility of its authors.

The RBCS is part of SciELO Data, a multi-subject repository for storing, preserving and spreading research data, linked to the Dataverse ( In this scope, an editorial office has been established for "Methodological Notes'', which, through inviting authors of approved papers, seeks to value, on a voluntary basis, those methodological proceedings of empirical research, quantitative or qualitative. It is considered that disclosing the building and analysis stages of data observations contributes to the scientific field in at least three aspects: (1) it boosts new surveys by having a direct dialogue with methodological tools, data, documents and research sources; (2) it works as a foundation for the teaching and training of other professionals in the field, providing a possibility for practical methodologies to be used as exercises in subjects and courses; (3) it increases the transparency of published works. Besides that, it also increases the visibility and potential for citing those papers.



Norms for presenting contributions


Submitted papers must be unpublished and exclusive during the evaluation process in the RBCS (cf. editorial policy). Manuscripts published in annals of scientific events and on preprint platforms are deemed as unpublished. The text must be submitted in its final version, with spell and grammar proofing done in its original language and without proofreading marks. The paper must have between 7000 and 9000 words, including References, tables and diagrams. Papers that are out of this scope will be sent back to authors for revamping.

Papers must be submitted using Times New Roman font, size 12 and a line spacing of 1.5.

The abstract must have up to 200 words, in the same format of the paper. Abstracts must address: the problem, the paper's central argument, its substantive contribution for the literature field in which it is subscribed, used materials or empirical instances and also methodological choices. They must be followed by five keywords, split by semicolons.

Papers in Portuguese must have the title, the abstract and the five keywords in Portuguese and English.

Book Reviews
Book Reviews must have title with up to 50 characters with spaces, must include bibliography and respect the limit of 3,000 words. The manuscript must be submitted in its final version, with spelling and grammar corrected in the corresponding language and without proofreading marks, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 spacing, to the book reviews editor. Regarding selected books: reviews can cover books published within a period of up to 24 months.

From the title
The paper's title must have up to 90 characters including spaces, and the author(s)'s name(s) must be followed by their institutional filiation, city, state, country and institutional e-mail.

Regarding authorship
Papers that have a collective authorship must present, in its cover letter, the specific contributions of each author in the creation of the paper submitted. The journal accepts papers with up to five authors. It is asked of all authors their registration ID’s in the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).
The same author is not allowed to submit more than one paper, even in a coauthoring role, simultaneously to the RBCS.

The Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais publishes papers and literature reviews in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages that, if approved, will be published in their original languages. Submissions in English will get peer reviews from the same language. Submissions in Spanish and Portuguese may get peer reviews from the three languages.

Papers written in Spanish or English must be followed by the title, abstract and five keywords in English and in another language, which can be Portuguese or Spanish, at the will of its author(s).

Online-only submissions for papers and literature reviews
Papers and book reviews must be sent exclusively in the journal's website, through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, at the address: All aforementioned steps for online submissions must be followed. If the paper has more than one author, it must be submitted by the first author, who will follow up the whole editorial process with the journal and will answer to the evaluation.

For the online submission, two different files must be attached, each one either being in .doc or .docx file format: - the first file, directed exclusively to the Chief Editor in cover letter format, must include: the title of the paper; (b) abstracts in Portuguese and English; (c) author(s)'s biographical data (academic title(s), job position, most recent pertinent publications and also an institutional e-mail); (d) a word count for the paper, including bibliography, tables and diagrams; (e) the publication link on the preprint platform (only for manuscripts published as preprint). The purpose of this file is also to include comments and justifications to the Chief Editor about any aspect regarding the processing of the paper. Information that reveals authorship of the paper and also acknowledgments can also be included here. The second file is the official document, that is to say, the text version that will be read by peers ad hoc. Because of that, the paper must be sent without any kind of references or information that could lead to the identification of the author(s). It must only have the title, the abstract and keywords in its original language, the text and the bibliography entries, excluding entries that could lead to the identification of the authors.

At the resubmitting of a paper, the first file will be the cover letter to the Chief Editor with the answers to every issue raised by the peers, besides the remaining items (title of the paper; abstract in two languages, being English one of them; biographical data of the author; word count). The second document (main document) must be sent with the changes highlighted, without any kind of reference or information that could lead to the identification of the author(s).

Text establishment
a) Guidelines for bibliographic entries and in-body citations
In-body mentions to authors must abide by this format: (Author, date) or (Author, date, page), as the following: (Jaguaribe, 1962) or (Jaguaribe, 1962, p. 35). If there is more than one title by the same author, published in the same year, it is necessary to make them different by adding a letter after the date; for example: (Adorno, 1975a), (Adorno, 1975b).

In-body citations must be set to italics, whenever they have up to three lines; and in a new paragraph, whenever they have more than three lines. Citations must be translated to the language used in the paper, pointing out in a footnote the translator's name, at the first mention of a translated citation.

Citations of up to three lines, inserted in a paragraph, must be put between quotation marks: ex: “[...]”. Indented citations (with more than 3 lines) mustn't have quotation marks nor be set in italics.

In-body mentions to authors must be followed by a period (e.g.: Pereira, 2000.). Mentions to authors, in indented citations, must be preceded by the punctuation used by the author of the text (such as colon; comma) and they can not be followed by a period (e.g.: Pereira, 2000).

In the text body, in entries of up to two authors, one should only use the authors' surnames, using "and" as a separator (e.g.: Almeida and Rosa, 2018); three authors or more, one should only use the first author's surname, followed by the expression "et al." (e.g.: Reis et al.; 2016).

For entries in a row, when they refer to the same page, one should use: Surname (year, [page]) or (Surname, year, [page]). E.g.:(Pereira, 2000, [p. 13]). For entries in a row of the same work, but referring to different pages, one should only indicate, between parentheses, the page number regarding each citation: e.g.: (p.13). One should not use "id", "ibid", "op. cit.", for the repetition of authors' surnames and titles.

For entries which regards the original edition and the consulted edition (in-body and in the bibliography), one should use the following pattern:

E.g.: Weber([1921] 2005). Identifying the original publishing date is necessary in texts that deal with the chronology of works and ideas. It must refer to the first edition in the original language, not the first translation.

Interviews must have in-body citations in the following pattern:
(Interviewer's name, year of the interview). E.g.:(Júlia, 2018)

b) Guidelines for footnotes
The note's number must be inserted after the period or comma, preferably at the end of the sentence. E.g.: RBCS's regulations must be consulted by accessing the link below.5(and not 5.). One should insert as footnotes only complementary information and of substantive nature, and they should not be greater than 250 characters including spaces.

c) Guidelines for the use of en-dash and em-dash, for the sake of setting limits of expressions or explanatory sentences/phrases.
One must use the em dash between spaces; e.g.:"-" and mustn't use the en dash or the hyphen; i.e.: "-"," - ","-", " - ", much less the underline. E.g.: "The immigrants - children, adults and families - arrived undocumented".

d) Guidelines for tables, frames, graphs and pictures
Tables, frames, graphs and pictures must be cited in-body and inserted right after the citation. This is a regulation from Scielo.

In the case of papers with tables, frames, graphs and pictures, one must inform, bellow each one of them, the source, which was used, even if it is self-made (e.g.: self-made, based on IBGE 2005; or: self-made, based on Santos,2002). Furthermore, when the data comes from a project coordinated by the author, it is necessary to inform the project's name as the source.

Internal content of images and pictures must be set to Times New Roman 11 font.

e) Guidelines about acronym and initialism usage
The basic rules for using acronyms and initialisms are: for acronyms and initialisms of up to three letters, they all must be in upper-case, like USP, PUC, OAB. For Portuguese acronyms (i.e., can be pronounced as a regular word in Portuguese), with letters 4 or more, only the first letter should be in upper case (Fapesp, Unicamp, Uerj). For Portuguese initialisms (i.e., ones that can not be pronounced as a regular word in Portuguese), with 4 letters or more, all letters should be in upper case (UFMG, UFRJ, ABNT). These rules for initialisms and acronyms must also be applied in the bibliography.

f) Bibliographic criteria
All in-body citation entries must appear in the Bibliography, and all works mentioned in the bibliography must have at least one in-body entry. It is the task of the proofreader to perform this double check. Note: the journal adopts the term "Bibliography", not "References''.

All cited material (books, papers, news, interviews, documents, official notes etc.) must be included in the Bibliography, which must appear at the end of the paper or literature review (if that's the case), sorting the entries by the authors' surnames alphabetically.

Titles of books, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, discos, films, paintings and sculptures must always be set in italics.

Names of chapters, poems, songs and papers' titles must be set between quotation marks.

Names of newspapers must be written exactly as the original; e.g.: Estado de S. PauloDiário de S. Paulo, Folha de S. PauloJornal do Comércio (Recife).

Publications with several authors: in the Bibliography, all authors must be mentioned, whenever there are two authors, one should split each surname (followed by the rest of the name) with a semicolon, not the word "and". E.g.: ZHOURI, Andréa; OLIVEIRA, Raquel. Whenever there are three authors or more, one should split each surname (followed by the first name) with a semicolon. E.g.: ZHOURI, Andréa; LASCHEFSKI, Klemens; PAIVA, Angela.

In the Bibliography, one must not use any kind of dash before the mention of another work of the same author aforementioned, but instead one should repeat the surname, followed by the first name in the next line.

In the Bibliography, it is necessary to write the full name of the authors, in every citation entry.

In the Bibliography, the references must follow different rules, according to the material type which was cited:

BOOK: author's surname in upper case /COMMA/ then the first name (only the first letter in upper case) /PERIOD/ date between parentheses /COMMA/ title of the work in italics /PERIOD/ translator's name /PERIOD/ edition number (if it is not the first) /COMMA/ place of publication /COMMA/ name of the Publisher /PERIOD/"DOI" /COLON/ number of the doi (if there is one) /PERIOD/

E.g.: SACHS, Ignacy. (1986), Ecodesenvolvimento, crescer sem destruir. Translation of Eneida Cidade Araújo. 2nd edition, São Paulo, Vértice. DOI: xxxxx.

PAPER: author's surname in upper case /COMMA/ then the first name (only the first letter in upper case) /PERIOD/ date between parentheses /COMMA/ title of the work between quotation marks /PERIOD/ name of the periodical in italics /COMMA/ edition number /COLON/ page number /PERIOD/"DOI" /COLON/ number of the doi (if there is one) /PERIOD/

E.g.: REIS, Elisa. (1982), "Elites agrárias, state-building e autoritarismo". Dados, 25, 3: 275-96. DOI: xxxxx.

CHAPTER OF A COLLECTION: author's surname, followed by their first name then date (as the previous items) / "title of the chapter between quotation marks" /COMMA/ in (set in italics) initials of the name, followed by the surname of the organizers of the collection /COMMA/ collection's title (in italics) /COMMA/ place of publication /COMMA/ name of the Publisher /PERIOD/ "DOI" /COLON/ number of the doi (if there is one) /PERIOD/

E.g.: ABRANCHES, Sérgio Henrique. (1987), "Governo, empresa estatal e política siderúrgica: 1930-1975", in O.B. Lima & S.H. Abranches (org.), As origens da crise, São Paulo, Iuperj/Vértice. DOI: xxxxx.

THESES AND ACADEMIC DISSERTATIONS: author's surname, followed by first name and date (like previous items) /COMMA/ thesis's title in italics /PERIOD/ academic degree which the work refers to /COMMA/ institution which the work was presented in /COMMA/ city /PERIOD/

E.g.: SGUIZZARDI, Eunice Helena. (1986), O estruturalismo de Piaget: subsídios para a determinação de um lugar comum para a Ciência e a Arquitetura. Tese de mestrado. Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, São Paulo.

SIGNED NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: author's surname, followed by first name and date (as the previous items) / title of the article between quotation marks /PERIOD/ name of the periodical in italics /COMMA/ publishing date /PERIOD/ name of the newspaper section between parentheses /PERIOD/ Available in <electronic address>, consulted on day/month/year /PERIOD/

E.g.: AMORIM, Celso. (2002), "Guerra contra o Iraque é evitável". Folha de s. Paulo, 25 set. (caderno Cotidiano). Available in, consulted on 4/7/2011.

UNSIGNED NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: name of the article between quotation marks having the first word in uppercase /PERIOD/ year between parentheses /COMMA/ name of the newspaper in italics /COMMA/ day and month /PERIOD/ name of the newspaper section between parentheses /PERIOD/. Available in <electronic address>, consulted in day/month/year /PERIOD/

E.g.: "A pesquisa em saúde nas ciências sociais e humanas: tendências contemporâneas". (2005), Folha de S. Paulo, 22 ago. (caderno Cotidiano). Disponível em <endereço eletrônico>, consultado em dia/mês/ano.

WORKS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES: author's whole surname in upper casa /COMMA/ followed by the rest of the name in lowercase /PERIOD/ date between parentheses /COMMA/ title of the presentation /PERIOD/ name of the event /COMMA/ city of the event /COMMA/ date of the event /PERIOD/ Available at <electronic address>, consulted in day/month/year /PERIOD/

E.g.: SHELDON, Ana Rizek. (2018), O movimento que faz o corpo: escritos sobre um marujo.. Paper presented at the 42nd annual meeting of Anpocs, Caxambu, 22 to 26 october. Disponível em <endereço eletrônico>, consultado em dia/mês/ano.

WORKS PUBLISHED IN EVENT ANNALS: author's whole surname in upper case /COMMA/ followed by the rest of the name in lowercase /PERIOD/ date between parentheses /COMMA/ title of the presentation /PERIOD/ "In" /COLON/ name of the event /COMMA/ city of the event /COMMA/ pages of the event annal /PERIOD/ Available in <electronic address> /COMMA/ consulted in day/month/year/PERIOD

E.g.: SHELDON, Ana Rizek. (2018), O movimento que faz o corpo: escritos sobre um marujo. I X-X. Disponível em <endereço eletrônico>, consultado em dia/mês/ano.

INTERNET SOURCES: SURNAME, Name (year), Name of the news or source material. Available in <electronic address>, consulted in day/month/year /PERIOD/

INTERVIEWS: SURNAME, Name of the interviewee. Title of the interview. Name of the interviewer. Date (day, month and year), place /PERIOD (if there is the need for identity secrecy, the name of the interviewee may be abbreviated or replaced to ensure their anonymity).

ARCHIVED SOURCES: Name of the document / Place of the consult/ Date (day, month and year), place/PERIOD

Review version for publication
All texts will be submitted to an ample proofreading process, which includes spelling and grammar checks and stylistic analysis. Texts that have already been proofread will be submitted to the author's approval before publishing. The magazine seeks to garantee understandability and formal quality of the papers that are published in it. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to refuse publishing papers whose rewritting disregarded the proofreader's suggestions without proper justification. It is the task of the author to point out, in the pre edition document, further corrections that are necessary. Changes can not be made after the proofreading period, once the final version, in pdf format, was sent for publishing.

Any question about the submission process or the evaluation of papers can be asked at the e-mail:



Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais - ANPOCS Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315 - sala 116, 05508-900 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 3091-4664, Fax: +55 11 3091-5043 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil