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About the journal

Publication info


Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (Brazilian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology)

Editor: Renato Peixoto Veras

The Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (Brazilian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology) (or RBGG) is the extension of the journal Textos sobre Envelhecimento (Texts About Aging), which was launched in 1998. The RBGG is a specialized journal that publishes scientific texts concerning Geriatrics and Gerontology with the aim of contributing to the further study of human aging.

Issuance: An ongoing publication in electronic format, published in Portuguese, Spanish and English. It is open access, and provides ORCID identification for all its authors.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol., which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographic references and notes.

Online version ISSN 1981-2256

Plagiarism Policy

The Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia adopts the Plagium system for the identification of plagiarism.



Indexing sources


The articles published in the Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia are indexed or summarized by:

  •  SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
  •  Cabells Directory of Publishing Opportunities
  •  DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  •  Free Medical Journals
  •  LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (the Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)
  •  LILACS - Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências Sociais (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Social Sciences)
  •  Redalyc - Red Revistas Científicas América (the Network of American Scientific Journals)
  •  Open Acess Digital Library
  •  Ubc Library Journals


Intellectual property


The entire content of the journal, except where indicated, is licensed under an attribution CC-BY type Creative Commons License.





RBGG Website


RBGG Facebook

Youtube RBGG



Editorial board





Associated editors



Executive editor



Editorial committee

  • Alexandre Kalache – Centro Internacional de Longevidade Brasil. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
  • Anabela Mota Pinto – Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal
  • Anita Liberalesso Néri – Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Campinas-SP, Brasil
  • Annette Gertrud Anneliese Leibing – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
  • Candela Bonill de las Nieves – Hospital Universitário Carlos Haya. Málaga, Espanã
  • Carina Berterö – Linköping University. Linköping, Suécia
  • Catalina Rodriguez Ponce – Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, Espanã
  • Eliane de Abreu Soares – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
  • Emílio Hideyuki Moriguchi – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil
  • Emílio Jeckel Neto – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil
  • Evandro da Silva Freire Coutinho – Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
  • Guita Grin Debert – Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Campinas-SP, Brasil
  • Ivana Beatrice Mânica da Cruz – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria-RS, Brasil
  • Jose F. Parodi - Universidad de San Martín de Porres de Peru. Lima, Peru
  • Lúcia Helena de Freitas Pinho França – Universidade Salgado de Oliveira. Niterói-RJ, Brasil
  • Lúcia Hisako Takase Gonçalves – Universidade Federal do Pará. Belém-PA, Brasil
  • Luiz Roberto Ramos – Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Maria da Graça de Melo e Silva – Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal
  • Martha Pelaez – Florida International University. Miami, EUA
  • Mônica de Assis – Instituto Nacional de Câncer. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
  • Raquel Abrantes Pêgo - Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social. México-DF, México
  • Ricardo Oliveira Guerra – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal-RS, Brasil


Editorial production


Editorial Assistant


  • Gisele de Fátima Nunes da Silva
  • Maria Luisa Lamy Mesiano Savastano


  • Luiz Antonio Tarcitano


Instructions to authors

Manuscript categories


All articles, irrespective of their category, should be written in accordance with RBGG guidelines, observing the study design of the article (described in the Checklist on the journal site).

Original articles: these must be original research papers that aim to publish new research findings concerning subject areas that are relevant to the study area. Although other structures may be accepted, in general, papers must adhere to the following structure: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

Papers may contain a maximum of 4,000 words, excluding the abstract, bibliographic references, tables and figures. Maximum 35 number of references and 5 tables and figures.

The trial registration identification number will be requested for the acceptance of original studies that contain clinical trial data.

Opnion articles:

Opnion articles are free opnion texts aiming at provoking thoughts and discussion on interesting topics for Geriatrics and Gerontology, elaborated with scientific and ethical quality.

Maximum of 4,000 words, excluding abstract, references, tables and figures. Maximum of 30 references and four tables and / or figures. The text must include abstract and from two to five keywords.


a) Systematic review - a type of review that aims to resolve a specific issue that is the focus of the review. It is conducted through a synthesis of the results of quantitative or qualitative original studies and describes the methodology adopted in researching the studies, the criteria that were used to select the studies that were included in the review and the procedures that were implemented in summarizing the results obtained.

b) Meta-analysis – It is an statistical technique used to combine results from two or more different studies found in the literature on a same research question. It integrates data in a standardized way, aiming at a result with stronger explanatory power and to clarify possible divergences in the conclusions of the different source studies.

c) Scooping review – Mapping of the literature in relation to methods, data analyses, variables, concepts etc. used on certain topic from which there is not much produced knowledge yet. In general, it has the objective to guide the following execution of a systematic review or a meta-analysis. It starts from a wider search and deepens using the descriptors and references initially found to guide more precisely the review on what was published on the topic.

d) Integrative revision - a broad method of review that allows for the inclusion of theoretical and empirical literature, in addition to studies that adopt alternative methodological approaches (quantitative and qualitative). The studies that are included in the review must be analyzed systematically with respect to their objectives, methodologies and the materials used.

Maximum of 4,000 words, excluding the abstract and bibliographic references. Maximum 50 number of references and 5 tables and figures.

Case studies: Unpublished reports, with a well-documented description, related to the thematic area of the journal. The purpose of this category is to announce new variations in disease processes, treatments or unusual results, etc., for which there has not yet been time for an analysis with a greater number of cases to be prepared and submitted as an "original article". The authors should describe, in the argument of the text, its relevant features and relationship with cases previously published in literature in this area. The text should include an Introduction, Method, Results (describing the unpublished experiment), Discussion and Conclusion.

Maximum of 3,000 words, excluding the abstract and bibliographic references. Maximum 25 number of references and 3 tables and figures.

We recommend that you consult the guidelines for a case report.

Updates: descriptive and interpretative papers that are based on the overall current status of the subject that is being studied or that may undergo research.

Maximum of 3,000 words, excluding the abstract and bibliographic references. Maximum 25 number of references and 3 tables and figures.

Research briefs: Brief reports of the preliminary research results of studies in progress or which have been recently completed, anticipating innovative results. These need to be published as a matter of urgency as they demonstrate strong evidence of relationships between variables that may lead to public health risks, even though not all alternative hypotheses or effects have been fully understood.

Maximum of 1,500 words, excluding the abstract and bibliographic references. Maximum number of references: 10 and a table/figure.

Letter to the editor: An individual opinion about a determined article.

Maximum of 600 words, excluding the abstract and bibliographic references. Maximum number of references: 08.

Further information available


Manuscript preparation


Manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted.

Manuscripts must be typed and submitted in .doc, .txt or .rtf format, in Arial12 font on A-4 standard size paper, 1.5 line spacing ; left alignment.

The pages should not be numbered.


a) Full title of the article, in Portuguese or Spanish and in English, including a short title for each page.

Abstract: papers must include an abstract that consists of a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 250 words. In addition to an abstract in English, papers that are submitted in English must have an abstract in Portuguese.

Abstracts of original papers must state the most salient aspects of the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions of the paper. For other types of articles, the format of the abstracts should also be narrative, however they must include the same information. Abstracts should not contain citations.

Keywords: indicate, in the specific field, from three to six terms that identify the study's subject matter using Health Science descriptors - DeCS - from Bireme - available at

Body of the paper: The total number of words in the article should not exceed 4,000, including Introduction; Method; Result; Discussion; Conclusion and Acknowledgements (the last of which is not compulsory).

Introduction: should contain the purpose and the justification of the study; its importance, scope, limitations, controversies and other information that the author deems relevant. It should be brief, except for manuscripts that are submitted as Review Articles.

Methodology: this section should describe how the sample originated and the sampling process, and present data regarding the research metrics and the analysis strategy that was used.  For studies that involve humans, the project must include the use of an Informed Consent Form, which is presented to the study participants upon approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution where the project was undertaken.

Results:  results must be presented in a clear, concise manner. Tables and figures must be presented in such a way as to be self-explanatory, and should mention statistical significance, when relevant. One should avoid repeating data that appears in the body of the paper. The maximum number of tables and/or figures is 5 (five).

Discussion: this section should analyze the results, present the authors’ interpretation / evaluation based on observations that appear in current literature and the implications/ramifications that are implicit to knowledge about the subject. The challenges and limitations of the study should be mentioned in this section.

Conclusion: this section should present the conclusions that drawn that are relevant to the project's objective and indicate future directions towards which research could progress.

Acknowledgments: acknowledgments of institutions or individuals that effectively collaborated with the work can be stated in this section in a paragraph of up to five lines.

References: references must be standardized in accordance with the Vancouver style. References in the text, tables and figures must be identified with Arabic numerals that correspond to their respective numbers in the list of references. References must be listed in the order they appear for the first time in the text (not in alphabetical order). Each of the works that are cited in the text must appear in the references.

A minimum of 50% of references should be from publications in the last five years.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references, as well as their proper citation within the body of the paper.

Footnotes: should be limited to those that are absolutely necessary; an end note should not be included.

Images, figures, tables, charts or drawings must be forwarded or produced in Excel or Word format and must be editable and in grayscale or black.

Graphs should use font size 11, be centralized, and include information about the location and year of the event/collection.

Work that is developed using statistical software (such as SPSS, BioStat, Stata, Statistica, R, Mplus etc.) will be accepted, however, it should be edited afterwards in accordance with the requirements of the final normative statement and translated into English.

Studies involving human participants: must include information regarding approval by the ethics committee for research involving humans, in accordance with Resolution No. 466/2012 of the Conselho Nacional de Saúde (National Health Council). The last paragraph of the "Method" section must clearly state compliance with Resolution 466. The manuscript must include a copy of the authorization of the Ethics Committee's normative statement.

Clinical trials: the Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia supports the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) policies for the registration of clinical trials and recognizes the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international public disclosure of information regarding clinical studies. As a result, beginning in 2007, the only clinical research papers that will be accepted for publication are those that have received an identification number from one of the Clinical Trial Registries certified in accordance with the criteria established by the ICMJE and WHO, whose e-mail addresses are available on the ICMJE website. The identification number must appear at the end of the abstract.

The author must consult the following Checklists, in accordance with the type of study carried out:

  •  CONSORT - for controlled and randomized clinical trials
  •  CONSORT CLUSTER - an extension for clinical trials with clusters
  •  TREND - nonrandomized evaluation concerning public health
  •  STARD - for diagnostic precision tests
  •  REMARK - for prognostic precision tests
  •  STROBE - for observational epidemiological studies (cohort, case control or cross-sectional study)
  •  MOOSE - for meta-analysis of observational epidemiological studies
  •  PRISMA - for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  •  CASP - for integrative reviews
  •  COREQ – for qualitative studies

Researches with humans subjects: must follow the ethical principles for the medical researches adopted by World Medical Association meeting in Helsinki and the amendments from following meetings ( ), and current laws from the country in which the research was made. Researches made in Brazil must include the information on the Ethics Committee approval, according to resolutions number 466/ 2012 and 510/ 2016 by National Health Council. In the section of the Methods, the last paragraph must have a sentence assuring its accomplishment. The manuscript must be accompanied by a copy of the approval of the Ethics Committee.

Clinical Trials: BJGG supports the politics on the registration of clinical trials of the World Health Organization (WHO) and of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives to the registration and international presentation of clinical trials information, in open access. Thus, only will be accepted for publication manuscripts on clinical trials which have received an identification number from a Clinical Trials Registration based on criteria established by WHO and ICMJE. The identification number must be cited at the end of the abstract.

Links: and



Submission of manuscripts and necessary documents


Submissions should be made through the journal site, via the "article submission" link.

Following submission, the Editorial Board of the journal will confirm if all the submission guidelines have been met, and begin the article submission process.

BJGG stimulates the adherence to Open Science movement, therefore, we suggest for authors to actively participate, including your manuscripts in preprint repositories;

We have a profile at the Publons website which helps the promotion of the journal so as the authors and the reviewers. To endorse BJGG, access:;

Manuscripts must be original, sent exclusively to the Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (RBGG) and may not be submitted to any other periodicals for simultaneous evaluatio.

The text must not include any information that allows the author to be identified; the contact information of the authors should be provided only in the specific fields on the submission form.

Items required upon submission:
Term of acceptance document with title page; copyright document; letter of acknowledgement, Form on Open Science agreement, fulfilled checklist (guides of scientific report) according to the study design, Ethics Committee approval (when applicable). Our website ( provides a standard template for each document. A document confirming the approval of the research by an ethics committee should also be provided.

Further information at:



Manuscript evaluation


The manuscripts that meet the standardization requirements shall be forwarded to undergo the evaluation phases. In order to be published, the manuscript must be approved across the following phases:

  1.  Pre-analysis: the evaluation of the manuscript is conducted by the Scientific Editors, who base their assessment on the paper's originality, academic quality and its relevance to the fields of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
  2.  External peer review: manuscripts that are selected during the pre-analysis phase are submitted for evaluation by scholars who specialize in the paper’s subject matter. Their reports are analyzed by the editors, who will then decide on whether or not to approve the manuscript. The final decision concerning publication of the manuscript lies with the editors.
  3.  Final analysis: the phase in which the author makes the adjustments required for publication of the manuscript. During this editing and standardization process, the RBGG reserves the right to make formatting and spelling and grammar changes to the text before submitting it for publication.

Anonymity is guaranteed during the entire submission process.

The decision of the editors of RBGG on whether to publish the manuscript or not will be final.

Open Review

In all papers, the name of the editor responsible for the manuscript will be present

Conflicts of Interest

Possible conflicts of interest on the part of the authors should also be declared and described in the "Responsibility Statement", required by RBGG upon submission of the article."



Article Processing Charge (APC)



The payment has the objective to assure resources exclusively to the editorial production of BJGG. Therefore, we ask authors to pay the APC, which is divided in two parts:

  • One to be paid only if the manuscript is accepted in the desk review, in the sum of R$200.00 (two hundred reais);
  • Another part to be paid only after the final approval, if the paper is accepted for publication, in the sum of R$780.00 (seven hundred and eighty reais).

The manuscript can be submitted in the following languages:

Portuguese, English or Spanish. Being submitted in English or Spanish, authors agree to pay for the review by the professionals authorized and indicated by BJGG.

Once the paper is published, any reader can have full and free access to the journal online at our website and at SciELO’s website

Article errata

For the realization of any alteration in the published paper or in the side information that composes the published article (such as names, affiliation, coauthors information, corresponding author etc.) it will be charged a tax of R$450.00 for errata. This tax will be applied in case of alterations after final approval by the authors of the PDF version.



Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil