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About the journal


Basic Information


The Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (RBPI) is a biannual publication established in 1958 by the Brazilian Institute of International Relations (IBRI). From 2020 the Journal has been published by the Center for Global Studies of the University of Brasília. RBPI is one of the most traditional journals on International Relations published in Latin America and one of the most influential in the field in the Global South.

RBPI examines the broad field of International Relations from many perspectives. It publishes original case studies and theory articles on themes related to politics, economics, sociology, security, environment and other pressing matters of contemporary relevance. RBPI values inter-disciplinary manuscripts and is receptive to a wide array of methodological traditions.

RBPI is an open access journal and adopts the continuous publication model.

All published contributions are submitted to scientific arbitration, following the double blind peer review system.

The abbreviation of its title is Rev. bras. polít. int., which must be used in bibliographic references, footnotes and endnotes, and in bibliographic captions.



Index Sources

  • Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition
  • SciELO Citation Index
  • Scopus
  • Academic One File
  • Academic Search Alumni Edition
  • Academic Search Complete
  • Academic Search Elite
  • Academic Search Premier
  • America: History & Life with Full Text
  • America: History and Life
  • Clase - Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
  • CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
  • International Political Science Abstracts
  • SciELO Brasil
  • Scimago Journal & Country Rank
  • Advanced Placement Government & Social Studies Collection
  • Fonte Acadêmica
  • Fuente Académica
  • Fuente Académica Premier
  • Hispanic American Periodicals Index
  • Historical Abstracts
  • Historical Abstracts with Full Text
  • InfoTrac Custom
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences - IBZ
  • International Security & Counter-Terrorism Reference Center (ISCTRC)
  • Peace Research Abstracts
  • Political Science Complete
  • PRISMA (Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas)
  • Proquest Periodicals Index Online
  • ProQuest Political Science
  • Public Affairs Index
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • TOC Premier
  • World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Cabells Economics and Finance Directory
  • Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)
  • CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
  • Current Contents of Periodicals on the Middle East
  • Current Geographical Publications
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Global Issues in Context
  • Google Scholar
  • Handbook of Latin America Studies - Library of Congress
  • Informe Académico
  • Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC)
  • Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • Mundorama
  • RedAlyc – Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • Summon Content & Coverage
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
  • UN Monthly Bibliography
  • UNESCO - DARE Database - International Social Sciences Directory
  • World Affairs Online - German Institute for International and Security Affairs




All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.





The publication receives financing from:

  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


Editorial board





Associate Editors



Assistant Editors



Editorial Assistants

  • Hanna Debbs (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG, Brazil)
  • Laura Peixoto (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG, Brazil


Communications Assistants



Editorial Council

  • Andrés Malamud (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Andrew Hurrell (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
  • Ann Towns (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Amitav Acharya (American University, United States)
  • Amy Niang (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
  • Arlene Beth Tickner (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)
  • Deisy de Freitas Lima Ventura (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Detlef Nolte (German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany)
  • Jerry Dávila (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
  • Kathy Hochstetler  (London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom)
  • Kathryn Sikkink (Harvard University, United States)
  • Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira (University of Minho, Portugal)
  • Lene Hansen  (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Matias Spektor (Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil)
  • Navnita Chadha Behera (University of Delhi, India)
  • Paulo Luiz Moreaux Lavigne Esteves (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • Pınar Bilgin (Bilkent University, Turkey)
  • Rafael Duarte Villa (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Roland Paris (University of Ottawa, Canada)
  • Scott Mainwaring  (University of Notre Dame, United States)
  • Thomas Zeiller (University of Colorado Boulder, United States)
  • Tullo Vigevani (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil)


Steering Committee

  • Antonio Carlos Lessa (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)
  • Ana Flávia Granja e Barros (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)
  • Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue (Radboud University, Netherlands)
  • Eduardo Viola (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)
  • Henrique Altemani de Oliveira (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)
  • Paulo Roberto de Almeida (Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brazil)


Previous Editors

  • Antonio Carlos Lessa (Editor-in-Chief, 2004-2021)
  • Amado Luiz Cervo (Editor-in-Chief, 1993-2004)
  • Paulo Roberto de Almeida (Associate Editor, 1993-2021)
  • Cleantho de Paiva Leite (Editor-in-Chief,1967-1992)
  • José Honório Rodrigues (Editor-in-Chief, 1964-1967)
  • Henrique Valle (Editor-in-Chief, 1961-1964)
  • Oswaldo Trigueiro (Editor-in-Chief, 1958-1961)


Editorial production


Copy Editors

  • André Fernandes (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil)

Electronic Edition

  • InGroup Tecnologia e Serviços


Instructions to authors

Editorial Scope and Policy



The Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (RBPI) receives contributions in a continuous flow in the form of scientific articles written in English. This journal publishes unpublished scientific articles whose theme is placed in the great area of International Relations, comprising International and Comparative Politics, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Law, History of International Relations and Foreign Policy, and International Political Economy.

RBPI aims to publish better and more innovative originals in the field of International Relations. Contributions that do not emphasize international or cross-border phenomena, defined as pertaining to the international studies agenda, are not included within the publication's scope.

RBPI maintains a high-quality standard and the first and more important criterion for assessing contributions is the scientific quality. Before submitting any piece of work, please certify your manuscript strictly follows the below-presented journal standards.

Successful manuscripts usually are characterized as follows:

  1. They are introduced with a clear, concise argument that presents the work's scientific contribution to the field of International Relations;
  2. They have an interpretation based on state-of-the-art literature which indicates the manuscript's relevance to it;
  3. They present an indication of the importance of cited sources;
  4. They have arguments structured clearly in the body of the article, presenting evidence unambiguously;
  5. They have a concluding section summarizing the content and analyzing results, which may possibly introduce an agenda for further research;
  6. They observe the correct use of grammar and academic language in English, and format consistent with the journal's criteria.
  7. They respect the criteria of maximum extension.

Manuscripts that fail to be admitted usually are characterized as follows:

  1. They are irrelevant to the working field of the journal and present low adherence to the editorial policy;
  2. They present imprecise, superficial, or incorrect treatment of the theme;
  3. They lack adequate sources for sustaining arguments;
  4. Their presentation is flawed (non-adherence to the journal's standard and writing and style problems);
  5. The writing is poor, the language is imprecise, and they present logical or conceptual inaccuracies;
  6. They are contributions that have been previously published elsewhere, in whole or in part.

Before submitting, examine your manuscript looking for potential expressions, sentences, and paragraphs which may be omitted and, by doing so, not compromise the central argument, or even help it become clearer. We also encourage potential collaborator so seek help and detailed comments from qualified reviewers before submitting to the Journal.

Articles must present clear, concise writing in English. Writing in either North American or British English is admitted, but not a mix of both. In case you have no conditions of proper writing in English, it is strongly recommended that the text is submitted only after revision by a professional text reviser or translator who has experience in the area of international studies. The Secretariat may recommend certified translators and revisers, with whom the Journal has worked throughout the last few years, who may provide translation into English and English text revision services (those shall be paid directly by the author to the service provider).

Editors reserve the right to return articles that are not pursuant to these instructions, which must be read carefully and followed thoroughly.


The manuscript should not have been previously published, in whole or in part, in any other journal (even if in a modified format), neither be under consideration for publication in other media. This rule applies to both abridged or unabridged versions and to excerpts of the article. Translations of texts published in another language are not accepted.

RBPI is committed to good practices in scientific publication, including the full originality of published works and the due reference of arguments, data, and excerpts of texts of other authors or previous articles from the submitting authors.

The editorial analysis process may extend up to 120 days. The editorial analysis of all submitted contributions takes place in three stages:

  1. All contributions are analyzed by RBPI Editorial Board, which will preliminarily decide on the adherence of the work to the editorial policy of the journal, and verify its scientific consistency and preliminary correction in writing acceptable conditions;
  2. The works approved in the first stage will be submitted to similarity-detection mechanisms. This necessarily involves the identification of excerpts of the manuscript that have already been previously published, even if modified, by the contributor or whomever else;
  3. The contributions approved in the second stage will be submitted to scientific arbitration, in a double-blind process. The arbitration may recommend full acceptance, acceptance with modifications, or manuscript refusal. In case of refusal, the manuscript may not be submitted again to RBPI even with modifications.

RBPI imposes a publication interval of eighteen months between articles by the same author. The Journal does not accept simultaneous submissions of multiple articles by the same author. For example, having an article published in April 2020 authors will not be able to submit a new manuscript before December 2021. Authors of articles rejected in desk review by editors, with no external arbitrage, should wait 180 days to submit a new one, from the date of the decision letter. The rules of standby time apply to all individuals who signed the articles, whether as the first author or as a coauthor.
RBPI requires that all datasets on which the conclusions of empirical articles rely should be available to readers. ​ RBPI curates the data that support them and makes databases and metadata available in the Harvard Dataverse repository. All the data should be available in English. Authors are also required to cite publicly available datasets in their references.

RBPI is a biannual journal and ​adopts a continuous publishing model in which individual articles will be released online as they become ready, allowing a steady stream of informative quality articles.



Preparing the Originals


Collaboration rules

  • The article must be written exclusively in English and must have between 7,000 and 8,000 words, never exceeding 8,000 words (including title, abstract, bibliographic references, and keywords);
  • The article must include an abstract between 80 and 120 words;
  • The article must include from 4 to 6 keywords;
  • The file to be uploaded must be generated by a universally-used text processor software, and in .docx format. Use only default text formatting;
  • Footnotes must be used only for additional clarifications to the text;
  • The bibliographic references must be listed at the end of the text. All references listed in the Bibliographic references section must have been cited throughout the article;
  • Observe the Chicago system (author date) strictly;
  • Submissions are carried out exclusively through the submission form at (Online Submission);
  • To assure author anonymity in the analysis of the contribution's worth, the article must include in the submission, as a complementary file, a Title Page containing the following information: author's name, institution to which he or she is affiliated, academic background, ORCID, address, phone, and institutional e-mail. In the case of contributions with multiple authors, the information of all authors must be presented. In this Title Page you may include the text for the Acknowledgments section of the article;
  • In the text of the article, the submitting author must eliminate any reference that may indicate his or her identity. In the case of multiple authors, all coauthors' names, as well as their institutions, must be informed in the Submissions Form;
  • The submitting author must state, in the Cover Letter to the editor (first field in the Submissions Form), he or she is responsible for the content in the contribution presented to RBPI's Editorial Board;
  • The submitting author must be authorized by all coauthors to act as submitting agent in their behalf concerning all matters related to the publication of the manuscript, and the authorship order must be agreed by all authors;
  • The submitting author must state, in the Cover Letter to the editor (first field in the Submissions Form), that the content of the submitted work has nothing that could be deemed illegal, defamatory, or that causes a conflict of interest or that may interfere in the impartiality of the presented work.
  • The Journal does not publish in its articles liability waivers or disclaimers of any sort;
  • The Journal admits only a maximum of three authors per article, and even so, the responsibility of each of them in the research development that originated the submission must be clear in the Cover Letter to the editor (first field in the Submissions Form).
  • To submit a manuscript, at least one of the authors should hold a Master’s degree;
  • If approved for publication, authors should provide material such as a press release, interviews or any  other information requested by the Editorial Team;
  • The data that support empirical articles should be available and the databases and metadata published in the Harvard Dataverse. Authors are required to cite publicly available datasets in their reference lists;
  • Inquiries concerning the submissions or evaluation processes must be directed to our institutional e-mail:

Tables and figures

The use of images (flowcharts, maps, tables, and figures) must be restricted to the essential for the illustration of arguments developed in the text. This means that they should not reproduce information mentioned in the text and should not be poorly explored in the development of the central argument of the article. All images must be provided in .EPS and also in an editable format with at least 300 dpi resolution. Only black & white or color images will be accepted. Indicate in the body of the text the exact insertion points of the images. In the case of images not produced by the author, the submission must include, as a complementary document, a formal authorization signed by the author/editor of the image for its use and reproduction in the article submitted to the Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional.

Figures and tables must be accompanied by their respective spreadsheets in a separate and editable file. Figures and tables without the appropriate titles, scales, and units will cause the preliminary rejection of the submission.


ORCID ID of the authors is mandatory information for each submission. RBPI will include in its articles the ORCID ID number ( of the authors, authors, and this information must be presented when submitting.

Title page

The Title Page must contain the following information: 1. Article title (title of the manuscript, with the first letter in upper case); 2. Complete name of the author(s) ; 3. Institutional affiliation of each author; 4. Professional address of each author; 5. ORCID ID of each author; 6. Institutional e-mail of each author; 7. Keywords (4 to 6 terms, in alphabetical order); 8. eventual acknowledgements, which shall be inserted in the article, if its publication is approved.


When necessary, acknowledgments must refer exclusively to the substantial support received by the author in the development of the research that originated the article. Acknowledgments must be inserted in the Title Page, as described previously. In case the work is approved for publication, this part will be inserted in the end of the text, in an Acknowledgments section. Acknowledgments to aids or grants, as well as acknowledgments to collaborations from colleagues, and eventual mention to the origin of an article (such as, for instance, theses) must be indicated in this section. Acknowledgments to individuals must precede the acknowledgments to institutions or agencies.  Acknowledgments to the peer reviewers that examined the article are not allowed. Dedications are not allowed.


Footnotes should be avoided. When extremely necessary, they shall be numbered sequentially and must exclusively present additional clarifications to the text.

Article structure

The articles must necessarily include an introduction, conclusion, and bibliographic references. In the introduction and conclusions, charts, tables or figures of any sort are not allowed. The excessive fragmentation of the text structure, by inserting more than two subheadings, should be avoided.

Availability of research data

RBPI values the availability of research data used in the articles in open-access repositories, following register standards that assure authorship, use, and citation of data, as well as of the corresponding article. The author may report statistical series, document databases, series of historical documents relevant to the development of the presented analysis, and so forth.

RBPI requires that all datasets on which the conclusions of empirical articles rely should be available to readers. ​ RBPI curates the data that support them and makes databases and metadata available in the Harvard Dataverse repository. ​The database must be provided in a format that is easily accessible to conventional statistical software packages such as R, Stata, SPSS and Excel. ​If the article does not use statistical software that allows for the creation of a replication code, the authors should describe the steps one by one so that replication is possible. All the data should be available in English. Authors are also required to cite publicly available datasets in their references.

The eventual availability of research data may be reported in the Acknowledgements section.


Bibliographic references

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic references cited in their work.

The references may be cited in the text, as, for example, (Almeida 2004), (Almeida and Farias 2009), (Almeida, Farias, and Cunha 2009) or, for three or more authors, (Almeida et al. 2010). Two or more articles by the same authorship in the same year should be differentiated by letters, as in (Almeida 2004a), (Almeida 2004b), (Almeida and Farias 2009a), (Almeida and Farias 2009b), and so forth.

The references must be listed at the end of the text, in the Bibliographic references section, in alphabetical order of the cited work's first author's last name. If there are more than three authors, use the first author's last name followed by et al. The following examples are considered as a general guide for listing references.


Vaz-Pinto, Raquel. "Peaceful rise and the limits of Chinese exceptionalism."Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 57, special issue (2014): 210-24.

Souza, Matilde de, Franciely Torrente Veloso, Letícia Britto dos Santos, Rebeca Bernardo da Silva Caeiro. "Governança de recursos comuns: bacias hidrográficas transfronteiriças." Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 57, no. 2 (2014): 152-75.

Books and book chapters

Cervo, Amado Luiz. A Parceria Inconclusa: as relações entre Brasil e Portugal. Vol. 1. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2012.

Cervo, Amado Luiz. "A Parceria Inconclusa: as relações entre Brasil e Portugal." In Parcerias estratégicas do Brasil: os significados e as experiências tradicionais, edited by Antônio Carlos Lessa and Henrique Altmani Oliveira, 119-38, vol. 1. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2013.

There is no fee for submission and evaluation articles.



Ethical Guidelines and good practicles in scientific publishing


RBPI fully supports the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)'s orientations for dealing with ethical questions in the publication of scientific journals. RBPI's Editorial Board, editors and editorial and administrative staff agree that these orientations fully meet the goals of this publication.

By submitting an article to the appreciation of RBPI's Editorial Board, the submitting author states, on his and the other coauthors' behalf, to be fully aware of and agree to these guidelines.
These guidelines are listed below:

  1. Responsible research publication: international standards for editors - Kleinert S & Wager E (2011) Responsible research publication: international standards for editors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 51 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 317-28). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7);
  2. Responsible research publication: international standards for authors - Wager E & Kleinert S (2011) Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7);
  3. COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

RBPI also adopts the ethical principles and procedures of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico- CNPQ and of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP.



Centro de Estudos Globais da Universidade de Brasília Centro de Estudos Globais, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasília - DF - 70910-900 - Brazil, Tel.: + 55 61 31073651 - Brasília - DF - Brazil