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The karyotype of Adenia and the origin of the base number x = 12 in Passifloroideae (Passifloraceae)


Adenia is an Old World genus of Passifloroideae closely related to Passiflora. The two genera comprise the large majority of Passifloroideae species, although most studies are concentrated on Passiflora. Cytological analyses reveal that changes in chromosome numbers played an important role in the evolution of Passiflora, whereas in the remaining genera little is known, hindering the identification of the base number of the family. Here we analyzed the chromosome number and the 35S rDNA sites of three species of Adenia and reevaluated the base number (x) of the subfamily Passifloroideae and the family Passifloraceae, including chromosome data for Turneroideae and Malesherbioideae. The chromosome number of Adenia species seemed to be stable with 2n = 24 or 48 and one or two pairs of rDNA sites, very similar to Passiflora subgenus Astrophea, suggesting a common ancestral karyotype with x = 12. Differently, Turneroideae and Malesherbioideae present x = 7. A whole genomic duplication detected after the separation of Passifloroideae and Malesherbioideae suggests that the base number of Passifloraceae most probably was x = 7, which by dysploidy and polyploidy generated x = 12 for the subfamily Passifloroideae.

Key words
Cytotaxonomy; 35S rDNA sites; karyotype evolution; fluorescence in situ hybridization; Turneroideae; Malesherbioideae


Adenia Forssk. is the second largest genus of the subfamily Passifloroideae (Passifloraceae) with approximately 100 species distributed in the Old World tropics and subtropics, the large majority of them in Africa (Feuillet & MacDougal 2007FEUILLET C & MACDOUGAL JM. 2007. Passifloraceae. In: Kubitzki K (Ed), Flowering Plantas – Eudicots - The families and genera of vascular plants. Volume 9, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 270-281 p.). The genus presents an uncommon diversity in growth form and ability to explore very different habitats (Hearn 2006HEARN D. 2006. Adenia (Passifloraceae) and its adaptive radiation: Phylogeny and growth form diversification. Syst Bot 31: 805-821.). It is closely related to Passiflora, the largest and best studied genus of the family with over 560 species (Krosnick et al. 2013KROSNICK SE, PORTER-UTLEY KE, MACDOUGAL JM, JØRGENSEN PM & MCDADE LA. 2013. New insights into the evolution of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba (Passifloraceae): Phylogenetic relationships and morphological synapomorphies. Syst Bot 38: 692-713.). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that both genera are monophyletic (Hearn 2006HEARN D. 2006. Adenia (Passifloraceae) and its adaptive radiation: Phylogeny and growth form diversification. Syst Bot 31: 805-821.). Morphological (Feuillet & MacDougal 2007FEUILLET C & MACDOUGAL JM. 2007. Passifloraceae. In: Kubitzki K (Ed), Flowering Plantas – Eudicots - The families and genera of vascular plants. Volume 9, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 270-281 p.) and molecular analyses (Maas et al. 2019MAAS PJM ET AL. 2019. ‘Unknown yellow’: Pibiria, a new genus of Passifloraceae with a mixture of features found in Passifloroideae and Turneroideae. Bot J Linn Soc 189: 397-407.) placed Adenia in an intermediate position between the two tribes of Passifloroideae: Passifloreae and Paropsieae. According to APG III (2009APG III. 2009. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161: 105-121.), the former families Passifloraceae, Turneraceae and Malesherbiaceae should be included into the family Passifloraceae, as subfamilies Passifloroideae, Turneroideae and Malesherbioideae.

Cytological analyses of Passiflora revealed that chromosome number changes played an essential role in the early diversification of the genus, resulting in subgenera with different chromosome base numbers (x). The species of Passiflora are currently subdivided into four subgenera, according to Feuillet & MacDougal (2003)FEUILLET C & MACDOUGAL JM. 2003. A new infrageneric classification of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Passiflora 14: 34-38., with a fifth subgenus (Tetrapathea) proposed latter by Krosnick et al. (2009)KROSNICK S, FORD A & FREUDENSTEIN JV. 2009. Taxonomic revision of Passiflora subgenus Tetrapathea including the monotypic genera Hollrungia and Tetrapathea (Passifloraceae), and a new species of Passiflora. Syst Bot 34: 375-385.. The two largest subgenera, Decaloba and Passiflora, have x = 6 and x = 9, respectively, whereas Astrophea, Deidamioides, and Tetrapathea possess x = 12 (Hansen et al. 2006HANSEN AK, GILBERT LE, SIMPSON BB, DOWNIE SR, CERVI AC & JANSEN RK. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships and chromosome number evolution in Passiflora. Syst Bot 31: 138-150.), resulting in different interpretations of the base number of the genus (reviewed by Sader et al. 2019aSADER MA, AMORIM BS, COSTA L, SOUZA G & PEDROSA-HARAND A. 2019a. The role of chromosome changes in the diversification of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Syst Biodivers 17: 7-21.). Differently, the chromosome number of Adenia species has been reported only for A. lobata (Jacq.) Engl. (2n = 24), A. mannii (Mast.) Engl. (2n = 24) and A. rumicifolia Engl. & Harms (2n = 48) (Mangenot & Mangenot 1962MANGENOT S & MANGENOT G. 1962. Enquête sur les nombres chromosomiques dans uni collection d’espèces tropicales. B Soc Bot Fr 109: 411-447.). In this sense, it would be important to have more chromosome counts of Adenia species to know if it experienced similar chromosome number radiation.

A key point to understand the chromosomal evolution of a taxon is the identification of its chromosome base number, which can be defined as the haploid number that most parsimoniously explains the cytological variability in a clade and shows a clear relationship with the base numbers of the closest related taxa (Guerra 2000GUERRA M. 2000. Chromosome number variation and evolution in monocots. In: Wilson KL & Morrison DA. (Eds), Monocots II: Systematics and Evolution. CSIRO Publisher, Melbourne, 127-136 p.). It may be inferred from a careful evaluation of the chromosome numbers reported for a clade, or it may be based on probabilistic models, some of them taking into consideration the possible ways of chromosomal evolution in that clade (Mayrose et al. 2010MAYROSE I, BARKER MS & OTTO SP. 2010. Probabilistic models of chromosome number evolution and the inference of polyploidy. Syst Biol 59: 132-144., Freyman & Höhna 2017FREYMAN WA & HÖHNA S. 2017. Cladogenetic and anagenetic models of chromosome number evolution: A Bayesian model averaging approach. Syst Biol 67: 195-215.). Since chromosome numbers are subjected to different rates of dysploidy and polyploidy and are under control of natural selection (Levin 2002LEVIN DA. 2002. The role of chromosomal change in plant evolution. Oxford University Press, New York.), these probabilistic methods should be considered with caution. For Passiflora, the base number of each subgenus is clear since the haploid numbers do not vary, with a few exceptions, whereas the base number of the genus have been subject to a long debate. Strictly cytological analysis suggest x = 6 or x = 12 for the genus (reviewed by Melo et al. 2001MELO NF, CERVI AC & GUERRA M. 2001. Karyology and cytotaxonomy of the genus Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Plant Syst Evol 226: 69-84.), whereas probabilistic models suggest x = 6 (Hansen et al. 2006HANSEN AK, GILBERT LE, SIMPSON BB, DOWNIE SR, CERVI AC & JANSEN RK. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships and chromosome number evolution in Passiflora. Syst Bot 31: 138-150.) or x = 12 (Mayrose et al. 2010MAYROSE I, BARKER MS & OTTO SP. 2010. Probabilistic models of chromosome number evolution and the inference of polyploidy. Syst Biol 59: 132-144., Sader et al. 2019aSADER MA, AMORIM BS, COSTA L, SOUZA G & PEDROSA-HARAND A. 2019a. The role of chromosome changes in the diversification of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Syst Biodivers 17: 7-21.), depending on the algorithm used.

Beside the chromosome numbers, extensive genomic and cytomolecular studies have been done for Passiflora species (Melo & Guerra 2003MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316., Munhoz et al. 2018MUNHOZ ET AL. 2018. A gene-rich fraction analysis of the Passiflora edulis genome reveals highly conserved microsyntenic regions with two related Malpighiales species. Sci Rep 8: 13024., Pamponét et al. 2019PAMPONÉT VCC, SOUZA MM, SILVA GS, MICHELI F, MELO CAF, OLIVEIRA SG, COSTA EA & CORRÊA RX. 2019. Low coverage sequencing for repetitive DNA analysis in Passiflora edulis Sims: cytogenomic characterization of transposable elements and satellite DNA. BMC Genomics 20: 1-17., Dias et al. 2020DIAS Y, SADER MA, VIEIRA MLC & PEDROSAHARAND A. 2020. Comparative cytogenetic maps of Passiflora alata and P. watsoniana (Passifloraceae) using BACFISH. Plant Syst Evol 306: 51., Xia et al. 2021XIA Z ET AL. 2021. Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into the evolution and flavor synthesis of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims). Hortic Res 8: 14.), whereas nothing similar is known for Adenia. Most cytomolecular studies include the chromosome mapping of 5S and 35S rDNA sites by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), bringing further details about the chromosome variability of the group (e.g., Melo & Guerra 2003MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316., Silva et al. 2018SILVA GS, SOUZA MM, DE MELO CAF, URDAMPILLETA JD & FORNI-MARTINS ER. 2018. Identification and characterization of karyotype in Passiflora hybrids using FISH and GISH. BMC Genetics 19: 26., Sader et al. 2019bSADER MA, DIAS Y, COSTA ZP, MUNHOZ C, PENHA H, BERGÈS H, VIEIRA ML & PEDROSA-HARAND A. 2019b. Identification of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) chromosomes using BAC-FISH. Chromosome Res 7: 299-311.). The analysis of 20 species of Passiflora revealed that the number of 5S rDNA sites was generally proportional to the ploidy level of the species, while the number of 35S rDNA sites varied from 2 to 10 among diploid species (Melo & Guerra 2003MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316.).

In the present study, we analyzed the chromosome number and the distribution of the 35S rDNA sites in three Adenia species, aiming to evaluate the karyotype variability of the genus. Further, we reappraised the basic number of Adenia, Passiflora, Passifloroideae and Passifloraceae based on the most recent phylogenetic arrangements and genomic data.


The three species analyzed, Adenia fruticosa Burtt Davy, A. spinosa Burtt Davy, and A. glauca Schinz, were grown in pots in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna, Austria. Actively growing shoot meristems and young root tips were cut in small pieces and immediately pretreated with 8-hydroxyquinoline (0.002 M) for 5 h at 6 °C. After pretreatment they were washed in distilled water for 5 min, fixed in Carnoy solution [ethanol-acetic acid (3:1, v/v)] for 24 h at room temperature, and stored in the freezer at –20 °C.

For cytological preparations, the meristems were digested in 2% cellulase-20% pectinase at 37 oC for 90 min. The meristems were squashed in 45% acetic acid and the coverslips were removed in liquid nitrogen. The slides were air-dried and stained with 2 μg/ml DAPI–glycerol (1:1) to allow selection of the best preparations. The best slides were fixed again in Carnoy, for 30 min, dehydrated in 100% ethanol and stored at –20 oC until required for in situ hybridization.

For in situ hybridization, the same protocol described by Melo & Guerra (2003)MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316. for Passiflora species was used. Probes SK18S and SK25S containing, respectively, 18S and 25S rDNA of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Unfried et al. 1989UNFRIED I, STOCKER U & GRUENDLER P. 1989. Nucleotide sequence of the 18S rRNA gene from Arabidopsis thaliana Co10. Nucleic Acids Res 17: 7513., Unfried & Gruendler 1990UNFRIED I & GRUENDLER P. 1990. Nucleotide sequence of the 5.8S and 25S rRNA genes and of the internal transcribed spacers from Arabidopsis thaliana. Nucleic Acids Res 18: 4011.) were used to localize the 35S rDNA sites. They were labelled with biotin-11-dUTP and detected with TRITC (tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate). Chromosomes were counterstained with DAPI and the slides mounted in Vectashield (Vector). Cells were photographed with a DMLB Leica epifluorescence photomicroscope using Kodak Ultra color film ASA 400. The images were later digitalized and edited in Adobe Photoshop CS3 version 10.0.


The karyotype of Adenia

Adenia spinosa and A. fruticosa presented the same chromosome number, 2n = 24, with symmetrical karyotypes and small chromosomes, which were slightly smaller in the former, whereas A. glauca exhibited 2n = 48, with some chromosomes nearly twice as larger as the smaller ones (Figure 1a-d). These data reinforce the assumption that the basic chromosome number of the genus is x = 12. At prophase, most chromosomes exhibited less condensed terminal regions (Figure 1e), as observed in most Passiflora species (Melo et al. 2001MELO NF, CERVI AC & GUERRA M. 2001. Karyology and cytotaxonomy of the genus Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Plant Syst Evol 226: 69-84.). Noteworthy, the tetraploid A. glauca had a more asymmetrical karyotype than its sister species, the diploid A. spinosa (Hearn 2006HEARN D. 2006. Adenia (Passifloraceae) and its adaptive radiation: Phylogeny and growth form diversification. Syst Bot 31: 805-821.), suggesting that A. glauca most probably is an allopolyploid derived from A. spinosa and another species with larger chromosomes. Likewise, A. rumicifolia (2n = 48) is the sister species of A. lobata (2n = 24) (Mangenot & Mangenot 1962MANGENOT S & MANGENOT G. 1962. Enquête sur les nombres chromosomiques dans uni collection d’espèces tropicales. B Soc Bot Fr 109: 411-447., Hearn 2006HEARN D. 2006. Adenia (Passifloraceae) and its adaptive radiation: Phylogeny and growth form diversification. Syst Bot 31: 805-821.), but in this case there is no information about their karyotype symmetry. A parental relationship between diploid and tetraploid sister species by allopolyploidy with increasing karyotype asymmetry has been demonstrated in several other genera (see, e.g., Moraes & Guerra 2010MORAES AP & GUERRA M. 2010. Cytological differentiation between the two subgenomes of the tetraploid Emilia fosbergii Nicolson and its relationship with E. sonchifolia (L.) DC. (Asteraceae). Plant Syst Evol 287: 113-118., Ibiapino et al. 2019IBIAPINO A, GARCÍA MA, FERRAZ ME, COSTEA M, STEFANOVIC S & GUERRA M. 2019. Allopolyploid origin and genome differentiation of the parasitic species Cuscuta veatchii (Convolvulaceae) revealed by genomic in situ hybridization. Genome 62: 467-475.).

Figure 1
Chromosomes of Adenia fruticosa (a-b, 2n = 24), A. spinosa (c, 2n = 24), and A. glauca (d-e, 2n = 48). Note the similarity in chromosome size and morphology (a,b), the occurrence of four 35S rDNA sites (red) in b, d and e, and only two sites in c. Prophase chromosomes of A. glauca (e) show the chromosome condensation pattern. Bar in and corresponds to 5 µm.

The in situ hybridization experiment detected only two sites of 35S rDNA in A. spinosa (2x) and four sites in A. fruticosa (2x) and A. glauca (4x) (Figure 1), indicating instability in the number of rDNA sites between diploid species. Similarly, among diploid species of Passiflora the number of 35S rDNA sites varied from two to six with 2n = 12 or 18 (Melo & Guerra 2003MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316., Viana & Souza 2012VIANA AJC & SOUZA MM. 2012. Comparative cytogenetics between the species Passiflora edulis and Passiflora cacaoensis. Plant Biol 14: 820-827., Silva et al. 2018SILVA GS, SOUZA MM, DE MELO CAF, URDAMPILLETA JD & FORNI-MARTINS ER. 2018. Identification and characterization of karyotype in Passiflora hybrids using FISH and GISH. BMC Genetics 19: 26., Dias et al. 2020DIAS Y, SADER MA, VIEIRA MLC & PEDROSAHARAND A. 2020. Comparative cytogenetic maps of Passiflora alata and P. watsoniana (Passifloraceae) using BACFISH. Plant Syst Evol 306: 51.). However, in Passiflora subgenus Astrophea, the most basal lineage of Passiflora, the two species investigated had also 2n = 24 and four 35S rDNA sites (Melo & Guerra 2003MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316.), as A. glauca, emphasizing the similarity between the karyotype of these two taxa. Reduction of 35S rDNA sites to a single pair was observed in some species of Passiflora (Melo & Guerra 2003MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316.) as well as in most angiosperms (Roa & Guerra 2012ROA F & GUERRA M. 2012. Distribution of 45S rDNA sites in chromosomes of plants: structural and evolutionary implications. BMC Evol Biol 12: 225.).

The base number of Passifloraceae

The finding of three other species of Adenia with n = 12, 24, in the present work, reinforces the assumption that its ancestral base number is x = 12. However, the six species of Adenia cytologically investigated belong to Clade V, the largest and most diversified among the five clades of the genus, with approximately 25 species and all of them endemic to Madagascar, one of the two centers of diversity of the genus (Hearn 2006HEARN D. 2006. Adenia (Passifloraceae) and its adaptive radiation: Phylogeny and growth form diversification. Syst Bot 31: 805-821.). Therefore, additional chromosome counts are necessary to confirm the apparent chromosome stability of Adenia.

The elevated base number x = 12 has probably been originated by the Whole Genomic Duplication (WGD) that occurred after the separation of Passifloroideae from the monospecific Malesherbioideae (One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative 2019ONE THOUSAND PLANT TRANSCRIPTOMES INITIATIVE. 2019. One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants. Nature 574: 679-685.). Figure 2 shows the phylogenetic relationships within Passifloraceae (modified from Maas et al. 2019MAAS PJM ET AL. 2019. ‘Unknown yellow’: Pibiria, a new genus of Passifloraceae with a mixture of features found in Passifloroideae and Turneroideae. Bot J Linn Soc 189: 397-407.), highlighting only the genera with known chromosome numbers. Violaceae, the sister group of Passifloraceae, has a huge variation in chromosome numbers and an uncertain basic number (Raven 1975RAVEN PH. 1975. The bases of angiosperm phylogeny: Cytology. Ann Mo Bot Gard 62: 724-764.). The two species of Malesherbia cytologically known displayed n = 7 and n =14 (Ricardi 1967RICARDI SM. 1967. Revisión taxonómica de las Malesherbiáceas. Gayana Bot 16: 1-139.). For the Turneroideae, the base number x = 7 occurs in Piriqueta, Adenoa, and in most series of Turnera (Shore et al. 2006SHORE JS, ARBO MM & FERNÁNDEZ A. 2006. Breeding system variation, genetics and evolution in the Turneraceae. New Phytol 171: 539-551., Gonzalez et al. 2012GONZALEZ AM, SALGADO CR, FERNÁNDEZ A & ARBO MM. 2012. Anatomy, pollen, and chromosomes of Adenoa (Turneraceae), a monotypic genus endemic to Cuba. Brittonia 64: 208-225.).

Figure 2
Cladogram of Passifloraceae (based on Maas et al. 2019MAAS PJM ET AL. 2019. ‘Unknown yellow’: Pibiria, a new genus of Passifloraceae with a mixture of features found in Passifloroideae and Turneroideae. Bot J Linn Soc 189: 397-407.) highlighting the genera with known base numbers. Adenoa was added to the cladogram as sister to Turnera and Piriqueta, according to Arbo et al. (2015)ARBO MM, GONZALEZ AM & SEDE SM. 2015. Phylogenetic relationships within Turneraceae based on morphological characters with emphasis on seed micromorphology. Plant Syst Evol 301: 1907-1926.. The base number of each clade is indicated within the circles. Triangles indicate three or more genera. The base number 11 refers to Crassostemma only.

The base number x = 7 in Malesherbioideae and Turneroideae suggests that the WGD has occurred after the separation of Turneroideae and Passifloroideae with x = 12 (Figure 2). In this case, there are two alternative scenarios: the sister group of Turneroideae, with n = 7, experienced a descending dysploidy to n = 6 followed by a WGD generating n = 12, or, the sister group had a WGD, resulting in n = 14, which by descending dysploidy generated n = 12. Further chromosome counts for other genera of Turneroideae and Passifloroideae are necessary to elucidate this point.

Besides Adenia and Passiflora, the only other chromosome count for Passifloroideae is n = 11 for the monospecific genus Crossostemma (Gadella 1970GADELLA T. 1970. Chromosome numbers of some Angiospermae collected in Cameroon and the Ivory Coast. Acta Bot Neerl 19: 431-435.), suggesting that n = 12, or near 12, was on the origin of several Passifloroideae genera (Figure 2). Within Passiflora, the number n = 12 seems to have been conserved in the subgenera Astrophea, Deidamioides and Tetrapathea, whereas the subgenera Passiflora and Decaloba evolved by descending dysploidies to n = 9 and n = 6, as indicated by recent genomic analyses of P. edulis Sims (n = 9) (Xia et al. 2021XIA Z ET AL. 2021. Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into the evolution and flavor synthesis of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims). Hortic Res 8: 14.) and P. organensis Gardner (n = 6) (Costa et al. 2021COSTA ET AL. 2021. A genome sequence resource for the genus Passiflora, the genome of the wild diploid species Passiflora organensis. Plant Genome: e20117.). Intermediate numbers between the extremes of this dysploid series have been reported for a few species of Passiflora with n = 11, 10, and 7 (Melo et al. 2001MELO NF, CERVI AC & GUERRA M. 2001. Karyology and cytotaxonomy of the genus Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Plant Syst Evol 226: 69-84.), supporting the assumption that descending dysploidy played a central role on chromosome number variation and in the origin of the subgenera.


This research was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Brazil (grant numbers 308903/2011-0, 311924/2016-6 to M. Guerra), and Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), Brazil (grant number SEG to N.F.Melo).


  • APG III. 2009. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161: 105-121.
  • ARBO MM, GONZALEZ AM & SEDE SM. 2015. Phylogenetic relationships within Turneraceae based on morphological characters with emphasis on seed micromorphology. Plant Syst Evol 301: 1907-1926.
  • COSTA ET AL. 2021. A genome sequence resource for the genus Passiflora, the genome of the wild diploid species Passiflora organensis. Plant Genome: e20117.
  • DIAS Y, SADER MA, VIEIRA MLC & PEDROSAHARAND A. 2020. Comparative cytogenetic maps of Passiflora alata and P. watsoniana (Passifloraceae) using BACFISH. Plant Syst Evol 306: 51.
  • FEUILLET C & MACDOUGAL JM. 2003. A new infrageneric classification of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Passiflora 14: 34-38.
  • FEUILLET C & MACDOUGAL JM. 2007. Passifloraceae. In: Kubitzki K (Ed), Flowering Plantas – Eudicots - The families and genera of vascular plants. Volume 9, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 270-281 p.
  • FREYMAN WA & HÖHNA S. 2017. Cladogenetic and anagenetic models of chromosome number evolution: A Bayesian model averaging approach. Syst Biol 67: 195-215.
  • GADELLA T. 1970. Chromosome numbers of some Angiospermae collected in Cameroon and the Ivory Coast. Acta Bot Neerl 19: 431-435.
  • GONZALEZ AM, SALGADO CR, FERNÁNDEZ A & ARBO MM. 2012. Anatomy, pollen, and chromosomes of Adenoa (Turneraceae), a monotypic genus endemic to Cuba. Brittonia 64: 208-225.
  • GUERRA M. 2000. Chromosome number variation and evolution in monocots. In: Wilson KL & Morrison DA. (Eds), Monocots II: Systematics and Evolution. CSIRO Publisher, Melbourne, 127-136 p.
  • HANSEN AK, GILBERT LE, SIMPSON BB, DOWNIE SR, CERVI AC & JANSEN RK. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships and chromosome number evolution in Passiflora. Syst Bot 31: 138-150.
  • HEARN D. 2006. Adenia (Passifloraceae) and its adaptive radiation: Phylogeny and growth form diversification. Syst Bot 31: 805-821.
  • IBIAPINO A, GARCÍA MA, FERRAZ ME, COSTEA M, STEFANOVIC S & GUERRA M. 2019. Allopolyploid origin and genome differentiation of the parasitic species Cuscuta veatchii (Convolvulaceae) revealed by genomic in situ hybridization. Genome 62: 467-475.
  • KROSNICK S, FORD A & FREUDENSTEIN JV. 2009. Taxonomic revision of Passiflora subgenus Tetrapathea including the monotypic genera Hollrungia and Tetrapathea (Passifloraceae), and a new species of Passiflora. Syst Bot 34: 375-385.
  • KROSNICK SE, PORTER-UTLEY KE, MACDOUGAL JM, JØRGENSEN PM & MCDADE LA. 2013. New insights into the evolution of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba (Passifloraceae): Phylogenetic relationships and morphological synapomorphies. Syst Bot 38: 692-713.
  • LEVIN DA. 2002. The role of chromosomal change in plant evolution. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • MAAS PJM ET AL. 2019. ‘Unknown yellow’: Pibiria, a new genus of Passifloraceae with a mixture of features found in Passifloroideae and Turneroideae. Bot J Linn Soc 189: 397-407.
  • MANGENOT S & MANGENOT G. 1962. Enquête sur les nombres chromosomiques dans uni collection d’espèces tropicales. B Soc Bot Fr 109: 411-447.
  • MAYROSE I, BARKER MS & OTTO SP. 2010. Probabilistic models of chromosome number evolution and the inference of polyploidy. Syst Biol 59: 132-144.
  • MELO NF, CERVI AC & GUERRA M. 2001. Karyology and cytotaxonomy of the genus Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Plant Syst Evol 226: 69-84.
  • MELO NF & GUERRA M. 2003. Variability of the 5S and 45S rDNA sites in Passiflora L. species with distinct base chromosome numbers. Ann Bot-London 92: 309-316.
  • MORAES AP & GUERRA M. 2010. Cytological differentiation between the two subgenomes of the tetraploid Emilia fosbergii Nicolson and its relationship with E. sonchifolia (L.) DC. (Asteraceae). Plant Syst Evol 287: 113-118.
  • MUNHOZ ET AL. 2018. A gene-rich fraction analysis of the Passiflora edulis genome reveals highly conserved microsyntenic regions with two related Malpighiales species. Sci Rep 8: 13024.
  • ONE THOUSAND PLANT TRANSCRIPTOMES INITIATIVE. 2019. One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants. Nature 574: 679-685.
  • PAMPONÉT VCC, SOUZA MM, SILVA GS, MICHELI F, MELO CAF, OLIVEIRA SG, COSTA EA & CORRÊA RX. 2019. Low coverage sequencing for repetitive DNA analysis in Passiflora edulis Sims: cytogenomic characterization of transposable elements and satellite DNA. BMC Genomics 20: 1-17.
  • RAVEN PH. 1975. The bases of angiosperm phylogeny: Cytology. Ann Mo Bot Gard 62: 724-764.
  • RICARDI SM. 1967. Revisión taxonómica de las Malesherbiáceas. Gayana Bot 16: 1-139.
  • ROA F & GUERRA M. 2012. Distribution of 45S rDNA sites in chromosomes of plants: structural and evolutionary implications. BMC Evol Biol 12: 225.
  • SADER MA, AMORIM BS, COSTA L, SOUZA G & PEDROSA-HARAND A. 2019a. The role of chromosome changes in the diversification of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae). Syst Biodivers 17: 7-21.
  • SADER MA, DIAS Y, COSTA ZP, MUNHOZ C, PENHA H, BERGÈS H, VIEIRA ML & PEDROSA-HARAND A. 2019b. Identification of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) chromosomes using BAC-FISH. Chromosome Res 7: 299-311.
  • SHORE JS, ARBO MM & FERNÁNDEZ A. 2006. Breeding system variation, genetics and evolution in the Turneraceae. New Phytol 171: 539-551.
  • SILVA GS, SOUZA MM, DE MELO CAF, URDAMPILLETA JD & FORNI-MARTINS ER. 2018. Identification and characterization of karyotype in Passiflora hybrids using FISH and GISH. BMC Genetics 19: 26.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Sept 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    1 Dec 2020
  • Accepted
    4 July 2021
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