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Calcium and Boron Foliar Application in the Production and Quality of Zucchini Seeds


Although there are fertilization recommendations for the cultivation of zucchini, there are just few researches about the effects of nutrients in seed production. Calcium and boron have a low mobility in plants, and some researches recommend foliar application for these nutrients. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the foliar application of calcium and boron in the production and quality of zucchini seeds. The experimental design was randomized blocks with seven replications. Four treatments were evaluated: only calcium (0.2%) application, only boron (0.1%) application, combined application of calcium (0.2%) and boron (0.1%) and the control (without calcium and boron.) The following characteristics were evaluated: number of pollen grains per flower, hundred seeds weight; seed number and weight per fruit and seed physiological quality (germination; first germination count and speed of germination index - SGI). Only boron application reduced the number of seeds produced per fruit. The combined foliar application of calcium and boron, in addition to reducing the number of seeds, also reduced SGI. The calcium only application increased the amount of pollen per flower (superior to all other treatments) and also the number of seeds per fruit (compared to the combined application of calcium + boron), without affecting the quality of the zucchini seeds. So, it can be recomended the aplication of Ca during zucchini flowering for seed production.

Cucurbita pepo L.; germination; pollen; seed vigor


  • The application of Ca or B does not affect the germination of zucchini seeds.

  • The application of Ca in zucchini increases the number of pollen grains per flower.

  • The production of zucchini seeds is favored by the application of Ca.


  • The application of Ca or B does not affect the germination of zucchini seeds.

  • The application of Ca in zucchini increases the number of pollen grains per flower.

  • The production of zucchini seeds is favored by the application of Ca.


Seed quality guarantees better germination, rapid and uniform emergence and vigorous seedling growth, which can even increase the yield and quality of the commercial product [11 Finch-Savage WE, Bassel GW. Seed vigour and crop establishment: extending performance beyond adaptation. J Exp Bot. 2016 Feb;67(3):567-91.,22 Atkinson JL, McCarty LB, Yelverton F, McElroy S, Bridges WC. Doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora ) response to environmental resource availability and cultural Practices. Weed Sci. 2019 Mar 25;67(2):214-20.]. Thus, vegetable producers demand high quality seeds, even more in hybrid seeds that have high value.

Plant nutrition is one factor that can affects seed quality because, during their development, the nutrients are translocate to the fruits and seeds, being used as synthesis and reserve material. In this context, during the reproductive phase, plants have a higher nutritional requirement, being critical during seed formation, when stored compounds will have an influence on formation of the embryo and, consequently, in seed vigor [33 Kano C, Cardoso AII, Villas Boas R, Higuti A. [Lettuce seed germination from plant cultivated with different phosphorus levels]. Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. 2011 Jul 12;32(2):591-8.,44 Magro FO, Cardoso AII, Fernandes DM. [Organic compost in physiological potential of broccoli seeds after storage]. Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. 2012 Jun 29;33(3):1033-40.].

Although there are studies and fertilization recommendations for commercial cultivation of various vegetables, there are few studies about the effects of nutrients on seed production and quality [55 Bardiviesso EM, Lanna NBL, Aguilar AS, Bezerra SRB, Pelvine RA, Freitas PGN, et al. Production and quality of zucchini seeds after applying sulphur as top dressing and organic compost at planting. Aust J Crop Sci. 2020 Jul 20;14(14(7):2020):1064-71.].

Calcium (Ca) and boron (B) are nutrients of great importance on pollen germination, pollen tube growth, flower fixation and seed production [66 Malavolta E, Vitti GC, Oliveira SA. [Assessment of the nutritional status of plants: principles and applications]. 2nd ed. Piracicaba: Potafos; 1997. 319 p.

7 Cardoso AII. [Nutrition and fertilization in vegetable seed production fields]. In: Nascimento WM, editor. [Vegetables: seed production technology]. Brasília: Embrapa Hortaliças; 2011. p. 109-34.
-88 Leite RFC, Schuch LOB, Dos Santos Amaral A, Tavares LC. [Rice seed yield and quality as a function of boron fertilization]. Rev Bras Sementes. 2011;33(4):785-91.]. However, due to the distribution of Ca and B in the plant being preferably via xylem, the rate of redistribution for the fruits and seeds is very low [99 Olle M, Bender I. Causes and control of calcium deficiency disorders in vegetables: a review. J Hortic Sci Biotechnol. 2009 Jan 7;84(6):577-84.

10 Miwa K, Fujiwara T. Boron transport in plants: co-ordinated regulation of transporters. Ann Bot. 2010 Jun 25;105(7):1103-8.
-1111 Yoshinari A, Takano J. Insights into the mechanisms underlying boron homeostasis in plants. Front Plant Sci. 2017 Nov 17;8:1951.].

Despite the importance of these nutrients, there was not found researches about boron and calcium application in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed production, an economic expressiveness Brazilian vegetable. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the foliar application of calcium and boron on the production and quality (germination and vigor) of zucchini seeds.


The experiment was conducted in a protected environment, at Sítio Modelo, belonging to the School of Agriculture (FCA) of Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu Campus - SP. The greenhouse structure is of the arch type with 7.0 x 40.0 m, covered by transparent, low density polyethylene (LDPE) film, 150µm thick and anti-aphidic screen on the sides.

The plants were grown in 13-liter pots. The soil used showed the following chemical characteristics: pH(CaCl2)= 4.2; organic matter= 9 g dm-3; P= 2 mg dm-3; H+Al= 31 mmolc dm-3; K= 0,6 mmolc dm-3; Ca= 3 mmolc dm-3; Mg= 1 mmolc dm-3; sum of bases (SB)= 4 mmolc dm-3; CEC= 36 mmolc dm-3 and base saturation (V)= 12 %. Liming was carried out 30 days before the implementation of the experiment, using calcitic limestone (PRNT = 88%), to increase base saturation to 80%. Liming, planting and cover fertilization were carried out, according to the recommendation of Bulletin 100 [1212 Raij B V, Cantarella H, Quaggio JA, Furlani AM. [Fertilization and liming recommendations for the State of São Paulo]. Campinas: Instituto Agronômico and Fundação IAC; 1997.175 p.].

Cultivar Caserta was used. Sowing (September 10, 2018) was carried out in polypropylene trays of 162 cells, containing substrate for vegetables. The transplantation was done when the seedlings had the second leaf (October 01, 2018).

The experimental design used was randomized blocks, with four treatments and seven replications. The treatments were constituted by the only calcium application, only boron application, combined calcium and boron application and the control treatment (without application of calcium and/or boron). Each experimental unit was consisted by three pots containing one plant each one.

Calcium and boron were applied at a concentration of 0.2 and 0.1%, respectively. Calcium chloride, which contains 27% Ca, and boric acid, which contains 17% B, were used as the source of calcium and boron, respectively. The foliar applications were made with a costal sprayer, in the morning (between 7:30 am and 8:30 am). Applications were carried out on alternate days, starting when the first flower buds appeared (October 09, 2018), and ending when most fruits were 20 cm long.

Considering that some of the possible effects of Ca and B are the increase in the production of pollen grains, so that the effect on the production and / or quality of pollen grains is not “spread” by insects with pollination of flowers from different plots, manual pollination was performed only among flowers from the same plot, according to the methodology described by Cardoso and Souza Neto [1313 Cardoso AII, Souza Neto IL. [Pumpkin, zucchini and pumpkin squash breeding]. In: Nick C, Borém A, editors. [Vegetables breeding]. Viçosa: Editora UFV; 2016. p. 61-94.]. To carry out this manual pollination, the tips of the petals of the selected male and female flower buds, still closed, were tied with a red wool the afternoon before the crossing, so that the pollination could be done the next morning. Pollination was done by leaning the anthers of one male flower on the stigma of one female flower, leaving all the pollen attached. The female flowers that were open at the time of pollination and the smallest male flowers were discarded, because they were considered non-standard.

After pollination, the date of the crossing was identified with a tag tied to the peduncle of the female flower and this was protected with a paper bag. Pollinations were performed on three female flowers per plant. After fruit set, some fruits have been removed leaving only one fruit per plant for evaluating seed production per fruit without competition between fruits in the plants, which can be an important factor that interferes with seed quality.

Weed control was performed whenever it is necessary, manually. To management powdery mildew fungicide based on metiram (550 g kg-1) more pyraclostrobin (50 g kg-1) was used. Drip irrigation was performed twice a day (9 am and 4 pm).

Fruit harvests started when it reached the ripe stage characterized by yellowish color, followed by resting of 15 days to complete seed maturation [1313 Cardoso AII, Souza Neto IL. [Pumpkin, zucchini and pumpkin squash breeding]. In: Nick C, Borém A, editors. [Vegetables breeding]. Viçosa: Editora UFV; 2016. p. 61-94.]. The seed extraction was done manually, cutting the fruits in the longitudinal direction, washing the seeds on sieves with water and, then, placed on clay dishes to dry during approximately 24 hours. After this process, the seeds were placed in paper bags and stored in a dry chamber (40% RH and 20ºC), in order to uniform the water content in approximately 8%. After this period, the seeds were subjected to cleaning to remove the “empty and damaged seeds” with the aid of the seed separator by density (model 'De Leo Tipo 1'), as described by Cardoso and Pavan [1414 Cardoso AII, Pavan MA. Premunization affecting fruits and seed production in zucchini squash. Hortic Bras. 2013 Mar;31(1):45-9.]. These classified seeds were used for production and quality assessments, discarding empty and damaged.

The following evaluations were made: a) number of pollen grains per flower, according to methodology adapted from Nogueira and coauthors [1515 Nogueira PV, Fernandes da Silva D, Pio R, Silva PA de O, Bisi RB, Balbi RV. Pollen germination and boric acid applying in loquat flower buds. Bragantia. 2015 Mar;74(1):9-15.], being evaluated five flower buds in the pre-anthesis stage per plot; b) weight of seeds per fruit: after the extraction, drying and processing of the seeds of each fruit, the weight was obtained through scale (precision of 0.0001 g); c) number of seeds per fruit: obtained by counting the seeds of each fruit; d) hundred seeds weight: eight replications of 100 seeds were sampled and the weight was evaluated using a scale (precision of 0.0001 g) [1616 Brasil. [Rules for seed analysis]. Brasília: Mapa/AC. 2009. 399 p.]; e) germination: four samples of 50 seeds for each plot were used. The seeds were placed on paper towel substrate (Germitest) moistened with distilled water in a ratio of 2.5 times its dry weight. The paper rolls were kept in a germinator at 25 C, according to the methodology of the Seed Analysis Rules [1616 Brasil. [Rules for seed analysis]. Brasília: Mapa/AC. 2009. 399 p.], and the number of normal seedlings was counted on the 8th days after sowing (DAS), expressed as percentage of germination; f) first germination count: the number of normal seedlings on the 4th DAS on the germination test described was used as a vigor test, expressed as a percentage; g) speed of germination index (SGI): daily observations were made after installing the germination test, counting the number of seeds germinated per day and calculating the SGI [1717 Maguire JD. Speed of Germination-aid in selection and evaluation for seedling emergence and vigor 1. Crop Sci. 1962 Mar;2(2):176-7.].

The data were submitted to Lilliefors tests, for normality, and Cochran and Bartlett tests, for homogeneity of variances and, when significant, analysis of variance was performed and and Tukey test (p < 0.05) was used to compare averages.


The isolated or combined application of calcium and boron did not affect seed weight per fruit or hundred seeds weight (Figure 1A and 1B). The observed values of hundred seeds weight (average 12.4g) are similar to those reported by Lima and coauthors [1818 Lima MS de, Cardoso AII, Verdial MF. Plant spacing and pollen quantity on yield and quality of squash seeds. Hortic Bras. 2003 Sep;21(3):443-7.] of 12.3g, when they used the amount of pollen equivalent to a male flower in manual pollination of one female flower, that is, the same amount used in this research and with the same cultivar Caserta. However, the seed weight per fruit (average 31 g) was greater than the average reported by Lima and coauthors [1818 Lima MS de, Cardoso AII, Verdial MF. Plant spacing and pollen quantity on yield and quality of squash seeds. Hortic Bras. 2003 Sep;21(3):443-7.] (21 g).

The application of B promoted a lower number of seeds per fruit, even when associated with calcium (Figure 1C). The combined application of Ca and B may have promoted antagonism between these nutrients, since the increase of Ca in plant tissue reduces the translocation of B [1919 Gupta UC. Boron Nutrition Of Crops. Adv Agron. 1980, 31:273-307.], and the deficiency of B alters the translocation of Ca to the stem and fruit [2020 Yamauchi T, Hara T, Sonoda Y. Distribution of calcium and boron in the pectin fraction of tomato leaf cell wall. Plant Cell Physiol. 1986 Jun;27(4):729-32.,2121 Ramón AM, Carpena-Ruiz RO, Gárate A. The effects of short-term deficiency of boron on potassium, calcium, and magnesium distribution in leaves and roots of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants. In: Plant Nutrition - physiology and applications. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 1990. p. 287-90.]. Ca isolation resulted in a greater number of seeds per fruit, when compared to treatments with B (Figure 1C). Probably, the greatest number of seeds was achieved by the greatest number of pollen grains resulting from the treatment with calcium application, which was approximately twice that of the treatment with combined application of calcium and boron (Figure 1D). In the genus Cucurbita, it has been reported that the greater the amount of pollen, the greater the seed production [1818 Lima MS de, Cardoso AII, Verdial MF. Plant spacing and pollen quantity on yield and quality of squash seeds. Hortic Bras. 2003 Sep;21(3):443-7.,2222 Cardoso AII. Manual pollination of summer squash: effects on fruit and seed production. Hortic Bras. 2005 Jul;23(3):731-4.]. Nakada-Freitas and coauthors [2323 Nakada-Freitas PG, dos Santos JT, Hidalgo GF, dos Anjos LVS, de Souza EP, Martins IR, et al. Calcium in the production and quality of cauliflower seeds. Res Soc Dev. 2021 Feb 22;10(2):e44710212763.] related higher seed production per plant in cauliflower with application of calcium.

Figure 1
Weight of seeds per fruit (A), hundred seeds weight (B), number of seeds per fruit (C) and number of pollen grains per flower (D) of zucchini in function of foliar application of calcium and boron. Means followed by same letters do not differ each other by Tukey´s test (p<0,05).

Boron is indispensable during seed formation, as it acts in the process of pollen grain formation and in pollen tube growth [88 Leite RFC, Schuch LOB, Dos Santos Amaral A, Tavares LC. [Rice seed yield and quality as a function of boron fertilization]. Rev Bras Sementes. 2011;33(4):785-91.]. Its deficiency leads to floral abortion and poor seed formation. However, it is the micronutrient that has the narrowest limit between deficiency and toxicity [66 Malavolta E, Vitti GC, Oliveira SA. [Assessment of the nutritional status of plants: principles and applications]. 2nd ed. Piracicaba: Potafos; 1997. 319 p.], which may explain the deleterious effect on the formation of pollen grains and, consequently, seeds. There are no recommendations for doses and frequency of foliar application of this micronutrient in zucchini and, probably, the dose and/or frequency used were excessive, causing toxicity. However, it is worth mentioning that the use of boron in zucchini needs further studies, considering that, perhaps, the cultivar Caserta is more sensitive than others genotypes, in addition to the dose and frequency not being adequate.

For seed germination, there were no differences among treatments, with an average of 93% (Figure 2A). The germination values obtained are much higher than the minimum required by MAPA for marketing zucchini seeds, which is 80%. However, according to Cardoso and coauthors [2424 Cardoso AII, Peñalosa P, Nascimento WM. [Cucumber seed production]. In: Nascimento WM, editor. [Vegetables: seed production technology]. Brasília: Embrapa Hortaliças; 2014. p. 139-65.], considering the competitiveness among companies in the seed market, these official standards are out of step with that practiced in the professional market, making it difficult to sell hybrid seeds with germination lesser than 90% in cucurbits. However, even with this pattern, the excellent quality of the seeds obtained is observed.

Regarding to seeds vigor, the first germination count did not show differences among treatments, with an average of 92% (Figure 2B). Already to speed of germination index (SGI), the treatment with application of calcium and boron was inferior to the control (Figure 2C), showing that the two nutrients together harmed the vigor of the seeds. On the other hand, the application of only calcium or boron did not differ from the control, showing that isolated they did not benefit or harm the vigor of the seeds.

The lowest seed quality obtained in the treatment with application of calcium and boron may be related to the smaller amount of pollen grains. Whereas Lima and coauthors [1818 Lima MS de, Cardoso AII, Verdial MF. Plant spacing and pollen quantity on yield and quality of squash seeds. Hortic Bras. 2003 Sep;21(3):443-7.] observed lower production and quality (germination and vigor) of seeds in 'Caserta' zucchini when using less pollen grains in manual pollination. Davis and coauthors [2525 Davis LE, Stephenson AG, Winsor JA. Pollen competition improves performance and reproductive output of the common zucchini squash under field conditions. J Am Soc Hortic Sci. 1987;112:712-6.] observed that pumpkin seeds produced with a larger amount of pollen grains showed faster germination.

Figure 2
Germination (A), germination fist count (B) and speed of germination index (C) of zucchini seeds in function of foliar application of calcium and boron. Means followed by same letters do not differ each other by Tukey´s test (p<0,05).

Boron is very important to fruit and seed formation process, because it acts in cell walls formation, cell division, pollen grain germination, flowering and fruit formation. Its deficiency causes low fertilization of flowers, fall of flower buds and reduction in the number of fruits. In the reproductive phase, this micronutrient deficiency reduces male-fertility due to the damage to microsporogenesis and the subsequent growth of the pollen tube [2626 Javorski M, Rinaldi LK, Miranda J, Simonetti APM, Moreira GC. Seed yield of corn as a function of foliar fertilization with calcium and boron on growth stage (V6). Cultivando o Saber. 2015;8(2):132-42.] and also causes malformation of fruits and seeds. However, it is worth mentioning that the boron has a narrow gap between deficiency and toxicity [66 Malavolta E, Vitti GC, Oliveira SA. [Assessment of the nutritional status of plants: principles and applications]. 2nd ed. Piracicaba: Potafos; 1997. 319 p.], which can explain the results of this research with zucchini, that is, probably toxicity due to excess boron. The foliar application of boron reduced the number of seeds produced per fruit (Figure 1) and, when applied together with calcium, in addition to reduce seed production, it also harmed vigor, assessed by the GSI (Figure 2).

Calcium, like boron, is an essential nutrient for fertilization and fixation of flowers and fruits. Calcium deficiency impairs the germination of pollen grains [2727 Malho R, Trewavas AJ. Localized apical increases of cytosolic free calcium control pollen tube orientation. Plant Cell. 1996 Nov 1;1935-49.] and causes apical rot in fruits in some species, including Cucurbitas.

Despite the importance of calcium, this nutrient is a little accumulated in the seeds, a fact that it is probably related to little mobility in the plant by phloem. According to Kano and coauthors [2828 Kano C, Cardoso AII, Villas Bôas RL. Macronutrient content in lettuce affected by potassium side dressing. Hortic Bras. 2010 Sep;28(3):287-91.], its accumulation in the seeds must occur only by absorption and transport during seed maturation, without redistribution of the senescent leaves to the seeds. Lanna and coauthors [2929 Lanna NBL, Bardiviesso EM, Tavares AEB, Silva PN de L, Nakada-Freitas PG, Noda SBH, Cardoso AII. Castor bean cake in top-dressing application as a source of nitrogen on the production and quality of zucchini organic seeds. Biosci J. 2020 Dec 30;36(Supplement 1):130-42.] observed that calcium was the least accumulated macronutrient in 'Caserta' zucchini seeds. However, its application resulted in a greater quantity of pollen grains per flower (Figure 1), which may favor greater seed production, mainly in manual pollinations used both in the production of seeds of some hybrids and in breeding [1313 Cardoso AII, Souza Neto IL. [Pumpkin, zucchini and pumpkin squash breeding]. In: Nick C, Borém A, editors. [Vegetables breeding]. Viçosa: Editora UFV; 2016. p. 61-94.,2222 Cardoso AII. Manual pollination of summer squash: effects on fruit and seed production. Hortic Bras. 2005 Jul;23(3):731-4.].

For the breeder, a greater amount of pollen in manual pollination, in addition to favoring greater seed production, may result in the indirect selection of progenies with greater productive potential. Cardoso [2222 Cardoso AII. Manual pollination of summer squash: effects on fruit and seed production. Hortic Bras. 2005 Jul;23(3):731-4.] reported that after two manual crossing cycles with a greater amount of pollen grains, seeds obtained generated plants with greater productive potential. There are reports that when there is a large amount of pollen grains on the stigma, they compete with each other and the most vigorous prevail in the fertilization of ovules, resulting in more vigorous seeds. Davis and coauthors [2525 Davis LE, Stephenson AG, Winsor JA. Pollen competition improves performance and reproductive output of the common zucchini squash under field conditions. J Am Soc Hortic Sci. 1987;112:712-6.] and Hormaza and Herrero [3030 Hormaza JI, Herrero M. Male gametophytic selection as a plant breeding tool. Sci Hortic (Amsterdam). 1996 Aug;65(4):321-33.] considered that the breeder when using large quantities of pollen grains establish competition capable of selecting the most vigorous ones. Thus, for the breeder, there is the possibility of selecting more vigorous populations only by exposing the female flowers to a large amount of pollen, without the need for large areas, only taking advantage of the intense competition among pollen grains [2525 Davis LE, Stephenson AG, Winsor JA. Pollen competition improves performance and reproductive output of the common zucchini squash under field conditions. J Am Soc Hortic Sci. 1987;112:712-6.]. So, the foliar application of Ca can result in greater amount of pollen grains per male flower used in a manual pollination.


The foliar application of calcium and boron, in an only or combined, does not affect the seed quality of zucchini. Although, calcium increases the production of pollen grains per flower, showing to be a promise treatment for production of zucchini seeds.

  • Funding: This research was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grant number 142044/2016-4.


  • 1
    Finch-Savage WE, Bassel GW. Seed vigour and crop establishment: extending performance beyond adaptation. J Exp Bot. 2016 Feb;67(3):567-91.
  • 2
    Atkinson JL, McCarty LB, Yelverton F, McElroy S, Bridges WC. Doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora ) response to environmental resource availability and cultural Practices. Weed Sci. 2019 Mar 25;67(2):214-20.
  • 3
    Kano C, Cardoso AII, Villas Boas R, Higuti A. [Lettuce seed germination from plant cultivated with different phosphorus levels]. Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. 2011 Jul 12;32(2):591-8.
  • 4
    Magro FO, Cardoso AII, Fernandes DM. [Organic compost in physiological potential of broccoli seeds after storage]. Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. 2012 Jun 29;33(3):1033-40.
  • 5
    Bardiviesso EM, Lanna NBL, Aguilar AS, Bezerra SRB, Pelvine RA, Freitas PGN, et al. Production and quality of zucchini seeds after applying sulphur as top dressing and organic compost at planting. Aust J Crop Sci. 2020 Jul 20;14(14(7):2020):1064-71.
  • 6
    Malavolta E, Vitti GC, Oliveira SA. [Assessment of the nutritional status of plants: principles and applications]. 2nd ed. Piracicaba: Potafos; 1997. 319 p.
  • 7
    Cardoso AII. [Nutrition and fertilization in vegetable seed production fields]. In: Nascimento WM, editor. [Vegetables: seed production technology]. Brasília: Embrapa Hortaliças; 2011. p. 109-34.
  • 8
    Leite RFC, Schuch LOB, Dos Santos Amaral A, Tavares LC. [Rice seed yield and quality as a function of boron fertilization]. Rev Bras Sementes. 2011;33(4):785-91.
  • 9
    Olle M, Bender I. Causes and control of calcium deficiency disorders in vegetables: a review. J Hortic Sci Biotechnol. 2009 Jan 7;84(6):577-84.
  • 10
    Miwa K, Fujiwara T. Boron transport in plants: co-ordinated regulation of transporters. Ann Bot. 2010 Jun 25;105(7):1103-8.
  • 11
    Yoshinari A, Takano J. Insights into the mechanisms underlying boron homeostasis in plants. Front Plant Sci. 2017 Nov 17;8:1951.
  • 12
    Raij B V, Cantarella H, Quaggio JA, Furlani AM. [Fertilization and liming recommendations for the State of São Paulo]. Campinas: Instituto Agronômico and Fundação IAC; 1997.175 p.
  • 13
    Cardoso AII, Souza Neto IL. [Pumpkin, zucchini and pumpkin squash breeding]. In: Nick C, Borém A, editors. [Vegetables breeding]. Viçosa: Editora UFV; 2016. p. 61-94.
  • 14
    Cardoso AII, Pavan MA. Premunization affecting fruits and seed production in zucchini squash. Hortic Bras. 2013 Mar;31(1):45-9.
  • 15
    Nogueira PV, Fernandes da Silva D, Pio R, Silva PA de O, Bisi RB, Balbi RV. Pollen germination and boric acid applying in loquat flower buds. Bragantia. 2015 Mar;74(1):9-15.
  • 16
    Brasil. [Rules for seed analysis]. Brasília: Mapa/AC. 2009. 399 p.
  • 17
    Maguire JD. Speed of Germination-aid in selection and evaluation for seedling emergence and vigor 1. Crop Sci. 1962 Mar;2(2):176-7.
  • 18
    Lima MS de, Cardoso AII, Verdial MF. Plant spacing and pollen quantity on yield and quality of squash seeds. Hortic Bras. 2003 Sep;21(3):443-7.
  • 19
    Gupta UC. Boron Nutrition Of Crops. Adv Agron. 1980, 31:273-307.
  • 20
    Yamauchi T, Hara T, Sonoda Y. Distribution of calcium and boron in the pectin fraction of tomato leaf cell wall. Plant Cell Physiol. 1986 Jun;27(4):729-32.
  • 21
    Ramón AM, Carpena-Ruiz RO, Gárate A. The effects of short-term deficiency of boron on potassium, calcium, and magnesium distribution in leaves and roots of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants. In: Plant Nutrition - physiology and applications. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 1990. p. 287-90.
  • 22
    Cardoso AII. Manual pollination of summer squash: effects on fruit and seed production. Hortic Bras. 2005 Jul;23(3):731-4.
  • 23
    Nakada-Freitas PG, dos Santos JT, Hidalgo GF, dos Anjos LVS, de Souza EP, Martins IR, et al. Calcium in the production and quality of cauliflower seeds. Res Soc Dev. 2021 Feb 22;10(2):e44710212763.
  • 24
    Cardoso AII, Peñalosa P, Nascimento WM. [Cucumber seed production]. In: Nascimento WM, editor. [Vegetables: seed production technology]. Brasília: Embrapa Hortaliças; 2014. p. 139-65.
  • 25
    Davis LE, Stephenson AG, Winsor JA. Pollen competition improves performance and reproductive output of the common zucchini squash under field conditions. J Am Soc Hortic Sci. 1987;112:712-6.
  • 26
    Javorski M, Rinaldi LK, Miranda J, Simonetti APM, Moreira GC. Seed yield of corn as a function of foliar fertilization with calcium and boron on growth stage (V6). Cultivando o Saber. 2015;8(2):132-42.
  • 27
    Malho R, Trewavas AJ. Localized apical increases of cytosolic free calcium control pollen tube orientation. Plant Cell. 1996 Nov 1;1935-49.
  • 28
    Kano C, Cardoso AII, Villas Bôas RL. Macronutrient content in lettuce affected by potassium side dressing. Hortic Bras. 2010 Sep;28(3):287-91.
  • 29
    Lanna NBL, Bardiviesso EM, Tavares AEB, Silva PN de L, Nakada-Freitas PG, Noda SBH, Cardoso AII. Castor bean cake in top-dressing application as a source of nitrogen on the production and quality of zucchini organic seeds. Biosci J. 2020 Dec 30;36(Supplement 1):130-42.
  • 30
    Hormaza JI, Herrero M. Male gametophytic selection as a plant breeding tool. Sci Hortic (Amsterdam). 1996 Aug;65(4):321-33.
Editor-in-Chief: Bill Jorge Costa
Associate Editor: Bill Jorge Costa

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Sept 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 Jan 2022
  • Accepted
    23 May 2022
Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar Rua Prof. Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 3775 - CIC, 81350-010 Curitiba PR Brazil, Tel.: +55 41 3316-3052/3054, Fax: +55 41 3346-2872 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil