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Impacts of climate change on the potential distribution of epiphytic cacti in the Caatinga biome, Brazil


The Caatinga biome is the largest dry tropical forest region in South America as well as one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the climate changes forecast for this century. Climate forecasts for the biome include increased air temperature, reduced rainfall and aridization. This biome does not have a homogeneous landscape; instead it has several rainforest enclaves. This article describes a study to model the potential distribution of four epiphytic cactus species (Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw., Rhipsalis floccosa Salm-Dyck ex Pfeiff., Rhipsalis lindbergiana K. Schum and Rhipsalis russellii Britton & Rose.) in the biome under future climate scenarios and traces out a prognosis for the enclaves and the biome. For that purpose, we used the MaxEnt modeling method, considering two future time intervals (2041-2060 and 2061-2080) and the interval 1961-1990 for the current situation, with the RCP4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. The projections for future potential distribution showed a spatial contractions greater than 88% found in the areas of high potential presence for the target species throughout the biome and in all the scenarios. The results strengthen the expectation of aridization in the Caatinga biome, with the loss or shrinkage of rainforest enclaves as time progresses.

Key words
Climatic refuge; maxent; modeling; seasonally dry tropical forest


It is well known that the topic of climate change is gaining relevance among the scientific community and has definitively entered the agenda of international political discussions, due to the potential negative impacts on human quality of life and biodiversity. The relevance of this phenomenon is supported by a wealth of evidence published in recent years, confirming the existence of various global climate changes with impacts on all continents and oceans (IPCC 2013IPCC - INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE. CLIMATE CHANGE. 2013. The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [STOCKER TF, QIN D, PLATTNER GK, TIGNOR M, ALLEN SK, BOSCHUNG J, NAUELS A, XIA Y, BEX V & MIDGLEY PM (Eds)], Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1535 p., 2014aIPCC - INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE. CLIMATE CHANGE. 2014a. Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [FIELD CB, BARROS VR, DOKKEN DJ, MACH KJ, MASTRANDREA MD, BILIR TE, CHATTERJEE M, EBI KL, ESTRADA YO, GENOVA RC, GIRMA B, KISSEL ES, LEVY AN, MACCRACKEN S, MASTRANDREA PR & WHITE LL (Eds)]. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1132 p., bIPCC - INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE. CLIMATE CHANGE. 2014b. Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part B: Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [BARROS VR, FIELD CB, DOKKEN DJ, MASTRANDREA MD, MACH KJ, BILIR TE, CHATTERJEE M, EBI KL, ESTRADA YO, GENOVA RC, GIRMA B, KISSEL ES, LEVY AN, MACCRACKEN S, MASTRANDREA PR & WHITE LL (Eds)]. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 688 p., 2018IPCC - INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE. 2018. Summary for Policymakers. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [MASSON-DELMOTTE V, ZHAI P, PÖRTNER H, ROBERTS D, SKEA J, SHUKLA PR, PIRANI A, MOUFOUMA-OKIA W, PÉAN C, PIDCOCK R, CONNORS S, MATTHEWS JBR, CHEN Y, ZHOU X, GOMIS MI, LONNOY E, MAYCOCK T, TIGNOR M & WATERFIELD T (Eds)]. Geneva: World Meteorological Organization, 32 p.).

With respect to the impacts on biodiversity, there is scientific consensus that climate change is one of the most significant factors that will induce extinction of species until the end of the century (CBD 2016CBD - CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY. 2016. Biodiversity and Climate Change. Montreal: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 10 p.), with various climate change components already threatening the survival of species and the quality of ecosystems and biomes (Bellard et al. 2012BELLARD C, BERTELSMEIER C, LEADLEY P, THUILLER W & COURCHAMP F. 2012. Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity. Ecol Lett 15(4): 365-377.).

Brazil stands out among countries for its huge ecological diversity. As such, it has been attracting growing interest from researchers regarding the effects of climate change on its biodiversity. Among the initiatives in this line, we can mention the First National Evaluation Report on Climate Change (PBMC 2014aPBMC - PAINEL BRASILEIRO DE MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS. 2014a. Base Científica das Mudanças Climáticas. Contribuição do Grupo de Trabalho 1 do Painel Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas ao Primeiro Relatório de Avaliação Nacional sobre Mudanças Climáticas. [AMBRIZZI T & ARAUJO M (Eds)]. Rio de janeiro: Coppe/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 464 p., bPBMC - PAINEL BRASILEIRO DE MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS. 2014b. Impactos, Vulnerabilidades e Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas. Contribuição do Grupo de Trabalho 2 do Painel Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas ao Primeiro Relatório da Avaliação Nacional sobre Mudanças Climáticas. [ASSAD ED & MAGALHÃES AR (Eds)]. Rio de Janeiro: Coppe/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 414 p.), which presented predictions for rising air temperature and greater frequency of extreme climate events throughout the country, with significant negative impacts on all its biomes.

Inside of Brazil is located the Caatinga biome, the largest tropical dry forest region in South America (Silva et al. 2017SILVA JMC, LEAL IR & TABARELLI M (Eds). 2017. Caatinga: the largest tropical dry forest region in South America. Cham: Springer, 482 p.). Along with the Amazon biome, it is considered one of the world’s most vulnerable ecological regions to the climate changes forecast for this century (Baettig et al. 2007BAETTIG MB, WILD M & IMBODEN MD. 2007. A climate change index: where climate change may be more prominent in the 21st century. Geophys Res Lett 34: 1-6., Santos et al. 2014SANTOS MG ET AL. 2014. Caatinga, the Brazilian dry tropical forest: can it tolerate climate changes? Theor Exp Plant Physiol 26(1): 83-99., Seddon et al. 2016SEDDON AW, MACIAS-FAURIA M, LONG PR, BENZ D & WILLIS KJ. 2016. Sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems to climate variability. Nature 531(7593): 229-232.). Among the projections for the Caatinga biome is aridization (increased number of months with water deficit) (Marengo 2008MARENGO JA. 2008. Vulnerabilidade, impactos e adaptação à mudança do clima no semiárido do Brasil. Parc Estrat 13(27): 149-175., 2014, Sales et al. 2015SALES DC, COSTA AA, SILVA EM, VASCONCELOS JÚNIOR FC, CAVALCANTE AMB, MEDEIROS SS, MARIN AMP, GUIMARÃES SO, ARAÚJO JUNIOR LM & PEREIRA JMR. 2015. Projeções de mudanças na precipitação e temperatura no nordeste brasileiro utilizando a técnica de downscaling dinâmico. Rev Bras Meteorol 30(4): 435-456., Lacerda et al. 2016LACERDA FF, NOBRE P, SOBRAL MCM, LOPES GMB & ASSAD ED. 2016. Tendência do clima do semiárido frente as perspectivas das mudanças climáticas globais; o caso de Araripina, Pernambuco. RDG 31: 132-141., Marengo et al. 2017MARENGO JA, TORRES RR & ALVES LM. 2017. Drought in Northeast Brazil: past, present and future. Theor Appl Climatol 129(3-4): 1189-1200.). Another is that the air temperature at the surface will increase by up to 4 °C by the end of this century in the most critical scenario (Torres et al. 2017TORRES RR, LAPOLA DM & GAMARRA NLR. 2017. Future Climate Change in the Caatinga. In: SILVA JMC, LEAL IR & TABARELLI M (Eds). Caatinga: the largest tropical dry forest region in South America. Cham: Springer, p. 383-410.). Regarding precipitation, the forecast is for a reduction by 2100, although this projection is considered the most uncertain (Sales et al. 2015SALES DC, COSTA AA, SILVA EM, VASCONCELOS JÚNIOR FC, CAVALCANTE AMB, MEDEIROS SS, MARIN AMP, GUIMARÃES SO, ARAÚJO JUNIOR LM & PEREIRA JMR. 2015. Projeções de mudanças na precipitação e temperatura no nordeste brasileiro utilizando a técnica de downscaling dinâmico. Rev Bras Meteorol 30(4): 435-456., Torres et al. 2017TORRES RR, LAPOLA DM & GAMARRA NLR. 2017. Future Climate Change in the Caatinga. In: SILVA JMC, LEAL IR & TABARELLI M (Eds). Caatinga: the largest tropical dry forest region in South America. Cham: Springer, p. 383-410.). All these forecasts taken together are reason for concern, especially about the continuing adequacy of habitats. Some studies have found indications of loss of this environmental adequacy for plant species in the Caatinga biome due to climate change projections (Rodrigues et al. 2015RODRIGUES PMS, SILVA JO, EISENLOHR PV & SCHAEFER CER. 2015. Climate change effects on the geographic distribution of specialist tree species of the Brazilian tropical dry forests. Braz J Biol 75(3): 679-684., Silva et al. 2019SILVA JLSE, CRUZ-NETO O, PERES CA, TABARELLI M & LOPES AV. 2019. Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies. PLoS ONE 14(5): 1-24., Cavalcante et al. 2020CAVALCANTE AMB, DUARTE AS & OMETTO JPHB. 2020. Modeling the potential distribution of Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. under future climate scenarios in the biome Caatinga. An Acad Bras Cienc 92: 1-12., Simões et al. 2020SIMÕES SS, ZAPPI D, COSTA GM, OLIVEIRA G & AONA LYS. 2020. Spatial niche modelling of five endemic cacti from the Brazilian Caatinga: Past, present and future. Austral Ecol 45: 35-47.).

The Caatinga ecological region is dominated by seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) (Pennington et al. 2009PENNINGTON RT, LAVIN M & OLIVEIRA-FILHO AT. 2009. Woody plant diversity, evolution and ecology in the tropics: perspectives from seasonally dry tropical forests. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 40(1): 437-457.), but the SDTF is not a totally homogeneous landscape, because it contains enclaves of moist tropical forests that form veritable islands, with more amendable temperatures and higher rainfall due to the elevated terrain, in contrast to the lowlands covered by SDTF (Andrade-Lima 1982ANDRADE-LIMA D. 1982. Present day forest refuges in Northeastern Brazil. In: PRANCE GT (Ed), Biological Diversification in the Tropics, New York: Columbia University Press, p. 245-254., Tabarelli & Santos 2004TABARELLI M & SANTOS AMM. 2004. Uma breve descrição sobre a história natural dos brejos nordestinos. In: PORTO KC, CABRAL JJP & TABARELLI M (Eds), Brejos de altitude em Pernambuco e Paraíba: História natural, ecologia e conservação, Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente Press, p. 17-24., Souza & Oliveira 2006SOUZA MJN & OLIVEIRA VPV. 2006. Os enclaves úmidos e sub-úmidos do semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro. Mercator 5(9): 85-102., Santos et al. 2007SANTOS AMM, CAVALCANTI DR, SILVA JMC & TABARELLI M. 2007. Biogeographical relationships among tropical forests in northeastern Brazil. J Biogeogr 34: 437-446.). These enclaves, because of their distinctive environmental conditions of SDTF, sustain a greater diversity of plants and function as refuges for many species (Ab’Sáber 2003AB’SÁBER AN. 2003. Os domínios de natureza no Brasil: Potencialidades Paisagísticas. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 160 p., Cavalcante 2005CAVALCANTE AMB. 2005. Jardins Suspensos no Sertão. SciAm Brasil 32: 66-73., Silva et al. 2014SILVA FKS, LOPES SF, LOPEZ LCS, MELO JIM & TROVÃO DMM. 2014. Patterns of species richness and conservation in the Caatinga along elevational gradients in a semiarid ecosystem. J. Arid Environ 110: 47-52., Lopes et al. 2017LOPES SF, RAMOS MB & ALMEIDA GR. 2017. The Role of Mountains as Refugia for Biodiversity in Brazilian Caatinga: Conservationist Implications. Trop Conserv Sci 10: 1-12.).

Table I
AUC values of the final models.

In these rainforest enclaves, the native epiphytic cactus species can be valuable representatives, since knowledge of the geographic distribution and redistribution of this functional group can shed light on the possible impacts of climate change on the adequacy of habitats. Some studies have modeled functional groups to use them as bioindicators (Rodrigues et al. 2015RODRIGUES PMS, SILVA JO, EISENLOHR PV & SCHAEFER CER. 2015. Climate change effects on the geographic distribution of specialist tree species of the Brazilian tropical dry forests. Braz J Biol 75(3): 679-684., Oke & Hager 2017OKE TA & HAGER HA. 2017. Assessing environmental attributes and effects of climate change on Sphagnum peatland distributions in North America using single-and multi-species models. PLoS ONE 12(4): 1-16., Silva et al. 2019SILVA JLSE, CRUZ-NETO O, PERES CA, TABARELLI M & LOPES AV. 2019. Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies. PLoS ONE 14(5): 1-24.). A natural question thus arises: Can modeling of the future potential distribution of a group of native epiphytic cacti indicate losses of rainforest enclaves and improve the prognosis for aridization of the Caatinga biome during this century?

In this context, modeling the potential distribution of species is a useful tool to forecast the impacts of climate change on species in landscapes undergoing transformation. According to Hijmans & Elith (2017)HIJMANS RJ & ELITH J. 2017. Species distribution modeling with R. R CRAN Project, 78 p., the objective of species distribution modeling is to estimate the similarity of conditions of any area with the conditions of known areas of occurrence (or not) of a phenomenon. A common application of this method is to predict the ranges of species with climate data as predictors. Hence, species distribution modeling can provide probabilistic forecasts of where a given species may or may not be present, where the estimated area represents the potential distribution of the target species, based on its environmental preferences and constraints (Guisan & Thuiller 2005GUISAN A & THUILLER W. 2005. Predicting species distribution: offering more than simple habitat models. Ecol Lett 8(9): 993-1009., Elith & Leathwick 2009ELITH J & LEATHWICK JR. 2009. Species Distribution Models: Ecological Explanation and Prediction Across Space and Time. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 40: 677-697., Franklin & Miller 2009FRANKLIN J & MILLER J. 2009. Mapping species distributions: Spatial Inference and Prediction. New York: Cambridge University Press, 320 p.).

Based on these observations, the objective of this study was to model the potential distribution of four epiphytic cactus species native to the Caatinga biome under future scenarios and to trace out a prognosis for the rainforest enclaves and the entire biome in this century.


Description of the study area

The Caatinga biome covers 844,453 km2, or 10 % of Brazil’s territory (IBGE 2004IBGE - INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. 2004. Mapa de Biomas do Brasil, escala 1:5.000. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 00 p.), and is almost all located in the country’s Northeast region (Figure 1). According to the Köppen classification, it has a semiarid climate - BSh (Alvares et al. 2014ALVARES CA, STAPE JL, SENTELHAS PC, GONÇALVES JLM & SPAROVEK G. 2014. Kӧppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorol Z 22(6): 711-728.). Because it is entirely located between the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn (3o to 18o South), it receives abundant sunlight throughout the year, with average annual temperatures ranging between 25° and 30°C (Sampaio 2003SAMPAIO EVSB. 2003. Caracterização da caatinga e fatores ambientais que afetam a ecologia das plantas lenhosas. In: SALES VC (Ed). Ecossistemas brasileiros: manejo e conservação. Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica Editora, p. 129-142.). The rainfall, on the other hand, varies widely in time and space, fluctuating on average from 300 to 1,000 mm a year (Reddy 1983REDDY SJ. 1983. Climatic classification: the semi-arid tropics and its environment a review. Embrapa Semiárido Artigo em periódico indexado ALICE 18(8): 823-847.). The dry season lasts 7 to 10 months, virtually without rainfall (Prado 2003PRADO D. 2003. As Caatingas da América do Sul. In: LEAL IR ET AL. (Eds), Ecologia e Conservação da Caatinga, Recife: Editora Universitária da UFPE, p. 3-73.). There are three main precipitation systems that affect the biome: the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the north, the Easterly Wave Disturbances along the east coast, and Cold Fronts in the south (Andrade et al. 2017ANDRADE EM, AQUINO DN, CHAVES LCG & LOPES FB. 2017. Water as Capital and Its Uses in the Caatinga. In: SILVA JMC, LEAL IR & TABARELLI M (Eds), Caatinga: the largest tropical dry forest region in South America, Cham: Springer, p. 281-302.).

Figure 1
Location of the Caatinga biome.

In this extensive ecological region, the predominant vegetation is classified as seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) (Pennington et al. 2009PENNINGTON RT, LAVIN M & OLIVEIRA-FILHO AT. 2009. Woody plant diversity, evolution and ecology in the tropics: perspectives from seasonally dry tropical forests. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 40(1): 437-457.), which is subject to a prolonged dry season, resulting in deciduous vegetation (Prado 2003). However, the SDTF is interspersed with rainforest enclaves at higher altitudes. These forests are recognized as islands that remain green throughout the year, acting as climate refuges of the Atlantic Forest (Tabarelli & Santos 2004TABARELLI M & SANTOS AMM. 2004. Uma breve descrição sobre a história natural dos brejos nordestinos. In: PORTO KC, CABRAL JJP & TABARELLI M (Eds), Brejos de altitude em Pernambuco e Paraíba: História natural, ecologia e conservação, Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente Press, p. 17-24., Cavalcante 2005CAVALCANTE AMB. 2005. Jardins Suspensos no Sertão. SciAm Brasil 32: 66-73., Neves et al. 2017NEVES DM, DEXTER KG, PENNINGTON RT, VALENTE AS, BUENO ML, EISENLOHR PV & OLIVEIRA-FILHO AT. 2017. Dissecting a biodiversity hotspot: The importance of environmentally marginal habitats in the Atlantic Forest Domain of South America. Divers Distrib 23(8): 1-12., Silveira et al. 2019SILVEIRA MHB, MASCARENHAS R, CARDOSO D & BATALHA-FILHO H. 2019. Pleistocene climatic instability drove the historical distribution of forest islands in the northeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 527: 67-76.).

The morphostructural aspects of the reliefs play a fundamental role for these enclaves. They are associated with the high-altitude mesoclimate found in areas of crystalline massifs (granitic or metamorphic) and sedimentary plateaus (Souza & Oliveira 2006SOUZA MJN & OLIVEIRA VPV. 2006. Os enclaves úmidos e sub-úmidos do semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro. Mercator 5(9): 85-102.). For the analysis here, as described by Silveira et al. (2019)SILVEIRA MHB, MASCARENHAS R, CARDOSO D & BATALHA-FILHO H. 2019. Pleistocene climatic instability drove the historical distribution of forest islands in the northeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 527: 67-76., the rainforest enclaves in the biome were grouped into four sets: Northern Ceará; Borborema Plateau, Araripe Complex; and Eastern Chapada Diamantina (Figure 2a).

Figure 2
a) Location of the rainforest enclaves of the Caatinga biome; b) Records of the presence of the true epiphytic cacti selected.

Species selected

Of the 94 known cactus species present in the Caatinga biome, seven are true epiphytic species (Flora do Brasil 2020FLORA DO BRASIL. 2020. (last access: November 2020).
). Among these seven species, we selected four for this study: Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw.; Rhipsalis floccosa Salm-Dyck ex Pfeiff.; Rhipsalis lindbergiana K. Schum; and Rhipsalis russellii Britton & Rose. The choice of true epiphytic cacti was first based on the particularity that these plants only occur in rainforest areas (Braun & Hofacker 2006BRAUN PJ & HOFACKER A. 2006. The pendent cacti of Brazil. Cactus and Succulent Jour 78(6): 286-300.), second on the possibility of tracing parallels as indicators for other species having similar demands in the ecological region, and third (but not less important), on the sufficient quantity and quality of biotic and geographic data available, as needed for the modeling. The four selected cactus species form a functional group that commonly occurs in moist areas that are strongly regulated by the climate (Taylor & Zappi 2004TAYLOR NP & ZAPPI DC. 2004. Cacti of eastern Brazil, Kew: The Royal Botanic Gardens, 499 p.) (Fig. 2a, b).

Modeling and simulation

The species distribution modeling was carried out with the Maximum Entropy Algorithm (MaxEnt), version 3.4.1 (Phillips et al. 2006PHILLIPS SJ, ANDERSON RP & SCHAPIRE RE. 2006. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions. Ecol model 190: 231-259., 2018PHILLIPS SJ, DUDÍK M & SCHAPIRE RE. 2018. Software MaxEnt (versão 3.4.1). (last access: September 2018).
). It is a method developed to rely only on presence data and has performed well in previous studies, even with a small number of samples (Wisz et al. 2008WISZ MS, HIJMANS RJ, LI J, PETERSON AT, GRAHAM CH, GUISAN A & NCEAS. 2008. Effects of sample size on the performance of species distribution models. Divers Distrib 14(5): 763-773., Van Proosdij et al. 2016VAN PROOSDIJ AS, SOSEF MS, WIERINGA JJ & RAES N. 2016. Minimum required number of specimen records to develop accurate species distribution models. Ecography 39(6): 542-552.). For MaxEnt’s choice we took into account recommendations by Rangel & Loyola (2012)RANGEL TF & LOYOLA RD. 2012. Labeling ecological niche models. Nat Conserv 10(2): 119-126..

The presence records of the species, identified by decimal geographic coordinates, were obtained from two online databases: the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF 2017GBIF - GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION FACILITY. 2017. (last access: August 2017). Occurrence download (DOI10.15468/dl.b2suvp; DOI10.15468/dl.vgrzwu; DOI 10.15468/dl.mmwbmy; DOI10.15468/dl.qwxuxl).
) and the SpeciesLink (2018)SPECIESLINK. 2018. (last access: December 2018).
. These records were checked to remove redundant and spatially correlated ones. The result was a high-quality database containing 20, 37, 20 and 14 records of the presence of E. phyllanthus, R. floccosa, R. lindbergiana and R. russellii, respectively, for a total of 91 points (Figure 2b), which were modeled together as a single group.

The climate variables used, derived from temperature (11) and precipitation (8), were obtained from the WorldClim 1.4 (2018)WORLDCLIM. 2018. Worldclim Version 1. (last access: November 2018).
(Hijmans et al. 2005HIJMANS RJ, CAMERON SE, PARRA JL, JONES PG & JARVIS A. 2005. Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas. Int J Climatol 25(15): 1965-1978.), with spatial resolution of 30 arc-seconds (~1 km). Besides these, we also used topographic variables (3) obtained by remote sensing, collected from the Ambdata database (INPE 2018INPE - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS. 2018. Ambdata: Variáveis ambientais para a modelagem de distribuição de espécies. (last access: November 2018).
), with the same spatial resolution as the others. Some studies have indicated that models improve substantially with the inclusion of remotely detected variables in relation to those relying only on directly measured climate variables (Pearson et al. 2004PEARSON RG, DAWSON TP & LIU C. 2004. Modelling species distributions in Britain: a hierarchical integration of climate and landcover data. Ecography 27(3): 285-298.).

To reduce the possible errors caused by correlation of the variables, we applied principal component analysis (PCA) to the initial set of 22 variables, to select the eight that were most independent (correlation < 0.7) and with highest predictive power (Cruz-Cárdenas et al. 2014CRUZ-CÁRDENAS G, LÓPEZ-MATA L, VILLASEÑOR JL & ORTIZ E. 2014. Potential species distribution modeling and the use of principal component analysis as predictor variables. Rev Mex Biodivers 85(1): 189-199.). The chosen variables and their respective codes were: Bio2 – monthly mean daily temperature range; Bio3 - isothermality; Bio5 – maximum temperature of the warmest month; Bio12 – annual precipitation; Bio14 - precipitation of the driest month; Bio19 - precipitation of the coldest quarter; Ele – elevation; and Dir – direction of slopes.

For future climate conditions, we used data from the general circulation model HadGEM2-ES, considering the time intervals 2041-2060 and 2061-2080, centered respectively at 2050 and 2070 (Hijmans et al. 2005HIJMANS RJ, CAMERON SE, PARRA JL, JONES PG & JARVIS A. 2005. Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas. Int J Climatol 25(15): 1965-1978.), and the greenhouse gas concentration scenarios RCP4.5 and 8.5 (Van Vuuren et al. 2011VAN VUUREN DP ET AL. 2011. The representative concentration pathways: an overview. Clim Change 109(1-2): 5-31.) of the CMIP5. For the present scenario, we used the period 1960-1990 (Hijmans et al. 2005HIJMANS RJ, CAMERON SE, PARRA JL, JONES PG & JARVIS A. 2005. Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas. Int J Climatol 25(15): 1965-1978.).

The background points were extracted from the area corresponded to the minimum convex polygon including all the presence records observed, plus a radius of 100 km (Vanderwal et al. 2009VANDERWAL J, SHOO LP, GRAHAM C & WILLIAMS SE. 2009. Selecting pseudo-absence data for presence-only distribution modeling: how far should you stray from what you know? Ecol Model 220(4): 589-594.), while the final models were projected for the current extension of the Caatinga biome, considered previously as the area accessible to the target species over the relevant time period (Barve et al. 2011BARVE N, BARVE V, JIMÉNEZ-VALVERDE A, LIRA-NORIEGA A, MAHER SP, PETERSON AT, SOBERÓN J & VILLALOBOS F. 2011. The crucial role of the accessible area in ecological niche modeling and species distribution modeling. Ecol Model 222(11): 1810-1819.).

All told, we generated five models, one current and four for future scenarios. Each model resulted in an average of 20 replications, in which 25% of the points were separated for statistical testing, with replacement at the end of each replication by the bootstrap method. The output of the models can be interpreted as habitat suitability indices for the selected species (Merow et al. 2013MEROW C, SMITH MJ & SILANDER JUNIOR JA. 2013. A practical guide to MaxEnt for modeling species’ distributions: what it does, and why inputs and settings matter. Ecography 36(10): 1058-1069.).

To assess the precision of the models, we used the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). AUC values near 1 represent excellent performance, while values near 0.5 indicate the model is near a random classification (Elith et al. 2006ELITH J, GRAHAM CH, ANDERSON RP & ZIMMERMANN NE. 2006. Novel methods improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. Ecography 29(2): 129-151.). Although there are other techniques to evaluate performance, such as those proposed by Allouche et al. (2006)ALLOUCHE O, TSOAR A & KADMON R. 2006. Assessing the accuracy of species distribution models: prevalence, kappa and the true skill statistic (TSS). J Appl Ecol 43(6): 1223-1232. and Warren et al. (2014)WARREN DL, WRIGHT AN, SEIFERT SN & SHAFFER HB. 2014. Incorporating model complexity and spatial sampling bias into ecological niche models of climate change risks faced by 90 California vertebrate species of concern. Divers Distrib 20(3): 334-343., the AUC is better to assess models involving only presence data (Merow et al. 2013MEROW C, SMITH MJ & SILANDER JUNIOR JA. 2013. A practical guide to MaxEnt for modeling species’ distributions: what it does, and why inputs and settings matter. Ecography 36(10): 1058-1069.). To set the parameters for the AUC values, we calculated 99 null models, as recommended by Raes & Ter Steege (2007)RAES N & TER STEEGE HA. 2007. Null model for significance testing of presence only species distribution models. Ecography 30(5): 727-736..

The potential distribution maps of the target species were prepared with the QGIS 3.2.3 (2018)QGIS - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM. 2018. Open Source Geospatial Foundation Project. (last access: September 2018).
and included five potential classes: null potential or totally unsuitable area (0.0-0.01); low potential (0.01-0.25); moderate potential (0.25-0.50); good potential (0.50-0.75); and high potential, or highly suitable area (> 0.75). This classification was adapted from Yang et al. (2013)YANG XQ, KUSHWAHA SPS, SARAN S, XU J & ROY PS. 2013. Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution of medicinal plant, Justicia adhatoda L. in Lesser Himalayan foothills. Ecol Eng 51: 83-87.. Based on the maps, we calculated the areas occupied in the current climate conditions, as well as the expanded or contracted areas in the future climate scenarios.


The potential distribution models of the target species in the current and future climate scenarios performed well, with AUC values higher than 0.89 (Table I). The maximum AUC of the null models with random samples was 0.67 with a confidence interval of 95%, confirming the accuracy of the models.

Of the set of eight environmental variables used, those that made the largest contribution to construction of the models were: precipitation in the driest month (Bio14) with 36%; maximum temperature in the hottest month (Bio5) with 26%; total annual precipitation (Bio12) with 20%; and elevation (Ele) with 8%. Together, these four variables contributed 90% to construction of the models, The other variables together contributed 10%, with the variable monthly mean daily temperature range (Bio2) having the smallest contribution, only 1% (Table II).

Table II
Average percent contribution of the variables to the model.

With respect to the potential presence classes of the target species in the Caatinga biome, the current habitats with high potential (>0.75) were found to cover 10,392 km², or 1.2% of the biome’s total area (844,453 km²). The areas with good (0.50-0.75) and moderate potential (0.25-0.50) corresponded to 15,877 km² (1.9%) and 40,329 km² (4.8%), respectively. The low potential class (0.01-0.25) covered the largest area, of 440,820 km², or 52.2%. Finally, the null potential class (0.0-0.01) covered the second largest area, of 319,056 km², or 37.8% of the biome’s total area (Table III, Figures 3a and 4a).

Figure 3
Simulation of the current potential distribution (a) and those projected for 2050 (b) and 2070 (c) under scenario RCP4.5 for epiphytic cacti in the Caatinga biome.
Figure 4
Simulation of the current potential distribution (a) and those projected for 2050 (b) and 2070 (c) under scenario RCP8.5 for epiphytic cacti in the Caatinga biome.
Table III
Absolute and relative values of the areas with potential presence of the target species in relation to the climate status in the Caatinga biome.

The projected areas of the biome for future climate change scenarios (Table III, Figures 3b, c and 4b, c), in turn, showed significant and progressive contractions of areas with high potential (>0.75) in relation to the same areas in the current climate condition. These contractions ranged from 88.8% in the least critical scenario (RCP4.5/2050) to 99.7% in the most critical and longest range scenario (RCP8.5/2070), with almost total loss of high potential areas. The areas with good potential (0.50-0.75) followed the same contraction trend, varying from 77.4% in scenario RCP4.5/2050 to 98% in scenario RCP8.5/2070. The areas with moderate potential (0.25-0.50) showed similar contractions to those of the previously mentioned classes, with losses under the most critical climate condition (RCP8.5/2070) of 95.6% of the original areas. The low potential class (0.01-0.25) also would be subject to progressive contraction, but with smaller losses than in scenario RCP8.5/2070, of around 50%. Finally, in contrast to the other classes, the class with null potential (0.0-0.01), where the species would be absent with the greatest degree of certainty, showed strong and progressive expansion during the years in the different future climate scenarios, reaching expansion of 90.3% in 2070 in the most critical condition.

The contraction of the areas with high potential (>0.75) did not occur uniformly in the rainforest enclaves of the biome (Figure 2a) for the climate conditions and time ranges considered. Of particular note is the most pessimistic scenario (RCP8.5/2070), where only a small fraction of the enclaves in Northern Ceará state and Eastern Chapada Diamantina (state of Bahia) presented remaining areas with high potential, respectively, of 26 km² and 0.5 km² (Table IV, Figure 4c).

Table IV
Absolute and relative values of the areas with high potential for presence of the target species in the different rainforest enclaves in relation to the climate status in the Caatinga biome.

The remaining enclaves in Northern Ceará showed the greatest resistance, maintaining 2.4% of these areas, concentrated in the Baturité mountains. With respect to the other enclaves, Araripe Complex and Borborema Plateau, the losses of areas with high potential were total in scenario RCP8.5/2070. In the case of the Araripe Complex, total loss was also found in RCP4.5/2050 (Table IV, Figure 3b).


The construction of the distribution models was strongly influenced by four of the five environmental variables (Bio5, Bio12, Bio14 and Ele). Bio12 and Bio14 together contributed 56%. This high joint contribution was expected, since these two variables are related to precipitation. Rain is the dominant climatic element controlling life in the Caatinga biome, responsible for starting and ending various ecophysiological processes, such as phenology and germination of seeds (Albuquerque et al. 2012ALBUQUERQUE UP ET AL. 2012. Caatinga revisited: Ecology and Conservation of an Important Seasonal Dry Forest. Sci World J 2012: 1-18.). Furthermore, depending on the combination of volume and spatial-temporal distribution of rain in the biome, the result can be favorable or critical for the survival of young plants (Araújo et al. 2005ARAÚJO E, MARTINS F & SANTOS F. 2005. Establishment and death of two dry tropical forest woody species in dry and rainy seasons in northeastern Brazil. In: NOGUEIRA RJM ET AL. (Eds), Estresses Ambientais: Danos e Beneficios em Plantas, Recife: Imprensa Universitária UFRPE, p. 76-91.) and the presence of species in determined places (Silva et al. 2017SILVA JMC, LEAL IR & TABARELLI M (Eds). 2017. Caatinga: the largest tropical dry forest region in South America. Cham: Springer, 482 p.).

The other two variables, Bio5 and Ele, together contributed 34%. These variables also directly and indirectly have an important role in controlling various biological events in the biome, such as the distribution of species when these variables are correlated. Rising elevation is directly related to lower temperature, which reduces evaporation rates and can influence the permanence of water available to plants in specific places, thus affecting the occurrence of species (Cavalcante et al. 2000CAVALCANTE AMB, SOARES JJ & FIGUEIREDO MA. 2000. Comparative phytosociology of tree sinusiae between contiguous forests in different stages of succession. Braz J Biol 60: 551-562.).

For the target species as well as the rainforest enclaves that sustain them, the regular supply or rain is just as important as its annual volume (Bio12). This is supported by the fact that Bio14 was the variable that most contributed to the differentiation of the areas with potential for the presence of the target species. The regular distribution of rain during the year is essential to maintain the moisture of the forest enclaves. The regular supply of water depends on orographic precipitation along with dew, which complements the action of the systems causing regional rainfall, such as the ITCZ.

In this context, the distribution of epiphytic cacti in the Caatinga biome is primarily influenced by exceptional moisture conditions, and secondarily by the occurrence of tropical rainforest stands located in mountainous enclaves of the biome, which serve as support and whose occurrence also depends on exceptional moisture conditions. In those enclaves, the distribution of epiphytic cacti occurs in narrow ranges of conditions, and the classes of areas with greater potential for presence are positively related to elevation, indicating the importance of local mesoclimates.

Therefore, any expectation of alteration of the environmental conditions where epiphytic cacti occur will point to the same prognosis for the rainforests that sustain them. This allows suggesting that the epiphytic cacti, when taken as a functional group, can act as a potential bioindicator, signaling reduction of local moisture and contraction of the rainforest enclaves in the biome.

In relation to the projections for spatial contraction observed in the areas with potential presence of the target species in the Caatinga biome (Table III, Figures 3 and 4), these are not uncommon. Other researchers have also indicated the same tendency for other plant species of the biome in the future (Rodrigues et al. 2015RODRIGUES PMS, SILVA JO, EISENLOHR PV & SCHAEFER CER. 2015. Climate change effects on the geographic distribution of specialist tree species of the Brazilian tropical dry forests. Braz J Biol 75(3): 679-684., Silva et al. 2019SILVA JLSE, CRUZ-NETO O, PERES CA, TABARELLI M & LOPES AV. 2019. Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies. PLoS ONE 14(5): 1-24.), as well as for its rainforest enclaves (Zanin et al. 2016ZANIN M, TESSAROLO G, MACHADO N & ALBERNAZ ALM. 2016. Mudanças climáticas e a cobertura vegetal nativa: impactos em um país megadiverso e seus biomas. In: TEIXEIRA BS, ORSINI JAM & CRUZ M (Eds), Modelagem climática e vulnerabilidades setoriais à mudança do clima no Brasil, Brasília: Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicação, p. 93-125.). Furthermore, Silveira et al. (2019)SILVEIRA MHB, MASCARENHAS R, CARDOSO D & BATALHA-FILHO H. 2019. Pleistocene climatic instability drove the historical distribution of forest islands in the northeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 527: 67-76. demonstrated that the current rainforest enclaves of the Caatinga biome that offer support to the target species underwent major expansion during the Last Glacial Maximum (21 kya) and retraction in the Middle Holocene (6 kya), since when they have remained relatively stable regarding area. What attracts attention in the present study is the projections for strong contraction in a short time frame (under 100 years) in response to the climate changes envisioned for this century, especially of the areas with good and high potential for presence (>0.50), which correspond to nearly all of the biome’s rainforest enclaves.

For the areas of good and high potential presence, two future contraction scenarios were best evidenced: 1) a scenario of strong contraction, but with significant presence of remaining areas, such as the climate condition of RCP4.5/2050; and 2) a scenario of disappearance of nearly all these areas, as in RCP8.5/2070. Besides the strong contractions observed in both scenarios, they also showed in common the presence of remaining areas mainly in the extreme northern part of the biome. This finding is intriguing, since it strengthens the assumption of different impacts of climate changes in different parts of the biome.

Torres & Marengo (2014)TORRES RR & MARENGO JA. 2014. Climate change hotspots over South America: from CMIP3 to CMIP5 multi-model datasets. Theor Appl Climatol 117(3-4): 579-587. already identified that the southern part of the biome presented medium to high values of the Regional Climate Change Index, causing them to label it as an area where the projected climate changes would mainly involve aridization. In turn, here we identified that the northernmost part of the biome would concentrate the remaining areas with good and high potential, i.e., remaining rainforest areas, principally the enclaves in Northern Ceará. These areas would be maintained by the action of the ITCZ, the main system causing rainfall in this part of the biome, together with orographic rains and dew, decisive elements to counteract aridization. Therefore, uneven aridization could occur, more intense in the south than in the far north of the biome. This differentiated effect of climate change was also observed by Sales et al. (2015)SALES DC, COSTA AA, SILVA EM, VASCONCELOS JÚNIOR FC, CAVALCANTE AMB, MEDEIROS SS, MARIN AMP, GUIMARÃES SO, ARAÚJO JUNIOR LM & PEREIRA JMR. 2015. Projeções de mudanças na precipitação e temperatura no nordeste brasileiro utilizando a técnica de downscaling dinâmico. Rev Bras Meteorol 30(4): 435-456. for temperature and precipitation during this century in the region, with the Northeast region (containing the Caatinga biome) having been subdivided into northern and southern parts by those authors.

Mountainous ecosystems will certainly be affected by global warming in the 21st century, with substantial loss of biodiversity being predicted by the various species distribution models. Depending on the geographic extension, range of elevations and spatial resolution of the data used to create these models, different habitat loss rates are predicted, with associated risks of species extinction (Randin et al. 2009RANDIN CF ET AL. 2009. Climate change and plant distribution: local models predict high-elevation persistence. Global Change Biol 15(6): 1557-1569.). The findings of Lamprecht et al. (2018)LAMPRECHT A, SEMENCHUK PR, STEINBAUER K, WINKLER M & PAULI H. 2018. Climate change leads to accelerated transformation of high-elevation vegetation in the central Alps. New Phytol 220(2): 447-459., along with our investigation of the epiphytic cacti in rainforest enclaves of the Caatinga biome, corroborate the claim of ecological and biogeographic transformations in mountainous ecosystems due to climate change.

In view of this, it is urgent to plan actions in the short, medium and long terms for adaptation of epiphytic cacti and the forests that sustain them in front of climate change. The future negative impacts on these rainforest enclaves of the Caatinga biome suggested here, both for the scenario of least impact and that of greatest impact, justify preventive adaptation actions such as making local people aware not to extract specimens from their habitats, conserve the trees etc. These actions should not only involve the target species investigated here, but also other species with similar demands (bromeliads, orchids etc.), considering all rainforest enclaves. In closing, it should be recalled that although climate change is global, the effects are always local.


We thank the Institutional Training Program (PCI) of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) for the PCI-DC research grant.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 May 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    17 June 2020
  • Accepted
    11 Jan 2021
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