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(Updated: 2024/09/09)


Brief Background


Revista de História, is published by the Department of History of the School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP) and is one of the oldest academic history journals in Brazil. Professor Eurípedes Simões de Paula founded the journal in 1950 and ran the quarterly publication as the Editor-in-Chief during its first phase, until his death in 1977. After a brief interruption, the publication of the Revista de História resumed in 1983 with semiannual publications and with its editors and editorial teams being elected every two years by the faculty of the Department of History. From 2014 onwards, it started assigning Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to the published texts, and, as of 2017, it is published on a continuous basis and only in digital format.



Open Science Compliance


This journal provides free access to its entire collection - Available at: - in accordance with the Open Science movement, which proposes guidelines for collaborative, shared, and public scientific practice.

Revista de História accepts articles published as preprints on reliable public platforms, such as SciELO Preprints, so that, if appropriate, they can be openly discussed before being published. The journal encourages transparency in data sharing and offers the Open Science Compliance Form.

The editors responsible for each article/review are credited at the end of the published article.



Ethics in Publication


The editors take the necessary measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles involving research misconduct or ethical violations, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, data falsification/fabrication, lack of relevant permissions, discrimination, among others. Situations and allegations brought to the attention of editors and evaluators will be referred to the Editorial Team, which will take appropriate actions, including referral to higher levels of the University, if necessary.

The journal follows the guidelines of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Good Practice, and submissions must comply with these guidelines. For more information on the Code, see



Focus and Scope


Revista de História (RH) publishes articles, reviews, and critical editions of primary sources. The publications are preferably from the field of History, although works produced in other areas of the Humanities are also welcome. Since the journal not restricted to a specific historiographical field, RH prioritizes texts that highlight research problems relevant to the broader historian community, fostering a dialogue between different specialties within the historical discipline and related areas.

RH publishes exclusively original work; the submissions cannot be undergoing review in other journals, whether in Brazil or abroad, by the time of submission. The main language of the journal is Portuguese, but works written in English, French, or Spanish are also accepted.



Digital Preservation


Regarding backup, redundancy, and digital preservation, ABCD/USP is partners with Cariniana Network—the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services —coordinated by IBICT, promoting internal studies to improve policies and procedures. The PKP Preservation Network provides free preservation services for any OJS journal.

This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Digital Preservation Policy Program.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Journal Information

  • Journal Title: Revista de História
  • Abbreviated Title: Rev. Hist. (São Paulo, Online)
  • Published by: University of São Paulo, School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences, Department of History
  • Frequency: Annual
  • Publication Model: Continuous Publication
  • Year of Inception: 1950


Websites and Social Media






The journal accepts articles previously published on preprint platforms, such as SciELO Preprints. Authors must disclose at the time of submission.



Peer Review Process


Papers submitted to Revista de História are initially evaluated by the Editorial Team to ascertain their content and form is in alignment with our editorial profile. Once approved in this initial phase, the manuscript is sent to two ad hoc reviewers (or just one, in case of reviews) appointed by the Editorial Team, in accordance with the procedures of the double-blind peer review process.

When the reviews are received, the Editorial Team will adopt one of the following procedures:

  1. Request a third review in case of disagreements.
  2. Approval of the manuscript, no revision required.
  3. Approval of the manuscript, minor revisions required.
  4. Rejection of the manuscript.

In case of approval subject to revisions, authors are expected to make the necessary amendments within 30 days. All changes must be highlighted in the new version of the paper.

The reviews provide input for the final stage of the evaluation conducted by the editorial team, which holds the final decision regarding the paper approval or rejection.

The editors responsible for each article/review are credited at the end of the published piece.



Open Data


Revista de História suggests for author to make the research data of the published articles available in accessible repositories. A justification must be presented in case of refusal to present this data.

Authors are recommended to use their own institutional repositories or other reliable repositories. For more information see





Revista de História does not charge any fees for submission or publication.



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


To prevent plagiarism and misconducts, or potential fraud that violates ethical publishing principles, the journal recommends authors to:

  • Consult the COPE website (Information on research ethics).
  • Cite all and any intellectual content produced by other authors.
  • Identify the leading authors for each research phase relevant to manuscript preparation (see “authors’ contributions” below).

Revista de História submits all papers to iThenticate, a tool that identify possible plagiarism. For each text, a report is generated and analyzed by the Editorial Team.
In case of any irregularity, the Editorial Team may request:

  • A formal explanation regarding authors’ contributions
  • A more detailed explanation regarding the highlighted parts presented by the similarity detection program.

If evidence of plagiarism is found in a published paper, the Editorial Team will withdraw it from all journal’s platforms and issue a corrigendum, acknowledging the occurrence of misappropriation of others’ ideas or data. If plagiarism is detected during the evaluation phase, the text will be rejected. In either case, the plagiarist’s academic institution and funding agency will be informed of the editorial decision. If deemed appropriate by the Editorial Team, the plagiarized individual or group will be notified.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


Authors must declare whether there is a conflict of interest.

Conflicts of interest may be of personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature. Conflicts of interest can arise when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that might lead to bias in the evaluation process. While submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing any financial or other types of conflicts that may have influenced their work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, author(s) must inform it in a separate document, signed and attached to the submission platform. For more information, see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.



Adoption of Similarity Software


Revista de História uses the iThenticate platform for all submitted texts (articles, reviews, etc.) to detect plagiarism or similarities.



Gender and Sex Issues


The editorial team of Revista de História, as well as authors and reviewers who publish in the journal, must always adhere to the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of directives that guide the reporting of information related to sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings.

RH observes a gender equity policy in the formation of its Editorial Team.





Authors retain copyright, and grant Revista de História the right of first publication.

Authors are authorized to enter separate additional contracts for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publishing in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), acknowledging its first publication in Revista de História.

Authors are permitted and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal pages) before or during the editorial process, as this can lead to productive changes and increase the impact and citation of the published work (see The Effect of Open Access).



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Authors of articles published by Revista de História retain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Licença Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0), which allows the articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided that the original work is correctly cited. 

The data, opinions, and concepts expressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic references, are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

Revista de História encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them in personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, provided that a full citation to the version on Revista de História’s website is included.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico 

Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social – FFLCH/USP

Agência de Bibliotecas e Coleções Digitais (ABCD-USP)













Associate or Section Editors



Technical Team


Managing Editor




Types of Documents Accepted


Revista de História (RH) publishes original articles, reviews, and critical editions of primary sources. Manuscripts must be previously unpublished. Papers simultaneously submitted to other journals, either domestic or foreign, will not be accepted. Revista de História is a Portuguese-language journal, but we also welcome contributions in English, Spanish, or French.

Books analyzed in the review section must have been published in the preceding two years, in case of Brazilian edition, or four years, in case of foreign edition.

Each author may have only one under evaluation at a time, that is, from submission to publication. Additionally, there will be a two-year interval before the same author can publish another text in RH. If the manuscript is withdrawn after the evaluation process has begun, the author must also wait two years before submitting new contributions.

At the end of the published manuscritpt, the names of the Editors-in-Chief and Vice Editors will be listed as responsible for the evaluation.

The content expressed in the texts published by Revista de História is the sole responsibility of their respective authors.

Minimum degree required for authors (and co-authors) for article submission: PhD in progress.

Authors must send a Declaration of Conformity with Open Science.



Authors' Contribution


In case of multi-authored texts, a footnote should describe the specific contribution of each signatory to the published work, in accordance with the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) standard.

Each author can submit only one article for publication and must wait a minimum period of 2 years before submitting a new text for publication.

The minimum degree required for each author participating in the article must be a PhD in progress.

The opinions and content expressed in the texts published by Revista deHistória are the sole responsibility of the authors.



Manuscript Preparation


To ensure a double-blind review, there must be no authorship information either in the Word file or in the Word document properties.



Submission Format (Articles/Reviews)


For Articles (Word document, .doc format attached):

Cover Page:

Title of the article (in Portuguese and English)

Abstract of up to 10 lines (in Portuguese and English)

5 keywords (in Portuguese and English)

Separate lists at the end: sources and bibliography

Length: from 30,000 to 80,000 characters, including spaces

For Reviews (Word document, .doc format attached):

Cover Page:

Title of the review (in Portuguese)

Full citation of the work being reviewed, note:

Books published in Brazil: within the last two (2) years

Books published abroad: within the last four (4) years

Length: from 5,000 to 25,000 characters, including spaces

When submitting, fill in the system:

Authors’ names
Full affiliation
Authors’ ORCID
Corresponding author’s e-mail
Biography summary
Information regarding fundings
And any other information requested by the system






In addition to the sections for articles, reviews, and interviews, the Revista de História also publishes dossiers. Dossiers do not have a fixed periodicity—proposals can be submitted on a continuous basis— and only allow for two to three organizers with, at least, a PhD degree.

The Editorial Team will assess the relevance of the publication.

Proposals must be sent via email to in a text of up to two pages, presenting the title, the theme, and its historiographical relevance. The journal’s Editorial Team and the organizers of the dossier will be in charge of publicizing the call for accepted proposals, along with a timetable for receiving contributions.

All contributions must be submitted via the platform, following the standard process of the other sections.

Dossiers must contain a presentation signed by the organizers and a minimum of 4 articles.



Citations and References (different lists at the end of the article)


Mandatory, for XML indexing purposes.
Insert the full names and surnames of the authors, without abbreviations.
Do not use the resource _____________. (Always repeat the names and surnames of the authors in the case of distinct works by the same authors.)
Always include the DOI code in the references of articles that have one.
The final bibliography must follow the ABNT-NBR 6023 standards, as exemplified below (Note: the author’s name should never be abbreviated):

For books, dissertations, theses, articles, and similar works:

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the work or book in italics: subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year, [year of the 1st edition], p.
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the chapter or part of the book. In: LAST NAME, First Name (ed.; org.; coord.; etc.); or Idem. Title in italics: subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year, [year of the 1st edition], p.
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics. City: Publisher, vol., issue, year, p. Available at: <http://www....> Accessed on: Mont. Day, year. DOI: http://…
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article or news item. Newspaper in italics, City, Month. Day, Year, section, p.
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the work presented. In: NAME OF EVENT, number, year, location. Abstracts, Proceedings, or Minutes in italics. City: publisher, year, p.
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the thesis/dissertation in italics. Doctoral dissertation/Master’s thesis, area, department/institute, university, year.
NAME OF EVENT, number, year, location. Note: the author’s name should never be abbreviated.

For handwritten sources and printed documents:
Author. Type of Document. Date. Descriptive information followed by a comma. Location information followed by a comma.

For iconographic materials:
Author. Title in italics. Date. Medium (painting, engraving, photograph, etc.), additional information followed by a comma.

For cartographic materials:
Author. Title in italics. Location: publisher, year. Specific designation (1 atlas, map, aerial photograph). Scale. Additional information followed by a comma.

For audio materials:
Composer or performer. Title in italics. Location: record label (or equivalent), date. Medium, additional information followed by a comma.

For sheet music:
Author. Title in italics. Location: publisher, date. Specific designation (1, 2, 3 sheet music). Intended instrument. Additional information followed by a comma.

For three-dimensional documents:
Author. Title in italics. Date. Specification of the object (sculpture, fossils, objects, etc.): characteristics of the object (material, dimensions, description, etc.). Location where it is found (Museum, Archive, Private Collection, etc.).

For patents:
Entity and/or responsible author. Title in italics. Patent number, date (of the registration period).

For materials available on the Internet:
Use the same standards above for each type of material, adding the following expressions and data at the end of the reference: Available at: http:// and Accessed on: Month. day, year.

In the case of articles that have a DOI, provide it according to the example below:

FREITAS, Gustavo de. A Companhia Geral do Comércio do Brasil (1649-1720). In: Revista de História, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 6, p. 307-328, junho 1951. ISSN 2316-9141. Available at: <>. Accessed on: April 27, 2017. DOI:



Digital Assets


Tables and images should be inserted in the body of the manuscript.

Above the images, insert the name of the image, and below, provide detailed information.

Images must be attached in the system, with a resolution of 300 dpi, in JPG or TIFF formats.



Citations and References (ABNT-NBR 6023)


For quotes up to 3 lines: use quotation marks within the body of the text.
longer than 3 lines: highlighted in Times New Roman, size 11, 1.0 spacing, without quotation marks, indented to the left (1.25cm).
interventions: placed in square brackets, e.g.: [Intervention]
omissions: marked by ellipsis, in parentheses, e.g.: (…)
references: right after the quotation, in the text or in a footnote.
For example: (BLOCH, 1993 [1924], p. 278)
Note: always include the year of the 1st edition

Author’s emphasis: indicated in italics

 i BLOCH, Marc. Os reis Taumaturgos. Estudo sobre o caráter sobrenatural do poder régio na França e na Inglaterra. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1993, p. 278
        […] BLOCH, 1993 [1924], p. 278.
Note: always include the year of the 1st edition



Supplementary Documents


When submitting, always attach the Open Science Compliance Form.



Financing Statement


If the research that led to the article received any financial support, this must be stated. The funding source must be named, and it is necessary to indicate the contract number or the administrative process number with the funding agency.





University of São Paulo
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences
Department of History
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338, ZIP: 01305-000
São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Tel.: (55 11) 3091-3701




Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338, 01305-000 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-3701 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil