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Educational technologies used to promote self-care for people with diabetes mellitus: integrative review

Tecnologías educacionales utilizadas para la promoción del autocuidado de las personas con diabetes mellitus: Revisión Integradora



To summarize the scientific productions that used educational technologies to promote self-care for people with diabetes.


Integrative review carried out from October 2022 to January 2023, in the databases: LILACS; Scopus; Embase; PubMed/MEDLINE and CINAHL. The search was paired, and the sample consisted of ten articles. The levels of evidence were analyzed by the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention Studies, and the results were synthesized for interpretation of the findings.


The educational technologies identified to promote self-care were: mobile applications, interactive platforms, print, telemonitoring, video and simulation. The focus of the contents was on the promotion of foot care, prevention of neuropathy, self-management, knowledge, and expectation of people with diabetes and prevention of acute complications.


The synthesis of knowledge about educational technologies to promote self-care for people with diabetes pointed to the need for robust evidence.

Diabetes Mellitus; Educational Technology; Nursing; Self Care; Health Education



Sintetizar las producciones científicas que utilizaron tecnologías educacionales para promoción del autocuidado de personas con diabetes.


Revisión integradora realizada entre octubre de 2022 hasta enero de 2023, en las bases de datos: LILACS; Scopus; Embase; PubMed/MEDLINE y CINAHL. La búsqueda ocurrió de manera pareada, y la muestra fue construida por diez artículos. Los niveles de evidencia fueron analizados por el Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention Studies, y los resultados fueron sintetizados para interpretación de los hallados.


Las tecnologías educacionales identificadas para promoción del autocuidado fueron: aplicativos móviles, plataformas interactivas, impresos, telemonitorización, vídeo y simulado. El enfoque de los contenidos fue en la promoción del cuidado con los pies, prevención de neuropatia, autogestión, conocimiento y expectativa de personas con diabetes y prevención de complicaciones agudas.


El síntesis del conocimiento sobre las tecnologías educacionales para promoción del autocuidado de personas con diabetes señaló la necesidad de evidencias robustas.

Diabetes Mellitus; Tecnología Educacional; Enfermería; Autocuidado; Educación en Salud



Sumarizar as produções científicas que utilizaram tecnologias educacionais para promoção do autocuidado de pessoas com diabetes.


Revisão integrativa realizada no período de outubro de 2022 a janeiro de 2023, nas bases de dados: LILACS; Scopus; Embase; PubMed/MEDLINE e CINAHL. A busca aconteceu de forma pareada, e a amostra foi constituída por dez artigos. Os níveis de evidência foram analisados pelo Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention Studies, e os resultados foram sintetizados para interpretação dos achados.


As tecnologias educacionais identificadas para promoção do autocuidado foram: aplicativos móveis, plataformas interativas, impressos, telemonitoramento, vídeo e simulação. O enfoque dos conteúdos foi na promoção do cuidado com os pés, prevenção de neuropatia, autogestão, conhecimento e expectativa de pessoas com diabetes e prevenção de complicações agudas.


A síntese do conhecimento sobre as tecnologias educacionais para promoção do autocuidado de pessoas com diabetes apontou a necessidade de evidências robustas.

Diabetes Mellitus; Tecnologia Educacional; Enfermagem; Autocuidado; Educação em Saúde


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a worldwide health problem, given its magnitude. The epidemiological, social, and economic conception explains how the representation of the disease evolves in the population, especially in developing countries. It is estimated that 8.3% of the world population lives with DM, and projections indicate that the impact of the disease on the population in the coming decades will correspond to 9.6% of the more than 486 million cases predicted by 2045. In the world ranking, Brazil ranks fifth among countries, with 16.8 million people with DM and has prospects of 21.5 and 26 million in 2030 and 2045, respectively(11 International Diabetes Federation (IDF). IDF Diabetes Atlas[Internet]. 9th ed. Brussels: IDF; 2019 [cited 2023 Jan 12]. Available from:

It should be noted that the severity of DM and the weaknesses of the actions that favor the individual’s own commitment to their health condition and self-care contribute to the worsening of the disease and the occurrence of complications(22 Santos IM, Lima EAC, Pimentel JO, Almeida IJS, Souza VP. Knowledge and attitudes of users with Diabetes Mellitus on a specialized outpatient clinic. REAS [Internet]. 2020 [cited 22 Jan 2023];12(12):e4148. Available from:
). Therefore, to mitigate and reduce the risks of complications and expand the possibilities of care actions, considering an expanded concept of health, the World Health Organization issued, in 2019, a guideline on the use of information technologies (e.g., internet and mobile resources) as a resource to strengthen health education actions(33 Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening[Internet]. Genebra, Suíça: OMS; 2019 [cited 22 Jan 2023];12(12):e4148. Available from:

It is worth noting that the traditional care model, which focuses on the drug treatment of the disease and the provision of general information by health professionals, has already proved to be expensive and innocuous in the care of people with chronic conditions. This is because the actions do not stimulate the individual’s self-care and commitment to their health condition(44 Allegrante J P, Wells MT, Peterson JC. Interventions to support behavioral self-management of chronic diseases. Ann Rev Public Health. 2019;40.

From this perspective, education actions focused on health promotion are essential to help individuals themselves to evaluate their behaviors and identify the need for changes aimed at a healthy lifestyle. This is because they provide the opportunity to build strategies based on the different needs of individuals, considering lifestyle, social contexts, living spaces and the main health problems(55 Gonçalves LC, Assis TV, Amorim ADGF, Ferreira ACVV, Farão EMD, Paiva ACPC. Use of educational technologies in the context of diabetes mellitus the repercussions on self-care: an integrative review. 2022;12(75):10237-50.
). In this context, the use of educational technologies (ET) as a resource for health education has shown promise(66 Foster M, Xiong W, Quintiliani L, Hartmann CW, Gaehde S. Preferences of older adult veterans with heart failure for engaging with mobile health technology to support self-care: qualitative interview study among patients with heart failure and content analysis. JMIR Form Res. 2022;6(12):e41317.
). Studies show that the applicability of ET by health professionals contributes to people with chronic conditions to obtain greater engagement in care actions for their health condition(77 Rasoul AM, Jalali R, Abdi A, Salari N, Rahimi M, Mohammadi M. The effect of self-management education through weblogs on the quality of life of diabetic patients. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019;19(1):205.
, 88 Wu X, Guo X, Zhang Z. The Efficacy of mobile phone apps for lifestyle modification in diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(1):e12297.

In view of the above, it is expected that the synthesis of the knowledge produced on the use of ET to promote self-care for people with diabetes can assist health professionals in identifying existing and possible resources to be incorporated into practice, as well as identifying gaps related to the focus of the care actions addressed by these ETs.


To summarize the scientific productions that used educational technologies to promote self-care for people with diabetes.


Ethical Aspects

As this is a grounded study with scientific articles in the public domain, the review procedures of the research ethics committee were waived.

Study type

Integrative literature review research(99 Whittemore R, Knafl K. The integrative review: updated methodology. J Adv Nurs [Internet]. 2005;52(5):546-53. [cited 24 Jan 2023] Available from:
), anchored in six subsequent stages: identification of the problem; elaboration of the guiding question; literature search; data collection by structured instrument; data analysis; and presentation of the review with dissemination of the results(1010 Souza MT, Silva MD, Carvalho R. Integrative review: what is it? How to do it?. Einstein (São Paulo). 2010;8(1):102-6.

The PVO strategy was used, in which “P” is the population of interest or condition/problem investigated (diabetes mellitus); “V”, the variable of interest (educational technologies); and “O”, the outcome to be analyzed (health promotion/self-care). Based on this, the guiding question of this research was structured: What scientific productions used educational technologies to promote self-care in people with diabetes?

Eligibility criteria, sources, and search strategies

The integrative review was conducted in Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The study was conducted from October 2022 to January 2023. The database search followed the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) report(1111 Salameh J, Bossuyt PM, McGrath TA, Thombs BD, Hyde CJ, Macaskill P, et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies (PRISMA-DTA): explanation, elaboration, and checklist. BMJ. 2020;370:m2632.

Relevant databases in the area of health and nursing were selected for the search of primary data, namely: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS); Scopus (Elsevier); Embase (Elsevier); National Library of Medicine (PubMed/MED-LINE); Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). Access to them was through the Proxy of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, via the CAPES Journals portal.

For this purpose, the following controlled descriptors of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were used: “diabetes mellitus”, “Educational Technology”, “self-care”. In order to perform the crossings between them, the boolean operators AND and OR were used (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Description of search strategies and number of articles retrieved in each database, 2022

Primary studies published in the last ten years (2012 to 2022), in English, Portuguese or Spanish, that addressed educational health technologies aimed at people with diabetes to promote self-care were considered eligible. The time frame is justified by the volume of recovered articles not directed to the objective of the review and the need to apprehend more recent studies. Duplicate articles, letters to the editor, literature reviews, conference abstracts and book chapters were excluded.

The searches were carried out by two researchers, independently and simultaneously, in August 2022, in which the same result was found in the five selected databases. The publications were stored and organized through a reference manager (Zotero), which enabled the identification and exclusion of duplicate articles.

The articles retrieved and pre-selected in the virtual libraries were screened by the main researcher according to the guiding question of the study, through the reading of titles and abstracts, and the divergences were analyzed by a second researcher. Then, the selected articles were read in full to extract the data and variables of interest, in a structured spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, according to the Critical Appraisal of the Evidence: Part I(1212 Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: a guide to best practice. 3 ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health; 2015.).

Data analysis

Levels of evidence were analyzed based on the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention Studies, which classifies studies into: Level I – Systematic review of meta-analyses; Level II – Randomized controlled trials; Level III – Controlled trials without randomization; Level IV – Case-control or cohort study; Level V – Systematic review of qualitative or descriptive studies; Level VI – Qualitative or descriptive study; Level VII – Expert opinion or consensus(1212 Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: a guide to best practice. 3 ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health; 2015.).

The results were synthesized and grouped for evaluation and interpretation of the findings, with descriptive presentation in synoptic tables.


Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the selection process of the primary studies included in this integrative review. The initial search in the databases identified 5,618 articles, of which 22 were selected for full reading, following the eligibility criteria. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, ten primary studies were considered eligible and included in the final sample.

Figure 1
Flowchart of the search and screening process of articles based on PRISMA, 2022

The articles that made up the final sample were published in the last five years, being six national articles. Regarding the type of study, there were five methodological studies, two randomized controlled clinical trials, two design studies in the area of informatics and one descriptive study. Chart 2 shows the synthesis of the studies included to compose the final sample of this integrative review (author, year of publication, type of study, sample, methodological framework, and objective).

Chart 2
Description of articles included in the literature review (N = 10), 2022

In turn, Chart 3 shows the synthesis of the studies included to compose the final sample of this integrative review (intervention; technology developed; main results and conclusions; and level of evidence).

Chart 3
Summary of the studies included to compose the final sample of this integrative review, 2022

The focus of the contents addressed in the different ETs was the promotion of self-care to minimize diabetes complications, especially those related to neuropathic lesions in the feet of people with DM. This content was included in five of the articles(1313 Marques ADB, Moreira TMM, Carvalho REFL, Chaves EMC, Oliveira SKP, Felipe GF, et al. PEDCARE: validation of a mobile application on diabetic foot self-care. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74.
, 1414 Menezes LGC, Guedes MVC, Oliveira SKP, Rocha RM, Pinheiro AKB, Silva LF, et al. Production and validation of the short film Pés que te quero®: educational technology for people with diabetes. Rev Bras Enferm. 2022;75(5).
, 1515 Souza IC, Costa JS, Alencar MMSC, Monteiro PGA, Aquino PS, Castro RCMB. Construction and evaluation of a serial album for the prevention of foot complications in diabetics. Rev Rene. 2021;22:e61427.
, 1616 Galdino YLS, Moreira TMM, Marques ADB, Silva FAA. Validation of a booklet on self-care with the diabetic foot. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72.
, 1717 Amdie FZ, Luctkar-Flude M, Snelgrove-Clarke E, Sawhney M, Alemu S, Woo K. Feasibility of virtual simulation-based diabetes foot care education in patients with diabetes in ethiopia: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2022;15:995-1009.
), four of which were national publications and derived from methodological studies. In addition, among the four international studies, three addressed themes and content on self-care aimed at changing behavior and adherence to drug treatment, healthy eating, and physical activity(1818 Jafari J, Karlgren K, Moonaghi HK, Layegh P, Bonacina S, Masiello I. Designing internet-enabled patient education for self-management of T2D diabetes-the case of the Razavi-Khorasan province in Iran. PLoS One. 2021;16(4):e0250781.
, 1919 Tuah NM, Yoag A, Ahmedy F. MyDiabetes: the gamified application for diabetes self-management and care. Computers. 2021;10:50.
, 2020 Vluggen S, Candel M, Hoving C, Schaper NC, Vries H. A web-based computer-tailored program to improve treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(2):e18524.


The rapid evolution of ETs promotes transformations in the ways of understanding content and facilitates the building of knowledge, so that they become active educational instruments(2323 Mota N P, Vieira CM, Nascimento MN, Bezerra AM, Quirino GS, Félix ND. Mobile application for the teaching of the International Classification for Nursing Practice. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(4):1020-7.
). They can be integrated into health education and enable the optimization of learning outcomes(2424 Tuma F. The use of educational technology for interactive teaching in lectures. Ann Med Surg. 2021;62.
). In the context of nursing care, they can enhance and qualify care actions, since they help in the process of learning and self-knowledge of the individual regarding their health condition(2525 Oliveira LM, Silva AC, Barbosa AS, Silva AP, Barbosa IV, Studart RM. Autofix: a technology for secure orotracheal tube fixation. Enferm Foco [Internet]. 2019 [cited 22 Jan 2023];10(4):153-8. Available from:
). In the studies identified in this review, the TEs used were: printed technologies(1515 Souza IC, Costa JS, Alencar MMSC, Monteiro PGA, Aquino PS, Castro RCMB. Construction and evaluation of a serial album for the prevention of foot complications in diabetics. Rev Rene. 2021;22:e61427.
, 1616 Galdino YLS, Moreira TMM, Marques ADB, Silva FAA. Validation of a booklet on self-care with the diabetic foot. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72.
); interactive technologies and mobile applications(1818 Jafari J, Karlgren K, Moonaghi HK, Layegh P, Bonacina S, Masiello I. Designing internet-enabled patient education for self-management of T2D diabetes-the case of the Razavi-Khorasan province in Iran. PLoS One. 2021;16(4):e0250781.
, 1919 Tuah NM, Yoag A, Ahmedy F. MyDiabetes: the gamified application for diabetes self-management and care. Computers. 2021;10:50.
, 2020 Vluggen S, Candel M, Hoving C, Schaper NC, Vries H. A web-based computer-tailored program to improve treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(2):e18524.
, 2222 Silva EM, Pena FPS, Guimarães ÁMS, Bastos MGB, Pena JLC, Rodrigues ÉTFA, et al. “Descomplica, dona bete”: construction of application on prevention of acute complications of diabetes mellitus. Enferm Foco [Internet]. 2020 [cited 22 Jan 2023];11(5). Available from
); telemonitoring(2121 Duarte CA, Berardinelli LMM, Sabóia, VM, Santos MLSC, Beretta, LL. Telemonitoring in nursing: contributions to the autonomy of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Res Soc Develop. 2020;9(7):1-22:e313973953.
); simulation(1717 Amdie FZ, Luctkar-Flude M, Snelgrove-Clarke E, Sawhney M, Alemu S, Woo K. Feasibility of virtual simulation-based diabetes foot care education in patients with diabetes in ethiopia: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2022;15:995-1009.
); and audiovisual production(1414 Menezes LGC, Guedes MVC, Oliveira SKP, Rocha RM, Pinheiro AKB, Silva LF, et al. Production and validation of the short film Pés que te quero®: educational technology for people with diabetes. Rev Bras Enferm. 2022;75(5).

According to the results of a study carried out in Iran, diabetes self-management education requires the use of tools that facilitate knowledge and contribute to the development of the skills and capacity necessary for self-care(77 Rasoul AM, Jalali R, Abdi A, Salari N, Rahimi M, Mohammadi M. The effect of self-management education through weblogs on the quality of life of diabetic patients. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019;19(1):205.
). In addition, ETs can help establish new behaviors and skills as well as enhance preexisting skills in relation to DM. The explanation lies in the fact that, in addition to allowing an intrinsic relationship between teaching and learning, they promote the applicability of new self-care standards(55 Gonçalves LC, Assis TV, Amorim ADGF, Ferreira ACVV, Farão EMD, Paiva ACPC. Use of educational technologies in the context of diabetes mellitus the repercussions on self-care: an integrative review. 2022;12(75):10237-50.

The use of interactive platforms to build care tools was identified in most of the selected studies(1818 Jafari J, Karlgren K, Moonaghi HK, Layegh P, Bonacina S, Masiello I. Designing internet-enabled patient education for self-management of T2D diabetes-the case of the Razavi-Khorasan province in Iran. PLoS One. 2021;16(4):e0250781.
, 1919 Tuah NM, Yoag A, Ahmedy F. MyDiabetes: the gamified application for diabetes self-management and care. Computers. 2021;10:50.
, 2222 Silva EM, Pena FPS, Guimarães ÁMS, Bastos MGB, Pena JLC, Rodrigues ÉTFA, et al. “Descomplica, dona bete”: construction of application on prevention of acute complications of diabetes mellitus. Enferm Foco [Internet]. 2020 [cited 22 Jan 2023];11(5). Available from
). Along with the importance of interactivity for care, a systematic review highlighted that access to interactive technologies by people with DM has generated positive impacts on changes in habits and lifestyle. The authors evaluated the effectiveness of avatar-based gamification applied to health education; and highlighted favors regarding self-management, self-efficacy, behavior change and improved knowledge about related diseases(2626 Wonggom P, Kourbelis C, Newman P, Du H, Clark AR. Effectiveness of avatar-based technology in patient education for improving chronic disease knowledge and self-care behavior: a systematic review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2019;7(6):1101-29.
). The benefits can be explained through the challenges contained in the games, which activate the dopaminergic system and, consequently, benefit players(2727 Nah FF-H, Eschenbrenner B, Claybaugh CC, Koob PB. Gamification of enterprise systems. Systems. 2019;7:13.
) by increasing the motivation and involvement of users with certain information(2828 Braga RA, Santiago AE, Brandão WC, Silva Filho AL, Cândido EBA. Gamification of health care. Rev Bras Tecnol Inform [Internet]. 2022 [cited 22 Dec 2022];4(1):17-28. Available from:

In this regard, it should be noted that around 29.4% of internet users use applications aimed at monitoring health, daily practice of physical exercise and nutrition. Among these applications, gamification with the interaction process as a reward has become similar to interactive games(2828 Braga RA, Santiago AE, Brandão WC, Silva Filho AL, Cândido EBA. Gamification of health care. Rev Bras Tecnol Inform [Internet]. 2022 [cited 22 Dec 2022];4(1):17-28. Available from:

An intervention study carried out in Iran showed the positive effect of self-care education through the weblog in improving the quality of life, Body Mass Index (BMI) and blood pressure of people with DM, due to the increased awareness of these people about the risks as well as about the forms of control and treatment(77 Rasoul AM, Jalali R, Abdi A, Salari N, Rahimi M, Mohammadi M. The effect of self-management education through weblogs on the quality of life of diabetic patients. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019;19(1):205.

Printed materials such as booklets(1616 Galdino YLS, Moreira TMM, Marques ADB, Silva FAA. Validation of a booklet on self-care with the diabetic foot. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72.
) and serial album(1515 Souza IC, Costa JS, Alencar MMSC, Monteiro PGA, Aquino PS, Castro RCMB. Construction and evaluation of a serial album for the prevention of foot complications in diabetics. Rev Rene. 2021;22:e61427.
) were also ETs identified in the analyzed studies. Regarding the use of these technologies, the authors highlighted the relevance of printed material for the context of chronic diseases(2929 Nunes YT, Vicente MC, Leite RBSM, Simões JC, Xavier BHSH, Manola CCV, Melo EBM. Construction of educational technology for infection control in health services. 2020;55(10):2869-75.
) and sensitization of individuals to self-responsibility and healthy lifestyle(3030 Gonçalves MS, Celedônio RF, Targino MB, Albuquerque TO, Flauzino PA, Bezerra NA, et al. Construção e validação de cartilha educativa para promoção da alimentação saudável entre pacientes diabéticos. Rev Bras Promoc Saúde. 2019;32:1-9.

In the scope of audiovisual production, an article(1414 Menezes LGC, Guedes MVC, Oliveira SKP, Rocha RM, Pinheiro AKB, Silva LF, et al. Production and validation of the short film Pés que te quero®: educational technology for people with diabetes. Rev Bras Enferm. 2022;75(5).
) used this ET. It should be noted that videos are an essential element for communication, storage, and transfer of information, use, production, and mass sharing(2424 Tuma F. The use of educational technology for interactive teaching in lectures. Ann Med Surg. 2021;62.
). In this context, nurses can develop validated technologies such as educational videos to promote playful educational practices(3131 Lopes JL, Baptista RCN, Domingues TAM, Ohl RIV, Barros ALBL. Development and validation of a video on bed baths. Rev Latino-Am Enferm. 2020;28:e3329.
), adaptable to different scenarios and facilitating the involvement of individuals in treatment(1616 Galdino YLS, Moreira TMM, Marques ADB, Silva FAA. Validation of a booklet on self-care with the diabetic foot. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72.

In turn, the applications were recurring technologies, in this review, as tools to deal with the problem at hand. Similarly, a study carried out in Australia, which analyzed the experiences of people with chronic diseases in the self-management process, pointed out that mobile applications have great visual representation, encourage self-motivation and, sometimes, have an easy-to-use design. They also facilitate health education actions aimed at monitoring glucose, food, and other self-care actions. In addition, health professionals who discuss care themes through apps encourage self-reflection on diabetes control(3232 Jeffrey B, Bagala M, Creighton A, Leavey T, Nicholls S, Wood C, et al. Phone applications and their use in the self-management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a qualitative study among app users and non-app users. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2019;11:84.
). However, a review study showed that there is a reduced number of applications that allow the interaction between the person with DM and health professionals in monitoring the self-management of the health condition(3333 Marcelo CAS, Coutinho MAP, Lara CR, Paraizo CMS, Fava SMCL. Mobile applications on diabetes mellitus: narrative review. J Health Inform [Internet]. 2020 [cited 22 Dec 2022];12(2):64-7. Available from:

In addition, it is important to highlight that five of the studies from this review focused on health prevention and reduction of microvascular and macrovascular complications caused by DM, especially foot ulcers due to peripheral neuropathy. In this context, it is important to note that people with diabetes who have developed foot ulcers have a high risk of amputation and a considerable reduction in life expectation(3434 Lin C, Liu J, Sun H. Risk factors for lower extremity amputation in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: a meta-analysis. PloS One. 2020;5(9):e0239236.
). For this reason, the implementation of preventive actions, interdisciplinary monitoring, and health education activities can minimize this complication by 44% to 85% and thus reduce the risk of amputation(3535 Schaper NC, Van Netten JJ, Alpelqvist J, Bus SA, Hinchliffe RJ, Lipsky BA. IWGDF Editorial Board. Pratical guidelines on the prevention end management of diabetic foot disease (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020;36(suppl 1):e3266.
). Both national and international literature indicate that low socioeconomic status and low education are predisposing factors for amputations(3636 Barnes JA, Eid MA, Creager MA, Goodney PP. Epidemiology and risk of amputation in patients with diabetes mellitus and peripheral artery disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2020;40(8):1808-17.
, 3737 Reis JMC, Wanzeller RRM, Meireles WM, Andrade MC, Gomes VHGA, Arrais JAA, et al. Demographic and socioeconomic profiles of patients admitted with diabetic foot complications in a tertiary hospital in Belém, Pará. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2020;47:e2020260.

Thus, several technological tools have been used to improve engagement and participation in learning sessions. In this context, collaborative and continuous efforts are necessary to identify or create the appropriate ET for an efficient education(2424 Tuma F. The use of educational technology for interactive teaching in lectures. Ann Med Surg. 2021;62.
). In this regard, the different uses of educational technologies for people with DM are shared and integrated to facilitate learning, so that the adherence of these individuals can interrupt the fragilities of knowledge in relation to the essence of self-care(66 Foster M, Xiong W, Quintiliani L, Hartmann CW, Gaehde S. Preferences of older adult veterans with heart failure for engaging with mobile health technology to support self-care: qualitative interview study among patients with heart failure and content analysis. JMIR Form Res. 2022;6(12):e41317.

However, it is necessary to emphasize that only the international studies(1818 Jafari J, Karlgren K, Moonaghi HK, Layegh P, Bonacina S, Masiello I. Designing internet-enabled patient education for self-management of T2D diabetes-the case of the Razavi-Khorasan province in Iran. PLoS One. 2021;16(4):e0250781.
, 1919 Tuah NM, Yoag A, Ahmedy F. MyDiabetes: the gamified application for diabetes self-management and care. Computers. 2021;10:50.
, 2020 Vluggen S, Candel M, Hoving C, Schaper NC, Vries H. A web-based computer-tailored program to improve treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(2):e18524.
) of this sample emphasized behavior change and other themes necessary to promote self-care, such as: physical exercise, healthy eating, glycemic control and professional support. In this sense, although scientific productions on DM are frequent in the national context, it was observed that the focus is on preventing complications of the disease. Therefore, considering the complexity of care for a chronic condition and the expanded concept of health, with a view to comprehensive care, it is necessary to develop educational actions and resources with emphasis on health promotion(3838 Buss PM, Hartz ZMA, Pinto LF, Rocha CMF. Health promotion and quality of life: a historical perspective of the last two 40 years (1980-2020). Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2020;25:4723-35.

Study limitations

The limitation of this study was the publication period, which may have restricted the reach of a greater number of articles.

Contributions to the area

Among the main potentialities of this review, we highlight the gap identified regarding the use of educational technologies focused on behavior change, an essential condition to be encouraged to promote self-care, especially by the Family Health Strategy team for people with chronic conditions.


The educational technologies to promote self-care in people with diabetes identified in this study were: printed technologies, interactive technologies, mobile applications, telemonitoring, simulation and audiovisual production. It was found that there is a need for robust evidence on educational technologies to promote self-care for people with diabetes.

  • EDITOR IN CHIEF: Álvaro Sousa
    ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Hugo Fernandes


To the Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES).

    This study whas financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.


  • 1
    International Diabetes Federation (IDF). IDF Diabetes Atlas[Internet]. 9th ed. Brussels: IDF; 2019 [cited 2023 Jan 12]. Available from:
  • 2
    Santos IM, Lima EAC, Pimentel JO, Almeida IJS, Souza VP. Knowledge and attitudes of users with Diabetes Mellitus on a specialized outpatient clinic. REAS [Internet]. 2020 [cited 22 Jan 2023];12(12):e4148. Available from:
  • 3
    Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening[Internet]. Genebra, Suíça: OMS; 2019 [cited 22 Jan 2023];12(12):e4148. Available from:
  • 4
    Allegrante J P, Wells MT, Peterson JC. Interventions to support behavioral self-management of chronic diseases. Ann Rev Public Health. 2019;40.
  • 5
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 Feb 2023
  • Accepted
    04 Aug 2023
  • Corrected
    08 Feb 2024
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