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Padronização das reconstruções com retalhos após gangrena de Fournier



Gangrena de Fournier é caracterizada por necrose tecidual, que necessita de tratamento por meio de desbridamento e antibióticos, com feridas de dimensões variadas. O objetivo é padronizar as técnicas cirúrgicas de reconstruções com retalhos utilizadas no tratamento das feridas após gangrena de Fournier.


Realizou-se estudo por meio da busca nas bases de dados PubMed/Medline, SciELO e LILACS.


Nas feridas com perdas cutâneas de 25% a 50%, foram utilizados retalho cutâneo local de avanço ou retalho pudendo da coxa, nas maiores de 50% foram necessárias as confecções do retalho superomedial da coxa ou retalho miocutâneo do músculo grácil, com intuito de possibilitar a reconstrução adequada.


Os retalhos de avanço e pudendo da coxa foram utilizados para feridas com perda de substância cutânea escrotal de até 50%, enquanto os retalhos miocutâneo de músculo grácil e superomedial da coxa foram indicados para as feridas com mais de 50% da superfície escrotal total acometida, após gangrena de Fournier.

Fasciite necrosante; Gangrena de Fournier; Retalhos cirúrgicos; Retalho perfurante; Retalho miocutâneo; Procedimentos cirúrgicos reconstrutivos



Fournier’s gangrene is characterized by tissue necrosis, which requires treatment employing debridement and antibiotics with wounds of varying sizes. The objective is to standardize the surgical techniques of reconstructions with flaps used to treat wounds after Fournier’s gangrene.


A study was conducted by searching the PubMed/Medline, SciELO, and LILACS databases.


In wounds with skin loss of 25% to 50%, a local advancement cutaneous flap or a pudendal flap from the thigh was used; in wounds, greater than 50%, a superomedial thigh flap or myocutaneous flap from the gracilis muscle was used, with the aim of to enable proper reconstruction.


Advancement and pudendal thigh flaps were used for wounds with up to 50% loss of scrotal skin substance, while the myocutaneous gracilis flap and supero-medial flap of the thigh were indicated for wounds with more than 50% of the total scrotal surface affected, after Fournier gangrene.

Fasciitis, necrotizing; Fournier gangrene; Surgical flaps; Perforator flap; Myocutaneous flap; Reconstructive surgical procedures


A gangrena de Fournier é uma infecção causada por microrganismos aeróbios e anaeróbios11 Fernandez-Alcaraz DA, Guillén-Lozoya AH, Uribe-Montoya J, Romero-Mata R, Gutierrez-González A. Etiology of Fournier gangrene as a prognostic factor in mortality: Analysis of 121 cases. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2019;43(10):557-61.,22 Montrief T, Long B, Koyfman A, Auerbach J. Fournier Gangrene: A Review for Emergency Clinicians. J Emerg Med. 2019;57(4):488-500., que atuando de maneira sinérgica determinam uma fasciite necrosante33 Short B. Fournier gangrene: an historical reappraisal. Intern Med J. 2018;48(9):1157-60.,44 Singh A, Ahmed K, Aydin A, Khan MS, Dasgupta P. Fournier’s gangrene. A clinical review. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2016;88(3):157-64., que acomete as regiões genital, perineal e perianal55 Norton KS, Johnson LW, Perry T, Perry KH, Sehon JK, Zibari GB. Management of Fournier’s gangrene: an eleven year retrospective analysis of early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment. Am Surg. 2002;68(8):709-13.,66 Kuchinka J, Matykiewicz J, Wawrzycka I, Kot M, Karcz W, Głuszek S. Fournier’s gangrene - challenge for surgeon. Pol Przegl Chir. 2019;92(5):1-5.,77 Eke N. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 1726 cases. Br J Surg. 2000;87(6):718-28.. A infecção pode prolongar-se até a fáscia de Scarpa na parede do abdome, em virtude das comunicações anatômicas88 Fattini CA, Dângelo JG. Anatomia humana sistêmica e segmentar. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2011. 780 p.,99 Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AMR. Anatomia orientada para clínica. 8ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara; 2019. 1128 p. existentes entre as camadas de revestimentos das regiões perineal, escrotal, peniana e abdominal1010 Netter FH. Atlas de anatomia humana 3D. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier; 2015. 640 p.,1111 Lopes Filho R, Lopes LC, Martins LJPM, Pedrosa ABV. Técnica de tunelização do testículo exposto e importância da anatomia na gangrena de Fournier. Rev Ibero-Am Humanidades Cienc Educ. 2021;7(9):34-42.,1212 Kuzaka B, Wróblewska MM, Borkowski T, Kawecki D, Kuzaka P, Młynarczyk G, et al. Fournier’s Gangrene: Clinical Presentation of 13 Cases. Med Sci Monit. 2018;24:548-55..

O processo infeccioso ocorre por meio de uma endarterite obliterante, que provoca trombose dos vasos cutâneos e necrose da pele da região acometida1313 Demir CY, Yuzkat N, Ozsular Y, Kocak OF, Soyalp C, Demirkiran H. Fournier Gangrene: Association of Mortality with the Complete Blood Count Parameters. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;142(1):68e-75e.,1414 Lin TY, Cheng IH, Ou CH, Tsai YS, Tong YC, Cheng HL, et al. Incorporating Simplified Fournier’s Gangrene Severity Index with early surgical intervention can maximize survival in high- risk Fournier’s gangrene patients. Int J Urol. 2019;26(7):737-43.. O tratamento cirúrgico necessita de desbridamentos dos tecidos necrosados, ocasionando feridas de extensões variadas, que necessitam de reconstruções adequadas1515 Radcliffe RS, Khan MA. Mortality associated with Fournier’s gangrene remains unchanged over 25 years. BJU Int. 2020; 125(4):610-6.,1616 Yilmazlar T, Gulcu B, Isik O, Ozturk E. Microbiological aspects of Fournier’s gangrene. Int J Surg. 2017;40(1):135-8..


O propósito do estudo é apresentar a padronização do tratamento cirúrgico reconstrutivo das feridas, após gangrena de Fournier, com a utilização de retalhos, por meio da elaboração de fluxograma, a partir da análise da literatura.


O estudo consistiu na busca por evidências relacionadas às técnicas cirúrgicas de reconstruções após gangrena de Fournier, por meio de pesquisa na base de dados PubMed, SciELO e LILACS, utilizando os descritores fasciite necrosante (necroting fasciitis), gangrena de Fournier (Fournier gangrene), retalhos cirúrgicos (surgical flaps), retalho perfurante (perforator flap), retalho miocutâneo (myocutaneous flap) e cirurgia plástica (plastic, surgery) combinados com os operadores lógicos booleanos and ou or.

Realizou-se busca avançada limitando para palavras presentes no título e resumo. Todas as etapas da revisão sistemática foram conduzidas por dois revisores, de forma independente e cega. Foram incluídos os artigos relacionados aos descritores que definiram os tipos de retalhos utilizados após gangrena de Fournier. Foram excluídos os artigos duplicados, que não explicitavam os tipos de retalhos empregados nas reconstruções e aqueles que não estavam diretamente relacionados ao assunto.


Os resultados do estudo encontram-se apresentados no Quadro 1 e na Figura 1.

Quadro 1
Autores, tipo de estudo e retalhos utilizados para reconstruções das feridas, após gangrena de Fournier, nos artigos selecionados.

Figura 1
Fluxograma para tratamento cirúrgico reconstrutivo de ferida, com perda cutânea em região escrotal, após gangrena de Fournier.

No fluxograma da Figura 1, observa-se que foi possível o fechamento primário nas feridas com perdas de cutâneas de até 25%. Nas feridas com perdas cutâneas de 25% a 50%, utilizaram-se retalhos cutâneos locais de avanço.

Quando as perdas cutâneas foram maiores de 50%, foram necessárias as confecções do retalho superomedial da coxa, retalho pudendo da coxa ou retalho miocutâneo do músculo grácil, com intuito de possibilitar a reconstrução adequada.


Os retalhos podem cursar com complicações, tais como necrose, deiscência e hematomas. A deiscência relaciona-se com a tensão nos planos de sutura, a necrose com o suprimento sanguíneo deficiente do pedículo vascular do retalho e o hematoma com hemostasia inadequada1717 Parkash S, Gajendran V. Surgical reconstruction of the sequelae of penile and scrotal gangrene: a plea for simplicity. Br J Plast Surg. 1984;37(3):354-7.,1818 Ferreira PC, Reis JC, Amarante JM, Silva ÁC, Pinho CJ, Oliveira IC, et al. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 43 reconstructive cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;119(1):175-84.,1919 Hsu H, Lin CM, Sun TB, Cheng LF, Chien SH. Unilateral gracilis myofasciocutaneous advancement flap for single stage reconstruction of scrotal and perineal defects. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2007;60(9):1055-9.,2020 Coskunfirat OK, Uslu A, Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Superiority of medial circumflex femoral artery perforator flap in scrotal reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2011;67(5):526-30.,2121 Lee SH, Rah DK, Lee WJ. Penoscrotal reconstruction with gracilis muscle flap and internal pudendal artery perforator flap transposition. Urology. 2012;79(6):1390-4.,2222 Ünverdi ÖF, Kemaloğlu CA. A Reliable Technique in the Reconstruction of Large Penoscrotal Defect: Internal Pudendal Artery Perforator Flap. Urology. 2019;128:102-6.,2323 El-Khatib HA. V-Y fasciocutaneous pudendal thigh flap for repair of perineum and genital region after necrotizing fasciitis: modification and new indication. Ann Plast Surg. 2002;48(4):370-5.,2424 Carvalho JP, Hazan A, Cavalcanti AG, Favorito LA. Relation between the area affected by Fournier’s gangrene and the type of reconstructive surgery used. A study with 80 patients. Int Braz J Urol. 2007;33(4):510-4.,2525 Bhatnagar AM, Mohite PN, Suthar M. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 110 cases for aetiology, predisposing conditions, microorganisms, and modalities for coverage of necrosed scrotum with bare testes. N Z Med J. 2008;121(1275):46-56.,2626 Khanal B, Agrawal S, Gurung R, Sah S, Gupta RK. Pudendal flap-a good option for creating neo-scrotum after Fournier’s gangrene: a case series. J Surg Case Rep. 2020;2020(11):rjaa414.,2727 Dadaci M, Yildirim MEC, Yarar S, Ince B. Assessment of Outcomes After Limberg Flap Reconstruction for Scrotal Defects in Patients With Fournier’s Gangrene. Wounds. 2021;33(3):65-9.,2828 Karaçal N, Livaoglu M, Kutlu N, Arvas L. Scrotum reconstruction with neurovascular pedicled pudendal thigh flaps. Urology. 2007;70(1):170-2..

O retalho miocutâneo do músculo grácil possibilita reconstruir feridas com perda de mais de 50% da superfície escrotal total, tendo como vantagens a boa vascularização, que permite melhor penetração de antibióticos no tecido acometido, e a capacidade de preencher feridas profundas1919 Hsu H, Lin CM, Sun TB, Cheng LF, Chien SH. Unilateral gracilis myofasciocutaneous advancement flap for single stage reconstruction of scrotal and perineal defects. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2007;60(9):1055-9.,2020 Coskunfirat OK, Uslu A, Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Superiority of medial circumflex femoral artery perforator flap in scrotal reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2011;67(5):526-30.,2121 Lee SH, Rah DK, Lee WJ. Penoscrotal reconstruction with gracilis muscle flap and internal pudendal artery perforator flap transposition. Urology. 2012;79(6):1390-4..

O retalho de avanço escrotal oferece um bom resultado estético e cumpre o princípio de substituir com pele semelhante, sendo recomendado para perdas cutâneas do escroto de até 50% da superfície escrotal total. Os benefícios deste método incluem a boa qualidade da pele, com elasticidade e presença do músculo dartos1717 Parkash S, Gajendran V. Surgical reconstruction of the sequelae of penile and scrotal gangrene: a plea for simplicity. Br J Plast Surg. 1984;37(3):354-7.,1818 Ferreira PC, Reis JC, Amarante JM, Silva ÁC, Pinho CJ, Oliveira IC, et al. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 43 reconstructive cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;119(1):175-84.,2222 Ünverdi ÖF, Kemaloğlu CA. A Reliable Technique in the Reconstruction of Large Penoscrotal Defect: Internal Pudendal Artery Perforator Flap. Urology. 2019;128:102-6.,2323 El-Khatib HA. V-Y fasciocutaneous pudendal thigh flap for repair of perineum and genital region after necrotizing fasciitis: modification and new indication. Ann Plast Surg. 2002;48(4):370-5.,2424 Carvalho JP, Hazan A, Cavalcanti AG, Favorito LA. Relation between the area affected by Fournier’s gangrene and the type of reconstructive surgery used. A study with 80 patients. Int Braz J Urol. 2007;33(4):510-4..

O retalho pudendo da coxa apresenta como benefício importante a preservação da sensação da pele na região reconstruída pelo retalho, a presença de um suprimento sanguíneo confiável e pequena morbidade da área doadora, sendo utilizado para coberturas de até 50% da pele escrotal2222 Ünverdi ÖF, Kemaloğlu CA. A Reliable Technique in the Reconstruction of Large Penoscrotal Defect: Internal Pudendal Artery Perforator Flap. Urology. 2019;128:102-6.,2626 Khanal B, Agrawal S, Gurung R, Sah S, Gupta RK. Pudendal flap-a good option for creating neo-scrotum after Fournier’s gangrene: a case series. J Surg Case Rep. 2020;2020(11):rjaa414.,2727 Dadaci M, Yildirim MEC, Yarar S, Ince B. Assessment of Outcomes After Limberg Flap Reconstruction for Scrotal Defects in Patients With Fournier’s Gangrene. Wounds. 2021;33(3):65-9.,2828 Karaçal N, Livaoglu M, Kutlu N, Arvas L. Scrotum reconstruction with neurovascular pedicled pudendal thigh flaps. Urology. 2007;70(1):170-2.,2929 Mello DF, Helene Júnior A. Reconstrução escrotal com retalho fasciocutâneo superomedial da coxa. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2018; 45(1):e1389..

O retalho fasciocutâneo superomedial da coxa é indicado no reparo de feridas com perda cutânea de mais de 50% da superfície escrotal total, em um único procedimento cirúrgico e com cobertura adequada, no paciente em estado clínico estável, após instabilidade decorrente da infecção grave pela gangrena de Fournier1818 Ferreira PC, Reis JC, Amarante JM, Silva ÁC, Pinho CJ, Oliveira IC, et al. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 43 reconstructive cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;119(1):175-84.,1919 Hsu H, Lin CM, Sun TB, Cheng LF, Chien SH. Unilateral gracilis myofasciocutaneous advancement flap for single stage reconstruction of scrotal and perineal defects. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2007;60(9):1055-9.,2020 Coskunfirat OK, Uslu A, Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Superiority of medial circumflex femoral artery perforator flap in scrotal reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2011;67(5):526-30., por microrganismos aeróbios e anaeróbios1212 Kuzaka B, Wróblewska MM, Borkowski T, Kawecki D, Kuzaka P, Młynarczyk G, et al. Fournier’s Gangrene: Clinical Presentation of 13 Cases. Med Sci Monit. 2018;24:548-55.,3030 Arora A, Rege S, Surpam S, Gothwal K, Narwade A. Predicting Mortality in Fournier Gangrene and Validating the Fournier Gangrene Severity Index: Our Experience with 50 Patients in a Tertiary Care Center in India. Urol Int. 2019;102(3):311-8.,3131 Abass-Shereef J, Kovacs M, Simon EL. Fournier’s Gangrene Masking as Perineal and Scrotal Cellulitis. Am J Emerg Med. 2018;36(9):1719.e1-1719.e2.,3232 Ballard DH, Mazaheri P, Raptis CA, Lubner MG, Menias CO, Pickhardt PJ, et al. Fournier Gangrene in Men and Women: Appearance on CT, Ultrasound, and MRI and What the Surgeon Wants to Know. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2020;71(1):30-9.,3333 Levenson RB, Singh AK, Novelline RA. Fournier gangrene: role of imaging. Radiographics. 2008;28(2):519-28.,3434 Kuo CF, Wang WS, Lee CM, Liu CP, Tseng HK. Fournier’s gangrene: ten-year experience in a medical center in northern Taiwan. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2007;40(6):500-6. associados com diabetes mellitus, cardiopatia e insuficiência renal1313 Demir CY, Yuzkat N, Ozsular Y, Kocak OF, Soyalp C, Demirkiran H. Fournier Gangrene: Association of Mortality with the Complete Blood Count Parameters. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;142(1):68e-75e.,1414 Lin TY, Cheng IH, Ou CH, Tsai YS, Tong YC, Cheng HL, et al. Incorporating Simplified Fournier’s Gangrene Severity Index with early surgical intervention can maximize survival in high- risk Fournier’s gangrene patients. Int J Urol. 2019;26(7):737-43.,1515 Radcliffe RS, Khan MA. Mortality associated with Fournier’s gangrene remains unchanged over 25 years. BJU Int. 2020; 125(4):610-6..

A técnica cirúrgica com o emprego do retalho fasciocutâneo superomedial11 Fernandez-Alcaraz DA, Guillén-Lozoya AH, Uribe-Montoya J, Romero-Mata R, Gutierrez-González A. Etiology of Fournier gangrene as a prognostic factor in mortality: Analysis of 121 cases. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2019;43(10):557-61. da coxa unilateral ou bilateral possibilita a reconstrução da região escrotal, sendo indicado também para as reconstruções perineal e perianal. O retalho fasciocutâneo superomedial da coxa apresenta vascularização por meio dos ramos da artéria femoral, o pudendo interno e o circunflexo1717 Parkash S, Gajendran V. Surgical reconstruction of the sequelae of penile and scrotal gangrene: a plea for simplicity. Br J Plast Surg. 1984;37(3):354-7., sendo seguro inclusive nos pacientes diabéticos11 Fernandez-Alcaraz DA, Guillén-Lozoya AH, Uribe-Montoya J, Romero-Mata R, Gutierrez-González A. Etiology of Fournier gangrene as a prognostic factor in mortality: Analysis of 121 cases. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2019;43(10):557-61.,3535 Carrillo-Córdova LD, Aguilar-Aizcorbe S, Hernández-Farías MA, Acevedo-García C, Soria-Fernández G, Garduño-Arteaga ML. Escherichia coli productora de betalactamasas de espectro extendido como agente causal de gangrena de Fournier de origen urogenital asociada a mayor mortalidad. Cir Cir. 2018;86(4):327-31. e com vasculopatias3636 Syllaios A, Davakis S, Karydakis L, Vailas M, Garmpis N, Mpaili E, et al. Treatment of Fournier’s Gangrene With Vacuum- assisted Closure Therapy as Enhanced Recovery Treatment Modality. In Vivo. 2020;34(3):1499-502.,3737 Egin S, Kamali S, Hot S, Gökçek B, Yesiltas M. Comparison of Mortality in Fournier’s Gangrene with the Two Scoring Systems. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2020;30(1):67-72..


O estudo realizado permitiu inferir que nas reconstruções das feridas após a gangrena de Fournier os retalhos de avanço e pudendo da coxa foram utilizados para feridas com perda de substância cutânea escrotal de até 50%, enquanto os retalhos miocutâneo de músculo grácil e superomedial da coxa foram indicados para as feridas com mais de 50% da superfície escrotal total acometida.


  • 1
    Fernandez-Alcaraz DA, Guillén-Lozoya AH, Uribe-Montoya J, Romero-Mata R, Gutierrez-González A. Etiology of Fournier gangrene as a prognostic factor in mortality: Analysis of 121 cases. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2019;43(10):557-61.
  • 2
    Montrief T, Long B, Koyfman A, Auerbach J. Fournier Gangrene: A Review for Emergency Clinicians. J Emerg Med. 2019;57(4):488-500.
  • 3
    Short B. Fournier gangrene: an historical reappraisal. Intern Med J. 2018;48(9):1157-60.
  • 4
    Singh A, Ahmed K, Aydin A, Khan MS, Dasgupta P. Fournier’s gangrene. A clinical review. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2016;88(3):157-64.
  • 5
    Norton KS, Johnson LW, Perry T, Perry KH, Sehon JK, Zibari GB. Management of Fournier’s gangrene: an eleven year retrospective analysis of early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment. Am Surg. 2002;68(8):709-13.
  • 6
    Kuchinka J, Matykiewicz J, Wawrzycka I, Kot M, Karcz W, Głuszek S. Fournier’s gangrene - challenge for surgeon. Pol Przegl Chir. 2019;92(5):1-5.
  • 7
    Eke N. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 1726 cases. Br J Surg. 2000;87(6):718-28.
  • 8
    Fattini CA, Dângelo JG. Anatomia humana sistêmica e segmentar. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2011. 780 p.
  • 9
    Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AMR. Anatomia orientada para clínica. 8ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara; 2019. 1128 p.
  • 10
    Netter FH. Atlas de anatomia humana 3D. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier; 2015. 640 p.
  • 11
    Lopes Filho R, Lopes LC, Martins LJPM, Pedrosa ABV. Técnica de tunelização do testículo exposto e importância da anatomia na gangrena de Fournier. Rev Ibero-Am Humanidades Cienc Educ. 2021;7(9):34-42.
  • 12
    Kuzaka B, Wróblewska MM, Borkowski T, Kawecki D, Kuzaka P, Młynarczyk G, et al. Fournier’s Gangrene: Clinical Presentation of 13 Cases. Med Sci Monit. 2018;24:548-55.
  • 13
    Demir CY, Yuzkat N, Ozsular Y, Kocak OF, Soyalp C, Demirkiran H. Fournier Gangrene: Association of Mortality with the Complete Blood Count Parameters. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;142(1):68e-75e.
  • 14
    Lin TY, Cheng IH, Ou CH, Tsai YS, Tong YC, Cheng HL, et al. Incorporating Simplified Fournier’s Gangrene Severity Index with early surgical intervention can maximize survival in high- risk Fournier’s gangrene patients. Int J Urol. 2019;26(7):737-43.
  • 15
    Radcliffe RS, Khan MA. Mortality associated with Fournier’s gangrene remains unchanged over 25 years. BJU Int. 2020; 125(4):610-6.
  • 16
    Yilmazlar T, Gulcu B, Isik O, Ozturk E. Microbiological aspects of Fournier’s gangrene. Int J Surg. 2017;40(1):135-8.
  • 17
    Parkash S, Gajendran V. Surgical reconstruction of the sequelae of penile and scrotal gangrene: a plea for simplicity. Br J Plast Surg. 1984;37(3):354-7.
  • 18
    Ferreira PC, Reis JC, Amarante JM, Silva ÁC, Pinho CJ, Oliveira IC, et al. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 43 reconstructive cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;119(1):175-84.
  • 19
    Hsu H, Lin CM, Sun TB, Cheng LF, Chien SH. Unilateral gracilis myofasciocutaneous advancement flap for single stage reconstruction of scrotal and perineal defects. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2007;60(9):1055-9.
  • 20
    Coskunfirat OK, Uslu A, Cinpolat A, Bektas G. Superiority of medial circumflex femoral artery perforator flap in scrotal reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2011;67(5):526-30.
  • 21
    Lee SH, Rah DK, Lee WJ. Penoscrotal reconstruction with gracilis muscle flap and internal pudendal artery perforator flap transposition. Urology. 2012;79(6):1390-4.
  • 22
    Ünverdi ÖF, Kemaloğlu CA. A Reliable Technique in the Reconstruction of Large Penoscrotal Defect: Internal Pudendal Artery Perforator Flap. Urology. 2019;128:102-6.
  • 23
    El-Khatib HA. V-Y fasciocutaneous pudendal thigh flap for repair of perineum and genital region after necrotizing fasciitis: modification and new indication. Ann Plast Surg. 2002;48(4):370-5.
  • 24
    Carvalho JP, Hazan A, Cavalcanti AG, Favorito LA. Relation between the area affected by Fournier’s gangrene and the type of reconstructive surgery used. A study with 80 patients. Int Braz J Urol. 2007;33(4):510-4.
  • 25
    Bhatnagar AM, Mohite PN, Suthar M. Fournier’s gangrene: a review of 110 cases for aetiology, predisposing conditions, microorganisms, and modalities for coverage of necrosed scrotum with bare testes. N Z Med J. 2008;121(1275):46-56.
  • 26
    Khanal B, Agrawal S, Gurung R, Sah S, Gupta RK. Pudendal flap-a good option for creating neo-scrotum after Fournier’s gangrene: a case series. J Surg Case Rep. 2020;2020(11):rjaa414.
  • 27
    Dadaci M, Yildirim MEC, Yarar S, Ince B. Assessment of Outcomes After Limberg Flap Reconstruction for Scrotal Defects in Patients With Fournier’s Gangrene. Wounds. 2021;33(3):65-9.
  • 28
    Karaçal N, Livaoglu M, Kutlu N, Arvas L. Scrotum reconstruction with neurovascular pedicled pudendal thigh flaps. Urology. 2007;70(1):170-2.
  • 29
    Mello DF, Helene Júnior A. Reconstrução escrotal com retalho fasciocutâneo superomedial da coxa. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2018; 45(1):e1389.
  • 30
    Arora A, Rege S, Surpam S, Gothwal K, Narwade A. Predicting Mortality in Fournier Gangrene and Validating the Fournier Gangrene Severity Index: Our Experience with 50 Patients in a Tertiary Care Center in India. Urol Int. 2019;102(3):311-8.
  • 31
    Abass-Shereef J, Kovacs M, Simon EL. Fournier’s Gangrene Masking as Perineal and Scrotal Cellulitis. Am J Emerg Med. 2018;36(9):1719.e1-1719.e2.
  • 32
    Ballard DH, Mazaheri P, Raptis CA, Lubner MG, Menias CO, Pickhardt PJ, et al. Fournier Gangrene in Men and Women: Appearance on CT, Ultrasound, and MRI and What the Surgeon Wants to Know. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2020;71(1):30-9.
  • 33
    Levenson RB, Singh AK, Novelline RA. Fournier gangrene: role of imaging. Radiographics. 2008;28(2):519-28.
  • 34
    Kuo CF, Wang WS, Lee CM, Liu CP, Tseng HK. Fournier’s gangrene: ten-year experience in a medical center in northern Taiwan. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2007;40(6):500-6.
  • 35
    Carrillo-Córdova LD, Aguilar-Aizcorbe S, Hernández-Farías MA, Acevedo-García C, Soria-Fernández G, Garduño-Arteaga ML. Escherichia coli productora de betalactamasas de espectro extendido como agente causal de gangrena de Fournier de origen urogenital asociada a mayor mortalidad. Cir Cir. 2018;86(4):327-31.
  • 36
    Syllaios A, Davakis S, Karydakis L, Vailas M, Garmpis N, Mpaili E, et al. Treatment of Fournier’s Gangrene With Vacuum- assisted Closure Therapy as Enhanced Recovery Treatment Modality. In Vivo. 2020;34(3):1499-502.
  • 37
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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    04 Ago 2023
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Recebido
    27 Out 2021
  • Aceito
    13 Set 2022
Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica Rua Funchal, 129 - 2º Andar / cep: 04551-060, São Paulo - SP / Brasil, Tel: +55 (11) 3044-0000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil