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Visão e relações: elementos para um metamodelo empreendedor

Weltanshauung; entrepreneurs training; vision development; visionary process; relationship system

Weltanschauung; treinamento de empreendedores; desenvolvimento de visões; sistema de relações


Visão e relações: elementos para um metamodelo empreendedor

Louis Jacques Filion

Professor do Service de I'enseignement de la direction et de la gestion des organisations da École des Hautes Études Commerciales

Palavras-chave: Weltanschauung, treinamento de empreendedores, desenvolvimento de visões, sistema de relações.

Key words: Weltanshauung, entrepreneurs training, vision development, visionary process, relationship system.

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Artigo publicado originalmente sob o título Vision and relations: elements for an entrepreneurial metamodel, International Small Business Journal, v. 9, n. 2, Jan./Mar. 1991, Paris, França; e, em português, na RAE . Revista de Administração de Empresas, sob o título: O planejamento do seu sistema de aprendizagem empresarial: identifique uma visão e avalie o seu sistema de relações, v. 31, n. 3, jul./set. 1991, São Paulo, SP.

Tradução de Sérgio Rodrigues Costa - Engenheiro Mecânico de Produção pela UFMG, revista por José Luiz Celeste, Professor Assistente do Departamento de Informática e Métodos Quantitativos da EAESP/FGV.

1. GLASER, B. G., STRAUSS, A. L. The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Hawthorne, New York: Aldine Publishing, 1987.

2. CHECKLAND, P. Systems thinking. Systems practice. Chichester: New York, Wiley, 1981.

3. VAN GIGCH, J. P. Decision making abaut decision making: metamodels and metasystems. Cambridge: Mas and Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Abacus Press, 1987.

4. N.R.: no original, visianary process, ou seja, processo visionário. Como, em português, o termo possui sentido pejorativo, foi conservada a cincunlocução.

5. EDEN, C.; JONES, S.; SIMS D.; GUNTON, H. Images into models. The subjective world of the policy maker. Futures, p. 56-62, Feb. 1979; MACCOBY, M. The Leader. New York: Sirnon ano Schuster, 1981; BENNIS, W. Leadership transforms vision into action. Industry Week, p. 54-6, May, 1982; MINTZBERG, H.; WATERS, J. A. The mind of the strategist(s). lo: SRIVASTVA, S. et al. The executive mind. São Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p. 58-83; SRIVASTVA, S. Introduction: common themes in executive thought and action. In: ___ . Op. cit., p. 1-14; GLUCK, F. W. Vision and leadership. Interfaces, v. 14, n. 1, p. 10-18, Jan./Feb. 1984; MENDELL, J. S.; GERGUOY, H. G. Anticipatory management or visionary leadership: a debate. Management Planning, p. 28-31, Nov./Dec. 1984; BENNIS, W.; NANUS, B. Leaders. New York: Harper & Row, 1985; BROWN, I. E. Jr. Sustaining the entrepreneurial vision in cooperative firms". In: RONSTADT, R. et al. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 1986. Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College, 361-63, 1986; HUNSICKER, J. O. Vision, leadership and Europes future. The Mckinsey Quartely, p. 22-39, Spring, 1986; LEAVITT, H. J. Cotporete Pathfinders. Homowood: III Dow-Jones Irwin, 1986; also New York: Penguin Books, 1987; RICHARDS, D.; ENGEL, S. After the vision: suggestions to corporate visionaries and vision champions, 1986. In: ADAMS, John D. Transforming leadership from vision to results. Alexandria, Va.: Miles River Press, p. 199-214, 1986; ROCKEY, E. H. Envisioning new business: how entrepreneurs perceive the benefits of visualization. In.: RONSTADT, R Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 1986. Wellesley, Msaa: Babson College, p. 344-60; SASHKIN, M. True vision in leadership. Training and Development Journal, May, p. 68-1, 1986; _____ .A theory of organizational leadership: vision, culture and charisma. Proceedings of symposium on charismatic leadership in management. Montreal: McGill University, 1987; _______ . The visionary leader. In: CONGER, Jay A. et al. Charismatic leadership: the elusive in organizational effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p. 122-60, 1988; SILVA, M. A.; HICKMAN, C. R. Creating excellence. New American Library, 1986; D'AMBOISE, G. Gasse, Y. Strategy making in SME: strategic envisioning and planning activities. Québec, Canadá: Faculté des Sciences de I'Administration, 1987.(working paper 87-116); ISENBERG, D. J. The tactics of strategic opportunism. Harvard Business Review, p. 92-7, Mar./Abr. 1987; MORRIS, E. Vision and strategy. The Journal of Business Strategy, v. 8, n. 2, p. 51-8, Fall 1987; ROBBINS, S. R.; DUNCAN, R. B. The formulation and implementation of strategic vision: a tool for change. Seventh strategic management society conference. Boston, Ma, Oct., p. 14-7, 1987; ______ . The role of the CEO and top management in the creation and implementation of strategic vision. In: HAMBRICK, D. The executive effect: concepts and methods for studying top managers. London, England: JAI Press, p. 205-233, 1987; PETERS, T. Thriving on chaos. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988; CARRIÈRRE, J. B. Strategic vision: an empirical study. FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SMALL BUSINESS, Canadá (I.C.S.B.), Windsor, Ontário, Nov. 1989; CEGOS. Le Changement par la formation. Paris: Les Editions d' Organization, 1989; TREGOE, B. B. ZIMMERMAN, J. W. R.; TOBIA, P. M. Vision in action. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989; WESTLEY, F.; MINTZBERG, H. Visionary leadership and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, v. 10, p. 17-32, 1989.

6. Entrepreneur-visionaries no original, ou seja, empreendedores visionários.

7. FILION, Louis Jacques, The strategy of successful entrepreneurs in small business: vision, relationships and anticipatory learning. University of Lancaster, 1988 (UMI 89119064), (tese de doutorado).

8. Weltanschauung: a palavra se origina do alemão, e o conceito, de há muito, vem sendo usado por estudiosos alemães, como, por exemplo, Max Weber. Norte-americano de origem austríaca, Peter Drucker utiliza-a esporadicamente, assim como o fazem autores britânicos, que têm participado da elaboração de enfoques sistêmicos, como BOULDING, K. E. The Image. Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Press, 1956; CHECHLAND, P. Op. cit. Não existe uma palavra em inglês, que reproduza o mesmo sentido, a mais próxima é image.

9. LALONDE, C.; D'AMBOISE, G. Le propriétaire-dirigeant failli: les éléments dun profil. Revue de gestion des petites et moyennes organisations, PMO, vol, 1, n. 4, p. 5-11, 1985.

  • 1. GLASER, B. G., STRAUSS, A. L. The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Hawthorne, New York: Aldine Publishing, 1987.
  • 2. CHECKLAND, P. Systems thinking. Systems practice. Chichester: New York, Wiley, 1981.
  • 3. VAN GIGCH, J. P. Decision making abaut decision making: metamodels and metasystems. Cambridge: Mas and Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Abacus Press, 1987.
  • 5. EDEN, C.; JONES, S.; SIMS D.; GUNTON, H. Images into models. The subjective world of the policy maker. Futures, p. 56-62, Feb. 1979;
  • MACCOBY, M. The Leader. New York: Sirnon ano Schuster, 1981;
  • BENNIS, W. Leadership transforms vision into action. Industry Week, p. 54-6, May, 1982;
  • MINTZBERG, H.; WATERS, J. A. The mind of the strategist(s). lo: SRIVASTVA, S. et al. The executive mind. São Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p. 58-83;
  • SRIVASTVA, S. Introduction: common themes in executive thought and action. In: ___ . Op. cit., p. 1-14; GLUCK, F. W. Vision and leadership. Interfaces, v. 14, n. 1, p. 10-18, Jan./Feb. 1984;
  • MENDELL, J. S.; GERGUOY, H. G. Anticipatory management or visionary leadership: a debate. Management Planning, p. 28-31, Nov./Dec. 1984;
  • BENNIS, W.; NANUS, B. Leaders. New York: Harper & Row, 1985;
  • BROWN, I. E. Jr. Sustaining the entrepreneurial vision in cooperative firms". In: RONSTADT, R. et al. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 1986. Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College, 361-63, 1986;
  • HUNSICKER, J. O. Vision, leadership and Europes future. The Mckinsey Quartely, p. 22-39, Spring, 1986;
  • LEAVITT, H. J. Cotporete Pathfinders. Homowood: III Dow-Jones Irwin, 1986;
  • also New York: Penguin Books, 1987; RICHARDS, D.; ENGEL, S. After the vision: suggestions to corporate visionaries and vision champions, 1986. In: ADAMS, John D. Transforming leadership from vision to results. Alexandria, Va.: Miles River Press, p. 199-214, 1986;
  • ROCKEY, E. H. Envisioning new business: how entrepreneurs perceive the benefits of visualization. In.: RONSTADT, R Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 1986. Wellesley, Msaa: Babson College, p. 344-60;
  • SASHKIN, M. True vision in leadership. Training and Development Journal, May, p. 68-1, 1986;
  • _____ .A theory of organizational leadership: vision, culture and charisma. Proceedings of symposium on charismatic leadership in management. Montreal: McGill University, 1987;
  • _______ . The visionary leader. In: CONGER, Jay A. et al. Charismatic leadership: the elusive in organizational effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p. 122-60, 1988;
  • SILVA, M. A.; HICKMAN, C. R. Creating excellence. New American Library, 1986;
  • D'AMBOISE, G. Gasse, Y. Strategy making in SME: strategic envisioning and planning activities. Québec, Canadá: Faculté des Sciences de I'Administration, 1987.(working paper 87-116);
  • ISENBERG, D. J. The tactics of strategic opportunism. Harvard Business Review, p. 92-7, Mar./Abr. 1987;
  • MORRIS, E. Vision and strategy. The Journal of Business Strategy, v. 8, n. 2, p. 51-8, Fall 1987;
  • ROBBINS, S. R.; DUNCAN, R. B. The formulation and implementation of strategic vision: a tool for change. Seventh strategic management society conference. Boston, Ma, Oct., p. 14-7, 1987;
  • ______ . The role of the CEO and top management in the creation and implementation of strategic vision. In: HAMBRICK, D. The executive effect: concepts and methods for studying top managers. London, England: JAI Press, p. 205-233, 1987;
  • PETERS, T. Thriving on chaos. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988;
  • CARRIÈRRE, J. B. Strategic vision: an empirical study. FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SMALL BUSINESS, Canadá (I.C.S.B.), Windsor, Ontário, Nov. 1989;
  • CEGOS. Le Changement par la formation. Paris: Les Editions d' Organization, 1989;
  • TREGOE, B. B. ZIMMERMAN, J. W. R.; TOBIA, P. M. Vision in action. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989;
  • WESTLEY, F.; MINTZBERG, H. Visionary leadership and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, v. 10, p. 17-32, 1989.
  • 7. FILION, Louis Jacques, The strategy of successful entrepreneurs in small business: vision, relationships and anticipatory learning. University of Lancaster, 1988 (UMI 89119064), (tese de doutorado).
  • 8. Weltanschauung: a palavra se origina do alemão, e o conceito, de há muito, vem sendo usado por estudiosos alemães, como, por exemplo, Max Weber. Norte-americano de origem austríaca, Peter Drucker utiliza-a esporadicamente, assim como o fazem autores britânicos, que têm participado da elaboração de enfoques sistêmicos, como BOULDING, K. E. The Image. Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Press, 1956;
  • 9. LALONDE, C.; D'AMBOISE, G. Le propriétaire-dirigeant failli: les éléments dun profil. Revue de gestion des petites et moyennes organisations, PMO, vol, 1, n. 4, p. 5-11, 1985.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    12 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1993
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