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Characterization of self-inflicted violence committed by older people in southern Brazil from 2009 to 2016



To describe the characteristics of older people who committed self-inflicted violence, reported in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in southern Brazil, from 2009 to 2016.


This is a retrospective, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, and with secondary data. The variables in relation to the sociodemographic characteristics of the places and means of violence were selected based on the notification forms. Variables were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis using simple frequency and proportion (%), stratified by age group (60-69 years; 70-79 years; 80 years or more) and confidence intervals were performed (95%CI). Statistical significance was tested using the chi-square test (χ22 Figueiredo AEB, da Silva RM, Vieira LJES, Mangas RMN, de Sousa GS, Freitas JS, et al. É possível superar ideações e tentativas de suicídio? Um estudo sobre idosos. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015;20(6):1711-9. Disponível em: and considered the value of p≤0.05.


The results showed that, in the southern region of Brazil, the profile of older people who committed self-inflicted violence are predominantly aged 60 to 69 years (61.3%), male (56.1%), white (90.9%), with low educational level (56.3%) and married (54.0%). Among the states, Rio Grande do Sul recorded the highest number of notifications (50.7%), urban areas (81.8%) and residences/collective housing (90.2%) predominated as places of occurrence. The most used means of violence were hanging (29.9%) and poisoning (24.9%). The occurrence of two outcomes was observed, repetition (31.5%) of self-inflicted violence and death records (43.8%).


The outlining of the epidemiological profile, in the southern region of Brazil, identified groups of older people who need more attention in the actions of prevention and occurrence of self-inflicted violence, being male older people, younger and with low education.

Violence; Suicide Attempted; Elderly; Health Information Systems



Descrever as características das pessoas idosas que cometeram violência autoprovocada, notificados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) na região Sul do Brasil, de 2009 a 2016.


Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem quantitativa, retrospectivo, descritivo e com dados secundários. As variáveis em relação as características sociodemográficas dos locais e dos meios de agressão foram selecionadas com base nas fichas de notificação. As variáveis foram submetidas à análise estatística descritiva por meio de frequência simples e proporção (%), foi estratificado por faixa etária (60-69 anos; 70-79 anos; 80 anos ou mais) e realizado os intervalos de confiança (IC95%). A significância estatística foi testada através do teste qui-quadrado (χ22 Figueiredo AEB, da Silva RM, Vieira LJES, Mangas RMN, de Sousa GS, Freitas JS, et al. É possível superar ideações e tentativas de suicídio? Um estudo sobre idosos. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015;20(6):1711-9. Disponível em: e considerado o valor de


Os resultados mostraram que, na região Sul do Brasil, o perfil das pessoas idosas que cometeram violência autoprovocada são predominantemente de 60 a 69 anos (61,3%), do sexo masculino (56,1%), cor de pele branca (90,9%), com baixo nível educacional (56,3%) e casadas (54,0%). Entre os estados, o Rio Grande do Sul registrou o maior número de notificações (50,7%), predominaram como local de ocorrência a zona urbana (81,8%) e a residência/habitação coletiva (90,2%). Os meios de agressão mais utilizados foram o enforcamento (29,9%) e o envenenamento (24,9%). Observou-se a ocorrência de dois desfechos, a repetição (31,5%) da violência autoprovocada e os registros de óbitos (43,8%).


O delineamento do perfil epidemiológico, na região Sul do Brasil, identificou grupos de pessoas idosas que necessitam de maior atenção nas ações de prevenção e ocorrência da violência autoprovocada, sendo eles os idosos do sexo masculino, mais jovens e com baixa escolaridade.

Violência; Tentativa de Suicídio; Idoso; Sistemas de Informação em Saúde


Aging is a dynamic, individual, irreversible process that promotes a progressive decline in physiological functions that interfere with the organic and functional capacity of older people11 de Sousa ANV, Marquette FR. Envelhecimento da população brasileira: avanço legislativo e o compromisso social. Rev Univap. 2018;24(45):34-47. Disponível em: .. These changes can be perceived positively or negatively by older people, that is, their life history will determine future behaviors, which for many may culminate in self-inflicted violence22 Figueiredo AEB, da Silva RM, Vieira LJES, Mangas RMN, de Sousa GS, Freitas JS, et al. É possível superar ideações e tentativas de suicídio? Um estudo sobre idosos. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015;20(6):1711-9. Disponível em:

Thus, self-inflicted violence can be understood as that which occurs when a person practices the conscious action of self-destruction, which is subdivided into suicidal behavior and self-harm. The first includes suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicides; while self-harm encompasses acts such as self-mutilation and self-injury, from mild to severe forms33 Organização Mundial da Saúde. Relatório Mundial sobre Violência e Saúde. Genebra: OMS; 2002..

Therefore, suicide attempts are understood to be the deliberate act of taking one’s own life, but without carrying it out44 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Política Nacional de Humanização da Atenção e Gestão do SUS. Acolhimento e classificação de risco nos serviços de urgência. Brasília, DF: MS; 2009.. Some authors consider that there is a fine line between ideation, attempt and suicide, although there is a need to understand that ideation and attempts can be alternated55 Teixeira SMO, Souza LEC, Viana LMM. O suicídio como questão de saúde pública. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2018;31(3):1-3. Disponível em:

Trying to explain the reasons why a person commits self-inflicted violence or wants to do so comes from a range of elements that influence this behavior, such factors come from personal, social, psychological, cultural, biological and environmental situations66 World Health Organization. Preventing suicide: a global imperative. Genève: WHO; 2014.. In general, people who commit self-inflicted violence are experiencing a feeling of impossibility in identifying alternatives for solving their conflicts33 Organização Mundial da Saúde. Relatório Mundial sobre Violência e Saúde. Genebra: OMS; 2002.. Cavalcante et al.77 Cavalcante FG, Minayo MCS, Mangas RMN. Diferentes faces da depressão no suicídio em idosos. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2013;18(10):2985-94. Disponível em: ., report that the older population has the same behaviors as other age groups related to the difficulties in solving their conflicts, as such difficulties come from different social factors88 Mellqvist M, Wiktorsson S, Joas E, Ostling S, Skoog I, Waern M. Sense of coherence in elderly suicide attempters: the impact of social and health-related factors. Int Psychogeriatr. 2011;23(6):986-93. Disponível em: ..

It is estimated that suicide attempts are up to four times greater than suicides for people aged 60 years or more, and may reach the limit ratio of one act for one death22 Figueiredo AEB, da Silva RM, Vieira LJES, Mangas RMN, de Sousa GS, Freitas JS, et al. É possível superar ideações e tentativas de suicídio? Um estudo sobre idosos. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015;20(6):1711-9. Disponível em: The risk of death increases as the number of suicide attempts increases, as well as being associated with shorter time intervals between one act of violence and another99 Zhang W, Ding H, Su P, Xu Q, Du L, Xie C, et al. Prevalence and risk factors for attempted suicide in the elderly: a cross-sectional study in Shanghai, China. Int Psychogeriatr. 2016;29(5):709-15. Disponível em: ..

Regarding self-inflicted death, an average of 11 thousand people take their own lives per year in Brazil. The southern region of Brazil concentrates 23% of suicide cases in the national territory1010 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Perfil epidemiológico das tentativas e óbitos por suicídio no Brasil e a rede de atenção à saúde. Brasília, DF: MS; 2017.. The suicide rate in this same region in 2012 for people aged 60 years and over was 16 per 100,000 inhabitants1111 Machado DB, dos Santos DN. Suicídio no Brasil, de 2000 a 2012. J Bras Psiquiatr. 2015;64(1):45-54. Disponível em: .. Regarding suicides, science has already quantified numbers related to older people, but there is a lack of studies involving this population when referring to suicide attempts1212 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Viva: instrutivo notificação de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada. Brasília, DF: MS; 2016..

Thus, self-inflicted violence in older people is a social and public health problem, as there is an urgent need to invest in studies on the subject, since there is a lack of published research with this population in the southern region of Brazil.

In Brazil, one of the possibilities to establish epidemiological results regarding self-inflicted violence is using the national database of the Surveillance System for Interpersonal and Self-Inflicted Violence (VIVA/SINAN), which is fed by notifications made by health professionals or institutions1212 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Viva: instrutivo notificação de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada. Brasília, DF: MS; 2016.. More than just producing quantifiable data on self-inflicted violence, there is a need to provide professionals and health authorities with knowledge about the reality of older people in a contextualized way in order to enable the creation of new public policies1313 Grigoletto AP, Souto VT, Terra MG, Tisott ZL, Ferreira CN. Tentativas de suicídio notificadas em um hospital de ensino no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 2014-2016. Rev Pesqui. 2020;12:447-53. Disponível em: .,1414 Cabral DVS, Pendloski J. Mortalidade por suicídio em idosos: uma análise do perfil epidemiológico no sul do Brasil. Rev Uningá. 2016;47(2):19-24.. Therefore, we aimed to describe the characteristics of older people who committed self-inflicted violence, reported in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in southern Brazil from 2009 to 2016.


This is a study with a quantitative, descriptive, retrospective approach, with secondary data. The notifications of self-inflicted violence among the older people studied are concentrated in the southern region of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná), from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2016. The Older People statute1515 Brasil. Lei no. 10.741, de 01 de outubro de 2003. Dispõe sobre o Estatuto do Idoso e dá outras providências. 2003. Disponível em:
considers as an older person in Brazil, the one who turns sixty or more years old, so this was the target population of this study.

According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics1616 Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Projeções e estimativas da população do Brasil e das Unidades da Federação [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE; 2018. Disponível em: .
, the projection of the older population in the southern region of Brazil in the year 2025 will correspond to 6,047,338 people. The percentage perspective for the older population, referring to the mentioned year, will be approximately 18% for the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina and 22% for Rio Grande do Sul.

The period studied was delimited from 2009 to 2016, due to the notifications of violence having been entered in SINAN in 2009 and in 2016 due to the availability of the database being consolidated by the Ministry of Health (MS). The selection of the variables present in the study was based on the Individual Notification/Investigation Forms of Domestic, Sexual and/or other Violence, published in 2008 and the Individual Interpersonal/Self-provoked Violence Notification Form, published in 2015. Changes made by the MS in 2015 were considered, and most of the data were chosen in common in the two notification models1111 Machado DB, dos Santos DN. Suicídio no Brasil, de 2000 a 2012. J Bras Psiquiatr. 2015;64(1):45-54. Disponível em: .. The selected variables, from the forms, aimed to respond to the study objectives.

We chose to separate the variables into sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, skin color, education and marital status), location (federal unit, area of occurrence, place of occurrence and shift of occurrence) and violence (means of violence, repeated violence and evolution), of the older people who committed self-inflicted violence.

In the 2008 notification form, the evolution field was present, which registered the outcome of the case, including death due to violence. The researchers understood that the inclusion of this data in the study was relevant, even though it was not included in the 2015 form. In this study, it was decided to use all notifications of self-inflicted violence by older people present in the database, even if some are not fully completed.

The variables were extracted from the national database of the SINAN system between November and December 2019 and submitted to descriptive statistical analysis, using simple frequency and proportion (%), stratified by age group (60-69 years; 70-79 years; 80 years or more) and confidence intervals were performed (95%CI). Statistical significance was tested using the chi-square test (χ22 Figueiredo AEB, da Silva RM, Vieira LJES, Mangas RMN, de Sousa GS, Freitas JS, et al. É possível superar ideações e tentativas de suicídio? Um estudo sobre idosos. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015;20(6):1711-9. Disponível em: and considered the value of p≤0.05.

The database was requested by a researcher from the research group on Violence and Health at the Federal University of Santa Catarina through the information access system, and provided by the Health Surveillance Department of the Ministry of Health, after signing the term of responsibility for cession of the databases of the health surveillance department, with the approval of the General Coordination of Surveillance of Non-Communicable Diseases. As for ethical care, the research used secondary data, so it did not need to be submitted to the ethics committee due to the resolution of the National Health Council (CNS) 510/2016, article 1, sole paragraph and subparagraph V, states that research with databases, whose information is aggregated, without the possibility of individual identification, are not registered and passed on to the Research Ethics Committee/National Research Ethics Committee (CEP/CONEP).


A total of 2,290 SINAN notifications of self-inflicted violence by older people in the South of Brazil between 2009 and 2016 were analyzed. The average age of older people was 68.9 years, with 43.9% female and 56.1% male. 90.9% declared themselves as white and 5.9% as brown, of which 6.3% had zero to four years of education, followed by 28.6% who had five to eight years of education; these characteristics prevail in the three age stratifications. 54.0% declared themselves married or in a stable relationship and 23.0% widowed, it is noted that married people predominate in the three stratified age groups. These information are found in table 1.

Table 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of older people who committed self-inflicted violence, notified in SINAN. (N=2,290). Southern Region. Brazil. 2009-2016.

Table 2 describes the characteristics of the places where self-inflicted violence among older people occurred in the southern region of Brazil. The state of Rio Grande do Sul registered 50.7% of notifications, followed by Santa Catarina 27.1% and finally Paraná with 22.2%, showing that the state of Rio Grande do Sul has the highest percentage of records of self-inflicted violence in the three stratified age groups. Self-inflicted violence occurred predominantly in urban or peri-urban areas, with 81.8% of registered cases. The place with the highest occurrence of self-inflicted violence recorded was residence/collective housing with 90.2%. The time of occurrence was 33.3% in the morning and in the afternoon with 33.1%.

Table 2
Characteristics of places where self-inflicted violence was committed by older people notified to SINAN. (N=2,290). Southern Region. Brazil. 2009-2016.

Table 3 refers to the characteristics of the means of violence used by older people in self-inflicted violence, with hanging with 29.9%, poisoning 24.9%, piercing object 11.5%, body strength/beating 6.4% and firearm 6.2%. It was recorded that 31.5% of cases of self-inflicted violence were repeated. 397 older people (43.8%) died as a result of self-inflicted violence, 203 (51.3%) aged 60 to 69 years, 126 (31.7%) aged 70 to 79 years and 68 (17.1%) of 80 years or more.

Table 3
Characteristics of the means of violence of self-inflicted violence committed by older people notified in SINAN. (N=2,290). Southern Region. Brazil. 2009-2016.


In this study, the sociodemographic profile of older people who committed self-inflicted violence reported on SINAN in southern Brazil was characterized. The main results show that the predominant age group was 60-69 years old, male, white-skinned people, low education level and married.

In this context, the age group with the highest occurrence of self-inflicted violence among older people proved to be at the beginning of the aging cycle. The literature1717 Schmutte T, Olfson M, Xie M, Marcus SC. Deliberate self-harm in older adults: A national analysis of US emergency department visits and follow-up care. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019;34(7):1058-69. Disponível em: . emphasizes that as age advances, the lethality of suicide attempts increases, as the aging process is multifactorial, promoting anatomical and functional changes in the body1818 de Oliveira JMB, Vera I, Lucchese R, Silva GC, Tomé EM, Elias RA. Aging, mental health, and suicide. Envelhecimento, saúde mental e suicídio. Revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(4):488-98. Disponível em:, naturally, as age advances, the body is more fragile and susceptible to external actions.

Regarding gender, in the southern region of Brazil, the male individual was the main author of self-inflicted violence, a study carried out in São Paulo, Capital, found similar data1919 Armond JE, Armond RE, Pereira TC, Chinaia C, Vendramini TL, Rodrigues CL. Self-injury and suicide attempt among the elderly population in the city of São Paulo. J Bras Psiquiatr. 2017;66(2):83-8. Disponível em: ., however, other researches showed that women in the studied age group present greater attempts to take their own lives than men1717 Schmutte T, Olfson M, Xie M, Marcus SC. Deliberate self-harm in older adults: A national analysis of US emergency department visits and follow-up care. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019;34(7):1058-69. Disponível em: .

18 de Oliveira JMB, Vera I, Lucchese R, Silva GC, Tomé EM, Elias RA. Aging, mental health, and suicide. Envelhecimento, saúde mental e suicídio. Revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(4):488-98. Disponível em:

19 Armond JE, Armond RE, Pereira TC, Chinaia C, Vendramini TL, Rodrigues CL. Self-injury and suicide attempt among the elderly population in the city of São Paulo. J Bras Psiquiatr. 2017;66(2):83-8. Disponível em: .

20 Aravena JM, Gajardo J, Saguez R. Salud mental de hombres mayores en Chile: una realidad por priorizar. Rev Panam Salud Pública. 2019;42:1-1. Disponível em: .

21 Corona MB, Alfonso SK, Cuéllar LL, Hernández SM, Serra LS. Caracterización de la Conducta suicida en Cuba, 2011-2014. Rev Haban Cienc Méd. 2017;16(4):612-24. Disponível em: .
-2222 Gokcellia DK, Tasar PT, Akcama NO, Sahinb S, Akarcac FK, Aktasd KO, et al. Evaluation of attempted older adults suicides admitted to a University Hospital Emergency Department: Izmir study. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017;30:196-99. Disponivel em: ..

The hierarchies of social power between the sexes follow the demands of patriarchy, that is, a model that highlights the authority of men over women and children2323 Figueiredo WS. Assistência à saúde dos homens: um desafio para os serviços de atenção primária. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2005;10(1):105-9. Disponível em: .. Older women were referred in a process not to realize their basic needs, however their obligations were in favor of taking care of the other, whether husband, children or family members. Masculinity and virility are terrifying conflicts for older men, when they step away from work, from the familiar social position of providers that is imposed by the social hierarchical power. In this line of thought, older males are victims of this social model, which does not allow and does not forgive showing vulnerability2424 Meneghel SM, Gutierrez DMD, Silva RMda, Grubits S, Hesler LZ, Ceccon RF. Suicídio de idosos sob a perspectiva de gênero. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2012;17(8):1983-92. Disponível em: ..

In the last IBGE Census2525 Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Censo Brasileiro de 2010. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE; 2012., 78.3% of the population in the southern region of Brazil declared themselves white, followed by 16.7% brown. This information may be related to the result of this study, as the number of notifications was predominantly in white (91.0%) and brown (5.9%) people. Other Brazilian studies that address the theme of self-inflicted violence in older people reported that the victims were of mixed race/color, followed by whites1818 de Oliveira JMB, Vera I, Lucchese R, Silva GC, Tomé EM, Elias RA. Aging, mental health, and suicide. Envelhecimento, saúde mental e suicídio. Revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(4):488-98. Disponível em:,2626 Vilela AP, da Silva WP. A intoxicação exógena como método nas tentativas e suicídio entre os idosos. Rev Saúde. 2018;12(1):33-40. Disponível em: .,2727 Gomes AV, Cardoso PKB, Rocha FCV, Carvalho CMS, Sales MCV. Perfil sociodemográfico de idosos vítimas de suicídio em um estado do Nordeste do Brasil. Rev Baiana Enferm. 2018;32:1-9. Disponível em: .. It is known that the processes of skin color identification are subjective, complex, multifaceted, involving historical and sociocultural factors2828 Kabad J F, Bastos JL, Santos RV. Raça, cor e etnia em estudos epidemiológicos sobre populações brasileiras: revisão sistemática na base PubMed. Physis. 2012; 22(3):895-918. Disponível em: .
. In addition to these factors, the greater concentration of whites in the southern region is explained by the colonization process in that region. Colonized mainly by German, Italian and Polish immigrants, in the southern region, the phenotypic characteristics and cultural preferences of the inhabitants are very close to European standards, including with regard to the predominantly white skin color2929 Proença BT, Soligo AF. O não-lugar do sujeito negro na educação brasileira. Rev Iberoam Educ. 2015;68(2):31-48. Disponível em: ..

As for the aspect of schooling, this is an important factor to measure the characteristics of a society. The educational level of the studied population predominated with low educational level, information that corroborates the national and international literature1919 Armond JE, Armond RE, Pereira TC, Chinaia C, Vendramini TL, Rodrigues CL. Self-injury and suicide attempt among the elderly population in the city of São Paulo. J Bras Psiquiatr. 2017;66(2):83-8. Disponível em: .,2626 Vilela AP, da Silva WP. A intoxicação exógena como método nas tentativas e suicídio entre os idosos. Rev Saúde. 2018;12(1):33-40. Disponível em: .,2727 Gomes AV, Cardoso PKB, Rocha FCV, Carvalho CMS, Sales MCV. Perfil sociodemográfico de idosos vítimas de suicídio em um estado do Nordeste do Brasil. Rev Baiana Enferm. 2018;32:1-9. Disponível em: .,3030 Barceló JS, Cruz JP, Traba BP, Iglesias JMC, González JB, Álvarez RM. Perfil de los intentos de suicídio em personas mayores de 65 años del área sanitária de Santiago de compostela em el período de 2015 a 2017. Inf Psiquiátr. 2018;(235):89-107.. The low educational level of older people increases the probability of a low socioeconomic level, which can harm individual, family and social life, and may be a triggering factor for self-inflicted violence, as it hinders aging with dignity3131 Seleghim MR, Bellasalma ACM, Mathias TAF, de Oliveira MLF. Caracterização das tentativas de suicídio entre idosos. Cogitare Enferm. 2012;17(2):277-283..

Surveys conducted in Turkey and Colombia with older people corroborate the epidemiological data of this study, which pointed out that most self-inflicted, non-fatal violence occurred with people who were married or who lived in a stable relationship2222 Gokcellia DK, Tasar PT, Akcama NO, Sahinb S, Akarcac FK, Aktasd KO, et al. Evaluation of attempted older adults suicides admitted to a University Hospital Emergency Department: Izmir study. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017;30:196-99. Disponivel em: .,3232 Monak IAO, Agudelo SAF, Ortiz JOG. Caracterización sociodemográfica de los suicidas adultos mayores de 60 años: Bogotá 2003-2007. Rev Colomb Psiquiatr. 2013;42(1):56-64. Disponível em: .. Understanding the cultural aspect of the southern region of Brazil, it is necessary to point out that when older people got married they assumed an indissoluble commitment, a decision made for life3030 Barceló JS, Cruz JP, Traba BP, Iglesias JMC, González JB, Álvarez RM. Perfil de los intentos de suicídio em personas mayores de 65 años del área sanitária de Santiago de compostela em el período de 2015 a 2017. Inf Psiquiátr. 2018;(235):89-107..

Regarding the characteristics of violence, the state of Rio Grande de Sul was the one with the highest number of records of notifications for self-inflicted violence. A study carried out in that state showed an annual and gradual increase in cases of self-inflicted violence in the population studied, from 85/100,000 in 2005 to 149/100,000 in 20133333 Conte M, Cruz CW, da Silva CG, de Castilho NRM, Nicolella ADR. Encontros ou Desencontros: histórias de idosos que tentaram suicídio e a Rede de Atenção Integral em Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015;20(6):1741-49. Disponível em: .. When self-inflicted violence results in death in older people, the South of Brazil is the region with the highest rates, especially Rio Grande do Sul1414 Cabral DVS, Pendloski J. Mortalidade por suicídio em idosos: uma análise do perfil epidemiológico no sul do Brasil. Rev Uningá. 2016;47(2):19-24.,3434 Pinto LW, de Assis SG, Pires TO. Mortalidade por suicídio em pessoas com 60 anos ou mais nos municípios brasileiros no período de 1996 a 2007. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2012;17(8):1963-72. Disponível em ..

Regarding the location, the highest incidence of occurrences occurred in the urban area, other researchers found equivalent findings2626 Vilela AP, da Silva WP. A intoxicação exógena como método nas tentativas e suicídio entre os idosos. Rev Saúde. 2018;12(1):33-40. Disponível em: .. This data is understood when observing the Brazilian population concentration, since the largest number of people reside in urban areas2525 Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Censo Brasileiro de 2010. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE; 2012.. Added to this fact, it is known that in urban centers there is a concentration of health services3535 Arruda NM, Maia AG, Alves LC. Desigualdade no acesso à saúde entre as áreas urbanas e rurais do Brasil: uma decomposição de fatores entre 1998 a 2008. Cad Saúde Pública. 2018;34(6):1-14. Disponível em: .. Another relevant information, regarding the location, is that self-inflicted violence occurred predominantly in the residence/collective housing, corroborating other studies1818 de Oliveira JMB, Vera I, Lucchese R, Silva GC, Tomé EM, Elias RA. Aging, mental health, and suicide. Envelhecimento, saúde mental e suicídio. Revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2018;21(4):488-98. Disponível em:,2222 Gokcellia DK, Tasar PT, Akcama NO, Sahinb S, Akarcac FK, Aktasd KO, et al. Evaluation of attempted older adults suicides admitted to a University Hospital Emergency Department: Izmir study. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017;30:196-99. Disponivel em: .,2727 Gomes AV, Cardoso PKB, Rocha FCV, Carvalho CMS, Sales MCV. Perfil sociodemográfico de idosos vítimas de suicídio em um estado do Nordeste do Brasil. Rev Baiana Enferm. 2018;32:1-9. Disponível em: ..

As for the means of violence used for self-inflicted violence, hanging was chosen by the majority of the sample in question, there are also studies on suicide among older people reporting that this is the most used method2121 Corona MB, Alfonso SK, Cuéllar LL, Hernández SM, Serra LS. Caracterización de la Conducta suicida en Cuba, 2011-2014. Rev Haban Cienc Méd. 2017;16(4):612-24. Disponível em: .,2727 Gomes AV, Cardoso PKB, Rocha FCV, Carvalho CMS, Sales MCV. Perfil sociodemográfico de idosos vítimas de suicídio em um estado do Nordeste do Brasil. Rev Baiana Enferm. 2018;32:1-9. Disponível em: .. From this perspective, it is observed that the most used means of violence produces different outcomes.

It was possible to find important outcomes in this study through the notifications: the high percentage of repetition of cases of self-inflicted violence in older people and the 397 deaths. This last information was included in the notification form until 2015, if the field was kept, in the current form, the value could be higher.

A limitation found in this study stems from the probable underreporting of cases of self-inflicted violence, as many cases do not reach the health services for adequate care, as self-inflicted violence is a taboo for society, the victim’s family and the victims themselves3434 Pinto LW, de Assis SG, Pires TO. Mortalidade por suicídio em pessoas com 60 anos ou mais nos municípios brasileiros no período de 1996 a 2007. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2012;17(8):1963-72. Disponível em ..

This is a descriptive work, which does not propose to demonstrate associations between the variables of older people who committed self-inflicted violence in southern Brazil. The ability to determine possible causal interferences and to extrapolate the results to other populations is limited.


The study presented data that, for the most part, corroborate international and national research on self-inflicted violence with older people, therefore, it is noted that there is similarity in the profile of victims, places and means of violence used. With a delineated epidemiological profile, it becomes possible to identify the risk factors at an early stage and, in this way, prevent attempts at self-inflicted violence from occurring.

The data presented here encourage public policies for the prevention and promotion of self-inflicted violence to be carried out within the Unified Health System and the network responsible for the care of older people. Further research on the subject is suggested so that further studies can occur on self-inflicted, non-fatal violence committed by older people, as this subject still lacks studies.

  • Funding: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES). Nº do processo: 88882.437675/2019- 01. Bolsa de Mestrado.


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Edited by

Edited by: Tamires Carneiro de Oliveira Mendes

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 Sept 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 June 2021
  • Accepted
    18 Aug 2021
Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil