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Database Marketing


Database marketing

Miriam Bretzke

Doutoranda em Administração de Empresas na EAESP/FGV, Consultora de Empresas em Database Marketing e Planejamento Estratégico

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Referências Bibliográficas

Heraldo Vasconcellos - Bibliotecário, Chefe do Serviço de Documentação da Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker da EAESP/FGV.


A pesquisa foi realizada no acervo da Biblioteca da EAESP/FGV; as referências bibliográficas foram organizadas em ordem alfabética, dentro de cada ano de publicação (os anos aparecem em ordem cronológica decrescente). As referências precedidas de asterisco estão disponíveis no acervo da Biblioteca.


001. *BRETZKE, Miriam. O marketing de relacionamento: integração entre informática e marketing na busca da vantagem competitiva. São Paulo, EAESP/ FGV, 1992, 200p. (Dissertação de mestrado)

002. YONG, Chu Shao. Tecnologia de informação. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, 32(1):78-87, jan./mar. 1992.


003. ASTUTE marketers gear up to tap new 1990 census data expanded data should help direct mail lending, CRA compliance. Savings Institutions, Chicago , 112:48-9, Mar. 1991.

004. BACK on the market (Lotus Development Corp's Market-Place Business version 1.1). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:14+, Aug. 1991.

005. BENCIVENGA, Dan. Want to clone your best customers? Target Marketing, Philadelphia , 14(8):12-4,Aug. 1991.

006. BROOKMAN, F. Marketing: customer information is key to credit operations ROI. Stores, New York , 73:46+, Aug. 1991.

007. BUICK ads a la car (magazine advertising in designatedzip codes). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:16, May 1991.

008. COLEMAN, L.G. Biz-to-biz software rises from grave (MarketPlace: Business). Marketing News, Chicago , 25:43, Sept. 21991.

009. _______. Data-base masters become king of the marketplace. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):13+, Feb. 181991.

010:COLFORD, S.w. A private matter: politicians consider protection board (Data Protection Board to oversee international flow of personal information). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(7):28, Feb. 111991.

011.*COMPUTER innovations: computers transform the marketing game (special report). Business Marketing, Chicago , 76(6):12-23, June 1991.

012. CROSS, R. Profiting from database marketing. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:24-6, Sept. 1991.

013:DAGNOLl, J. PM has new unit for data-base functions (data-basemarketingprogram). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(15):4, Apr. 81991.

014. DAUER, C. Data base marketing: combination of elements . National Underwriter (Property & Casualty/Risk & Benefits Management Edition), Cincinnati , 95:15+, June 31991.

015. ______. Marketers must hit specific targets. National Underwriter (Property & Casualty/Employee Benefits Eition), Cincinnati , 95(30):9+,July 291991.

016. DAVID, Tim. Delivering the promise. Agri Marketing, Niles : 50+, July/Aug. 1991.

017. DENT JR., H.S.lndividualized marketing: using databases to build one-on-one customer relationships. Small Business Reports, Monterey , 16:36-45,Apr. 1991.

018. DiBELLA, L.A. Not just for the little guys (Kraft General Foods' databased marketing strategies). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:20-2, May 1991.

019. DOCTER, E. Opportunity knocks (opportunity marketing). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 143:59-61, July 1991.

020. EISMAN, Regina . Marketers' newest secret weapon. Incentive, New York, 165(7):22-30+, July 1991.

021.*FIGUEIREDO, Nice Menezes de. Metodologias para promoção do uso da informação: técnicas aplicadas particularmente em Bibliotecas. São Paulo , Nobel, 1991. 144p.

022. FLETCHER, Keith et alii. Database marketing: a channel, a medium, or a strategic approach? International Journal of Advertising, New York , 10(2):117-27, 1991.

023. FOST, D. Newspapers are teaching targeting (local newspapers providing small business owners with marketing information to help raisead revenues). American Demagraphics, Boulder , 13(5):18-9, May 1991.

024. FRANCESE, P. What business are you in? (Lotus MarketPlace editorial). American Demographics, Boulder , 13(4):2,Apr. 1991.

025. FRANCESE, P.A. & RENAGHAN, L.M. Finding the customer (database marketing at Holiday Inns). American Demographics, Boulder , 13(1):48-51,Jan. 1991.

026. GABER, Josie & TlREY, Vernon . 10 critical steps to developing an integrated database marketing system.IN: DATABASE MARKETING AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 74th. Cultivating your customers with database marketing, Nov. 3-6, 1991. New York , Computerized Marketing Technologies, 1991. p.1-32.

027. GENDELEV, B. Making your marketing data usable (operational systems design). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:32-4, Jan. 1991.

028. GETTlNG "IT" right (information technology). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 143:95,Apr. 1991.

029. GILBERT, S. & REISBERG, G. Data-smart prospecting (business-to-business data). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 143:56+,July 1991.

030. GOLDENBERG, B. Analyze key factors when choosingsoftware (informationsystems for sales and marketing). Marketing News, Chicago , 25:23, Apr. 29 1991.

031. GOODKIN, M.J. Relationship marketing multichannel distribution, and databases: new needs in the classroom and opportunuties for research. Journal of Direct Marketing, New York , 5.2-4, Summer 1991.

032. GRAFFIS, A. In-house data base helps telemarketers make personal offers. Marketing News, Chicago , 25:10+, Feb. 181991.

033:HANSELL, S. Getting to know you (database marketing by financiai companies). Institutional Investor, New York , 16(7):119-21+, June 1991. (International Edition)

034. HIGGINS,L.F. et alii. Designof global marketing information systems (example of Storage Technology). Journal of Business & Industnal Marketing, Denville, 6:49-58, Summer/Fall 1991.

035. HIGGINS, S. Newspapers of the '90s (using database marketing to improve services to readers and advertisers). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:22-4, July 1991.

036. HUGHES, Arthur M. The complete database marketers: tapping your customer base to maximize sales and increase profits. New York , American Demographics, 1991.

037.*HUME, S. Consumers target ire at data bases ( Gallup survey). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(19):3, May61991.

038. JACKSON , D. R. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of lIIinois and DiMark, Inc. created a breakthrough in insurance database marketing. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:28-30, Aug. 1991.

039. JANUZ, L.R.Data-base marketing is as simple as 1 PC. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):8+, Feb. 18 1991.

040. LAZOS, J.N. Unleashing the power of your marketing data base (marketing customer information files). The Bankers Magazine, New York , 174(2):21- 8, Mar./Apr. 1991.

041. LOTUS cancels CD-ROM project amid privacy concerns (Lotus Market place-Business and Consumer). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:8, Mar. 1991.

042.*McKENNA, Regis. Marketing is everything (customer-driven marketing signals advertising's decline). Harvard Business Review, Boston , 69(1):65-79, Jan./Feb. 1991.

043. _______. Relationship marketing: successful strategies for the age of the customer. Reading , Addison-Wesley, 1991. 242p.

044. MAHER, T.M. DiMark Inc. not exactly a wellkept secret (vertically integrated databased marketing company). National Underwriter (Ufe & Health/Financial Services Edition), Cincinnati , 95:7+, May 201991.

045. MARKETING magic: molding the new face of customer information (bank database marketing, special report). Bankers Monthly, New York , 108:1A- 7A, July 1991.

046. MILLER, C. Lotus forced to cancel new software program (privacy furor over MarketPlace: Household). Marketing News, Chicago , 25:11, Feb. 181991.

047. _______. Many software programs available, but customizing often yields best results. Marketing News, Chicago , 25:11+, Feb. 181991.

048.*MILLER, J. Miller: business direct marketing tools often go under-utilized by clients (Quill Corpo pres.). Business Marketing, Chicago , 76(8):30, Aug. 1991.

049. MORRIS-LEE, J. & ERICKSON, D. Advertising production connects to database marketing. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54(4):24-7, Aug. 1991.

050. OZIMEK, John. Marketing guide 20: database marketing. Marketing, London ( UK ):21-4, May 16 1991.

051.*POWELL, Timothy W. Information: the next battleground. IN: CONGRAM, Carole & FRIEDMAN, Margaret L. The AMA handbook of markeffng for the service industries. New York , Amacon, 1991. p.189- 204.

052. PRIDDING, Bob. Dealing with huge databases requires change in thinking. Computing Ganada, Willowdale, 17(17):29, Aug. 151991.

053. THE PRIVATE database promise (interview with United Group Information Services pres. N. Kay). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:30-1, Jan. 1991.

054. PROCTOR, R.A. Marketing information systems. Management Decision, Yorkshire , 29(4):55- 60,1991.

055. RAPP, S. How our strength became our weakness (direct Marketers' database-driven targeting). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:63-4, Feb.1991.

056. . Slowly they turn (database-driven marketing). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:67+, Mar. 1991.

057.*RAPP, S. & COLLlNS, Thomas L. A 5ª geração do marketing; maximarketing II. São Paulo , Makron Books/McGraw-Hill, 1991. 358p.

058. ROSENBERG , J. DEC targets newspapervoice information systems (users receive tailored information from newspapers' services while newspapers acquire marketable information about users). Editor & Publisher, The Fourth Estate, New York , 124:26-7+, June 151991.

059. SCHELL, Ernest H. Ufetime value of a customer. Dateline: DMA, 6(1):12-13+, Jan. 1991.

060. SCHLOSSBERG, H. How five companies targeted their best prospects. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):12, Feb. 181991.

061. ________. Marketers moving to make data bases actionable. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):8, Feb.181991.

062. SCHULTZ, D.E. Challenge or opportuntties for database marketing (editorial). Journal of Direct Marketing, New York , 5.5-6, Summer 1991.

063. ________. Maybe the difficulty in the definttion is the difference (editorial). Journal of Direct Marketing, New York , 5:4-6, Winter 1991.

064.*SELlGMAN, D. The devil in direct marketing (privacy advocates vs. Lotus Development Corp.'s demographic database Marketplace: Households). Fortune, New York , 123(5):75-6, Mar. 111991.

065. SLATER, R.B. Marketing magicians turn information into profits (selective targeting). Bankers Monthly, New York , 108:5A-7A, July 1991.

066.*SPETHMANN, B. Census data base adds up to success (demographic and geographic information). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(16):6, Apr. 151991.

067. STACEY, Robert T. Database marketing-Iackof commttment. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:68-9, Mar. 1991.

068. . The microprocessor revolution (database marketing). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53(10):65-6, Feb. 1991.

069. ________. Weapon of choice: database. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54(2):65+, June 1991.

070. SYMONS, Paula. Your members: who are they, where are they and how do they live?; a buyer's guide to demographics/mapping. Credit Union Management, Madison , 14(9):28-32, Sept. 1991.

071.*TAYLOR, John & OAKE, John. Maximising financiai services: sophisticated database marketing. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Bradford , 9(2):17-20,1991.

072. VIRGIN, Richard T. & WHITE, Phillip D. Here are four steps to maximize your investment in a marketing CIF. Bottomline , Washington , 8(4):35-6, July/Aug. 1991.

073. WEINSTEIN, S. The short circuits of electronic marketing (supermarkets). Progressive Grocer, Stamford , 70:49-56, Jan. 1991.

074.*WEISSENSTEIN, E. Cherry-picking by computer: data bases make circulation targets stand out (marketing newspapers). Advertising Age, Chicago, 62(33).S8-S9, Aug. 12 1991.

075. WILLlAMS, J. Professional standards in information handling and employee training. Journal of Direct Marketing, NewYork, 5:57-61, Winter 1991.

076. WINNER, L. A victory for computer populism (Lotus Marketplace: Households cancelled due to privacy concerns). Technology Review, Cambridge , 94:66, May/June 1991.

077.*WYLlE, K. Costlier mail to get more intelligent (direct-response agencies paring lists and using data bases to reach most qualified prospects). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(21):34-5, May 20 1991.


078. BIRD, L. Marketing in big brother's shadow (privacy concerns threaten database marketing). AdWeek's Marketing Week, New York , 31:26-7+, Dec. 10 1990.

079. BLAKE, Jack E.Successful techniques to reach, recrult and retain members. Public Relations Journal, New York , 46(8):24-8, Aug. 1990.

080. COLEMAN, Lynn G. "Righ now, kids are very hot": retailers doing ali they can to grab them early and olten. Marketing News, Chicago , 24(13):1+, June 251990.

081. CONHAIM, Wa!lys W. Databases gaining Importance as markellng tools. Information Today, Medford , 7(9):30-1, Oct. 1990.

082. CUSTOM-MADE messages: database marketing helps companies communicate to the target audience (selling animal heatth products to veterinarians). Agri Marketing, Niles , 28:48-9 Oct. 1990.

083. CUTLER, Blayne. Reaching the real europe . American Demographics, Boulder , 12(10):38-43+, Oct.1990.

084. DALY, Virginia . Slow talking, fast walking phil. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 50(6):76-7, Oct. 1990.

085. DATABASE marketing, european style. Target Marketing, Philadelphia , 10(6):38, June 1990.

086. THE DATABASE marketing 250. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:26-31, Dec. 1990.

087. DAVID Schwartz: president, 21st century marketmg. Target Marketing, Philadelphia , 10(8):LB4-LB5, Aug. 1990.

088. DAVID SHEPARD ASSOCIATES, INC. The new direct marketing: how to implement a profit driven database marketing strategy. Homewood , Irwin, 1990. 535p.

089. DAVIS, Bill. Fulfilling the promise of database marketing. Directions: DMA, New York , 12(2):6-7+, May/June 1990.

090. DELLA POSTA, Melissa. Database marketing: do you know who your customers are? Catalog Age, Stamford , 7(8):63-5, Aug. 1990.

091. DICKSON, D. Database marketing Irom pastto presen!. Telemarketing, Norwalk , 9:39-42, Nov. 1990.

092.*DOUGLASS, DavidP.Building marketing informationsystems. I/S Analyzer, Rockville , 28(4):1- 12, Apr. 1990.

093.*EISENHART, T. Alter 10 years of marketing decision support systems, where's the pay off. Business Marketing, Chicago , 75(6):46-8+,June 1990.

094.*FAHEY, Alison. Free standing inertia. Advertising Age, Chicago , 61(29):29, July 161990.

095. FOST, D. Privacy concerns threaten database marketing. American Demographics, Boulder , 12(5):18+, May 1990.

096. FRANCESE, Paula A. & RENAGHAN, Leo M. Data-base marketing: building custo mer profiles. Comell Hotel & Restaurant Administraffon Quarterly, Ithaca , 31(1):60-3, May 1990.

097. GENSCH, D.H. et ali i. A choice-modeling market information system Ihat enabled ABB Electric to expand rrsmarket. Interfaces, Providence , 20:6-25, Jan./Feb.1990.

098. GOLDKLANK, M. Telemarketing for database refmement (survey methods). Telemarketing, Norwalk , 9:44-6, Nov. 1990.

099. GRECO, A.J. & HOGUE, J.T. Developing marketing decision support systems. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Denville, 5:27-36, Summer/Fall 1990.

100. Developing marketing decision support systems in consumer goods firms. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Chicago , 7:55-64, Winter 1990.

101. HUFF, S.L. Information systems perestroika: opportunities for the 1990s. Business Quarterly London ( CAN. ), 54:16-21, Winter 1990.

102. JACOBSON, Holly. Sales & Marketing...simplified. Systems/3X & AS World Des Plaines, 18(12):36-48, Dec. 1990.

103. KARUSH, G. The CIF and the market planning process (customer information file as source of marketing data). Bank Marketing, Chicago , 22:32-6, May 1990.

104.*KELSEY, R.R. & McGRATH, M.J. Database marketingtargets existing patients (clinicaidatabase marketing for follow-up services). Healthcare Financial Management, Westchester , 44(6):72+, June 1990.

105. KERWIN, A.M. Communications infrastructure (newspapers advertising through database marketing). Editor & Publisher, The Fourth Estate, New York , 123:18-9, Dec. 15 1990.

106. ________. Starting a database marketing system (newspaper). Editor & Publisher, The Fourth Estate, New York , 123:25+, Dec. 29 1990.

107.*KONSYNSKI, B.R. & McFARLAN, F.W. Informationpartnerships - shared data, shared scale. Harvard Business Review, Boston , 68(5):114-20, Sept./Oct. 1990.

l08.*LlESSE, Julie. KGF taps data base to target consumers. Advertising Age, Chicago , 61(42):3+, Oct.81990.

109. MANN , D.C. Database marketing: how it's changing your business. Bank Marketing, Chicago , 22(8):30-4, Aug. 1990.

110.*MURPHY, H.L. Refining your data base has new urgency (views of direct marketer W. Davis ). Business Marketing, Chicago, 75(12):38, Dec. 1990.

111.*NAISBITT, John & ABURDENE, Patricia. Megatendências 2000: dez novas tendências de transformação da sociedade nos anos 90. São Raulo, Amana Key, 1990. 461p.

112. POLLOCK,James. Why credit and sales people should get closer. Business Marketing Digest, Torrance ( UK ), 15(2):107-10, May/Aug. 1990.

113. THE RIFLEvs. the shotgun (NationalCenter for Database Marketing's conference in Chicago ). Sales and Markeffng Management, Southeastem, 142:33, Aug.1990.

114. ROSENFIELD, James R. Direct marketing sense and nonsense in the global village. Dateline: DMA, 5(2):1-2+, Apr. 1990.

115. SCHEIN, Eliot. Start building your circulation database. Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management, 10(7):115-17, July 1990.

116. SHAW, D.R. Glrrch-freesystem start-ups (sales and marketing automation). Business Marketing Chicago, 75(6):58+, June 1990.

117.*_______. Linking up for glitch-free automation. Business Marketing, Chicago , 75(7):60-1,July 1990.

118. SHAW, Robert & STONE, Merlin. Database marketing: strategy and implementation. New York Wiley, 1990. 200p.

119. SOLJACICH, B. Wake up the "sleeping giant' in your credit card files (cardholder database as marketing tool). Bank Marketing, Chicago , 22:38-9, Mar. 1990.

120. STACEY, Robert T. Database marketing fact or fact. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:78+, May 1990.

121. __ o Dalabase marketing - fact or fact? the saga continues. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53(4):81+, Aug. 1990.

122. . Database marketing shortsightedness. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53(5):81, Sept. 1990.

123.*STRNAD, P. Count on cartography: researchers plot maps to survey census data (using U.S. Census Bureau's Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding & Referencing Line Files). Advertising Age, Chicago , 61(51):46, Dec.10 1990.

124. TAYLOR , T.C. Strategic information systems for marketing. Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 142(8):90-1, July 1990.

125. VAN COLLlE, Shimon-Gra~. Toptechnologies of the '90s. Banking Software Review, Indianapolis , 15(2):36-40,1990.

126. WARREN, Peter & OSTERGREN, Neil W. Marketing your hotel: challenges of the '90s. Comell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Ithaca , 31(1):56-9, May 1990.

127. YESTERDAY'S rivais, tomorrow's friends (manufactures, distributors and retailers). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 142:116-17, Apr.1990.


128. BARRET, Mike & SHERMAN, Jill. Data-based marketing. System/3X & AS World, Des Plaines , 17(6):106-12, June 1989.

129. BARTELS, Joachim C. Changing customer relationship: new horizons for business-to-business database marketing. Dateline: DMA, 4(4):10-4, Oct. 1989.

130. CAREY, Charles C. Consumers become customers ...again! The direct marketing opportunity. Directions: DMA, New York , 11(2):2-3+, Mar./Apr. 1989.

131. FLETCHER, Keith & WHEELER, Colin. Market intelligence for international markets. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford ( UK ), 7(5/6):30-4, 1989.

132. HAWKES, Paul. Vou can't buy loyalty. Directions: DMA, New York , 11(4):8+, July/Aug. 1989.

133. KANE, T.C.lntroducing an information centre in IDU (UK) Ltd. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Bradford (UK), (5):7-13, 1989.

134. KLEINFELTER, Mary Ann. B-to-B database marketing: today's challenges. Directions: DMA, New York, 11(3):1-2+, May/June 1989.

135. LOCK, A.R. & HUGHES, D.R. "Soft" information systems for marketing decision support. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford (UK), 7(11/12):25- 9,1989.

136. MALLARDI, Vicent. This "Evergreen" grows sales leads. American Printer, Chicago, 203(3):54-6, June 1989.

137.*MORIARTY, Rowland T. & SWARTZ, Gordon S. Automation to boost sales and marketing. Harvard Business Review, Boston, 67(1):100-8, Jan./Feb. 1989.

138. ROMAN, Ernan.lntegrated direct marketing: a multi-media marketing philosophy. Directions: DMA, New York, 11(1):1-2+, Jan./Feb. 1989.

139. SCHWARTZ, Joe. Databases deliver the goods. American Demographics, Boulder: 21-2, Sept. 1989.

140. STEVENSON, John. The state of the art. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 51:19-20, Aug. 1989.

141. STEVENSON, John et alii. The truth about database marketing. New York, Krupp/Taylor USA, 1989.30p.

142. STONE , Robert W. & GOOD, David J. Theoretical and operational marketing information systems. Review of Business, Jamaica, 11(3):23-8, Winter 1989. 1988.

143. FLETCHER, Keith et alii. The structure and content of the marketing information system: a guide for management. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford (UK), 6(4):27-35, 1988.

144. HOLDER, Derek & STONE, Merlin. Literature without knowledge. Direct Response, Torrance, 42:66-7, June 1988.

145. ROSCITT, Rick & PARKET, I. Robert. Direct marketing to consumers. Joumal of Consumer Marketing, Denville, 5(1):5-14, Winter 1988.

146. ROMAN, Ernan. Integrated direct marketing. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1988.

147. SNYDER, Christy. Bigger sales, better marketing: the potential of creative computing. Business Software Review, Indianapolis, 7(8):24-9, Aug.1988.

148. STONE , Bob. The secret weapon of direct marketing. Directions: DMA, New York, 10(3):1-2+, May/June 1988.

149.______ . Successful direct marketing methods. 4.ed. Lincolnwood, NTC Business Books, 1988. 575p.

150. WATKINS, Trevor. The use of information technology in insurance marketing. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford (UK), 6(2):21-6, 1988.

151.*WILSON, Ian. Competitive strategies for service businesses. Long Range Planning, Oxford, 21(6):10- 2, Dec. 1988. 1987.

152.*GUMMESSON, Evert. The new marketingdeveloping long-term interactive relationships. Long Range Planning, Oxford, 20(4):10-20, Aug. 1987.

153. MALONE, T.W. et alii. Electronic markets and electronic hierarchies. Communications of ACM, 30(6):484-97, June 1987.

154. STEVENSON, John. Emerging high technology. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 50(4):118-19, Aug. 1987.

155. VAVOSO, Kathleen Jarvis. Getting started with a customer information file. Bottomline, Washington, 4(11):39-44, Nov. 1987. 1986.

156.*PORTER, Michael E. Estratégia Competitiva: técnica para análise de indústria e da concorrência. Rio de Janeiro, Campus, 1986. 362p. 1984.

157. JENKINS, Vin. The concept of Direct Marketing. Melbourne, Australia Post, 1984., 40p. 1982.

158.*NASH, Edward L. Direct marketing: strategy, planning, execution. New York, McGraw-HiII, 1982, 423p.

  • 001. *BRETZKE, Miriam. O marketing de relacionamento: integração entre informática e marketing na busca da vantagem competitiva São Paulo, EAESP/ FGV, 1992, 200p. (Dissertação de mestrado)
  • 002. YONG, Chu Shao. Tecnologia de informação. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, 32(1):78-87, jan./mar. 1992.
  • 003. ASTUTE marketers gear up to tap new 1990 census data expanded data should help direct mail lending, CRA compliance. Savings Institutions, Chicago , 112:48-9, Mar. 1991.
  • 004. BACK on the market (Lotus Development Corp's Market-Place Business version 1.1). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:14+, Aug. 1991.
  • 005. BENCIVENGA, Dan. Want to clone your best customers? Target Marketing, Philadelphia , 14(8):12-4,Aug. 1991.
  • 006. BROOKMAN, F. Marketing: customer information is key to credit operations ROI. Stores, New York , 73:46+, Aug. 1991.
  • 007. BUICK ads a la car (magazine advertising in designatedzip codes). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:16, May 1991.
  • 008. COLEMAN, L.G. Biz-to-biz software rises from grave (MarketPlace: Business). Marketing News, Chicago , 25:43, Sept. 21991.
  • 009. _______. Data-base masters become king of the marketplace. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):13+, Feb. 181991.
  • 010:COLFORD, S.w. A private matter: politicians consider protection board (Data Protection Board to oversee international flow of personal information). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(7):28, Feb. 111991.
  • 011.*COMPUTER innovations: computers transform the marketing game (special report). Business Marketing, Chicago , 76(6):12-23, June 1991.
  • 012. CROSS, R. Profiting from database marketing. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:24-6, Sept. 1991.
  • 013:DAGNOLl, J. PM has new unit for data-base functions (data-basemarketingprogram). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(15):4, Apr. 81991.
  • 014. DAUER, C. Data base marketing: combination of elements . National Underwriter (Property & Casualty/Risk & Benefits Management Edition), Cincinnati , 95:15+, June 31991.
  • 015. ______. Marketers must hit specific targets. National Underwriter (Property & Casualty/Employee Benefits Eition), Cincinnati , 95(30):9+,July 291991.
  • 016. DAVID, Tim. Delivering the promise. Agri Marketing, Niles : 50+, July/Aug. 1991.
  • 017. DENT JR., H.S.lndividualized marketing: using databases to build one-on-one customer relationships. Small Business Reports, Monterey , 16:36-45,Apr. 1991.
  • 018. DiBELLA, L.A. Not just for the little guys (Kraft General Foods' databased marketing strategies). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:20-2, May 1991.
  • 019. DOCTER, E. Opportunity knocks (opportunity marketing). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 143:59-61, July 1991.
  • 020. EISMAN, Regina . Marketers' newest secret weapon. Incentive, New York, 165(7):22-30+, July 1991.
  • 021.*FIGUEIREDO, Nice Menezes de. Metodologias para promoção do uso da informação: técnicas aplicadas particularmente em Bibliotecas São Paulo , Nobel, 1991. 144p.
  • 022. FLETCHER, Keith et alii. Database marketing: a channel, a medium, or a strategic approach? International Journal of Advertising, New York , 10(2):117-27, 1991.
  • 023. FOST, D. Newspapers are teaching targeting (local newspapers providing small business owners with marketing information to help raisead revenues). American Demagraphics, Boulder , 13(5):18-9, May 1991.
  • 024. FRANCESE, P. What business are you in? (Lotus MarketPlace editorial). American Demographics, Boulder , 13(4):2,Apr. 1991.
  • 025. FRANCESE, P.A. & RENAGHAN, L.M. Finding the customer (database marketing at Holiday Inns). American Demographics, Boulder , 13(1):48-51,Jan. 1991.
  • 027. GENDELEV, B. Making your marketing data usable (operational systems design). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:32-4, Jan. 1991.
  • 028. GETTlNG "IT" right (information technology). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 143:95,Apr. 1991.
  • 029. GILBERT, S. & REISBERG, G. Data-smart prospecting (business-to-business data). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 143:56+,July 1991.
  • 030. GOLDENBERG, B. Analyze key factors when choosingsoftware (informationsystems for sales and marketing). Marketing News, Chicago , 25:23, Apr. 29 1991.
  • 031. GOODKIN, M.J. Relationship marketing multichannel distribution, and databases: new needs in the classroom and opportunuties for research. Journal of Direct Marketing, New York , 5.2-4, Summer 1991.
  • 032. GRAFFIS, A. In-house data base helps telemarketers make personal offers. Marketing News, Chicago , 25:10+, Feb. 181991.
  • 033:HANSELL, S. Getting to know you (database marketing by financiai companies). Institutional Investor, New York , 16(7):119-21+, June 1991. (International Edition)
  • 034. HIGGINS,L.F. et alii. Designof global marketing information systems (example of Storage Technology). Journal of Business & Industnal Marketing, Denville, 6:49-58, Summer/Fall 1991.
  • 035. HIGGINS, S. Newspapers of the '90s (using database marketing to improve services to readers and advertisers). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:22-4, July 1991.
  • 036. HUGHES, Arthur M. The complete database marketers: tapping your customer base to maximize sales and increase profits New York , American Demographics, 1991.
  • 037.*HUME, S. Consumers target ire at data bases ( Gallup survey). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(19):3, May61991.
  • 038. JACKSON , D. R. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of lIIinois and DiMark, Inc. created a breakthrough in insurance database marketing. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54:28-30, Aug. 1991.
  • 039. JANUZ, L.R. Data-base marketing is as simple as 1 PC Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):8+, Feb. 18 1991.
  • 040. LAZOS, J.N. Unleashing the power of your marketing data base (marketing customer information files). The Bankers Magazine, New York , 174(2):21- 8, Mar./Apr. 1991.
  • 041. LOTUS cancels CD-ROM project amid privacy concerns (Lotus Market place-Business and Consumer). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:8, Mar. 1991.
  • 042.*McKENNA, Regis. Marketing is everything (customer-driven marketing signals advertising's decline). Harvard Business Review, Boston , 69(1):65-79, Jan./Feb. 1991.
  • 043. _______. Relationship marketing: successful strategies for the age of the customer Reading , Addison-Wesley, 1991. 242p.
  • 044. MAHER, T.M. DiMark Inc. not exactly a wellkept secret (vertically integrated databased marketing company). National Underwriter (Ufe & Health/Financial Services Edition), Cincinnati , 95:7+, May 201991.
  • 045. MARKETING magic: molding the new face of customer information (bank database marketing, special report). Bankers Monthly, New York , 108:1A- 7A, July 1991.
  • 046. MILLER, C. Lotus forced to cancel new software program (privacy furor over MarketPlace: Household). Marketing News, Chicago , 25:11, Feb. 181991.
  • 047. _______. Many software programs available, but customizing often yields best results. Marketing News, Chicago , 25:11+, Feb. 181991.
  • 048.*MILLER, J. Miller: business direct marketing tools often go under-utilized by clients (Quill Corpo pres.). Business Marketing, Chicago , 76(8):30, Aug. 1991.
  • 049. MORRIS-LEE, J. & ERICKSON, D. Advertising production connects to database marketing. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54(4):24-7, Aug. 1991.
  • 050. OZIMEK, John. Marketing guide 20: database marketing. Marketing, London ( UK ):21-4, May 16 1991.
  • 052. PRIDDING, Bob. Dealing with huge databases requires change in thinking. Computing Ganada, Willowdale, 17(17):29, Aug. 151991.
  • 053. THE PRIVATE database promise (interview with United Group Information Services pres. N. Kay). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:30-1, Jan. 1991.
  • 054. PROCTOR, R.A. Marketing information systems. Management Decision, Yorkshire , 29(4):55- 60,1991.
  • 055. RAPP, S. How our strength became our weakness (direct Marketers' database-driven targeting). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:63-4, Feb.1991.
  • 056. . Slowly they turn (database-driven marketing). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:67+, Mar. 1991.
  • 057.*RAPP, S. & COLLlNS, Thomas L. A 5ª geração do marketing; maximarketing II São Paulo , Makron Books/McGraw-Hill, 1991. 358p.
  • 058. ROSENBERG , J. DEC targets newspapervoice information systems (users receive tailored information from newspapers' services while newspapers acquire marketable information about users). Editor & Publisher, The Fourth Estate, New York , 124:26-7+, June 151991.
  • 059. SCHELL, Ernest H. Ufetime value of a customer. Dateline: DMA, 6(1):12-13+, Jan. 1991.
  • 060. SCHLOSSBERG, H. How five companies targeted their best prospects. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):12, Feb. 181991.
  • 061. ________. Marketers moving to make data bases actionable. Marketing News, Chicago , 25(4):8, Feb.181991.
  • 062. SCHULTZ, D.E. Challenge or opportuntties for database marketing (editorial). Journal of Direct Marketing, New York , 5.5-6, Summer 1991.
  • 063. ________. Maybe the difficulty in the definttion is the difference (editorial). Journal of Direct Marketing, New York , 5:4-6, Winter 1991.
  • 064.*SELlGMAN, D. The devil in direct marketing (privacy advocates vs. Lotus Development Corp.'s demographic database Marketplace: Households). Fortune, New York , 123(5):75-6, Mar. 111991.
  • 065. SLATER, R.B. Marketing magicians turn information into profits (selective targeting). Bankers Monthly, New York , 108:5A-7A, July 1991.
  • 066.*SPETHMANN, B. Census data base adds up to success (demographic and geographic information). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(16):6, Apr. 151991.
  • 067. STACEY, Robert T. Database marketing-Iackof commttment. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:68-9, Mar. 1991.
  • 068. . The microprocessor revolution (database marketing). Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53(10):65-6, Feb. 1991.
  • 069. ________. Weapon of choice: database. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 54(2):65+, June 1991.
  • 070. SYMONS, Paula. Your members: who are they, where are they and how do they live?; a buyer's guide to demographics/mapping. Credit Union Management, Madison , 14(9):28-32, Sept. 1991.
  • 071.*TAYLOR, John & OAKE, John. Maximising financiai services: sophisticated database marketing. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Bradford , 9(2):17-20,1991.
  • 072. VIRGIN, Richard T. & WHITE, Phillip D. Here are four steps to maximize your investment in a marketing CIF. Bottomline , Washington , 8(4):35-6, July/Aug. 1991.
  • 073. WEINSTEIN, S. The short circuits of electronic marketing (supermarkets). Progressive Grocer, Stamford , 70:49-56, Jan. 1991.
  • 074.*WEISSENSTEIN, E. Cherry-picking by computer: data bases make circulation targets stand out (marketing newspapers). Advertising Age, Chicago, 62(33).S8-S9, Aug. 12 1991.
  • 075. WILLlAMS, J. Professional standards in information handling and employee training. Journal of Direct Marketing, NewYork, 5:57-61, Winter 1991.
  • 076. WINNER, L. A victory for computer populism (Lotus Marketplace: Households cancelled due to privacy concerns). Technology Review, Cambridge , 94:66, May/June 1991.
  • 077.*WYLlE, K. Costlier mail to get more intelligent (direct-response agencies paring lists and using data bases to reach most qualified prospects). Advertising Age, Chicago , 62(21):34-5, May 20 1991.
  • 078. BIRD, L. Marketing in big brother's shadow (privacy concerns threaten database marketing). AdWeek's Marketing Week, New York , 31:26-7+, Dec. 10 1990.
  • 079. BLAKE, Jack E.Successful techniques to reach, recrult and retain members. Public Relations Journal, New York , 46(8):24-8, Aug. 1990.
  • 080. COLEMAN, Lynn G. "Righ now, kids are very hot": retailers doing ali they can to grab them early and olten. Marketing News, Chicago , 24(13):1+, June 251990.
  • 081. CONHAIM, Wa!lys W. Databases gaining Importance as markellng tools. Information Today, Medford , 7(9):30-1, Oct. 1990.
  • 082. CUSTOM-MADE messages: database marketing helps companies communicate to the target audience (selling animal heatth products to veterinarians). Agri Marketing, Niles , 28:48-9 Oct. 1990.
  • 083. CUTLER, Blayne. Reaching the real europe . American Demographics, Boulder , 12(10):38-43+, Oct.1990.
  • 084. DALY, Virginia . Slow talking, fast walking phil. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 50(6):76-7, Oct. 1990.
  • 085. DATABASE marketing, european style. Target Marketing, Philadelphia , 10(6):38, June 1990.
  • 086. THE DATABASE marketing 250. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:26-31, Dec. 1990.
  • 087. DAVID Schwartz: president, 21st century marketmg. Target Marketing, Philadelphia , 10(8):LB4-LB5, Aug. 1990.
  • 088. DAVID SHEPARD ASSOCIATES, INC. The new direct marketing: how to implement a profit driven database marketing strategy Homewood , Irwin, 1990. 535p.
  • 089. DAVIS, Bill. Fulfilling the promise of database marketing. Directions: DMA, New York , 12(2):6-7+, May/June 1990.
  • 090. DELLA POSTA, Melissa. Database marketing: do you know who your customers are? Catalog Age, Stamford , 7(8):63-5, Aug. 1990.
  • 091. DICKSON, D. Database marketing Irom pastto presen!. Telemarketing, Norwalk , 9:39-42, Nov. 1990.
  • 092.*DOUGLASS, DavidP.Building marketing informationsystems. I/S Analyzer, Rockville , 28(4):1- 12, Apr. 1990.
  • 093.*EISENHART, T. Alter 10 years of marketing decision support systems, where's the pay off. Business Marketing, Chicago , 75(6):46-8+,June 1990.
  • 094.*FAHEY, Alison. Free standing inertia. Advertising Age, Chicago , 61(29):29, July 161990.
  • 095. FOST, D. Privacy concerns threaten database marketing. American Demographics, Boulder , 12(5):18+, May 1990.
  • 096. FRANCESE, Paula A. & RENAGHAN, Leo M. Data-base marketing: building custo mer profiles. Comell Hotel & Restaurant Administraffon Quarterly, Ithaca , 31(1):60-3, May 1990.
  • 097. GENSCH, D.H. et ali i. A choice-modeling market information system Ihat enabled ABB Electric to expand rrsmarket. Interfaces, Providence , 20:6-25, Jan./Feb.1990.
  • 098. GOLDKLANK, M. Telemarketing for database refmement (survey methods). Telemarketing, Norwalk , 9:44-6, Nov. 1990.
  • 099. GRECO, A.J. & HOGUE, J.T. Developing marketing decision support systems. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Denville, 5:27-36, Summer/Fall 1990.
  • 100. Developing marketing decision support systems in consumer goods firms. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Chicago , 7:55-64, Winter 1990.
  • 101. HUFF, S.L. Information systems perestroika: opportunities for the 1990s. Business Quarterly London ( CAN. ), 54:16-21, Winter 1990.
  • 102. JACOBSON, Holly. Sales & Marketing...simplified. Systems/3X & AS World Des Plaines , 18(12):36-48, Dec. 1990.
  • 103. KARUSH, G. The CIF and the market planning process (customer information file as source of marketing data). Bank Marketing, Chicago , 22:32-6, May 1990.
  • 104.*KELSEY, R.R. & McGRATH, M.J. Database marketingtargets existing patients (clinicaidatabase marketing for follow-up services). Healthcare Financial Management, Westchester , 44(6):72+, June 1990.
  • 105. KERWIN, A.M. Communications infrastructure (newspapers advertising through database marketing). Editor & Publisher, The Fourth Estate, New York , 123:18-9, Dec. 15 1990.
  • 106. ________. Starting a database marketing system (newspaper). Editor & Publisher, The Fourth Estate, New York , 123:25+, Dec. 29 1990.
  • 107.*KONSYNSKI, B.R. & McFARLAN, F.W. Informationpartnerships - shared data, shared scale. Harvard Business Review, Boston , 68(5):114-20, Sept./Oct. 1990.
  • l08.*LlESSE, Julie. KGF taps data base to target consumers. Advertising Age, Chicago , 61(42):3+, Oct.81990.
  • 109. MANN , D.C. Database marketing: how it's changing your business. Bank Marketing, Chicago , 22(8):30-4, Aug. 1990.
  • 110.*MURPHY, H.L. Refining your data base has new urgency (views of direct marketer W. Davis ). Business Marketing, Chicago, 75(12):38, Dec. 1990.
  • 111.*NAISBITT, John & ABURDENE, Patricia. Megatendências 2000: dez novas tendências de transformação da sociedade nos anos 90. São Raulo, Amana Key, 1990. 461p.
  • 112. POLLOCK,James. Why credit and sales people should get closer. Business Marketing Digest, Torrance ( UK ), 15(2):107-10, May/Aug. 1990.
  • 113. THE RIFLEvs. the shotgun (NationalCenter for Database Marketing's conference in Chicago ). Sales and Markeffng Management, Southeastem, 142:33, Aug.1990.
  • 114. ROSENFIELD, James R. Direct marketing sense and nonsense in the global village. Dateline: DMA, 5(2):1-2+, Apr. 1990.
  • 115. SCHEIN, Eliot. Start building your circulation database. Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management, 10(7):115-17, July 1990.
  • 116. SHAW, D.R. Glrrch-freesystem start-ups (sales and marketing automation). Business Marketing Chicago , 75(6):58+, June 1990.
  • 117.*_______. Linking up for glitch-free automation. Business Marketing, Chicago , 75(7):60-1,July 1990.
  • 118. SHAW, Robert & STONE, Merlin. Database marketing: strategy and implementation New York Wiley, 1990. 200p.
  • 119. SOLJACICH, B. Wake up the "sleeping giant' in your credit card files (cardholder database as marketing tool). Bank Marketing, Chicago , 22:38-9, Mar. 1990.
  • 120. STACEY, Robert T. Database marketing fact or fact. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53:78+, May 1990.
  • 121. __ o Dalabase marketing - fact or fact? the saga continues. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53(4):81+, Aug. 1990.
  • 122. . Database marketing shortsightedness. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 53(5):81, Sept. 1990.
  • 123.*STRNAD, P. Count on cartography: researchers plot maps to survey census data (using U.S. Census Bureau's Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding & Referencing Line Files). Advertising Age, Chicago , 61(51):46, Dec.10 1990.
  • 124. TAYLOR , T.C. Strategic information systems for marketing. Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 142(8):90-1, July 1990.
  • 125. VAN COLLlE, Shimon-Gra~. Toptechnologies of the '90s. Banking Software Review, Indianapolis , 15(2):36-40,1990.
  • 126. WARREN, Peter & OSTERGREN, Neil W. Marketing your hotel: challenges of the '90s. Comell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Ithaca , 31(1):56-9, May 1990.
  • 127. YESTERDAY'S rivais, tomorrow's friends (manufactures, distributors and retailers). Sales and Marketing Management, Southeastern, 142:116-17, Apr.1990.
  • 128. BARRET, Mike & SHERMAN, Jill. Data-based marketing. System/3X & AS World, Des Plaines , 17(6):106-12, June 1989.
  • 129. BARTELS, Joachim C. Changing customer relationship: new horizons for business-to-business database marketing. Dateline: DMA, 4(4):10-4, Oct. 1989.
  • 130. CAREY, Charles C. Consumers become customers ...again! The direct marketing opportunity. Directions: DMA, New York , 11(2):2-3+, Mar./Apr. 1989.
  • 131. FLETCHER, Keith & WHEELER, Colin. Market intelligence for international markets. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford ( UK ), 7(5/6):30-4, 1989.
  • 132. HAWKES, Paul. Vou can't buy loyalty. Directions: DMA, New York , 11(4):8+, July/Aug. 1989.
  • 133. KANE, T.C.lntroducing an information centre in IDU (UK) Ltd. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Bradford (UK), (5):7-13, 1989.
  • 134. KLEINFELTER, Mary Ann. B-to-B database marketing: today's challenges. Directions: DMA, New York, 11(3):1-2+, May/June 1989.
  • 135. LOCK, A.R. & HUGHES, D.R. "Soft" information systems for marketing decision support. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford (UK), 7(11/12):25- 9,1989.
  • 136. MALLARDI, Vicent. This "Evergreen" grows sales leads. American Printer, Chicago, 203(3):54-6, June 1989.
  • 137.*MORIARTY, Rowland T. & SWARTZ, Gordon S. Automation to boost sales and marketing. Harvard Business Review, Boston, 67(1):100-8, Jan./Feb. 1989.
  • 138. ROMAN, Ernan.lntegrated direct marketing: a multi-media marketing philosophy. Directions: DMA, New York, 11(1):1-2+, Jan./Feb. 1989.
  • 139. SCHWARTZ, Joe. Databases deliver the goods. American Demographics, Boulder: 21-2, Sept. 1989.
  • 140. STEVENSON, John. The state of the art. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 51:19-20, Aug. 1989.
  • 141. STEVENSON, John et alii. The truth about database marketing New York, Krupp/Taylor USA, 1989.30p.
  • 142. STONE , Robert W. & GOOD, David J. Theoretical and operational marketing information systems. Review of Business, Jamaica, 11(3):23-8, Winter 1989. 1988.
  • 143. FLETCHER, Keith et alii. The structure and content of the marketing information system: a guide for management. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford (UK), 6(4):27-35, 1988.
  • 144. HOLDER, Derek & STONE, Merlin. Literature without knowledge. Direct Response, Torrance, 42:66-7, June 1988.
  • 145. ROSCITT, Rick & PARKET, I. Robert. Direct marketing to consumers. Joumal of Consumer Marketing, Denville, 5(1):5-14, Winter 1988.
  • 146. ROMAN, Ernan. Integrated direct marketing New York, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
  • 147. SNYDER, Christy. Bigger sales, better marketing: the potential of creative computing. Business Software Review, Indianapolis, 7(8):24-9, Aug.1988.
  • 148. STONE , Bob. The secret weapon of direct marketing. Directions: DMA, New York, 10(3):1-2+, May/June 1988.
  • 149.______ . Successful direct marketing methods 4.ed. Lincolnwood, NTC Business Books, 1988. 575p.
  • 150. WATKINS, Trevor. The use of information technology in insurance marketing. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Bradford (UK), 6(2):21-6, 1988.
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  • 153. MALONE, T.W. et alii. Electronic markets and electronic hierarchies. Communications of ACM, 30(6):484-97, June 1987.
  • 154. STEVENSON, John. Emerging high technology. Direct Marketing, Garden City, 50(4):118-19, Aug. 1987.
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  • 157. JENKINS, Vin. The concept of Direct Marketing Melbourne, Australia Post, 1984., 40p. 1982.
  • 158.*NASH, Edward L. Direct marketing: strategy, planning, execution New York, McGraw-HiII, 1982, 423p.

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