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Current Treatment Strategies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients at the Risk of Developing Cancer: A Comprehensive Review


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic condition that affects the digestive tract and can lead to inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining. IBD patients with cancer encounter difficulties since cancer treatment weakens their immune systems. A multidisciplinary strategy that strikes a balance between the requirement to manage IBD symptoms and the potential effects of treatment on cancer is necessary for effective care of IBD in cancer patients. To reduce inflammation and avoid problems, IBD in cancer patients is often managed by closely monitoring IBD symptoms in conjunction with the necessary medication and surgical intervention. Anti-inflammatory medications, immunomodulators, and biologic therapies may be used for medical care, and surgical options may include resection of the diseased intestine or removal of the entire colon. The current study provides a paradigm for shared decision-making involving the patient, gastroenterologist, and oncologist while considering recent findings on the safety of IBD medicines, cancer, and recurrent cancer risk in individuals with IBD. We hope to summarize the pertinent research in this review and offer useful advice.

Inflammatory bowel disorder; Cancer; treatment; malignancy; Anti-TNF; therapy; risks; inflammation; immunosuppression


Inflammatory Bowel Disorder is a chronic disorder which causes inflammation of the inner lining of our digestive tract. The disorder consists mainly of two conditions: Crohn’s disease (CD) and Ulcerative colitis (UC).11 Kaser A, Zeissig S, Blumberg RS. Inflammatory bowel disease. Annu Rev Immunol 2010;28:573–621 However, the signs and symptoms of these two conditions are almost the same and the difference lies in their severity. Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The typical symptoms of patients diagnosed with CD include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting and weight loss and if left undiagnosed with time it can develop into fibrous fistulas. Malnourishment and growth retardation are the commonly observed symptoms in young patients of CD. Unlike CD, Ulcerative colitis causes severe inflammation of the mucosal and sub mucosal lining of colon and rectum and is restricted to that area only. Bloody stools, mild diarrhea 4 times a day which might increase up to 6 times with the progression in the severity of disease are the most observed symptoms of UC. Each condition has the potential to raise the risk of colorectal cancer.22 Wang X, Xie L, Long J, et al. Therapeutic effect of baicalin on inflammatory bowel disease: A review. J Ethnopharmacol 2022; 283:114749 In 2021, IBD affected more than 6 million people worldwide, with almost 1 in 4 of these patients living in the US. In the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the Asia Pacific, the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing annually due to changes in diet and environment, urbanization, and other factors. In Taiwan, India, and China, the prevalence of Crohn’s disease increased from 0.6 per 100,000 to 3.9 per 100,000 between 2010 and 2020, while the prevalence of UC increased from 2.1 per 100,000 to 12.8 per 100,000 between 2007 and 2019.33 Shivashankar R, Tremaine WJ, Harmsen WS, Loftus EV Jr. Incidence and prevalence of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in Olmsted County,Minnesota from 1970 through 2010. ClinGastroenterol Hepatol 2017;15(06):857–863

One in two people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetimes, making cancer the second biggest cause of mortality in the world (behind cardiovascular disorders). To preserve and improve quality of life and prevent the development of disease-related problems, such as cancer, IBD requires the best long-term treatment possible.44 Ahmad AS, Ormiston-Smith N, Sasieni PD. Trends in the lifetime risk of developing cancer in Great Britain: comparison of risk for those born from 1930 to 1960. Br J Cancer 2015;112(05):943–947 The primary cause of morbidity and mortality associated with IBD is colorectal cancer, and colorectal cancer incidence is rising in developing nations as a result of their westernized lifestyles, which include insufficient physical activity, obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, and consumption of red and processed meat.55 Porter RJ, Arends MJ, Churchhouse AMD, Din S. Inflammatory bowel disease-associated colorectal cancer: translational risks from mechanisms to medicines. J Crohn’s Colitis 2021;15(12): 2131–2141 According to certain cohort and case control studies, some IBD-related malignancies are brought on by immunosuppressive medications such thiopurines or anti-TNF rather than by intestinal inflammation.66 Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Nahon S, et al; Cancers et Surrisque Associé aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France Study Group. High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16 (06):892–899.e2 The development of better treatment choices and surveillance measures has been linked to an increase in IBD-related cancer incidence and prevalence during the past few years (Jess at al., 2013). New biological medications have also been made available for clinical use, which has fundamentally altered how IBD is managed over the long term. Therefore, this review article focuses on the (1) Current IBD therapies which are associated with cancer risk (2) IBD related malignancies (3) Molecular pathophysiology of IBD related Colorectal cancer (4) Treatment decision for patient with prior history of cancer (5) Treatment decision for patients with active cancer. The development of better treatment choices and surveillance measures has been linked to an increase in IBD-related cancer incidence and prevalence during the past few years.

Current IBD Therapies Associated with Cancer Risk


Most of the recent research focuses on cancer patients who have received anti-TNF treatment.77 Balkwill F. Tumour necrosis factor and cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 2009;9(05):361–371 TNF is a desirable therapeutic target in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases due to its crucial role in triggering the proinflammatory cascade.88 Monaco C, Nanchahal J, Taylor P, Feldmann M. Anti-TNF therapy: past, present and future. Int Immunol 2015;27(01):55–62 TNF can both promote and inhibit tumor growth, so it might be challenging to predict whether people who get anti-TNFs will develop cancer. Early research revealed a marginally elevated risk of lymphoma with anti-TNF use.99 Lemaitre M, Kirchgesner J, Rudnichi A, et al. Association between use of thiopurinesor tumor necrosis factor antagonists alone or in combination andriskof lymphomainpatients with inflammatory bowel disease. JAMA 2017;318(17):1679–1686 However, a later systematic review discovered that with monotherapy, this was not the case. There is an elevated risk of lymphoma when combined with thiopurines.1010 Dahmus J, Rosario M, Clarke K. Risk of lymphoma associated with anti-TNF therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: implications for therapy. Clin Exp Gastroenterol 2020;13:339–350 Patients with prior cancer who received anti-TNF therapy did not significantly increase their risk of developing new or recurrent cancer when compared to controls, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.1111 Micic D, Komaki Y, Alavanja A, Rubin DT, Sakuraba A. Risk of cancer recurrence among individuals exposed to antitumor necrosis factor therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. J Clin Gastroenterol 2019;53(01):e1–e11


Both as an antineoplastic agent and an anti-inflammatory, methotrexate is frequently utilized. In a study comparing the efficiency of various rheumatoid arthritis disease-modifying medications, methotrexatewas found to have a higher risk of cancer than TNF antagonists, but a lower risk than thiopur-ines.1212 Salliot C, van der Heijde D. Long-term safety of methotrexate monotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature research. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68(07):1100–1104 However, a second retrospective investigation found methotrexate to be a risk factor for lymphoproliferative diseases.1313 Annese V, Beaugerie L, Egan L, et al; ECCO. European evidence-based consensus: inflammatory bowel disease and malignancies. J Crohn’s Colitis 2015;9(11):945–965 Patients receiving methotrexate for psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis have a slightly increased chance of developing melanoma and melanoma skin malignancies.1414 Garcia-Neuer M, Marmarelis ME, Jangi SR, et al. Diagnostic comparison of CT scans and colonoscopy for immune-related colitis in ipilimumab-treated advanced melanoma patients. Cancer Immunol Res 2017;5(04):286–291 However, this risk was not observed in methotrexate treated IBD patients.1515 Long MD, Martin CF, Pipkin CA, Herfarth HH, Sandler RS, Kappelman MD. Riskofmelanomaandnonmelanomaskin cancer among patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology 2012;143(02):390–399.e1


Thiopurines demonstrate anti-inflammatory properties through T-cell inhibition (Monaco et al.,2015). They are mutagenic because they impede DNA repair mechanisms and cause somatic mutations.1616 Zitvogel L, Tesniere A, Kroemer G. Cancer despite immunosur-veillance: immunoselection and immunosubversion. Nat Rev Immunol 2006;6(10):715–727 They disrupt the DNA repair process, cause somatic mutations, and are hence considered to be mutagenic.1717 Münz C, Moormann A. Immune escape by Epstein-Barr virus associated malignancies. Semin Cancer Biol 2008;18(06):381–387 The tumor suppressor genes are also altered by them. Thiopurines were linked to a considerably higher incidence of non-lymphoma Hodgkin’s and leukemia, according to a recent retrospective analysis.1818 Zheng KYC, Guo CG, Wong IOL, et al. Risk of malignancies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease who used thiopurines as compared with other indications: a territory-wide study. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2020;13:1756284820967275 With an odds ratio (OR) of 3.22, a nested case control study from UK24 revealed a comparable low incidence of lymphoma in thiopurine-treated IBD patients.1919 Armstrong RG, West J, Card TR. Risk of cancer in inflammatory bowel disease treated with azathioprine: a UK population-based case-control study. Am J Gastroenterol 2010;105(07):1604–1609 Thiopurines may increase a person’s susceptibility to skin cancer by making DNA more sensitive to UV light.2020 O’Donovan P, Perrett CM, Zhang X, et al. Azathioprine and UVA light generate mutagenic oxidative DNA damage. Science 2005; 309(5742):1871–1874 In multiple cohort studies, thiopurine treatment in IBD patients has also been linked to an increased incidence of skin malignancies, notably non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSCs).2121 Peyrin-Biroulet L, Khosrotehrani K, Carrat F, et al; Cesame Study Group. Increased risk for nonmelanoma skin cancers in patients who receive thiopurines for inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology 2011;141(05):1621–28.e1, 5,2222 Watermeyer G, Awuku Y, Fredericks E, et al; Gastroenterologyand Hepatology Association of sub-Saharan Africa (GHASSA) Challenges in the management of inflammatorybowel disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022;7(10): 962–972 All the malignancies associated with the usage of these drugs are depicted in ►Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
Malignancy risk of drugs used for IBD. Sebastian S, Neilaj S. Practical guidance for the management of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with cancer. Which treatment? Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology. 2019 Jan; 12:1756284818817293.

IBD Related Malignancies

IBD related malignancies are classified into two types which is depicted in ►Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
Classification of IBD in cancer patients. Sebastian S, Neilaj S. Practical guidance for the management of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with cancer. Which treatment? Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology. 2019 Jan; 12:1756284818817293.

Immunosuppression Related Malignancies

By changing DNA, lowering immune monitoring of cancer or dysplastic cells, and affecting immune control of chronic infection by mutagenic viruses, immunosuppressive drugs have the potential to trigger tumor growth.1616 Zitvogel L, Tesniere A, Kroemer G. Cancer despite immunosur-veillance: immunoselection and immunosubversion. Nat Rev Immunol 2006;6(10):715–727,1717 Münz C, Moormann A. Immune escape by Epstein-Barr virus associated malignancies. Semin Cancer Biol 2008;18(06):381–387,2323 Harwood CA, Attard NR, O’Donovan P, et al. PTCH mutations in basal cell carcinomas from azathioprine-treated organ transplant recipients. Br J Cancer 2008;99(08):1276–1284

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer rates in women with IBD have been found to be higher in a small number of studies. HPV infection is frequently linked to cervical cancer. But it’s still not clear whether this is because of an inherent danger or because of immunosuppression.66 Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Nahon S, et al; Cancers et Surrisque Associé aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France Study Group. High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16 (06):892–899.e2 Cervical cancer rates have generally been declining over the past few decades because of widespread adoption of screening techniques. Additionally, clinical practice has widely used HPV vaccination. All Swiss women between the ages of 11 and 14 are strongly advised to have this immunization. The vaccination of women up to the age of 26 is advised. As part of the cantonal vaccination program, all expenses are entirely reimbursed. Given the well-established and undeniable link between HPV infection and the onset of cervical cancer, women with IBD who fall into this age group should be especially encouraged to get vaccinated. Additionally, they should visit their gynecologist every one to two years. Men experience HPV-related infections less commonly than women do. However, male participants should be advised to get vaccinated against HPV.

Urinary Tract Cancer

Kidney and bladder cancer rates have been linked to the use of thiopurines in transplant patients.2424 Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Campistol JM. Immunosuppressive therapy and malignancy in organ transplant recipients: a systematic review. Drugs 2007;67(08):1167–1198 Similar results in the IBD population have also been demonstrated, but the risk is almost exclusively limited to older guys, particularly smokers.2525 Pasternak B, Svanström H, Schmiegelow K, Jess T, Hviid A. Use of azathioprine and the risk of cancer in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Epidemiol 2013;177(11):1296–1305 When anti-TNF was used, no such rise was noticed.2626 Nyboe Andersen N, Pasternak B, Basit S, et al. Association between tumor necrosis factor-α antagonists and risk of cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. JAMA 2014;311 (23):2406–2413 Thiopurines shouldn’t be used in people who require immunosuppressive medication and have a history of urogenital malignancy. It is yet unclear what function screening techniques, such as urine cytology and/or cystoscopy, play in individuals receiving thiopurine medication.

Inflammation-related Malignancies

Intestinal Lymphoma

IBD patients may experience lymphomas in the intestine at a frequency of up to 10-48.3 per 100,000 patient years, albeit they are often uncommon.2727 Scharl S, Barthel C, Rossel JB, et al. Malignancies in inflammatory bowel disease: frequency, incidence and risk factors-results from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. Am J Gastroenterol 2019;114(01): 116–126,2828 Pascal V, Pozuelo M, Borruel N, et al. A microbial signature for Crohn’s disease. Gut 2017;66(05):813–822 In fact, compared to the overall population, IBD patients seem to have a 3-fold increase.2727 Scharl S, Barthel C, Rossel JB, et al. Malignancies in inflammatory bowel disease: frequency, incidence and risk factors-results from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. Am J Gastroenterol 2019;114(01): 116–126 IBD-related lymphomas are typically B-cell non-Hodgkin subtypes and are present in intestinal lesions that are continuously inflamed.66 Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Nahon S, et al; Cancers et Surrisque Associé aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France Study Group. High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16 (06):892–899.e2,2828 Pascal V, Pozuelo M, Borruel N, et al. A microbial signature for Crohn’s disease. Gut 2017;66(05):813–822 Intestinal lymphoma is predisposed to by three factors: (1) severe inflammation; (2) middle-aged men; and (3) protracted disease duration (>8 years).2828 Pascal V, Pozuelo M, Borruel N, et al. A microbial signature for Crohn’s disease. Gut 2017;66(05):813–822 Because EBV is frequently found in intestinal lymphoma cells and has been linked to other lymphoma subtypes, inflammation promoted EBV replication is believed to be a major factor in this form of malignancy.2929 Wong NA, Herbst H, Herrmann K, et al. Epstein-Barr virus infection in colorectal neoplasms associated with inflammatory bowel disease: detection of the virus in lymphomas but not in adeno-carcinomas. J Pathol 2003;201(02):312–318

Anal Carcinoma

The screening for anal malignancies by gastroenterologists can be reluctance. For the tumor to be found, a thorough rectal examination is necessary. Males who have sex with males, females with high grade cervical dysplasia, and the presence of fistula in patients with long-standing perianal CD are among the risk factors, despite the low incidence (0.01-0.02/1,000).66 Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Nahon S, et al; Cancers et Surrisque Associé aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France Study Group. High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16 (06):892–899.e2,3030 Slesser AA, Bhangu A, Bower M, Goldin R, Tekkis PP. A systematic review of anal squamous cell carcinoma in inflammatory bowel disease. Surg Oncol 2013;22(04):230–237 The frequency rises to 0.38 per 1,000 patient years in the latter.66 Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Nahon S, et al; Cancers et Surrisque Associé aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France Study Group. High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16 (06):892–899.e2 Malignancies emerging from fistulas can be either adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, whereas anal cancers are typically of squamous epithelial origin and associated with HPV infection.3131 Kandiel A, Fraser AG, Korelitz BI, Brensinger C, Lewis JD. Increased risk of lymphoma among inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine. Gut 2005;54 (08):1121–1125 There is no connection between these malignancies and HPV infection. Anal carcinoma usually has a dismal prognosis.

Colorectal Cancer

The third most frequent cancer kind worldwide is colorectal cancer.3232 Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Dikshit R, et al. Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012. Int J Cancer 2015;136(05):E359–E386 The uncontrolled division and survival of aberrant cells in the colon or rectum is its defining features. Genetics, IBD, diabetes, insufficient exercise, obesity, alcohol use, smoking, and consumption of red and processed meat are the main risk factors for CRC. CRC typically starts as a slow-growing polyp, a noncancerous growth that appears on the inner surface of the colon or rectum and develops over the course of10 to20years.The most typical kind is anadenoma, or adenomatous polyp. The glandular cells that create the mucus that lubricates the colorectum give birth to adenomas. One or more adenomas will eventually form in about one-third to one-half of the people. Less than 10% of adenomas are thought to evolve to invasive carcinoma,even though all of them have the potential to develop into cancer. The larger an adenoma, the greater the chance that it may develop into cancer. Adenocarcinoma, which makes up around 96% of all CRCs, is a type of cancer that develops from the lining of the colorectum. There are no indications of early CRC. As the tumor spreads, it may bleed or block the intestine, cause anemia, weakness, extreme exhaustion, and occasionally shortness of breath. It may also cause bleeding from the rectum, blood in the stool or in the bathroom after having a bowel movement, dark or black stools, changes in bowel habits or the shape of the stool, cramping or discomfort in the lower abdomen, or the urge to urinate when the bowelis empty.3333 Dulai PS, Thompson KD, Blunt HB, Dubinsky MC, Siegel CA. Risks of serious infection or lymphoma with anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014;12(09):1443–1451, quiz e88–e89 A photograph of typical tumor in the lower rectum diagnosed in 53-year-old man is depicted in ►Figs 3 and 4.

Fig. 3
53-year-old man diagnosed with tumor in the lower rectum. Wadehra A, Alkassis S, Rizwan A, Yazdanpanah O. Rectal invasion by metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma. Cureus. 2021 Jun 10;13(6).

Fig. 4
Tumor of 20mm detected macroscopically in the lower rectum. Asfaw MH, Adidam S, Aduli F, Kibreab A, Asemota J.

Molecular Pathophysiology of IBD-CRC

The following is a summary of the causes of neoplastic alterations in IBD: oxidative stress, intestinal microbiota, mucosal inflammatory mediators as immunological responses, genetic instability, epigenetic modification, and immune response.3434 Ulman R. Treatment of Ulcerative colitis.,3535 Azer SA. Overviewof molecular pathways in inflammatory bowel disease associated with colorectal cancer development. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013;25(03):271–281,3636 Triantafillidis JK, Nasioulas G, Kosmidis PA. Colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease: epidemiology, risk factors, mechanisms of carcinogenesis and prevention strategies. Anticancer Res 2009;29(07):2727–2737

Multifocal dysplasia frequently precedes the development of colitis mucosal cancer, demonstrating a “field change effect.”3737 Kulaylat MN, Dayton MT. Ulcerative colitis and cancer. J Surg Oncol 2010;101(08):706–712. Long-standing UC is associated with aneuploidy, a sign of genomic instability, which is found at 20%-50% in dysplastic lesions and 50%-90% in malignancies.3838 Befrits R, Hammarberg C, Rubio C, Jaramillo E, Tribukait B. DNA aneuploidy and histologic dysplasia in long-standing ulcerative colitis. A 10-year follow-up study. Dis Colon Rectum 1994;37(04): 313–319, discussion 319–320,3939 Willenbucher RF, Zelman SJ, Ferrell LD, Moore DHII,WaldmanFM. Chromosomal alterations in ulcerative colitis-related neoplastic progression. Gastroenterology 1997;113(03):791–801 Since aneuploidy is frequently more prevalent than dysplasia in IBD, significant genetic changes must take place in the colonic mucosa without affecting its appearance.3737 Kulaylat MN, Dayton MT. Ulcerative colitis and cancer. J Surg Oncol 2010;101(08):706–712

The two major types of genomic instability found in CRCs are chromosomal instability (CIN) and microsatellite instability (MSI).4040 Hardy RG, Meltzer SJ, Jankowski JA. ABC of colorectal cancer. Molecular basis for risk factors. BMJ 2000;321(7265):886–889 The loss of P53 function is a critical stage in the development of cancer linked to colitis. MSI has been observed to develop in IBD-associated CRC at varying frequency due to poor DNA mismatch repair.4141 Kraus S, Arber N. Inflammation and colorectal cancer. Curr Opin Pharmacol 2009;9(04):405–410,4242 Svrcek M, El-Bchiri J, Chalastanis A, et al. Specific clinical and biological features characterize inflammatory bowel disease associated colorectal cancers showing microsatellite instability. J Clin Oncol 2007;25(27):4231–4238,4343 FleisherAS, Esteller M, Harpaz N, et al. Microsatellite instability in inflammatory bowel disease-associated neoplastic lesions is associated with hypermethylation and diminished expression of the DNA mismatch repair gene, hMLH1. Cancer Res 2000;60(17): 4864–4868 The activation of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, inflammatory cytokines, and chemokines are other crucial components in the development of CRC in IBD. According to some data, NSAIDs reduce the risk of CRC in IBD patients by 40%-50%.3535 Azer SA. Overviewof molecular pathways in inflammatory bowel disease associated with colorectal cancer development. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013;25(03):271–281,4444 Nguyen GC, Smalley WE, Vege SS, Carrasco-Labra AClinical Guidelines Committee. American Gastroenterological Association Institute guideline on the medical management of microscopic colitis. Gastroenterology 2016;150(01):242–246, quiz e17–e18 NSAIDs affect COX enzymes, which then has an effect. One of the three COX enzyme isoforms, COX-2, is stimulated by inflammation and activated by inflammatory mediators such IL-1, IFN, and TNF.3535 Azer SA. Overviewof molecular pathways in inflammatory bowel disease associated with colorectal cancer development. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013;25(03):271–281 Previous research has revealed that 85% of adenocarcinomas and approximately 50% of adenomas express higher levels of COX-2.4545 Elzagheid A, Emaetig F, Alkikhia L, et al. High cyclooxygenase-2 expression is associated with advanced stages in colorectal cancer. Anticancer Res 2013;33(08):3137–3143,4646 Olofsson K. Immunopathological aspects of equine inflammatory bowel disease. 2016 According to reports, UC-associated neoplasia exhibits early overexpression of COX-2 messenger RNA and COX-2 protein. Activated macrophages and T cells release TNF-, which binds to the TNF-receptor (TNF-R) and has been shown to cause inflammation and colitis-related malignancies.3434 Ulman R. Treatment of Ulcerative colitis.

By damaging proteins and nucleic acids and causing denaturation and a number of changes, such as base modifications, double-base lesions, and strand breaks, oxidative stress also aids in the aetiology of colon cancer.4747 Hussain SP, Amstad P, Raja K, et al. Increased p53 mutation load in noncancerous colon tissue from ulcerative colitis: a cancer-prone chronic inflammatory disease. Cancer Res 2000;60(13): 3333–3337 Increased expression of NOS and ROSs is seen in inflamed tissues from patients with active UC or CD.4747 Hussain SP, Amstad P, Raja K, et al. Increased p53 mutation load in noncancerous colon tissue from ulcerative colitis: a cancer-prone chronic inflammatory disease. Cancer Res 2000;60(13): 3333–3337 ROSs can interact with key genes involved in carcinogenic pathways such as P53 and DNA mismatch repair genes.4141 Kraus S, Arber N. Inflammation and colorectal cancer. Curr Opin Pharmacol 2009;9(04):405–410

The development of colitis-related cancer may be influenced by commensal or particular bacteria, according to several different mouse models of IBD. For instance, IBD (mainly colon and rectum) caused by Enterococcus faecalis, as well as rectal dysplasia and cancer, were seen in IL-10 knock-out animals.4848 Balish E, Warner T. Enterococcus faecalis induces inflammatory bowel disease in interleukin-10 knockout mice.Am J Pathol 2002; 160(06):2253–2257 All IL-10 gene knockout mice under pathogen-free settings developed colitis after 3 months of age, and CRC was seen in 25% and 60% of the mice after 3 and 6 months, respectively.4949 Berg DJ, Davidson N, Kühn R, et al. Enterocolitis and colon cancer in interleukin-10-deficient mice are associated with aberrant cytokine production and CD4(+) TH1-like responses. J Clin Invest 1996;98(04):1010–1020 Colon cancer incidence and mucosal inflammatory activity were both decreased in IL-10 knockout mice with altered enteric flora caused by probiotic lactobacilli.5050 O’Mahony L, Feeney M, O’Halloran S, et al. Probiotic impact on microbial flora, inflammation and tumour development in IL-10 knockout mice. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2001;15(08): 1219–1225

Making Treatment Decisions

Treatment Decision in Patients with Prior History of Cancer

When compared to people without a history of cancer, patients with IBD have a twofold greater chance of developing a new or recurring cancer, however this risk has been demonstrated to be unrelated to medicine use.66 Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Nahon S, et al; Cancers et Surrisque Associé aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France Study Group. High risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;16 (06):892–899.e2 Anti-TNF medication and the newer biologics do not seem to be linked to an increased risk of new or recurring malignancy in IBD, according to recent data that appear to be generally supportive of this claim.5151 Sattler L, Hanauer SB, Malter L. Immunomodulatory agents for treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (review safety of anti-TNF, Anti-Integrin, anti-IL-12/23, JAK inhibition, sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulator, azathio-prine / 6-MP and methotrexate). Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2021; 23(12):30 Compared to conventional immunosuppression, anti-TNF, and no immunosuppression, patients receiving thiopurines experienced a rise in non-melanoma skin cancer, but no increased risk of cancer recurrence overall.5252 Shelton E, Laharie D, Scott FI, et al. Cancer recurrence following immune-suppressive therapies in patients with immune-mediated diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gastroenterology 2016;151(01):97–109.e4 Guidelines from the European Crohn’s Colitis Organization (ECCO) suggested that it might be overly cautious, especially when considering the possibility of not treating IBD properly. The BSG 2019 IBD recommendation emphasizes that biologics shouldn’t be disregarded in patients who have had past cancer and instead recommends making individualized selections.5353 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(Suppl 3):s1–s106 According to observational studies, people with IBD who have had cancer in the past do not appear to have a noticeably higher risk of developing new or recurring cancer. Following a cancer diagnosis, IBD treatment decisions are difficult to make because they must consider the type of cancer, its natural history, the time between the cancer diagnosis and the end of treatment, the need for the IBD treatment decision, the severity and prognosis of the IBD, as well as any available alternatives to biologics and immunosuppressants. Immunosuppressants and anti-TNF treatment should typically be postponed for at least 2 years in patients with a history of cancer; the postponement should be increased to 5 years in patients with cancers with a high risk of recurrence, such as cancers of the urinary tract, endometrial cancer, melanoma, and lung cancer. In situations of past EBV-related lymphoma, human papillomavirus-related carcinoma, or urinary tract cancer, thiopurines should be avoided. For cancers with an intermediate or high risk of recurrence, such as those of the urinary system, the gastrointestinal tract, leukaemia, and multiple myeloma, the ECCO consensus guidance on this topic advises waiting 2 years before beginning immunosuppressive and maybe up to 5 years.

Treatment Decisions in Patients with Active Cancer

When a new malignancy is discovered, most doctors will change the way that IBD is managed, especially by stopping immunosuppressants and using anti-TNF medications less frequently.5454 Rajca S, Seksik P, Bourrier A, et al. Impact of the diagnosis and treatmentofcancer on the course of inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohn’s Colitis 2014;8(08):819–824 However, more evidence suggests that patients with active IBD at the time of their cancer diagnosis may benefit from cytotoxic medication for the treatment of their disease and experience remission.5555 Hussain SP, Harris CC. Inflammation and cancer: an ancient link with novel potentials. Int J Cancer 2007;121(11):2373–2380,5656 Axelrad JE, Fowler SA, Friedman S, Ananthakrishnan AN, Yajnik V. Effects of cancer treatment on inflammatory bowel disease remission and reactivation. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;10(09): 1021–7.e1 Based on expert opinion statements and treatment guidelines reporting the theoretical concern about worsening cancer outcomes, amino salicylates (5ASAs) and steroids are considered as the first option if the IBD is not well controlled despite the chemotherapy for the active cancer, and anti TNFs are considered as second-line therapy in non-responders.1313 Annese V, Beaugerie L, Egan L, et al; ECCO. European evidence-based consensus: inflammatory bowel disease and malignancies. J Crohn’s Colitis 2015;9(11):945–965,5757 Bernheim O, Colombel JF, Ullman TA, Laharie D, Beaugerie L, Itzkowitz SH. The management of immunosuppression in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and cancer. Gut 2013;62(11): 1523–1528 IBD treatment may influence how malignancies develop. Immuno-suppressants (azathioprine, methotrexate) and anti-TNFs have been discovered to negatively affect disease-free survival and overall survival in colorectal cancer.5858 Khoury W, Lavery IC, Kiran RP. Effects of chronic immunosup-pression on long-term oncologic outcomes for colorectal cancer patients undergoing surgery. Ann Surg 2011;253(02):323–327,5959 Jensen AØ, Thomsen HF, Engebjerg MC, et al. Use of oral glucocorticoids and risk of skin cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a population-based case-control study. Br J Cancer 2009;100(01): 200–205 However, there is no link between the malignancies and lymphomas that develop after anti-TNF therapy and a worse diagnostic stage or worse prognosis. Withholding anti-TNFs in this situation is advised by expert guidelines because several studies of individuals with active or recent myeloma found a risk of progression to invasive melanomas when anti-TNFs were used (Annese et al.,2015). It is unclear whether methotrexate has comparable problems with tumor prognosis or tumor progression. Methotrexate use did not appear to affect lymphoma-specific survival, but the prognosis was less favorable than for lymphoma in the general population. However, substantial dosages of methotrexate are currently utilized to treat some malignancies, such as breast and urinary tract tumors. Withholding thiopurines during active cancer treatment is totally fair given the potential hazards associated with DNA alterations and myelosuppression.1313 Annese V, Beaugerie L, Egan L, et al; ECCO. European evidence-based consensus: inflammatory bowel disease and malignancies. J Crohn’s Colitis 2015;9(11):945–965 Because of their impact on the tumor and symptoms associated with it, oncologists frequently opt to use corticosteroids as a first line treatment once an IBD flare has been diagnosed. However, there is some evidence that suggests that steroids may also increase tumor cells’ resistance to apoptosis and decrease immune surveillance. Additionally, some population-based studies indicate a higher risk of nonmelanoma lymphomas in people on extended corticosteroids, but it’s unclear whether this risk is connected to how severe the underlying IBD is.5959 Jensen AØ, Thomsen HF, Engebjerg MC, et al. Use of oral glucocorticoids and risk of skin cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a population-based case-control study. Br J Cancer 2009;100(01): 200–205,6060 Sørensen GV, Cronin-Fenton DP, Sørensen HT, Ulrichsen SP, Pedersen L, Lash TL. Use of glucocorticoids and risk of breast cancer: a Danish population-based case-control study. Breast Cancer Res 2012;14(01):R21 Despite this, corticosteroids are generally considered to be a safer alternative to immunosuppressants. Anti-TNFs may currently serve as a fallback option, notwithstanding the lack of comparable trials comparing steroids and anti-TNFs in the therapy of uncontrolled IBD in cancer patients receiving treatment. Following cancer therapy, 5ASAs and enteral nutrition may be possibilities for milder illness flare-ups.

Future Perspectives

For the prevention and early identification of cancer in the general population as well as IBD patients, tumor screening programs are crucial and effective tools. Data on their effectiveness, however, comefrom retrospective case-control studies and case series. There are still no randomized controlled trials demonstrating a definite advantage of colonoscopy in IBD. It has been shown that chromoendoscopy combined with focused biopsies increases the rate of dysplasia identification. Uncertainty surrounds the function of more recent technologies like endomicroscopy and narrow-band imaging. To determine their position in the screening algorithm, trials are necessary. More research is required to determine the best screening methods for cancers of the urinary tract, small bowel, and cholangiocarcinoma. It will befascinating to determine whether IBD phenotypes are particularly at risk for cancer subtypes from the perspective of customized treatment. In the future, this will make it easier to individually adapt both screening recommendations and therapy approaches.

Summary and Conclusions

IBD is still linked to cancer formation because it causes persistent intestinal inflammation and the use of potentially carcinogenic medications, despite newer research and meta-analyses casting doubt on the excess rates of cancer in IBD patients. Thiopurines and anti-TNF have been demonstrated to be particularly effective in the latter. Clinicians have historically been reluctant to start immunosuppressive and biological therapy in patients with current cancer or a history of cancer because clinical guidelines based on expert consensus frequently recommend significant restrictions inmedications, such as immunosuppression and biologics. Patients should be informed of the elevated risk of cancer associated with IBD and IBD medications. They should also be made aware that most cancer subtypes may be avoided with the right screening methods. Concerns among patients receiving anti-TNFs or thiopurines are being further evaluated as part of the ongoing prospective IBD Cancer and Serious Infections in Europe project. We’ll have to wait and see how many patients have had past malignancies. Long-term prospective trials with representative patients are ultimately required.

Sl no. Abbreviation Expansion 1 IBD Inflammatory bowel disease 2 UC Ulcerative colitis 3 CD Crohn’s disease 4 TNF Tumor necrosis factor 5 NMSC Non melanoma skin cancer 6 EBV Epstein barr virus 7 CRC Colorectal cancer 8 NOS Nitric oxide synthetase 9 ROS Reactive oxygen species


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    30 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    21 June 2023
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