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Incidência de hepatite por sôro homólogo no Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe.


Os autores estudaram mensalmente e por um período de seis meses 62 pacientes através de exames clínico-laboratoriais e que receberam transfusão de sangue no Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe. Constataram em 3 deles sinais clínicos-laboratoriais e histopatológicos de hepatite por vírus (hepatite por sóro homólogo). Após revisão da literatuta recomendam que os estudos prossigam a fim de que os riscos de transmissão da hepatite pós-transfusional sejam eliminados.

The authors examined an incidence of serum hepatitis among 62 patients who have received blood transfusion at the Hospital das Clinicas of F.M.U.F.Pe, Brazil. The examinations of the patients were performed once a month for six consecutive months after the blood transfusion. Among these patients, three cases (4.8%) were proved to be viral hepatitis (serum hepatitis based on clinical, laboratory data, and histopathological examinations).

Incidência de hepatite por sôro homólogo no Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe.* * Instituto de Medicina Tropical e Banco de Sangue do Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe.

Donald HugginsI; Ulísses CorreiaI; Anacleto de CarvalhoII

IPesquisadores do Instituto de Medicina Tropical da F.M.U.F.Pe

IIChefe do Banco de Sangue do Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe


Os autores estudaram mensalmente e por um período de seis meses 62 pacientes através de exames clínico-laboratoriais e que receberam transfusão de sangue no Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe. Constataram em 3 deles sinais clínicos-laboratoriais e histopatológicos de hepatite por vírus (hepatite por sóro homólogo).

Após revisão da literatuta recomendam que os estudos prossigam a fim de que os riscos de transmissão da hepatite pós-transfusional sejam eliminados.


The authors examined an incidence of serum hepatitis among 62 patients who have received blood transfusion at the Hospital das Clinicas of F.M.U.F.Pe, Brazil. The examinations of the patients were performed once a month for six consecutive months after the blood transfusion. Among these patients, three cases (4.8%) were proved to be viral hepatitis (serum hepatitis based on clinical, laboratory data, and histopathological examinations).

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1 - ALLEN, J. G., & SAYMAN, W. A. - Serum hepatitis from transfusion of blood. J.A.M.A., 180: 1079-1085, 1962.

2 - CHUNG, W. K., MOON, S. K., GERSON, R. K., PRINCE, A. M., PARK, Y C, & CHO Y. S. - Anicteric hepatitis in Kcrea. I. Clinical and laboratory studies Arch. Int. Med., 113: 526-534, 1964.

3 - CHUNG, W. K., MOON, S. K., GERSON, R. K., PRINCE, A. M. & POPPER, H. Anicteric hepatitis in Korea. II. Serial histological studies. Arch. Int. Med.,'113 : 535-542, 1964.

4- COOPER, W. C., GERSON, R. K., SUN, S. C. & FRESH, J. W. - Anicteric viral hepatitis. A clinicopathological follow-up study in Taiwan. New. Eng. J. Med., 274: 585595, 1966.

5 - DRAKE, M. E., BARONDESS, J. A., BASHE, Jr., W. J., HENLE, G , HENLE, W. & STOKES, Jr., J. - Failure of convalescent gamma globulin to protect against homologous serum hepatitis. J.A.M.A., 152: 690-693, 1963.

6 - DRAKE, M. E., & MING, C. - Gamma globuiin in epidemic hepatitis: comparative value of two desage leveis and apparently near minimal effective level. J.A.M.A., 155: 1302-1305, 1954.

7 - EKBLOM, L, OLSSON., P. & ABERG., T. -. The effect of gamma globulin Sn prevention of fibrinegen transmitted hepatitis. Acta Chir. Scand. 133: 351-354, 1967.

8 - GRADY, G. F., CHALMERS, P. C. and The Boston Inter-Hospital livergroup-Risk .of post-transfusional viral hepatitis. New Eng. J. Med., 271: 337-342, 1964.

9 - GROSSMAN, E. B., STEWART, S. & STOKES, Jr., J. - Post-transfusion hepatitis in battle casualties and a study of its prophylaxis by means of human immune serum globulin. J.A.M.A., 129: 991-994, 1945.

10 - HAMPERS, C. L., PRAZER, D. & SENIOR, J. R. - Post-transfusion anicteric hepatitis. New Eng. J. Med., 271: 747-754, 1964.

11 - HOLLAND, P. V., RUBINSON, R.M., MORROW, A. G. & SCHMIDT, phylaxis of post-transfusion hepatitis. J.A.M.A., 196: 471-474, 1966.

12 - KLATSKIN, G. - Subacute hepatic necrosis post-necrotic cirrhosis due to anicteric infections with hepatitis virus. Am. J. Med., 25: 333-358, 1958.

13 - MADSEN, S. - Incidence of hapatitis after use of blood and serum trancíusíons. J.A.M.A., 155: 1331, 1954.

14 - MIRICK, G. S., WARD, R. & Mc COLLUM, R. W. - Gamma globulin ín the control of hepatitis following blood tranfusion. Vox. Sang., 7: 125, 1962.

15 - MIRICK, G. S., WARD, R. & Mc COLLUM, R. W. - Modification of post-transfusion hepatitis. by gamma globulin. New Eng. J. Med., 273: 59-65, 1965.

16 - MOSLEY, J. W. - The surveillance of transfusion-associated viral hepatitis. J.A.M.A., 193: 1007-1010, 1965.

17 - MURPHY, Jr., W. P. & WORKMAN, W. G. - Serum hepatitis from pooled irradied dried plasma. J.A.M.A., 152: 1421, 1953.

18 - SENIOR, J. R. - Refiections upon the incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis in various parts of tho world. Am. J. Gastroentorology, 298-303, April, 1968.

19 - SHIMIZU, Y. & KITAMOTO, O. - Incidence of viral hepatitis after blocd transiusion. Gastroent., 44: 740-744, 1963.

20 - SPELLBERG, M. A. - La hepatitis post-transfusión y su possible profilaxia con globulina gamma (Editorial) . G. E. N. (Caracas), 21: 319321, 1967.

  • 1 - ALLEN, J. G., & SAYMAN, W. A. - Serum hepatitis from transfusion of blood. J.A.M.A., 180: 1079-1085, 1962.
  • 2 - CHUNG, W. K., MOON, S. K., GERSON, R. K., PRINCE, A. M., PARK, Y C, & CHO Y. S. - Anicteric hepatitis in Kcrea. I. Clinical and laboratory studies Arch. Int. Med., 113: 526-534, 1964.
  • 3 - CHUNG, W. K., MOON, S. K., GERSON, R. K., PRINCE, A. M. & POPPER, H. Anicteric hepatitis in Korea. II. Serial histological studies. Arch. Int. Med.,'113 : 535-542, 1964.
  • 5 - DRAKE, M. E., BARONDESS, J. A., BASHE, Jr., W. J., HENLE, G , HENLE, W. & STOKES, Jr., J. - Failure of convalescent gamma globulin to protect against homologous serum hepatitis. J.A.M.A., 152: 690-693, 1963.
  • 7 - EKBLOM, L, OLSSON., P. & ABERG., T. -. The effect of gamma globulin Sn prevention of fibrinegen transmitted hepatitis. Acta Chir. Scand. 133: 351-354, 1967.
  • 8 - GRADY, G. F., CHALMERS, P. C. and The Boston Inter-Hospital livergroup-Risk .of post-transfusional viral hepatitis. New Eng. J. Med., 271: 337-342, 1964.
  • 9 - GROSSMAN, E. B., STEWART, S. & STOKES, Jr., J. - Post-transfusion hepatitis in battle casualties and a study of its prophylaxis by means of human immune serum globulin. J.A.M.A., 129: 991-994, 1945.
  • 10 - HAMPERS, C. L., PRAZER, D. & SENIOR, J. R. - Post-transfusion anicteric hepatitis. New Eng. J. Med., 271: 747-754, 1964.
  • 11 - HOLLAND, P. V., RUBINSON, R.M., MORROW, A. G. & SCHMIDT, phylaxis of post-transfusion hepatitis. J.A.M.A., 196: 471-474, 1966.
  • 12 - KLATSKIN, G. - Subacute hepatic necrosis post-necrotic cirrhosis due to anicteric infections with hepatitis virus. Am. J. Med., 25: 333-358, 1958.
  • 13 - MADSEN, S. - Incidence of hapatitis after use of blood and serum trancíusíons. J.A.M.A., 155: 1331, 1954.
  • 14 - MIRICK, G. S., WARD, R. & Mc COLLUM, R. W. - Gamma globulin ín the control of hepatitis following blood tranfusion. Vox. Sang., 7: 125, 1962.
  • 15 - MIRICK, G. S., WARD, R. & Mc COLLUM, R. W. - Modification of post-transfusion hepatitis. by gamma globulin. New Eng. J. Med., 273: 59-65, 1965.
  • 16 - MOSLEY, J. W. - The surveillance of transfusion-associated viral hepatitis. J.A.M.A., 193: 1007-1010, 1965.
  • 17 - MURPHY, Jr., W. P. & WORKMAN, W. G. - Serum hepatitis from pooled irradied dried plasma. J.A.M.A., 152: 1421, 1953.
  • 18 - SENIOR, J. R. - Refiections upon the incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis in various parts of tho world. Am. J. Gastroentorology, 298-303, April, 1968.
  • 19 - SHIMIZU, Y. & KITAMOTO, O. - Incidence of viral hepatitis after blocd transiusion. Gastroent., 44: 740-744, 1963.
  • 20 - SPELLBERG, M. A. - La hepatitis post-transfusión y su possible profilaxia con globulina gamma (Editorial) . G. E. N. (Caracas), 21: 319321, 1967.
  • *
    Instituto de Medicina Tropical e Banco de Sangue do Hospital das Clínicas da F.M.U.F.Pe.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      02 Ago 2013
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jun 1969
    Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB, Sala 43C – 70904-970, E-mails: | | , WhatsApp: SBMT (61) 9.9192-6496, WhatsApp: RSBMT (34) 9.9996-5807 - Brasília - DF - Brazil