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Brazilian Publication Profiles: Where and How Brazilian authors publish


Publishing profiles can help institutions and financing agencies understand the different needs of knowledge areas and regions for development within a country. Incites ® (Web of Science) was used to see where Brazilian authors were publishing, the impact, and the cost of this publishing. The USA was the country of choice for publishing journals, along with Brazil, England, and the Netherlands. While Brazilian authors continue to publish in hybrid journals, they are more often opting for closed access, with 89% of the papers published in Brazil being open access, compared with 21% of papers published abroad. The correlation between the cost of publishing and the number of citations was positive and significant. Publishing patterns were different depending on the area of knowledge and the Brazilian region. Stagnation or reduction in publications with international collaboration, industry collaboration, or in high impact open access journals may be the cause of a reduction in citation impact. These data can help in elaborating public and institutional policies for financing publications in Brazil, especially when looking at unfavourable changes in currency exchange rates.

Key words
impact; OECD area; cost; journal; publisher


Understanding publication patterns is important, not only to evaluate investments in scientific projects but also to see where investments are necessary to meet national objectives and priorities. There are marked differences between scientific disciplines and research fields, including their publishing practices and languages (Mathies et al. 2020MATHIES C, KIVISTÖ J & BIRNBAUM M. 2020. Following the money? Performance-based funding and the changing publication patterns of Finnish academics. High Educ 79: 21-37.; McManus & Neves 2020MCMANUS C & BAETA NEVES AA. 2020. Production Profiles in Brazilian Science, with special attention to social sciences and humanities. Scientometrics
). Many metrics associated with research publishing and impact significantly correlate to university reputation (Linton et al. 2013LINTON JD, TIERNEY R & WALSH ST. 2013. Publish or Perish: How Are Research and Reputation Related? Serials Review 37: 244-257.), but these institutions rarely opinionate on where research is published, as this is largely left to the individual researcher. Many questions arise when researchers decide where to publish their research. These include language, quality of research, the possibility of rejection, regional or international importance, tradition, as well as publishing costs (James 2017). Journal selection for publishing research is important in terms of visibility and impact. Many countries have signed Open Access (OA) agreements (including Brazil) and have started financing researchers to this end (Suber 2012SUBER P. 2012. Ensuring open access for publicly funded research. Br Med J 345: e5184.).

Critical to the interest in the bibliometric dimensions of journals is the growth of institutional or individual evaluation of publication-quality (Hall 2011HALL CM. 2011. Publish and perish? Bibliometric analysis, journal ranking and the assessment of research quality in tourism. Tourism Manag 32: 16-27.). The development of national research quality evaluations and metrics with corresponding effects on financial resources for universities and individuals has clear implications for economic, human resource management and research practice, as well as influencing where scholars publish and therefore the overall development an academic field (Visser 2009VISSER G. 2009. Tourism geographies and the South African National Research foundation’s researcher rating system: international connections and local disjunctures. Tour Geog 11: 43-72.), leading to the undertaking of bibliometric studies to develop rankings of academic leadership, influence, journals, and research quality. The use of bibliometric measurement can shape researchers´ (particularly younger ones) choice of where to publish and may focus them more towards international (English-language) peer-reviewed journals (Hammarfelt and de Rijcke 2015HAMMARFELT B & DE RIJCKE S. 2015. Accountability in context: Effects of research evaluation systems on publication practices, disciplinary norms and individual working routines in the faculty of Arts at Uppsala University. Res Eval 24: 63-77.).

The objective of this study is to see where Brazilian authors publish, how much this costs and how this affects the citation of the papers.


Data from this study were obtained from Incites ( using the journal and articles tabs, from 2010 to 2019. The main categories of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 2007OECD. 2007. Revised Field Of Science And Technology (Fos) Classification In The Frascati ManuaL 12p .
) were used in this study for classification purposes. This scheme uses six broad subject categories for publishing data: (1) natural sciences, (2) engineering and technology, (3) medical and health sciences, (4) agricultural sciences, (5) social sciences, and (6) humanities. The discussion here is based on these broad fields.

Changes in numbers of publications and quality indicators on a journal basis were evaluated including country of publisher, Category Normalised Citation Index (CNCI - dividing the actual count of citing items by the expected citation rate for documents with the same document type, year of publication and subject area), Journal Normalized Citation Impact (JNCI - instead of normalising per subject area or field, it normalises the citation rate for the journal in which the document is publishing), % papers in top 10%, % Open access (OA), % papers in Q1 journals as well as indicators for international and industry collaboration.

A principal component analysis was carried out using quality indicators for journal data (above) as well as cluster analysis. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS (Statistical Analysis System Inc, Cary, North Carolina).

Costs of publishing were estimated for the top 50 journals (78,830 papers, 18.5% total production) using information from journal homepages, Scielo ( and DOAJ. When page charges were for published article 7 pages were assumed, while if for word this was 20 pages. In all cases, discounts for members of specific societies were applied. If the journal was a hybrid, the % open access papers for Brazilian Authors from Incites® was used. Translations were assumed to be 10% of the papers published in English at (Brazilian Reais) BRL1500 per paper. Where the production of a translation certificate was obligatory or recommended these increased to 90 and 50%, respectively (Björk & Solomon 2014BJÖRK B-C & SOLOMON D. 2014. Developing an effective market for open access article processing charges, Wellcome Trust, London, 69 p., 2015BJÖRK B-C & SOLOMON D. 2015. Article processing charges in OA journals: relationship between price and quality. Scientometrics 103: 373-385.). All values were transformed into dollars at (United States Dollar) USD1 = BRL4.3.


There were a total of 14,317 journals or documents registered as having one or more article from a Brazilian author in the period of 2010-2019. Of these, around 2100 are responsible for 80% of the papers published by Brazilian authors (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Cumulative proportion of papers per journal by Brazilian authors (Incites ® 2009-1019).

Approximately 20% of the journals contained 80% of the papers (Table I) except for Agricultural Sciences, where this value was around 10%, showing a higher dispersion among journals in this area of knowledge. The total of journals is greater than the country total as journals and papers may appear in more than one area of knowledge.

Table I
Summary of publication distribution by Brazilian authors (Incites ® 2009-2019).

Each area of knowledge shows a different profile as to country of origin of the journals where Brazilian authors publish and the number of papers published in these journals (Figure 2 and Supplementary Material, Figure S1 Figure S1. Distribution of Journals (Column A) and Documents (Column B) by Journal country of origin for publications by Brazilian Authors in each Area of Knowledge (Incites ® 2009-2019). (Brazilian journals are highlighted in each figure). Figure S2. Distribution of Journals (Column A) and Documents (Column B) by Area of Knowledge and journal quartile for publications from Brazilian Authors (Incites ® 2009-2019). ) as well as the number of journals and papers per quartile in each area of knowledge (Figure 3 and Figure S2 Figure S1. Distribution of Journals (Column A) and Documents (Column B) by Journal country of origin for publications by Brazilian Authors in each Area of Knowledge (Incites ® 2009-2019). (Brazilian journals are highlighted in each figure). Figure S2. Distribution of Journals (Column A) and Documents (Column B) by Area of Knowledge and journal quartile for publications from Brazilian Authors (Incites ® 2009-2019). ). In almost all areas, there is a tendency to publish more papers in Brazilian journals than in journals from other countries, but only in Agricultural Sciences and Humanities are the highest proportion of papers published in Brazilian journals. Overall, Brazilian journals publish the second-highest number of papers (24%), after the USA (27%).

Figure 2
Distribution of journals (a) and Documents (b) by journal country of origin publishing Brazilian Authors (Incites ® 2009-2019). (Brazilian journals are highlighted in each figure).
Figure 3
Distribution of journals (a) and Documents (b) by area of knowledge and journal quartile for publications from Brazilian Authors (Incites ® 2009-2019).

When looking at the quartiles of where Brazilian papers are published, the differences between areas again become apparent. When the papers are published in Brazil, there is a tendency to publish in lower quality journals (maybe due to the lack of these in several knowledge areas), but this is not true when Brazilians publish in the exterior. While Agricultural Sciences follow the same trend, Brazilians in Engineering & Technology, Medical &Health, Natural and Social sciences tend to publish more in higher quality journals. The documents in the humanities tended to be “not defined” as they were mainly books and so not subject to journal quartile analyses. Overall, the citation index (CNCI) was higher in Q1 journals (1.69), decreasing to Q4 (0.32). Q1 journals in Brazil had a medium impact of 0.58 and Q4 (0.22).

Numbers of publications in Brazilian journals has been falling in the areas of Medical & Health, Natural and Agricultural Sciences since 2011, while increased in the Engineering & Technological sciences. The decrease in the number of papers published in Brazil may reflect an increase in publications in journals not registered in the Web of Science. In contrast, there was an increase in Brazilian publications abroad in all areas until more recently when this has stabilised or has started to fall (Figure 4). As seen in Figure 2, the major publishing countries, along with Brazil, are the USA, England and the Netherlands (>75% in all cases). While papers in the Medical & Health area have recently decreased in these countries (Figure 5), other areas have continued to rise or remain stable. This is not the case in journals outside these countries that save shown a decrease in most areas in recent years. See for a list of publishers and their country of origin.

Figure 4
Numbers and impact of publications in Brazil (Column A) and abroad (Column B) by Brazilian authors (Incites ® 2009 – 2019).
Figure 5
Impact of Brazilian publications by major publishing countries (Column A) and others (Column B) (Incites ® 2009 – 2019).

Looking at CNCI and JNCI, while most vary significantly year to year, there has been a decrease in recent years, especially in CNCI. While there has been an increase in open access publishing in countries outside Brazil, Netherlands, England and the USA, the opposite has happened recently in these countries, as well a decrease in % of papers in top 10%. So, while Brazilian authors continue to publish in hybrid journals, they are more often opting for closed access. 89% of the papers published in Brazil are open access, compared with 21% of papers published abroad. The correlation between CNCI and % Open access documents in Q1 and Q2 journals, not counting Brazilian journals, was 0.52 (P<0.01).

Looking at major publishers such as Elsevier (Figure 6), the peak occurred around 2012. There was a fall in OA publishing from 2013 to 2014 with a furthermore recent fall (from 2016/2017) in the % of open access papers in their journals by Brazilian Authors. This may be for three reasons: i) the global reaction to Plan S, so authors look for alternative journals to publish their works or ii) the costs of OA and the lack of funding to cover it in Brazil, iii) increase in the number of post-graduate courses in Brazil without an increase in budget. As all new courses up to 2019 received scholarships automatically from CAPES, this meant that the resources available for maintenance of the courses fell. The Science without Borders program (McManus & Nobre 2017MCMANUS C & NOBRE CA. 2017. Brazilian Scientific Mobility Program - Science without Borders - Preliminary Results and Perspectives. An Acad Bras Cienc 89: 773-786.) used funding from the two major scientific agencies (CAPES & CNPq) to finance mainly undergraduate students in a period overseas. This meant that, for example, in 2015 and 2016, post-graduate courses lost 75% of their maintenance financing from CAPES, but not scholarships. Therefore, researchers prefer to publish in a better-qualified hybrid journal than a lower quality OA. This coincides with the recent fall in overall CNCI for the country.

Figure 6
Percentage Open Access (a) and Number of Web of Science (WoS) Documents (b) in main Elsevier journals where Brazilian authors publish (Incites® 2010-2019).

In the last year (2019), a decrease in the number of papers has begun to appear in these journals. It is still too early to say if this is a trend or not, but without financing for science and laboratory maintenance Brazil will continually lose its capacity to compete at a world level, thereby making it more difficult for its researchers to publish OA in Q1 journals.

International collaboration in papers published in Brazil is around 8%, compared with 32% of those published abroad. This may also help Brazil maintain a reasonable level of publishing, as the research groups can capture resources abroad and these groups help to pay publishing costs. This collaboration, as well as collaboration with industry, varies depending on the area of knowledge (Figure 7). As can be seen, international collaboration in the agricultural area falls well below the other areas and may influence impact in these publications. International and industry collaboration publications have stagnated or have fallen in recent years, which may also explain in part the fall in impact.

Figure 7
% Industry (a) and overall international collaboration (b).

Cost of Publishing

The cost of publishing in the timeframe of this study was USD 37 million in these 50 journals (Table II). Only the Brazilian journals had a processing charge, while mainly the health journals were free. Two international journals were members of SCOAP3 ( Where open access was not obligatory, the Brazilian authors tended to publish closed access. Of this, USD 3,959,260 was for translation costs, USD 639,887.5 for submission costs and USD32,417,620 for Article Processing Charges (APC). APC for Brazilian journals was normally less than for foreign journals, but these also have a lower impact. Only Brazilian journals covered a submission charge. Some of these also accepted papers in Portuguese or Spanish as well as English, while only one accepted papers in French.

Table II
Publishing costs (USD) for the top 50 Journals where Brazilian authors publish (1USD = BR$4.3).

The price of publishing a paper in a Brazilian journal was approximately USD 250 compared with USD 840 abroad. This may, in part, explain the movement away from traditional publishers as financing for this part of the scientific process may be financed by the pool of authors from their own pockets. If we take the other 350,000 papers at 50% of this cost (cheaper journals, less translation), the total would be approximately a further USD 80,578,382. This means Brazil/Brazilian authors pay approximately USD 11 million per year just to publish their studies. This does not take into account manuscript rejection and resubmission where Hall and Wilcox (2007)HALL SA & WILCOX AJ. 2007. The fate of epidemiologic manuscripts: A study of papers submitted to epidemiology. Epidemiology 18: 262-265. concluded that 62% of the published papers have been rejected at least once with a higher rejection rate in better quality journals (Wager 2005WAGER E. 2005. Getting Research Published. Oxon, UK: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd, 185 p., Aarssen et al. 2008AARSSEN L, TREGENZA T, BUDDEN A, LORTIE C, KORICHEVA J & LEIMU-BROWN R. 2008. Bang for Your Buck: Rejection Rates and Impact Factors in Ecological Journals. Open Ecol J 1: 14-19.). The average cost per article was USD 470, and per citation was USD 71. The cost per citation in the Brazilian journals was USD 76.10 with 3.84 citations per article while abroad it was USD 58.71 per citation and 16.46 citations per article. The correlation between the cost of publishing and the number of citations was positive and significant (0.54). Unfavourable changes in currency change rates will negatively affect this situation. Here we used BRL$4.3 per USD.

Statistical Analyses

Journal Impact Factor has a close relationship with Article influence, Immediacy Index, 5 yr Impact factor and CNCI (Figure 8), but this has little relationship with % Open Access documents. This may be because almost all journals in Brazil are OA but have low citation indices, while abroad the situation is different.

Figure 8
First two eigenvectors for journal traits for Brazilian publishing (definitions at

Clusters 1 and 2 had the lowest quality indicators in general (Table III), especially related to impact factors. As can be seen, open access did not necessarily mean higher impact as cluster 2 had the highest % open access but some of the lowest impact. Most Brazilian papers are in cluster 2 (Table IV). It can also be seen that just because the journal is based in the USA or England this does not reflect quality.

Table III
Cluster means for publication profiles of Brazilian authors (2010-2019).
Table IV
Number of papers and journals per cluster, country and quartile from Brazilian authors (InCites ® 2010-2019).


According to Harnad et al. (2004)HARNAD S, BRODY T, VALLIÈRES F, CARR L, HITCHCOCK S, GINGRAS Y, OPPENHEIM C, STAMERJOHANNS H & HILF ER. 2004. The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access. Serials Rev 30: 310-314., merely to do the research and not publish is no better than no research. Researchers must submit their research to peer review and publish so others can use and apply their findings. By using and citing these papers, other researchers show their value, but first they must be able to access them. The “journal-affordability problem” and the resulting journal budget crisis were what first brought the “article-access/impact problem” to light (Harnad et al. 2004HARNAD S, BRODY T, VALLIÈRES F, CARR L, HITCHCOCK S, GINGRAS Y, OPPENHEIM C, STAMERJOHANNS H & HILF ER. 2004. The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access. Serials Rev 30: 310-314.). To overcome this, Brazil (CAPES) signed agreements with major publishers to form a single scientific gateway (Almeida et al. 2010ALMEIDA ECE, GUIMARÃES JA & ALVES ITG. 2010. Dez anos do Portal de Periódicos da Capes: histórico, evolução e utilização. Rev Bras Pós-Grad 7: 1218-1246.) that gives desktop access to major journals from most computers connected to university networks in Brazil. The university budget used to this end comes from the Ministry of Education and competes with postgraduate scholarships. To date, this access has been seen as a priority for the advance of Brazilian science.

Academic journals are atypical information goods. The publishers do not pay the provider of the primary good, scholarly papers, nor do they pay for quality control through peer review (Larivière et al. 2015LARIVIÈRE V, HAUSTEIN S & MONGEON P. 2015. The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. PLoS ONE 10: e0127502.). The open-access model is lauded as being the most appropriate, especially where research is financed by public funds (Carroll 2011CARROLL MW. 2011. Why full open access matters. PLoS Biol 9: e1001210.), but the question is – who pays to publish? Financing restrictions have meant that OA is becoming more difficult for Brazilian authors, especially abroad, where charges are higher, as seen in this study. Despite having access to journals, Article Processing Charges (APC) are not paid by funding agencies in projects. Some universities offer limited funds for paying these charges, but otherwise, these funds come from the researcher´s pockets or productivity scholarships.

The trend of Brazilian authors towards closed access in journals from prestigious publishers was seen in this paper. Nevertheless, some of these journals offer the option for green access which is still low in Brazilian universities. Heavy investment favouring Gold over Green OA has been associated with increased total publication costs, inequality of opportunity to publish, and concerns about integrity in science reporting (James 2017). A study by Mueller-Langer & Watt (2018)MUELLER-LANGER F & WATT R. 2018. How Many More Cites is a $3,000 Open Access Fee Buying You? Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Econ Inq 56: 931-954. showed that Hybrid Open Access journals (HOA) do not constitute a significant advantage in the competition for citations. Nevertheless, there is a correlation between APC price and quality, where quality is measured by citation rates (Björk and Solomon 2015, Pinfield et al. 2017PINFIELD S, SALTER J & BATH PA. 2017. A ‘gold-centric’ implementation of open access: hybrid journals, the ‘total cost of publication’ and policy development in the UK and beyond. J Assoc Inf Sci Tech 68: 2248-2263.), as also seen in this study.

When looking at OA, Gasparyan et al. (2016)GASPARYAN AY, NURMASHEV B, VORONOV AA, GERASIMOV AN, KOROLEVA AM & KITAS GD. 2016. The Pressure to Publish More and the Scope of Predatory Publishing Activities. J Korean Med Sci 31: 1874-1878. saw that inexperienced authors from more challenging research environments, where quantity is more important rather than the quality of their publications, as well as their financinig agencies should be blamed for prioritising any ‘international’ English publication regardless of the indexing and archiving prospects (so-called predatory journals). Large-scale bibliometric databases, which mainly cover journals published by commercial publishers, are used to count papers, which creates an incentive for researchers to publish in these journals (Larivière et al. 2015LARIVIÈRE V, HAUSTEIN S & MONGEON P. 2015. The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. PLoS ONE 10: e0127502.) and, thus, reinforces the control of commercial publishers on the scientific community. As publication pressure to publish abroad continues, it may be that the number of articles in predatory journals is also increasing and authors are unaware of journal quality. For example, the journal Genetics and Molecular Research, seen here among the top 50, appears on such a list ( and is not indexed in the latest JCR (Journal Citation Report). English language journals and Basic sciences journals have higher impact factors (Dewan & Shah 2016DEWAN P & SHAH D. 2016. A Writer’s Dilemma: Where to Publish and Where not to? Indian Ped 53: 141-145). In terms of rejection, PLoS ONE publishes 70% of submitted articles, whereas Physical Review Letters publishes fewer than 35% and Nature published just 8% in 2011 (Van Noorden 2013VAN NOORDEN R. 2013. Open access: The true cost of science publishing. Nature 495: 426-429.). It is also more likely that a university administrator in Brazil can be convinced to pay APCs to publish in Nature than in a medium impact, but still higher than world mean, OA journal in a specific area.

Indexing in international databases is difficult for regional and national journals, published in native languages (Dewan & Shah 2016DEWAN P & SHAH D. 2016. A Writer’s Dilemma: Where to Publish and Where not to? Indian Ped 53: 141-145) as not all research shows global relevance. Therefore, some papers may only be suited for publication in a regional or national journal that may not be indexed. Nevertheless, the bibliometric understanding of scientific impact is a multi-dimensional construct (Hall 2011HALL CM. 2011. Publish and perish? Bibliometric analysis, journal ranking and the assessment of research quality in tourism. Tourism Manag 32: 16-27.). Supporting native languages in science, which may have specific research-related terminology, is important where dissemination and popularisation of scholarship in domestic languages are needed (Mathies et al. 2020MATHIES C, KIVISTÖ J & BIRNBAUM M. 2020. Following the money? Performance-based funding and the changing publication patterns of Finnish academics. High Educ 79: 21-37.). Comparing with this latter paper, social sciences and Humanities (SSH) impacts are higher than seen here but lower than the other disciplines. Sivertsen (2016)SIVERTSEN G. 2016. Patterns of internationalisation and criteria for research assessment in the social sciences and humanities. Scientometrics 107: 357-368. argues that SSH needs to be connected to national culture and society to maintain its reason to exist. McManus & Neves (2020) discuss these areas in Brazil further. At the same time, publishing at the international level is necessary to keep connected with international peers and wider scientific of the field. The challenge of publication language, therefore, is not about ‘either-or’, but it is about finding an appropriate balance in domestic and international (English-language) publishing efforts. Bornmann & Leydesdorff (2013)BORNMANN L & LEYDESDORFF L. 2013. Macro-Indicators of Citation Impacts of Six Prolific Countries: InCites Data and the Statistical Significance of Trends. PLoS ONE 8: e56768. state that the increase of publications of a country in the English language contributes to an increase in citation impact. As seen here, most of the Brazilian journals are published in English, or English and another language. As noted by Strehl et al. (2016)STREHL L, CALABRÓ L, SOUZA DO & AMARAL L. 2016. Brazilian Science between National and Foreign Journals: Methodology foAnalysingng the Production and Impact in Emerging Scientific Communities. PLoS One 11: e0155148., the role played by national journals in emerging countries is different from that in developed countries and helps in the developing skills at reporting and editing research results (Meneghini 2012MENEGHINI R. 2012. Emerging journals. The benefits of and challenges for publishing scientific journals in and by emerging countries. EMBO Rep 13: 106-108.). Nevertheless, authors may send their papers to national journals after rejection in international journals or because of perceived lower quality and therefore they suppose rejection is probable (Meneghini 2010MENEGHINI R. 2010. Publication in a Brazilian journal by Brazilian scientists whose papers have international impact. Brazilian J Med Biol Res 43: 812-815.).

Geographical distribution in agricultural sciences (Touzard et al. 2015TOUZARD J-M, TEMPLE L, FAURE G & TRIOMPHE B. 2015. Innovation systems and knowledge communities in the agriculture and agrifood sector: a literature review. J Innov Econ Manag 17: 117-142.) is seen using a bibliometric analysis of international journals. Van Leeuwen et al. (2001)VAN LEEUWEN TN, MOED HF, TIJSSEN RJW, VISSER MS & VAN RAAN AFJ. 2001. Language biases in the coverage of the Science Citation Index and its consequences for international comparisons of national research performance. Scientometrics 51: 335-346. pointed to language bias that may lead to underrating the scientific output of larger countries with non-English domestic journals. Countries such as Japan and Germany also show low citation impact in several areas such as Medical & Health and Agricultural Sciences, while Japan also shows low impact in Engineering & Technology and Natural Sciences (Bornmann & Leydesdorff 2013BORNMANN L & LEYDESDORFF L. 2013. Macro-Indicators of Citation Impacts of Six Prolific Countries: InCites Data and the Statistical Significance of Trends. PLoS ONE 8: e56768.).

Publishing in collaboration with foreign partners is also well documented as affecting citation impact (Franceschet & Costanini 2010FRANCESCHET M & COSTANTINI A. 2010. The effect of scholar collaboration on impact and quality of academic papers. J Informetrics 4: 540-553) but as seen here, this has begun to stagnate or fall. This is a warning light for Brazil and also may reflect that the scientific park in national universities has begun to become obsolete, making these collaborations more difficult. These collaborations also provide data, resources, equipment, and theories essential for the advance of science, especially in emerging economies. Studies show that an increase in funding for research is accompanied by an increase in the number of international publications (Quan et al. 2017QUAN W, CHEN B & SHU F. 2017. Publish or impoverish: An investigation of the monetary reward system of science in China (1999-2016). Aslib J Info Manag 69: 486-502.) and that this is linked to an increase in quality.

There is evidence to show that more entrepreneurial opportunities are provided in regions which are rich in knowledge (Audretsch et al. 2012AUDRETSCH DB, HÜLSBECK M & LEHMANN EE. 2012. Regional competitiveness, university spillovers and entrepreneurial activity. Small Bus Econ 39: 587-601), as geographic proximity is important in the process of knowledge spillovers (Varga, 2000VARGA A. 2000. Local academic knowledge transfers and the concentration of economic activity. J Reg Sci 40: 289-309.). Growing expectations in universities as engines of regional innovativeness have led to the creation of new institutions and policies for strengthening university-industry-government linkages and their outcomes. The creation of Federal Institutes of Technology in Brazil, as well as the creation of the professional masters and doctorates in universities, were meant to meet this demand, but these are relatively recent. They shift towards the ‘entrepreneurial university’ that does not only contribute to regional but also to national and international innovation (Goldstein 2010GOLDSTEIN HA. 2010. The ‘entrepreneurial turn’ and regional economic development mission of universities. Ann Reg Sci 44: 83-109) by translating academic research into commercial outputs as well as scientific research and teaching (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff 2000ETZKOWITZ H & LEYDESDORFF L. 2000. The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and ‘Mode 2’ to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations. Res Policy 29: 109-123.). Nevertheless, the reduction in industrial collaboration seen here needs also to be monitored, as innovation requires basic research which has been falling in quantity and impact.


Several warning lights are beginning to appear in the Brazilian publication scenario such as stagnation of production, reductions in international and industry collaborations, move towards closed access publishing, unfavourable changes in currency exchange rates, among others. These data can be used to develop sustainable financing and developmental objectives for Brazilian science.


  • AARSSEN L, TREGENZA T, BUDDEN A, LORTIE C, KORICHEVA J & LEIMU-BROWN R. 2008. Bang for Your Buck: Rejection Rates and Impact Factors in Ecological Journals. Open Ecol J 1: 14-19.
  • ALMEIDA ECE, GUIMARÃES JA & ALVES ITG. 2010. Dez anos do Portal de Periódicos da Capes: histórico, evolução e utilização. Rev Bras Pós-Grad 7: 1218-1246.
  • AUDRETSCH DB, HÜLSBECK M & LEHMANN EE. 2012. Regional competitiveness, university spillovers and entrepreneurial activity. Small Bus Econ 39: 587-601
  • BJÖRK B-C & SOLOMON D. 2014. Developing an effective market for open access article processing charges, Wellcome Trust, London, 69 p.
  • BJÖRK B-C & SOLOMON D. 2015. Article processing charges in OA journals: relationship between price and quality. Scientometrics 103: 373-385.
  • BORNMANN L & LEYDESDORFF L. 2013. Macro-Indicators of Citation Impacts of Six Prolific Countries: InCites Data and the Statistical Significance of Trends. PLoS ONE 8: e56768.
  • CARROLL MW. 2011. Why full open access matters. PLoS Biol 9: e1001210.
  • DEWAN P & SHAH D. 2016. A Writer’s Dilemma: Where to Publish and Where not to? Indian Ped 53: 141-145
  • ETZKOWITZ H & LEYDESDORFF L. 2000. The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and ‘Mode 2’ to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations. Res Policy 29: 109-123.
  • FRANCESCHET M & COSTANTINI A. 2010. The effect of scholar collaboration on impact and quality of academic papers. J Informetrics 4: 540-553
  • GASPARYAN AY, NURMASHEV B, VORONOV AA, GERASIMOV AN, KOROLEVA AM & KITAS GD. 2016. The Pressure to Publish More and the Scope of Predatory Publishing Activities. J Korean Med Sci 31: 1874-1878.
  • GOLDSTEIN HA. 2010. The ‘entrepreneurial turn’ and regional economic development mission of universities. Ann Reg Sci 44: 83-109
  • HALL CM. 2011. Publish and perish? Bibliometric analysis, journal ranking and the assessment of research quality in tourism. Tourism Manag 32: 16-27.
  • HALL SA & WILCOX AJ. 2007. The fate of epidemiologic manuscripts: A study of papers submitted to epidemiology. Epidemiology 18: 262-265.
  • HAMMARFELT B & DE RIJCKE S. 2015. Accountability in context: Effects of research evaluation systems on publication practices, disciplinary norms and individual working routines in the faculty of Arts at Uppsala University. Res Eval 24: 63-77.
  • HARNAD S, BRODY T, VALLIÈRES F, CARR L, HITCHCOCK S, GINGRAS Y, OPPENHEIM C, STAMERJOHANNS H & HILF ER. 2004. The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access. Serials Rev 30: 310-314.
  • JAMES JE 2017. Free-to-publish, free-to-read, or both? Cost, equality of access, and integrity in science publishing. J Assoc Inf Sci Tech 68: 1584-1589
  • LARIVIÈRE V, HAUSTEIN S & MONGEON P. 2015. The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. PLoS ONE 10: e0127502.
  • LINTON JD, TIERNEY R & WALSH ST. 2013. Publish or Perish: How Are Research and Reputation Related? Serials Review 37: 244-257.
  • MATHIES C, KIVISTÖ J & BIRNBAUM M. 2020. Following the money? Performance-based funding and the changing publication patterns of Finnish academics. High Educ 79: 21-37.
  • MCMANUS C & BAETA NEVES AA. 2020. Production Profiles in Brazilian Science, with special attention to social sciences and humanities. Scientometrics
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Aug 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    7 Mar 2020
  • Accepted
    28 Apr 2020
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