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Alterações neurologicas perifericas na doença de Chagas cronica

Peripheral neurological disorders in chronic Chagas' disease


The authors review the literature about the cronic nervous form of Chagas' disease, directing their attention toward peripheral neurological aspects. Specifically, they analyse the results obtained from a "bind" research realized in a small community in the countryside of the state of Bahia, Brazil, where a high frequency of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi is reported. From 99 individuals examined, 50 showad a positive sorological test for Chagas' disease. The most frequent neurological findings in the total of 99 individuals were sensory loss and impairment of the deep reflexes. Among those with abolition of deep reflexes, there were 18 cases carrying a positive sorology for Chagas' disease, being that 15 from these 18 cases additionally presented a mild sensory deficit, characterizing a polyneuritic syndrome. In conclusion, they suggest that there is a neuritic form, as subdivision of a nervous form of Chagas' disease, particularly identified as a mixed polyneuritis.

Alterações neurologicas perifericas na doença de Chagas cronica

Peripheral neurological disorders in chronic Chagas' disease

J. Fortes-RêgoI; V. O. MacedoII; A. PrataIII

IProfessor-Assistente. Universidade de Brasília

IIProfessor-Adjunto. Universidade de Brasília

IIIProfessor-Titular. Universidade de Brasília


The authors review the literature about the cronic nervous form of Chagas' disease, directing their attention toward peripheral neurological aspects.

Specifically, they analyse the results obtained from a "bind" research realized in a small community in the countryside of the state of Bahia, Brazil, where a high frequency of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi is reported. From 99 individuals examined, 50 showad a positive sorological test for Chagas' disease. The most frequent neurological findings in the total of 99 individuals were sensory loss and impairment of the deep reflexes. Among those with abolition of deep reflexes, there were 18 cases carrying a positive sorology for Chagas' disease, being that 15 from these 18 cases additionally presented a mild sensory deficit, characterizing a polyneuritic syndrome.

In conclusion, they suggest that there is a neuritic form, as subdivision of a nervous form of Chagas' disease, particularly identified as a mixed polyneuritis.

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Relatório apresentada ao Congresso Internacional sobre Doença de Chagas realizado no Rio de Janeiro, de 22 a 28 de julho de 1979. Universidade de Brasília.

Universidade de Brasilia - Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde - Departamento de Medicina Especializada - 70.910 Brasilia D.F. - Brasil.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    22 Ago 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 1980
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil