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Um balanço bibliográfico e de fontes da estereoscopia

A bibliographic and stereoscopy sources balance


Um balanço bibliográfico e de fontes da estereoscopia

A bibliographic and stereoscopy sources balance

Gavin Adams

Programa de Pós-GraduaçÃo da ECA/USP


O balanço bibliográfico que se segue é uma reflexÃo acerca da organizaçÃo de títulos que tratam da estereoscopia. Menos do que uma tentativa de listar todos os títulos disponíveis em uma bibliografia completa, a presente reflexÃo quer mapear os tipos principais de publicaçÃo de interesse estereoscópico encontrados no curso de sua pesquisa de doutorado. Ademais, o presente balanço quer oferecer uma meditaçÃo sobre algumas das particularidades e incidências da bibliografia encontrada, de modo a oferecer ao pesquisador da estereoscopia um guia inicial para seus trabalhos.

Palavras-chave: Estereoscopia. Bibliografia. Visualidade.


The bibliographic balance that follows is a reflection on the organization of titles about stereoscopy. Less than an attempt to compile a complete list of all available titles into a complete bibliography, thepresent reflection aims to map the main kinds of publication of stereoscopic interest found by the author in the course of his PhD research. In addition, the present balance aims to ponder on some of the particularities and incidences of such bibliography, so as to offer the researcher on stereoscopy an initial guide to his or her work.

Keywords: Stereoscopy. Bibliography. Visuality.

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BATCHEN, Geoffrey. Enslaved sovereign: on Jonathan Crary, techniques of the observer. Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, v. 6, n. 2, 1991. Disponível em: <>. Download no site do Photogenic Papers.

BENJAMIN, W. The arcades project. Cambridge: Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, 1999.

BETTI, U. Tratato teorico-pratico di fotografia. Livorno: Raffaello Giusti, 1878.

BREWSTER, David. The stereoscope; it's history, theory and construction. Hastings-on-Hudson, Nova York: Morgan & Morgan, 1971. EdiçÃo fac-símile da ediçÃo da John Murray, Londres, 1856.

BRUNET, F. Le soleil peintre et sculpteur, avec un voyage stéréoscopique. études photographiques, Paris, v. 9, p. 109-123, maio 2001.

BUCK-MORSS, Susan. Dialectics of seeing. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990.

CHADWICK, William Isaac. How to make transparencies for lantern slides and stereoscopic slides. Manchester: Mowson & Swan, 1890.

CóRDOVA, Carlos A. Arqueologia de la imagen: México en las vistas estereoscópicas. Cidade do México: Museu de Historia Mexicana, [s.d. ].

COSTA, Flavia Cesarino. O primeiro cinema: espetáculo, narraçÃo e domesticaçÃo. SÃo Paulo: Escrita, 1995.

COUPé, A. Methode pratique porur l'obtention des diapositives. Paris: Gauthier-Villar, 1892.

COUSTET, E. La photographie stereoscopique en noir et en coloeurs. Paris: Mendel, [19— ?].

CRARY, Jonathan. Techniques of the observer: on vision and modernity in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990.

CUNNINGHAM, D. J. The Edinburgh stereoscopic atlas of anatomy. Meadville: Keystone View, 1900.

DARRAH., W. C. The world of stereographs. Nashville: Land Yatch Press, 1997. Disponível em: <>. Disponível para compra do site da National Stereoscopic Association.

DAVANNE, A. La photographie. Paris: Gautier-Villars, 1886.

DAVIDSON, James MacKenzie. Localization by X-Rays. Londres: [s.n.], 1916.

DELESTRE, Jean-Baptiste. Traite de photographie. Paris: Desloges, 1857.

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. Headquarters map reading. Washington: Exército Americano, 1960. (Field manual 21-26).

DISDÉRI. The Universal Textbook of Photograpy. Leeds: Harney, Reynolds & Fowler, 1863.

______. L'art de la photographie. Paris: J. Claye, 1862.

DONNADIEU, A. L. Traité de photographie stereoscopique. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1892.

DROUIN, F. Le stereoscope. Bradford: Percy Lund, 1897.

DUBBINI, Renzo. Geography of the Gaze: urban and rural vision in early modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

EDER, J. M. History of photography. Nova York: Dover Publications, 1945.

FERREZ, Gilberto. A fotografia no Brasil: 1840-1900. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte/Pró-memória, 1985.

FERWERDA, J. G. The world of 3-D. Países Baixos: Netherlands Society, 1990.

FIGUIER, Louis. La photographie au salon de 1859 e la photographie & le stereoscope. Nova York: Arno Press, 1979. ReediçÃo de Paris: Hachette, 1860.

GERNSHEIM, Helmut. The rise of photography: 1850-1880. Londres: Thames & Hudson, 1988.

GIOPPI, Luigi. La fotografia industriale: fotocalchi economici per le riproduzioni di disegni, piani. Milão: Hoepli, 1898.

GOSSER, H. Mark. Selected attempts at stereoscopic moving pictures and their relationship to the development of motion picture technology. Nova York: Arno Press, 1977.

GRAVY, Albert A. The labyrinth of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibious. Londres: A Churchill, 1907.

HANKINS, Thomas L.; SILVERMAN, Robert J. Instruments and the imagination. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.

HAYES, R. M. 3-D movies: a history and filmography of stereoscopic cinema. Londres: McFarland, 1989.

HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Soundings from the Atlantic. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1864.

INGLEBY, Clement Mansfield. The stereoscope considered on relation to the philosophy of binocular vision. Londres: Walton, 1853.

JAY, Martin. The denigration of vision in twentieth-century French thought. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

JENKINS, H. F. Two points of view – the history of the parlor stereoscope. Nova York: World of Color, 1957.

JONES, T. Wharton. On the invention of stereoscopic glasses for single pictures and the physiology of stereoscopic vision. Londres: John Churchill, 1860.

JOUART, J. Abel. Application de la photographie aux levées militaires. Paris: J. Dumaine, 1866.

KEYSTONE. Thew world in the stereocope. Nova York: Hart and Anderson, 1872.

KOSSOY, Bóris. Dicionário histórico de fotógrafos e do ofício fotográfico no Brasil (1840-1910). 2000. 5 v. Tese (Livre Docência) – São Paulo, 2000.

KRAUSS, Rosalind. The optical unconscious. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994.

LARDNER, Dionisius (Ed.). The museum of science and art. Londres: Walton & Maberly, 1856. v. X.

LEFEBVRE. Guide du peintre-coloriste, comprenout l'enluminage de gravures et lithographies, les coloris Daguerreotype, des vues sur verre pour Stereoscope. Paris: [s.n.], 1876-80.

LIEBERT, A. Photographie en Amerique. Paris: Tignol, 1878.

LONIE, William O. Prize essay on the stereoscope. Londres: London Stereoscopic, 1856.

MARDER, W. & E. Anthony, the man the company, the cameras. Florida: Pine Ridge Publishing, 1982.

MOIGNO, F. N. M. Stereoscope; ses effets merveilleux. Pseudoscope; ses effets etranges. Paris: [s.n.], 1852.

MOITESSIER, A. La photographie appliquée aux recherches micrographiques. Paris: Bailliere, 1866.

MONCKHOVEN, D. A popular treatise on photography. Also, a description of, and remarks on, the stereoscope and photographic optics. Londres: Virtue Brothers, 1863. Disponível em: <>. Fac-símile disponível para download do site Albumen photographs: history, science and preservation.

NAZARIEFF, Serge. The stereoscopic nude: 1850-1930. Colônia: Taschen, 1993.

NEWHALL, Beaumont. History of photography. Nova York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1982.

ORVELL, Miles. The real thing: imitation and authenticity in american culture 1880-1940. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989.

OSBORNE, Albert E. The stereograph and the stereoscope with special maps and books forming a travel system and what they mean for individual development, with their promise for the spread of civilization. Nova York: Underwood & Underwood, 1909.

______. Why man has used pictures, and a comparison between the telephone and the stereoscope. Nova York: Underwood & Underwood, 1904.

PARENTE, José Inácio. A estereoscopia no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Sextante/Dresdner Bank Brasil, 1999.

PERMUTT, C. Collecting photographic antiques. Wellingborough: PSL Patrick Stephens, 1986.

PESSANHA, Maria Edith de Araujo. A estereoscopia: o mundo em terceira dimensÃo. Rio de Janeiro: M. E. A. Pessanha, 1991.

PIAZZI-SMYTH, C. Tenerife, an astronomer's experiment. Londres: [s.n.], 1856.

RAYFIELD. Double dating: courtship ritual and the radical potential of stereographic viewing. Iconomania: studies in visual culture, 1998. Disponível em: <> Disponível para download do site do Departamento de História da Arte da Universidade da California, Los Angeles.

REYNAUD, F.; TABRUN, C.; TIMBY, K. (Ed.). Paris in 3-D: from stereoscopy to virtual reality 1850- 2000. Paris-Musées. Paris: Booth-Clibborn, 2000.

RICHARD, V. T. Norman McLaren, manipulator of movement. East Brunswick: Associated University Presses, 1982.

RICHARDSON, John. Double vision is but perfect vision, 1999. Disponível em: <>. Disponível para download do Reading Room da Murdoch University.

RIO DE JANEIRO: 1862-1927: álbum fotográfico da formaçÃo da cidade Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: IMS, 1998.

ROSS, E. R. A specimen canvass and other help in the sale of Underwood & Underwood stereographic tours. Londres: Underwood & Underwood, 1904.

______. The Underwood travel system and how to sell it. Londres: Underwood & Underwood, 1905.

ROTHWELL, C. F. S. Elements of stereoscopic photography. Bradford: Percy Lund, 1896.

SALVESSEN, B. "The Most Magnificent, Useful and Interesting Souvenir": Representations of the International Exhibition of 1862. Visual Resources, v. XIII, p. 1-32, 1997.

SCHARF, Aaron. Art & photography harmondsworth. Baltimore: Penguin, 1974.

SEIBERLING, G. Amateurs, photography and the mid-victorian imagination. Londres: The University of Chicago Press, 1986.

SMEE, Alfred. The eye in health and disease; with an account of the optometer, for the adaptation of glasses, for impaired, aged, or defective sight; being the substance of lectures delivered at the Central London ophthalmic hospital: to which is appended, a paper on the stereoscope and binocular perspective. 2nd. ed. Londres: Longman, 1854.

SMITH, Lindsay. The Elusive Depth of Field: Stereoscopy and the Pre-Raphaelites. In: POINTON, Marcia (Ed.). Pre-raphaelites re-viewed. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. p. 83-99.

SPOTISWOODE, Raymond; SPOTTISWOODE, Nigel. The theory of stereoscopic transmission. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953.

STOLZE, DR.. F. Encyclopedie der photographie. [S.l.]: Halle A. S., 1894.

TISSANDIER, Gaston. Les merveilles de la photographie. Paris: Hachette, 1874.

TOWLER, J. The silver beam (fac-símile 1864). Nova York: Morgan & Morgan, 1974.

TREADWELL, T. K.; DARRAH, W. C. Stereographers of the world. National Stereoscopic Association, 1994. Disponível em: <>. Disponível no site da National Stereoscopic Association.

TREADWELL, T. K. Facsimile reproductions of three articles by Oliver Wendell Holmes [Soundings from the Atlantic]. [S.l.]: The Institute for Photographic Research, 2000.

TURAZZI, Maria. Inez Poses e trejeitos: a fotografia e as exposições na era do espetáculo. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte/Rocco 1995.

______. Artes do ofício: fotografia e memória da engenharia no século XIX. 1997. 306. Tese (Doutorado) – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de SÃo Paulo, SÃo Paulo, 1997.

UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOOD. Manual of instruction to be studied and followed by our salesmen. Londres: Underwood & Underwood, 1904.

VASQUEZ, Pedro. Dom Pedro II e a fotografia no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Index/CIS/Roberto Marinho, 1988.

VIRILIO, Paul. War and cinema: the logistics of perception. Londres: Verso, 1989.

WADE, Nicholas. Brewster and Wheatstone on vision. Londres: Academic Press, 1983.

WESTELL, Perceval. Nature stalking for boys: through the field glass, stereoscope and camera. Londres: J. M. Dent, 1909.

WHEATSTONE, Charles. Contributions to the physiology of vision. Part the first. On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, phenomena of binocular vision, 1838. Disponível em: <>. Fac símile.

WING, Paul. Stereoscopes: the first hundred years Nashua. New Hampshire: Transition Publishing, 1996. Disponível em: <>. Disponível para compra no site da National Stereoscopic Association.

ZELLER, Bob. The civil war in depth: history in 3-D. SÃo Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997.

Artigo apresentado em 4/2003. Aprovado em 7/2003.

  • BATCHEN, Geoffrey. Enslaved sovereign: on Jonathan Crary, techniques of the observer. Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, v. 6, n. 2, 1991. Disponível em: <>. Download no site do Photogenic Papers.
  • BENJAMIN, W. The arcades project. Cambridge: Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • BETTI, U. Tratato teorico-pratico di fotografia. Livorno: Raffaello Giusti, 1878.
  • BREWSTER, David. The stereoscope; it's history, theory and construction. Hastings-on-Hudson, Nova York: Morgan & Morgan, 1971. EdiçÃo fac-símile da ediçÃo da John Murray, Londres, 1856.
  • BRUNET, F. Le soleil peintre et sculpteur, avec un voyage stéréoscopique. études photographiques, Paris, v. 9, p. 109-123, maio 2001.
  • BUCK-MORSS, Susan. Dialectics of seeing. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990.
  • CHADWICK, William Isaac. How to make transparencies for lantern slides and stereoscopic slides. Manchester: Mowson & Swan, 1890.
  • CóRDOVA, Carlos A. Arqueologia de la imagen: México en las vistas estereoscópicas. Cidade do México: Museu de Historia Mexicana, [s.d.
  • COSTA, Flavia Cesarino. O primeiro cinema: espetáculo, narraçÃo e domesticaçÃo. SÃo Paulo: Escrita, 1995.
  • COUPé, A. Methode pratique porur l'obtention des diapositives. Paris: Gauthier-Villar, 1892.
  • COUSTET, E. La photographie stereoscopique en noir et en coloeurs. Paris: Mendel, [19
  • CRARY, Jonathan. Techniques of the observer: on vision and modernity in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990.
  • CUNNINGHAM, D. J. The Edinburgh stereoscopic atlas of anatomy. Meadville: Keystone View, 1900.
  • DARRAH., W. C. The world of stereographs. Nashville: Land Yatch Press, 1997. Disponível em: <>. Disponível para compra do site da National Stereoscopic Association.
  • DAVANNE, A. La photographie Paris: Gautier-Villars, 1886.
  • DAVIDSON, James MacKenzie. Localization by X-Rays. Londres: [s.n.], 1916.
  • DELESTRE, Jean-Baptiste. Traite de photographie Paris: Desloges, 1857.
  • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. Headquarters map reading. Washington: Exército Americano, 1960. (Field manual 21-26).
  • DISDÉRI. The Universal Textbook of Photograpy. Leeds: Harney, Reynolds & Fowler, 1863.
  • ______. L'art de la photographie Paris: J. Claye, 1862.
  • DONNADIEU, A. L. Traité de photographie stereoscopique. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1892.
  • DROUIN, F. Le stereoscope. Bradford: Percy Lund, 1897.
  • DUBBINI, Renzo. Geography of the Gaze: urban and rural vision in early modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
  • EDER, J. M. History of photography. Nova York: Dover Publications, 1945.
  • FERREZ, Gilberto. A fotografia no Brasil: 1840-1900. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte/Pró-memória, 1985.
  • FERWERDA, J. G. The world of 3-D Países Baixos: Netherlands Society, 1990.
  • FIGUIER, Louis. La photographie au salon de 1859 e la photographie & le stereoscope. Nova York: Arno Press, 1979. ReediçÃo de Paris: Hachette, 1860.
  • GERNSHEIM, Helmut. The rise of photography: 1850-1880. Londres: Thames & Hudson, 1988.
  • GIOPPI, Luigi. La fotografia industriale: fotocalchi economici per le riproduzioni di disegni, piani. Milão: Hoepli, 1898.
  • GOSSER, H. Mark. Selected attempts at stereoscopic moving pictures and their relationship to the development of motion picture technology Nova York: Arno Press, 1977.
  • GRAVY, Albert A. The labyrinth of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibious. Londres: A Churchill, 1907.
  • HANKINS, Thomas L.; SILVERMAN, Robert J. Instruments and the imagination. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • HAYES, R. M. 3-D movies: a history and filmography of stereoscopic cinema. Londres: McFarland, 1989.
  • HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Soundings from the Atlantic. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1864.
  • INGLEBY, Clement Mansfield. The stereoscope considered on relation to the philosophy of binocular vision. Londres: Walton, 1853.
  • JAY, Martin. The denigration of vision in twentieth-century French thought. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.
  • JENKINS, H. F. Two points of view the history of the parlor stereoscope. Nova York: World of Color, 1957.
  • JONES, T. Wharton. On the invention of stereoscopic glasses for single pictures and the physiology of stereoscopic vision. Londres: John Churchill, 1860.
  • JOUART, J. Abel. Application de la photographie aux levées militaires. Paris: J. Dumaine, 1866.
  • KEYSTONE. Thew world in the stereocope. Nova York: Hart and Anderson, 1872.
  • KOSSOY, Bóris. Dicionário histórico de fotógrafos e do ofício fotográfico no Brasil (1840-1910). 2000. 5 v. Tese (Livre Docência) São Paulo, 2000.
  • KRAUSS, Rosalind. The optical unconscious. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994.
  • LARDNER, Dionisius (Ed.). The museum of science and art. Londres: Walton & Maberly, 1856. v. X.
  • LEFEBVRE. Guide du peintre-coloriste, comprenout l'enluminage de gravures et lithographies, les coloris Daguerreotype, des vues sur verre pour Stereoscope. Paris: [s.n.], 1876-80.
  • LIEBERT, A. Photographie en Amerique. Paris: Tignol, 1878.
  • LONIE, William O. Prize essay on the stereoscope. Londres: London Stereoscopic, 1856.
  • MARDER, W. & E. Anthony, the man the company, the cameras Florida: Pine Ridge Publishing, 1982.
  • MOIGNO, F. N. M. Stereoscope; ses effets merveilleux. Pseudoscope; ses effets etranges Paris: [s.n.], 1852.
  • MOITESSIER, A. La photographie appliquée aux recherches micrographiques. Paris: Bailliere, 1866.
  • MONCKHOVEN, D. A popular treatise on photography. Also, a description of, and remarks on, the stereoscope and photographic optics. Londres: Virtue Brothers, 1863. Disponível em: <>. Fac-símile disponível para download do site Albumen photographs: history, science and preservation.
  • NAZARIEFF, Serge. The stereoscopic nude: 1850-1930. Colônia: Taschen, 1993.
  • NEWHALL, Beaumont. History of photography. Nova York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1982.
  • ORVELL, Miles. The real thing: imitation and authenticity in american culture 1880-1940. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
  • OSBORNE, Albert E. The stereograph and the stereoscope with special maps and books forming a travel system and what they mean for individual development, with their promise for the spread of civilization. Nova York: Underwood & Underwood, 1909.
  • ______. Why man has used pictures, and a comparison between the telephone and the stereoscope Nova York: Underwood & Underwood, 1904.
  • PARENTE, José Inácio. A estereoscopia no Brasil Rio de Janeiro: Sextante/Dresdner Bank Brasil, 1999.
  • PERMUTT, C. Collecting photographic antiques. Wellingborough: PSL Patrick Stephens, 1986.
  • PESSANHA, Maria Edith de Araujo. A estereoscopia: o mundo em terceira dimensÃo. Rio de Janeiro: M. E. A. Pessanha, 1991.
  • PIAZZI-SMYTH, C. Tenerife, an astronomer's experiment. Londres: [s.n.], 1856.
  • RAYFIELD. Double dating: courtship ritual and the radical potential of stereographic viewing. Iconomania: studies in visual culture, 1998. Disponível em: <> Disponível para download do site do Departamento de História da Arte da Universidade da California, Los Angeles.
  • REYNAUD, F.; TABRUN, C.; TIMBY, K. (Ed.). Paris in 3-D: from stereoscopy to virtual reality 1850- 2000. Paris-Musées. Paris: Booth-Clibborn, 2000.
  • RICHARD, V. T. Norman McLaren, manipulator of movement. East Brunswick: Associated University Presses, 1982.
  • RICHARDSON, John. Double vision is but perfect vision, 1999. Disponível em: <>. Disponível para download do Reading Room da Murdoch University.
  • RIO DE JANEIRO: 1862-1927: álbum fotográfico da formaçÃo da cidade Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: IMS, 1998.
  • ROSS, E. R. A specimen canvass and other help in the sale of Underwood & Underwood stereographic tours. Londres: Underwood & Underwood, 1904.
  • ______. The Underwood travel system and how to sell it. Londres: Underwood & Underwood, 1905.
  • ROTHWELL, C. F. S. Elements of stereoscopic photography. Bradford: Percy Lund, 1896.
  • SALVESSEN, B. "The Most Magnificent, Useful and Interesting Souvenir": Representations of the International Exhibition of 1862. Visual Resources, v. XIII, p. 1-32, 1997.
  • SCHARF, Aaron. Art & photography harmondsworth. Baltimore: Penguin, 1974.
  • SEIBERLING, G. Amateurs, photography and the mid-victorian imagination. Londres: The University of Chicago Press, 1986.
  • SMEE, Alfred. The eye in health and disease; with an account of the optometer, for the adaptation of glasses, for impaired, aged, or defective sight; being the substance of lectures delivered at the Central London ophthalmic hospital: to which is appended, a paper on the stereoscope and binocular perspective. 2nd. ed. Londres: Longman, 1854.
  • SMITH, Lindsay. The Elusive Depth of Field: Stereoscopy and the Pre-Raphaelites. In: POINTON, Marcia (Ed.). Pre-raphaelites re-viewed Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. p. 83-99.
  • SPOTISWOODE, Raymond; SPOTTISWOODE, Nigel. The theory of stereoscopic transmission. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953.
  • STOLZE, DR.. F. Encyclopedie der photographie [S.l.]: Halle A. S., 1894.
  • TISSANDIER, Gaston. Les merveilles de la photographie Paris: Hachette, 1874.
  • TOWLER, J. The silver beam (fac-símile 1864). Nova York: Morgan & Morgan, 1974.
  • TREADWELL, T. K.; DARRAH, W. C. Stereographers of the world National Stereoscopic Association, 1994. Disponível em: <>. Disponível no site da National Stereoscopic Association.
  • TREADWELL, T. K. Facsimile reproductions of three articles by Oliver Wendell Holmes [Soundings from the Atlantic]. [S.l.]: The Institute for Photographic Research, 2000.
  • TURAZZI, Maria. Inez Poses e trejeitos: a fotografia e as exposições na era do espetáculo. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte/Rocco 1995.
  • ______. Artes do ofício: fotografia e memória da engenharia no século XIX. 1997. 306. Tese (Doutorado) – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de SÃo Paulo, SÃo Paulo, 1997.
  • UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOOD. Manual of instruction to be studied and followed by our salesmen. Londres: Underwood & Underwood, 1904.
  • VASQUEZ, Pedro. Dom Pedro II e a fotografia no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Index/CIS/Roberto Marinho, 1988.
  • VIRILIO, Paul. War and cinema: the logistics of perception. Londres: Verso, 1989.
  • WADE, Nicholas. Brewster and Wheatstone on vision Londres: Academic Press, 1983.
  • WESTELL, Perceval. Nature stalking for boys: through the field glass, stereoscope and camera. Londres: J. M. Dent, 1909.
  • WHEATSTONE, Charles. Contributions to the physiology of vision. Part the first. On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, phenomena of binocular vision, 1838. Disponível em: <>. Fac símile.
  • WING, Paul. Stereoscopes: the first hundred years Nashua. New Hampshire: Transition Publishing, 1996. Disponível em: <>. Disponível para compra no site da National Stereoscopic Association.
  • ZELLER, Bob. The civil war in depth: history in 3-D. SÃo Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    31 Ago 2009
  • Data do Fascículo
Museu Paulista, Universidade de São Paulo Rua Brigadeiro Jordão, 149 - Ipiranga, CEP 04210-000, São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 2065-6641 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil