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1 1 This work is part of a line of research known as Terminology, developed by the Program in Linguistic Studies at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP / São José do Rio Preto, SP.

Terminology; Bilingual Terminological Dictionary; Microstructure; Real Estate Lease Agreements


1 1 Este trabalho se insere na linha de pesquisa Terminologia, do Programa de Estudos Linguísticos, da Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP / São José do Rio Preto, SP.

Terminologia; Dicionário terminológico bilíngue; Microestrutura; Contratos de locação de imóveis


Commercial and cultural relations between Brazil and France are intense. French companies settle in Brazil and vice versa, students from both countries cross the Atlantic to join exchange programs and internships, and these academic or commercial relationships lead entrepreneurs, company employees, merchants and students to lease properties when they move to the other country. To do so, they sign real estate lease agreements, and understanding them well is obviously an imperative condition. When leasing is done by institutions or companies, there is often a need for legal translations of these documents.

Based on this situation, there is a demand for translations, including sworn translations, of real estate lease agreements in the French-Portuguese language pair, and thus a growing demand for terminological works that may help translators in this task.

To that end, we have developed a proposal2 2 The French-Portuguese Dictionary of Terms from Real Estate Lease Agreements, DFPCLI, presented here arises from a doctoral research funded by Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP, completed in 2017 at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho / UNESP, São José do Rio Preto. for a dictionary of terms used in real estate lease agreements entitled French-Portuguese Dictionary of Terms from Real Estate Lease Agreements, hereafter DFPCLI3 3 The complete work is at the library of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho / UNESP, São José do Rio Preto. , aimed at translators’ needs. This work aims at contributing to the development of terminological studies in Brazil and clearing the communication between Brazilian and French landlords and tenants, and mainly providing a useful tool for translators’ job.

The theory supporting our investigation has a descriptive nature, especially the Communicative Terminology Theory (TCT). Our reflections have been initiated with an analysis of the specialists’ communication reflected in real estate lease agreements, in order to collect the French terms and their Portuguese equivalent terms that make up DFPCLI. Once observed in the corpus, all terminological data related to the terms comprising the dictionary was recorded in our entries in order to provide the translator with a faithful and up-to-date picture of the terminology used by experts in those documents.


The DFPCLI was generated from French and Portuguese real estate lease agreements. All the documents composing our corpus were taken from web and real estate agencies and law firm websites. Then we have designed two corpora (Fr-Pt) with those documents for collecting the terms that make up the list of terms in French, as well as their equivalents in Portuguese.

The survey of terminological data4 4 Part of our research related to terminological data collection of the French terms was carried out during an internship in France, at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 with the guidance of Professor Isabelle de Oliveira and financial support of FAPESP with a Fellowship for Research Internships Abroad (BEPE). was carried out using a wide bibliography of the real estate lease area in Brazil and France, as well as Law and Economics dictionaries and our corpus of agreements.

In this paper, we present results related to the microstructure of DFPCLI, i.e., the information set composing the entries. Since our terminographic dictionary targets translators, we identified the main information searched by these professionals when using a bilingual dictionary.

In order to create our proposed microstructure we considered evaluations given by our target audience, which are detailed below.

Translators’ Main Needs When Checking a Dictionary

Terminographic work is necessarily a result of combining various expectations, i.e., the ones of terminographers, publishers, market, and mostly of the target audience. Considering that professional translators are the main recipients of our dictionary of terms from real estate lease agreements, getting data on their main needs regarding the use of dictionaries was a premise of our project.

Given the relevance to our research, we mention here two works which served as a foundation to develop the microstructure of our dictionary: VoTec: a construção de vocabulários eletrônicos para aprendizes de tradução (VoTec: The Construction Of Electronic Vocabularies For Translation Learners), by Fromm (2007)FROMM, G. VoTec: a construção de vocabulários eletrônicos para aprendizes de tradução. 2007. 215f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, São Paulo, 2007., and Dicionários na Teoria e na Prática – como e para quem são feitos (Dictionaries In Theory And In Practice - How And For Whom They Are Made), organized by Xatara, Bevilacqua, and Humblé (2011).

Fromm carried out an opinion poll of 177 translators, addressing several aspects of the use of dictionaries by these professionals, listing their needs and preferences. As a result, the author compiled a list of items considered important in bilingual dictionaries used by translators.

With regard to the information set of the dictionary microstructure, the author raised the following numbers: 10% of respondents only seek the equivalent of the lexical / terminological unit; 11% seek equivalent and definition; and 65% seek the equivalent, definition and an example of the lexical / terminological unit in use (FROMM, 2007FROMM, G. VoTec: a construção de vocabulários eletrônicos para aprendizes de tradução. 2007. 215f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, São Paulo, 2007.). For the majority of translators consulted (65%), therefore, the most sought information in a bilingual dictionary is: equivalent, definition and context of use of the lexical or terminological unit.

In parallel to these notes, the translators listened in the book Dicionários na Teoria e na Prática – como e para quem são feitos (XATARA; BEVILACQUA; HUMBLÉ, 2011) raised the following aspects of a dictionary as the most sought after in their everyday job:

  • meaning of lexical units and use confirmation (CARBONI, 2011CARBONI, C. S. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.161., p.161).

  • definitions, quotations, synonymy, antonymy (REUILLARD, 2011REUILLARD, P. C. R. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.170., p.170).

  • spelling confirmation, meaning, synonyms (BRIGHENTI, 2011BRIGHENTI, M. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.157., p.157).

  • meanings of the lexical unit, spelling, equivalent (COIMBRA, 2011COIMBRA, S. A. C. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.158., p.158).

  • spelling, meaning, grammatical class, context of use (HUFF, 2011HUFF, D. D. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.158., p.158).

  • meanings, equivalents and idioms and locutions (LANDO, 2011LANDO, I. M. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.159., p.159).

  • definition, equivalents, quotations (AZENHA JUNIOR, 2011AZENHA JUNIOR, J. Os usuários e suas demandas. In: XATARA, C.; BEVILACQUA, C. R.; HUMBLÉ, P. R. M (org.). Dicionários na teoria e na prática: como e para quem são feitos. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2011. p.162., p.162).

We have noted that both works have similarities regarding translators’ needs when using dictionaries, especially in relation to the importance of definition, contexts of use, semantic relations, equivalents, spelling, and grammatical class. Other aspects pointed out by professional translators indicate that their queries in dictionaries also aim at verifying the existence of synonyms. Based on these data and in an effort to meet the needs highlighted by the target audience of our dictionary, we developed the microstructure of DFPCLI.

The Proposed Microstructure

Microstructure of a terminographic work is the structure of the entry, its internal organization. For our dictionary, we designed two types of entries, the main one, whose headword is a privileged term very common in our corpus, and the referral one, whose headword is a variant form, less used in the documents reviewed. In this work, we will only present the development process of main entries of DFPCLI.

Our proposed microstructure consists of four macro-fields:

Macro-field 1 presents the French term and the terminological data related to it, i.e.: grammatical category / definition / context, which we consider permanent paradigms since they appear in all entries; and other denominations / note / referral, which are considered occasional paradigms in this work, since they only appear when there is such information for the term described in the entry;

Macro-field 2 presents the Portuguese equivalent term and the terminological data related to it in Portuguese (it is the same terminological data set which composes Macro-field 1);

Macro-field 3, where information about issues relating to equivalence is entered, to the extent that the terms may have some kind of difference in the two cultures; and finally

Macro-field 4, where we record the classification symbol of the term, which refers to its position in the conceptual system.

We can see this data arranged in the following example entry:

Macro-field 15 Assemblée des Copropriétaires n.f. Définition Dans tout immeuble divisé en appartements ayant des propriétaires distincts, il existe une assemblée de copropriétaires, qui doit se réunir une fois par an au moins et se prononcer sur les questions importantes qui dépassent la compétence du syndic. Seule, l’assemblée peut modifier le règlement de copropriété. Les décisions sont prises à une majorité différente suivant leur nature et leur importance. (LEMEUNIER, 1988, p.30). Contexte Ces charges, taxes et impositions donneront lieu au versement d’une provision trimestrielle payable au bailleur en même temps que chacun des termes de loyer, le décompte définitif étant établi tous les ans après approbation des comptes par l’assemblée des copropriétaireset au vu des comptes définitifs. (CCLIF) Macro-field 26 Equivalente em português Assembleia geral s.f. Definição Assembleia geral é a reunião de condôminos, prévia e regularmente convocada, de acordo com o determinado em Lei e na Convenção, para apreciar e deliberar sobre assuntos de interesse do Condomínio. (CARVALHO, 1985, p.49). Contexto O edital de convocação, mesmo sumariamente, deve indicar com clareza os assuntos a serem debatidos, indicando ainda, obrigatoriamente, o local, dia e hora da realização daAssembleia Geral, em primeira e segunda convocações. (CARVALHO, 1985, p.51). Outras denominações Var. Assembleia de condomínio Permite agora a lei que o locatário tenha voz e voto nasassembleias de condomínio, ordinárias ou extraordinárias, o que vai produzir maior integração entre os que residem no edifício, independentemente de sua condição. (SOUZA, 2014, p.418). Nota A assembleia geral pode se dividir em ordinária e extraordinária, a primeira realiza-se todo ano, com a deliberação a respeito das despesas ordinárias do condomínio (impostos trabalhistas dos prestadores de serviços, salários, relativas a consumo de luz, água, gás, esgoto, dedetização e limpeza das áreas comuns, aparelhos hidráulicos e de proteção contra incêndio, manutenção de elevadores, etc.), as extraordinárias ocorrem conforme necessidade, por convocação do Síndico ou Conselho consultivo, para deliberar sobre assuntos graves e urgentes. (CARVALHO, 1985, p.50-51). Nenhum dos equivalentes em português ocorre nos contratos de locação de imóveis brasileiros estudados, nem na Lei do Inquilinato brasileira. A forma privilegiada, no entanto, assembleia geral, é o termo utilizado no Código Civil Brasileiro, na parte referente aos condomínios. Além disso, é mais frequente na web, em uma proporção de 4 ocorrências da forma privilegiada para 1 da variante. Macro-field 37 Observações sobre equivalência O termo em francês se refere ao grupo de condôminos que formam a assembleia deliberativa. Em português, o termo denomina a reunião dos condôminos, evento no qual eles discutem, visando a resolução de questões pertinentes. Consideramos esses termos não como equivalentes absolutos, mas termos que funcionam na comunicação e recobrem os aspectos necessários para a recomposição do conteúdo do texto na outra língua. Macro-field 48 Lugar no sistema conceitual Source: Rodrigues (2017, p.98).9

The four macro-fields we have just described characterize the microstructure organization of the main DFPCLI entries. We describe below each of the parts that compose the macro-fields and their functions, detailing our terminological decisions considering the initial project and featuring other entry examples from our dictionary.

The French Term and Its Portuguese Equivalent Term

We propose that the entry term is highlighted (in bold) to make it easier for the user to view it. The term Assembly of co-owners10 10 In the original: Assemblée de copropriétaires in the example shown is the first information in Macro-field 1, and thus in the entry. Since the main query orientation of our work is from French to Portuguese, the term is presented in French, in alphabetical order.

The term that heads the entry is called privileged term, i.e., it is the one that has more occurrences in our corpus of real estate lease agreements. The variant or synonymous form11 11 The conceptual distinction between the terms variant and synonym adopted in our work will be discussed in “Other denominations” section of this paper. is the one that presents the least number of occurrences in our corpus and only appears in the entry under Other denominations12 12 In the original: “Outras denominações” field, as shown in Portuguese part of the example.

In Macro-field 2, the first information shown is the Portuguese equivalent term, General Meeting13 13 In the original: “Assembleia Geral” . It is highlighted in bold, so that it is quickly seen by the user.

The same criterion of use frequency for establishing privileged terms and variant or synonymous forms in French was adopted in the Portuguese part. Thus, the term presented as main equivalent, shown in micro-field Portuguese Equivalent Term14 14 In the original: “Equivalente em português” , is the one that has the highest number of occurrences in our corpus of real estate lease agreements compared to its variants and synonyms in Portuguese.

We believe it is important for translators to be aware of what forms are preferred in the type of document they are translating, so that they can make better translation choices and write a more usual target text in the given domain.

Grammatical category

Pointed out by translators as important information in a dictionary, the grammatical category is part of our microstructure model. We have chosen to select just nouns for our term set. Hence these nouns head the entries in our dictionary. Along with the grammatical category, we have added the gender of the term in both languages.

In the entry presented above, the information n.f. (nom féminin) comes right below the term Assemblée de copropriétaires, and s.f. (feminine noun) is below the Portuguese equivalent term General Meeting.

Gender information is crucial since it does not always match in both languages. For instance, here are some units from our terminological set:


abonnement n.m. assinatura s.f.

avenant n.m. adição s.f.

congé n.m. denúncia s.f.

échéance n.f. vencimento s.m.

expulsion n.f. despejo s.m.15 15 Translation: subscription; rider; notice; expiration; eviction.

The gender of these terms does not match in French and Portuguese. For example, French terms échéance and expulsion are feminine, while their Portuguese equivalents, respectively vencimento and despejo, are masculine. In the other cases, the opposite happens: masculine forms in French, abonnement, avenant and congé, are feminine in Portuguese, assinatura, adição and denúncia, respectively.

In the studied term set, we have also noted the existence of three pluralia tantum cases in French, i.e., terms that are always used in plural: arrhes (deposit), dépens (costs), and honoraires (fees). The Portuguese equivalents of these terms are also always used in plural: arras, custas, and honorários. These terms are recorded in our dictionary in plural form, unlike all other terms, which have been lemmatized in singular substantive form (base form).

Gender differences and cases of pluralia tantum can lead translators to make mistakes when writing the target text. Therefore, we believe it is highly important for these professionals that such cases are shown in entry structure.


In a terminographic work, the definition is one of the main elements sought by the translator, since it describes the semantic-conceptual content of the terms. For this reason, we entered the definition of the French term as the first information right after grammatical category, as we can see in Assemblée des copropriétaires entry aforementioned.

The arrangement of the definition in entry microstructure was determined according to the importance of this data to translators, who want to know the semantic-conceptual content of the term in source language and verify if it matches the meaning conveyed in their working text. Similarly, we have entered the definition of the Portuguese equivalent term right after the grammatical category data.

Placing the definition in macro-field relative to the equivalent term allows the user to make queries from Portuguese to French direction. Our terminographic project allows queries in both languages, since a list of Portuguese terms in alphabetical order is presented, which makes it easier to search in this language.

The definitions shown in DFPCLI were taken from specialized real estate lease works and Law and Economy dictionaries, since writing our own definitions was not one of our goals for our project, considering the limits, specially the deadlines, which restrain a doctoral research.

This decision, in turn, allowed us to work with definitions developed by experts in the referred domains, which we believe have given conceptual expertise to the information within the entries and, as a result, helped us focus on the main goal of our project, i.e., to develop the essential parts of our dictionary, whose microstructure we describe in this paper.

Context of Use

Translators consider that contexts of use are valuable in a dictionary because they show the real use of a term, which helps them to understand the term from a pragmatic, syntactic and semantic perspective. In the DFPCLI, contexts of use are taken from documents originally written in French and Portuguese by experts in the domain, i.e., from real estate lease agreements or reference works in the area.

We intend to provide translators with an example of the actual use of terms in both languages and advise them on possible differences when necessary. Here is an example:

LOCATAIRE [...] Contexte Lelocatairedéclare bien connaître les lieux ainsi que les équipements privatifs et communs dont ils bénéficient, pour les avoir visités en vue des présentes et reconnaît leur conformité avec les éléments ci-dessus mentionnés sans qu’il soit nécessaire d’en faire plus ample désignation. (CCLIF)16

As seen in Locataire entry, we show a context to the user, as well as the source from which it was taken with the acronym CCLIF (Corpus of French Real Estate Lease Agreements). However, some Portuguese equivalent terms do not appear in Brazilian real estate lease agreements, even though they exist in the terminology of the domain in Brazil. In such cases, we have chosen to provide a context from the bibliography specialized in real estate leasing.

Other Denominations

Micro-field Outras denominações (Other denominations) is intended to record the variant or synonymous forms of a term, being included both in Macro-field 1, relative to data about the French term, and Macro-field 2, relative to the equivalent term. According to the theoretical alignment of our research, the phenomenon of synonymy is absorbed within Terminology and accepted as a natural feature of a term set, just as it happens in general language. “It is necessary to acknowledge synonymy is a real phenomenon within natural specialized communication and provide criteria to establish the distinct value of units, if applicable.”17 17 In the original: “Tiene que admitir la sinonimia como un fenómeno real dentro de la comunicación especializada natural y aportar criterios para establecer el distinto valor de las unidades, si es este el caso.” (CABRÉ, 1999, p.122). (CABRÉ, 1999CABRÉ, M. T. La terminología: representación y comunicación: elementos para una teoría de base comunicativa y otros artículos. Barcelona: IULA, 1999., p.122). In this sense, cases of variation or synonymy have been recorded in our entries whenever our researches pointed to data of this nature.

It is worth specifying that we have used a distinction between the terms variant and synonym in our work. “We consider variant those terms that maintain the same linguistic base, with only some formal changes in spelling, morphological, syntactic order etc., in which it is still possible to recognize the main term. In short, there are two forms for the same term.”18 18 In the original: “Entendemos como variante aqueles termos que mantêm a mesma base linguística, com apenas algumas alterações formais de ordem ortográfica, morfológica, sintática etc., em que ainda seja possível reconhecer o termo principal. Em suma, são consideradas duas formas de um mesmo termo.” (RODRIGUES, 2017, p.58). (RODRIGUES, 2017RODRIGUES, K. Proposta de modelo de dicionário francês-português de contratos de locação de imóveis brasileiros e franceses. 2017. 306f. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos) – Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, 2017., p.58). On the other hand, we have considered synonyms the cases of “[…] two different terms that call the same concept, such as époux and conjoint, in which the units have a different linguistic base, represented in two different terms.”19 19 In the original: “[...] dois termos diversos que denominam o mesmo conceito, como époux e conjoint, em que as unidades apresentam base linguística diferente, configurando-se em dois termos diferentes.” (RODRIGUES, 2017, p.59). (RODRIGUES, 2017RODRIGUES, K. Proposta de modelo de dicionário francês-português de contratos de locação de imóveis brasileiros e franceses. 2017. 306f. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos) – Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, 2017., p.59).

Thus, we understand the phenomenon of variant as a linguistic expression that covers the same concept, but presents a change from the formal perspective in relation to the privileged term, keeping intact the essential core of a term, as in the following cases:

bail commercial - bail à usage commercial;

carte d’identité - carte nationale d’identité;

dommages et intérêts - dommages-intérêts. 20 20 Translation: commercial lease; identity card; losses and damages

There is a slight variation in the form of these terms, but their linguistic expressions are very similar. These are changes in peripheral elements of the linguistic expression, not in the main and core elements of the term structure.

There is also another very interesting type of variation in our findings. It is the acronym of an expanded form. Here are some cases found in our terminology:

Constat de risque d’exposition au plomb – CREP;

Diagnostic de performance énergétique – DPE;

Habitation à loyer modéré – HLM. 21 21 Translation: Certificate of Risk of Lead Exposure; Energy Efficiency Diagnosis; Public housing (freely translated)

These examples of variation are based on the formal aspect of the term, but more specifically on its reduced, abbreviated, brachigraphic character. This type of variant appears very often in our corpus, which leads to the need to register this form since the translator may come across an acronym and may not recognize the expanded form of the term in the context. Here is an example:

CONSTAT DE RISQUE D’EXPOSITION AU PLOMB [...] Autres dénominations Var. CREP Un dossier de diagnostic technique comprenant un diagnostic de performance énergétique (DPE) et pour les biens concernés un état des risques naturels, miniers et technologiques et un constat de risque d’exposition au plomb (CREP). (CCLIF)22

In this example, we can see the brachiographic variant CREP recorded in Autres dénominations micro-field. The variant or synonymous forms recorded in this micro-field appear as headwords in related entries in our dictionary.

The variants usually have some aspect of their meaning that is different from the privileged form according to the specific contexts of use in which they occur, users who use them, time and place the communication happens. We want these specific characteristics of each variant to be clear for translators, not only by explicitly recording sociolinguistic and cultural differences, but also by indicating a context where the variant is being used. We decided to record the context of the variant form in the same micro-field because we consider it more practical for the user to quickly see a real example of the variant in use.

Another important piece of information we also recorded in this field is the occurrence of synonymous forms. Although we know there is a conceptual difference between synonyms (interchangeability of concepts in all contexts) and quasi-synonyms (interchangeability in specific contexts), we adopted the word synonyms since we have taken into account the reading habit of dictionary users in Brazil. Let’s see it:

BAIL [...] Autres dénominations Syn. contrat de location Le propriétaire est tenu de délivrer au locataire le logement en bon état de réparations de toute espèce et les équipements mentionnés aucontrat de locationen bon état de fonctionnement. (CCLIF)23

The terms bail and contrat de location (lease agreement) in real estate lease agreements cover the same concept. The difference identified between them in the studied domain is restricted to a pragmatic question, since the latter is much less frequent than its correlate.

However, only mentioning the synonymy is insufficient for the translator, who also needs data on the difference, especially the pragmatic one, between the privileged term and its synonym. In fact, although we do not make theoretical distinction between synonyms, quasi-synonyms and variants in our dictionary, the pragmatic distinction is highly valuable to translators.

For this reason, we have proposed the micro-field nota (note) as part of the entry microstructure, where data about synonyms and variants found in our terminological set can be recorded.


This micro-field is intended to record a very important type of information for translators: data about the use of terms, linguistic and extra-linguistic information, conceptual difference between synonymous forms, etc., which may influence translators’ choice of which linguistic expression to use, or even help them better understand the terms. Faulstich (1995)FAULSTICH, E. Socioterminologia, mais que um método de pesquisa, uma disciplina. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v.24, n.3, 1995. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 nov. 2019.
explains that it is fundamental to observe the variations arising from the use and, in a broader sense, from the social aspect the term reveals.

The underlying principle of socio-terminological research is a record of variant(s) which takes into account social, situational, spatial, and linguistic contexts in which the terms occurs; it also considers the frequency of use if it is the method chosen by the specialist. Variants work as Var. type tags in the body of an entry and are the result of different uses that the community, in its social, linguistic and geographical diversity, makes of the term.24 24 In the original: “O princípio subjacente da pesquisa socioterminológica é o registro de variante(s) que leva em conta os contextos social, situacional, espacial e lingüístico em que os termos circulam; não abandona também a freqüência de uso, se for este o método escolhido pelo especialista. As variantes funcionam como marcas do tipo Var., no corpo de um verbete e são resultantes dos diferentes usos que a comunidade, em sua diversidade social, lingüística e geográfica faz do termo.” (FAULSTICH, 1995, p.7). (FAULSTICH, 1995FAULSTICH, E. Socioterminologia, mais que um método de pesquisa, uma disciplina. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v.24, n.3, 1995. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 nov. 2019.
, p.7).

These aspects pointed out by the author are essential to guide a translator, who must choose between different forms of a term for his/her target text. In our dictionary, we try to provide the translator with enough data for this choice, registering them in the field described here.

The field nota (note) has an intra-linguistic nature, i.e., it brings information about the term itself and not about its relation to the equivalent in other language. One piece of the information contained therein refers to how much the term is being used in the documents, which is particularly important for translators, since the adoption of a less used term can harm readability in target text. Here is an example:

CAUTION [...] Note Les termes caution et garant designent tous les deux le même concept. Néanmoins, par rapport à l’usage, les termes ne sont pas utilisés à la même fréquence dans le corpus étudié (caution à 192 occurrences et garant, 14). Du terme caution dérive le mot cautionnement, très important dans le domaine des baux. De cette façon, le terme caution se fait plus présent dans le domaine de la location immobilière, quoique les deux termes puissent être utilisés dans des expressions comme «se porter caution» et «se porter garant», celle-ci sans aucune occurrence dans les contrats.25

In this example, we can see how much the terms are used in our corpus of real estate lease agreements, which highlights specialists’ preferred use.

Another type of information recorded in nota (note) micro-field has a linguistic character, here understood as formal (orthographic, morphological, foreignisms, etc.). Here is the case of the term budget:

BUDGET [...] Note Mot en anglais.26

Budget is an English term and is used in this language in French real estate lease agreements, so it is shown to the translator that the term appears in English in this type of document.

We have also recorded other linguistic information important to translator’s work. Here is the case of the term honoraires (fees):

HONORAIRES [...] Note Le terme honoraires au sens de rémunération des professionnels libéraux est toujours utilisé au pluriel. Honoraire (au singulier) est un adjectif qui signifie « à titre honorifique », «qui a le titre sans exercer la fonction: un magistrat honoraire, un professeur honoraire». (BISSARDON, 2009, p.46).27

Finally, the micro-field relative to notes is only filled when there is some information considered, in our work, relevant to the user, whether it has a linguistic, pragmatic, cultural or conceptual nature. Data we record in this micro-field helps the translator in his or her translation choices.


When the distribution of entries is in alphabetical order, as in our work, some existing semantic-conceptual relations between terms may not be easily noted. Terms such as bailleur and locataire, closely linked from a conceptual perspective, are far from each other within the dictionary, which makes it difficult to recover the relationship between them. So the referral we indicate in some entries constitutes important information to users, since it guides them to other terms related to the searched term, complementing it, comparing it to others or differentiating it from others. According to Cabré (1993CABRÉ, M. T. La terminología: teoría, metodología, aplicaciones. Barcelona: Editorial Antártida/Empúries, 1993., p.315), “[…] one term refers to another to stimulate its priority use, to discourage a denomination or to highlight the existence of alternatives on the same sociolinguistic level.”28 28 In the original: “[…] un término remite a otro para potenciar su uso prioritario, para rechazar una denominación o señalar la existencia de alternativas al mismo nivel de consideración sociolinguística.” (CABRÉ, 1993, p.315). Thus, we have chosen to point out to the user some semantic relations considered relevant in the scope of this work.

Therefore, considering the target audience needs and the features of the studied domain terminology, we have organized referrals in our proposed dictionary with two indications, ver (see) and confronte (compare). The two types of referral were adopted based on a criterion widely used in terminographic practice: whether the consultation is required or optional.

Referral ver (v.) is considered mandatory, since translators only accesses the information wanted by following the path indicated by the referral. Barros explains that “The use of ver is usually linked to the need (obligation) to check another entry to find the desired information.”29 29 In the original: “[...] a utilização de ver se encontra em geral ligada à necessidade (obrigação) de consulta a um outro verbete para se encontrar a informação que se deseja.” (BARROS, 2004, p.180). (BARROS, 2004BARROS, L. Curso básico de terminologia. São Paulo: Ed. da USP, 2004., p.180). Here is an example of referral ver, in French voir (v.):

ASSURANCE INCENDIE [...] V. Assurance contre l’incendie30

In the entry above31 31 The entry in the example is a referral entry. , we can see the record of a mandatory referral voir (v.) sending the user to the main entry assurance contre l’incendie, (fire insurance) where he/she will find all the information about the term.

The referral confronte (cf.), in French confer, is optional and aims at increasing the user’s knowledge about the term searched, according to its relation with other terms. Just as the referral queira ver (please refer to), the referral confronte (compare) is not mandatory, according to Barros. “This consultation is not mandatory, since the data conveyed by the definitional statement of the entry [...] is enough to understand its conceptual content.”32 32 In the original: “Essa consulta não é, entretanto, obrigatória, uma vez que os dados veiculados pelo enunciado definicional do verbete [...] são suficientes para a compreensão de seu conteúdo conceptual.” (BARROS, 2004, p.181). (BARROS, 2004BARROS, L. Curso básico de terminologia. São Paulo: Ed. da USP, 2004., p.181). Let’s see an example:

Equivalente em português Benefício de ordem [...] Cf. Benefício de divisão33

The terms whose relation is indicated in this entry through referral confronte (cf.) are benefits concerning the guarantor. The headword of the entry, Benefício de ordem (Benefit of order), assures the guarantor that the warrantee is first called to pay the debt, even if it means that the warrantee will have to sell off his own assets. Only after that, the guarantor can be called upon to assume the obligations not met by the warrantee.

The term Benefício de divisão (Benefit of division) is intended for guarantors that jointly assume the same security deposit and guarantees that they are each charged for only one part of the debt. If guarantors waive this right, each of them can be individually called upon to pay the total debt.

For translators, we consider it is worth checking the term indicated to broaden their knowledge about the domain, but it’s not a mandatory check to understand the conceptual configuration of the term they were initially searching for.

In micro-field remissão (referral) mandatory or optional search guidelines were recorded, which seeks to recompose to the user a network of related concepts.

Notes on Equivalence

Macro-field 3, Observações sobre equivalência (Notes on Equivalence), is where we record information about term equivalence, as its name suggests, considering the semantic-conceptual aspect of the terms, the cultural aspect influencing the establishment of terminologies in both countries (France and Brazil) and the use of the term by specialists in both languages.

Based on the theoretical principles of our work, the equivalent term shown in our dictionary was taken from actual communication contexts between specialists in real estate lease area in Brazil, in order to locate the expression actually used in the everyday interactions. In this respect, we agree with Cabré (1993CABRÉ, M. T. La terminología: teoría, metodología, aplicaciones. Barcelona: Editorial Antártida/Empúries, 1993., p.246) that “[...] Terminology is not in any way the translation of forms from one language to another based on allegedly equivalent denominations, but looking for denominations that users of a language actually employ when referring to a concept [...]”34 34 In the original: “[...] hacer terminología no es en ningún caso traducir las formas de una lengua a otra sobre la base de unas denominaciones pretendidamente equivalentes, sino recoger las denominaciones que los usuarios de una lengua emplean realmente para referirse a un concepto […]” (CABRÉ, 1993, p.246).

In this procedure, we have found, in Portuguese equivalent set, a high rate of total equivalence, which means according to Dubuc’s criteria (1992) that these terms cover the same concept as the French terms, they are used at the same level of expertise, they have the same sociolinguistic value and are employed in the same domain, i.e., in real estate lease agreements or legislation concerning tenancy in Brazil.

Nevertheless, we must acknowledge that the real estate lease agreement is a component of the real estate industry and it has its own characteristics, such as a specific type of wording, a particular language level and terminology, and it conveys the parties’ concerns and desires regarding the rental transaction, as well as their rights and duties. As such, it addresses aspects of the leasing that are not necessarily identical or perhaps not even exist in other cultures.

In our research, we have found that a small number of terms does not have an equivalent term in Portuguese. It is a set of 15 terms.

Among them, we observe some cases whose extra-linguistic reality does not exist in Brazil, but the term that denominates the French reality has been coined in our country in scientific papers, newspapers, etc. Although the identified reality does not exist in Brazil, a denomination in Portuguese has already been coined to refer to such French reality. In those cases, we have chosen to show this information to the user in Observações sobre a equivalência (Notes on equivalence) macro-field. Let’s see an example:

REVENU MINIMUM D’INSERTION [...] Définition Mesure instituée par la loi du 30 novembre 1988 en France dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté. L’allocation, d’un montant variable, bénéficie à toute personne de plus de 25 ans, français ou étranger ayant un titre de séjour de 3 ans ou moins. Elle est d’un montant variable selon les ressources et la taille de la famille. Elle est accordée pour une période de 3 mois à 1 an. Elle s’accompagne d’un contrat prévoyant des activités d’insertion sous forme d’un travail ou d’une formation pour le bénéficiaire. (SILEM, 2008, p.678).35 Equivalente em português “Renda mínima de inserção” [...] Contexto Ao analisar a construção social (mesmo que inconsciente) da relação do Estado (e da coisa pública) com a política social deRenda Mínima de Inserção(RMI) francesa e como consequência as representações sociais e análises feitas sobre o programa, espera-se compreender assim o Programa Renda Mínima de Inserção (RMI) francesa pela dimensão cognitiva, ou seja, mapeando as representações sociais que perpassam os discursos da sociedade francesa sobre o programa, podendo então relacionar ao caso brasileiro, do porquê da associação do programa Bolsa Família ao assistencialismo. (FLORES, 2013, s/p).36 Observações sobre equivalência Não encontramos registros da existência da realidade cultural denominada pelo termo revenu minimum d’insertion no Brasil. O termo renda mínima de inserção foi cunhado em língua portuguesa por jornalistas e estudiosos para denominar uma realidade social ocorrente na França.37

In the entry shown above, we can see the coined form in Portuguese used to describe the French reality revenu minimum d’insertion, i.e., “renda mínima de inserção” (minimum income of insertion), but the concept was not found in real estate leasing in Brazil. Information about the concept absence in Brazil is recorded in Macro-field 3, Observações sobre equivalência (Notes on Equivalence).

Discussing further about terms that do not have equivalents, when the reality denominated by a French term does not happen in Brazil, we have verified that some terms do not have any form of linguistic expression in Portuguese to denominate the foreign phenomenon. These are cases of total absence of equivalence (DUBUC, 1992DUBUC, R. Manuel pratique de terminologie. Quebec: Linguatech, 1992.). Here is an example:

SUPPLÉMENT DE LOYER DE SOLIDARITÉ [...] Equivalente em português Sem equivalente em português Observações sobre equivalência O termo em francês denomina uma realidade muito específica do mercado da locação na França. As pessoas de baixa renda podem obter, por intermédio do Estado, um tipo de locação chamada de HLM, habitation à loyer modéré. Trata-se de um tipo de habitação social, cujos valores locatícios são mais modestos. Para serem beneficiados por esse programa, os candidatos à HLM não podem ter renda superior a um determinado teto. Caso o locatário tenha uma renda superior a esse teto máximo, ele deve pagar um acréscimo no aluguel chamado “supplément de loyer de solidarité”. Essa realidade não existe no Brasil.38

In this entry, there is a case of total absence of equivalence in Portuguese, i.e., this social and cultural reality does not exist in Brazil and there is no Portuguese term coined to refer to this French reality. For such cases, we have chosen to explicitly indicate the absence of equivalence with the statement “Sem equivalente em português” (No equivalent in Portuguese) and include clarifications about this.

The comparative analysis of the two terminological sets have shown there is a type of equivalence in which a single linguistic expression in French has two equivalents, such as the term caution whose equivalents in Portuguese can be fiador (guarantor) and caução (security deposit).

Given that in the scope of real estate lease agreements the French term caution refers to two different concepts with two different equivalent terms in Portuguese, we consider that it would be clearer to the user if the data were recorded in different entries. Thus, for our dictionary we have created the entries caution1 1 This work is part of a line of research known as Terminology, developed by the Program in Linguistic Studies at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP / São José do Rio Preto, SP. (see below) and caution2 2 The French-Portuguese Dictionary of Terms from Real Estate Lease Agreements, DFPCLI, presented here arises from a doctoral research funded by Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP, completed in 2017 at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho / UNESP, São José do Rio Preto. , and inserted a mention about the existence of each other.

CAUTION [...] Définition Personne qui s’engage envers le créancier, à titre de garantie, à remplir l’obligation du débiteur principal, pour le cas où celui-ci n’y aurait pas lui-même satisfait et qui, n’étant en principe tenue qu’à titre subsidiaire, peut exiger que le débiteur principal soit d’abord discuté dans ses biens. (CORNU, 2009, p.138).39 Equivalente em português Fiador [...] Definição Na terminologia jurídica designa precisamente a pessoa que se obriga pelo pagamento da obrigação de outrem, prometendo cumpri-la ou pagá-la no caso em que o devedor não a cumpra. (SILVA, 2006, p.609).40 Observações sobre equivalência A expressão linguística caution denomina dois conceitos diferentes em francês, um deles refere-se ao equivalente em português fiador, o outro conceito refere-se ao equivalente caução, em português.41

We have decided to elaborate two different entries for each concept because the common practice in Terminology considers there are two different terms in such cases, and therefore each one must have its own entry. This situation then must be recorded within Observações sobre equivalência (Notes on equivalence) micro-paradigm, where there will be an explanation about the existence of another entry with the same headword, but with a different equivalent.

Another phenomenon is observed between the terms bail professionnel and bail commercial, whose concepts are denominated by a single equivalent in Portuguese, contrato de locação não residencial (non-residential lease agreement).

The Portuguese term covers two concepts which in French are denominated separately. Contrato de locação não residencial refers to contracts that are not used for housing, so they are not residential. This classification includes commercial and industrial activities, self-employed professionals, schools, non-governmental organizations, etc.

In French, the real estate lease domain has a different classification. It includes residential lease, commercial lease, professional lease, mixed lease (professional and residential) and seasonal lease. As such, the concept of leasing for commercial activity is denominated by the term bail commercial, while the concept of a lease agreement for professional activity, in particular for self-employed professionals, is denominated by the term bail professionnel.

Therefore, we have created an entry for each of the terms in French, where we have registered the same Portuguese equivalent term. The equivalent term is assigned a superscript number in order to identify what is the concept for each term in French. Here is an excerpt from the entry Bail commercial:

BAIL COMMERCIAL [...] Equivalente em português Contrato de locação não residencial1 Observações sobre equivalência Na terminologia locatícia francesa, os termos bail commercial e bail professionnel referem-se ao contrato de locação destinado ao estabelecimento onde se desenvolvem atividades de empresas comerciais (lojas, restaurantes, etc.) e de profissionais liberais (advogados, cabeleireiros, etc) respectivamente. Na terminologia locatícia brasileira, a locação para essas duas categorias de estabelecimentos comerciais é designada por um mesmo termo, qual seja, contrato de locação não residencial.42

We have decided to record information regarding equivalence between French and Portuguese terms indicating to the user the difference between the types of real estate lease agreements in France and Brazil.

Observações sobre equivalência (Notes on equivalence) is a very important macro-field in our dictionary, since it is where we register conceptual, usage and cultural differences regarding equivalents. For translators, this macro-field is highly valuable as it clarifies doubts beyond the conceptual aspect.

Classification symbol

Macro-field 4 of the microstructure designed for DFPCLI is intended to record the Símbolo de classificação (Classification Symbol), i.e., the concept localization code within the concept system. Here is an excerpt from the concept system of DFPCLI where classification symbols appear:

1 – Contrat de location d’immeubles


1.3 – Fautes

1.3.1 – Défaillance

1.3.2 – Fautes du locataire – Abandon de domicile – Abandon des lieux – Abus de jouissance43 43 Translation: Real estate lease agreements. 1.3 - Faults. 1.3.1. - Default. 1.3.2 - Tenant’s fault. - Abandonment of domicile. - Abandonment of property. - Abuse of enjoyment

We have noted that each concept is related by coordination (symbols 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, for example, coordinated between themselves) or by subordination (symbols 1, 1.3, 1.3.2,, the most specific ones being subordinated to the most general ones). In the entry, this symbol indicates the location of a term within the concept system which a user may access to recover semantic relations between terms.

The classification symbol appears only at the end of the entries, because this information is only accessed if the translator has an interest in checking the relation of a concept with the others, and it is not a mandatory access in all queries. Let’s see an example of the classification symbol recorded in field Lugar no sistema conceitual (Place in concept system):

ASSURANCE HABITATION 44 [...] Lugar no sistema conceitual

Since classification symbol marks the place of the concept within the system, all expressions that call the same concept, whether they are privileged forms, variants or synonyms, have the same symbol.

Final remarks

Throughout this article, we have addressed the development of DFPCLI, French-Portuguese Dictionary of Terms from Real Estate Lease Agreements, especially regarding the proposed microstructure of main entries in our dictionary.

One of the premises of our terminographic project was to meet our target audience needs, i.e., translators who deal with the task of translating real estate lease agreements. The first aspect to be considered is the speed of consultation, since these professionals usually work with tight deadlines, but other requirements also need to be taken into account, as we have seen in professionals’ evaluations regarding bilingual dictionaries available in the market.

In fact, our dictionary intends to meet the professionals’ expectations regarding the types of information they care about, namely: grammatical category, definition, context of use, equivalence, existence of synonyms and/or variants, cultural, linguistic or extralinguistic information that may interfere in translation choices. In addition to these data, we have also inserted referrals and classification symbols that indicate where the terms are located within the concept system.

This model have been designed for the record of privileged terms data, i.e., terms that specialists in the area prefer to use and that have a higher occurrence rate in our corpus of real estate lease agreements.

Translators working with the French-Portuguese language pair are not always familiar with the terminology of real estate lease agreements. For this reason, a specialized bilingual dictionary based on the demands of this target audience can become an important work tool for them.

Real estate lease agreements are documents reflecting the concerns of the communities where the leasing transaction is being carried out. Thus, such agreements in Brazil and France do not always address exactly the same aspects of real estate leasing, as the agreements in each country are embedded in a particular sociocultural framework. Through our terminographic work, DFPCLI, we aim at reducing the distance between the Brazilian and French contracting parties in terms of understanding the terminology of real estate lease agreements, and perhaps reducing the communicative distance and, ultimately, the human distance between the two countries.


We would like to thank the financial support of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), as well as the structural support of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3.


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  • 1
    This work is part of a line of research known as Terminology, developed by the Program in Linguistic Studies at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP / São José do Rio Preto, SP.
  • 2
    The French-Portuguese Dictionary of Terms from Real Estate Lease Agreements, DFPCLI, presented here arises from a doctoral research funded by Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP, completed in 2017 at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho / UNESP, São José do Rio Preto.
  • 3
    The complete work is at the library of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho / UNESP, São José do Rio Preto.
  • 4
    Part of our research related to terminological data collection of the French terms was carried out during an internship in France, at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 with the guidance of Professor Isabelle de Oliveira and financial support of FAPESP with a Fellowship for Research Internships Abroad (BEPE).
  • 5
    Translation: Assembly of co-owners. Feminine Noun. Definition: In every building divided into separate apartments, there is an Assembly of co-owners that must meet at least once a year and discuss important issues that go beyond the building manager's competence. Just the Assembly can modify the co-owner regulation. Decisions are made by a different majority according to their nature and importance. (LEMEUNIER, 1988, p.30.). Context. These charges and fees are included in the payment of a quarterly provision due to the lessor at the same time of each rental terms, and the final discount will be set every year after the account approval by the Assembly and based on the definitive accounts. (CCLIF)
  • 6
    Translation: Portuguese Equivalent Term. General Meeting. Feminine Noun. Definition. General Assembly is the meeting of joint owners, previously and regularly convened, in accordance with the Law and the Convention, to consider and deliberate on issues of interest to the Condominium. (CARVALHO, 1985, p.49). Context. The call notice, even briefly, must clearly state the subjects to be discussed, and should also list the location, day and time of the General Assembly, in the first and second call. (CARVALHO, 1985, p.51). Other denominations. Variant. Condominium Assembly. The law now allows the tenant to have a voice and vote in ordinary or extraordinary Condominium Assemblies, which will result in greater engagement between people residing in the building, regardless of their condition. (SOUZA, 2014, p.418). Note. The General Meeting can be divided into ordinary and extraordinary, the first happens every year, with the resolution on the common expenses of the condominium (service providers’ labor taxes, wages, costs related to energy, water, gas, sewage, indoor residual spraying and cleaning of common areas, hydraulic and fire protection equipment, lift maintenance, etc.), and the extraordinary assemblies occur as necessary, when convened by the building manager or Advisory Council, to deliberate on serious and urgent matters. (CARVALHO, 1985, p.50-51). None of the Portuguese equivalent terms appears in the studied Brazilian real estate lease agreements or in Brazilian Tenancy Law. However, the privileged form General Meeting is the term used in Brazilian Civil Code, in condominium section. Furthermore, it is more frequent on the web, in a ratio of 4 occurrences of the privileged form to 1 occurrence of the variant.
  • 7
    Translation: Notes on Equivalence. The French term refers to the group of joint owners that make up the deliberative assembly. In Portuguese, the term refers to the meeting of joint owners, where they discuss the resolution of relevant questions. We consider that these terms are not absolute equivalents, instead they are terms that work in communication and cover the necessary aspects for writing the text content in the other language.
  • 8
    Translation: Place in concept system.
  • 9
    All entry examples shown in this paper have been taken from this work.
  • 10
    In the original: Assemblée de copropriétaires
  • 11
    The conceptual distinction between the terms variant and synonym adopted in our work will be discussed in “Other denominations” section of this paper.
  • 12
    In the original: “Outras denominações”
  • 13
    In the original: “Assembleia Geral”
  • 14
    In the original: “Equivalente em português”
  • 15
    Translation: subscription; rider; notice; expiration; eviction.
  • 16
    Translation: Tenant. Context. The tenant declares to know well the building and the private and common equipment available there, having visited it according to this contract, and recognizes its compliance with the above mentioned elements without the need of further designation. (CCLIF)
  • 17
    In the original: “Tiene que admitir la sinonimia como un fenómeno real dentro de la comunicación especializada natural y aportar criterios para establecer el distinto valor de las unidades, si es este el caso.” (CABRÉ, 1999, p.122).
  • 18
    In the original: “Entendemos como variante aqueles termos que mantêm a mesma base linguística, com apenas algumas alterações formais de ordem ortográfica, morfológica, sintática etc., em que ainda seja possível reconhecer o termo principal. Em suma, são consideradas duas formas de um mesmo termo.” (RODRIGUES, 2017, p.58).
  • 19
    In the original: “[...] dois termos diversos que denominam o mesmo conceito, como époux e conjoint, em que as unidades apresentam base linguística diferente, configurando-se em dois termos diferentes.” (RODRIGUES, 2017, p.59).
  • 20
    Translation: commercial lease; identity card; losses and damages
  • 21
    Translation: Certificate of Risk of Lead Exposure; Energy Efficiency Diagnosis; Public housing (freely translated)
  • 22
    Translation: Certificate of Risk of Lead Exposure. Other denominations. Variant. CREP. A technical diagnostic file consisting of an Energy Efficiency Diagnosis (DPE, the acronym in French) and the assets referred to in a Natural, Mining and Technological Risk Certificate and a Certificate of Lead Exposure (CREP, the acronym in French). (CCLI)
  • 23
    Translation: Other denominations. Synonym. Lease agreement. The owner shall deliver the property to the tenant in good condition, with repairs of all kinds and the equipment mentioned in the lease agreement in good working order.
  • 24
    In the original: “O princípio subjacente da pesquisa socioterminológica é o registro de variante(s) que leva em conta os contextos social, situacional, espacial e lingüístico em que os termos circulam; não abandona também a freqüência de uso, se for este o método escolhido pelo especialista. As variantes funcionam como marcas do tipo Var., no corpo de um verbete e são resultantes dos diferentes usos que a comunidade, em sua diversidade social, lingüística e geográfica faz do termo.” (FAULSTICH, 1995, p.7).
  • 25
    Translation: Note. The terms caution and garant (guarantor) designate the same concept. However, in terms of use, they are not used as often in the studied corpus (caution had 192 occurrences, and garant 14). From the term caution comes the word cautionnement (contract of guarantee), which is very important in lease contracts. Thus, the term caution is more frequent in real estate leasing domain, although both terms may be used in expressions such as “se porter caution” and “se porter garant” (being guarantor), the latter without any occurrence in our contracts.
  • 26
    Translation: Note. Word in English.
  • 27
    Translation: Note. The term honoraires (fees), meaning independent professionals’ remuneration, is always used in plural. Honoraire (singular) is an adjective that means ‘for honorable purposes’, and refers to ‘someone who has a title but doesn’t practice the function: an honorary magistrate, an honorary teacher’. (BISSARDON, 2009, p.46).
  • 28
    In the original: “[…] un término remite a otro para potenciar su uso prioritario, para rechazar una denominación o señalar la existencia de alternativas al mismo nivel de consideración sociolinguística.” (CABRÉ, 1993, p.315).
  • 29
    In the original: “[...] a utilização de ver se encontra em geral ligada à necessidade (obrigação) de consulta a um outro verbete para se encontrar a informação que se deseja.” (BARROS, 2004, p.180).
  • 30
    Translation: Fire insurance.
  • 31
    The entry in the example is a referral entry.
  • 32
    In the original: “Essa consulta não é, entretanto, obrigatória, uma vez que os dados veiculados pelo enunciado definicional do verbete [...] são suficientes para a compreensão de seu conteúdo conceptual.” (BARROS, 2004, p.181).
  • 33
    Translation: Benefit of division.
  • 34
    In the original: “[...] hacer terminología no es en ningún caso traducir las formas de una lengua a otra sobre la base de unas denominaciones pretendidamente equivalentes, sino recoger las denominaciones que los usuarios de una lengua emplean realmente para referirse a un concepto […]” (CABRÉ, 1993, p.246).
  • 35
    Translation: Minimum income of insertion. Definition. Measure established by the Act of November 30, 1988 in France in the context of the fight against poverty. The grant of a variable amount benefits any person over 25 years old, French citizen or foreigner with a residence permit of 3 years or less. It is a variable amount depending on income and family size. It is granted for a period of 3 months to 1 year. It is accompanied by a contract that sets out insertion activities, including jobs or training for the beneficiary. (SILEM, 2008, p.678).
  • 36
    Translation: Portuguese Equivalent Term. Minimum income of insertion. Context. By analyzing the social (albeit unconscious) construction of the relationship between the State (and of public affairs) and the French Social Policy of Minimum income of insertion (RMI, in the French acronym) and, thus, the social representations and analyzes about the program, we hope to understand the French Minimum income of insertion (RMI) Program from a cognitive perspective, i. e., mapping the social representations that permeate the French society discourses about the program, and then relating it to the Brazilian case, the reasons for the Bolsa Familia program association to welfare programmes. (FLORES, 2013, n/p).
  • 37
    Notes on Equivalence. We found no records proving the existence of the cultural reality named by the French term revenu minimum d’insertion in Brazil. The term renda mínima de inserção (minimum income of insertion) was coined in Portuguese by journalists and scholars to name a social reality occurring in France.
  • 38
    Translation: No equivalent in Portuguese. Notes on Equivalence. The French term refers to a very specific reality of the leasing market in France. Low-income people can get, through the State, a type of leasing called HLM, habitation à loyer modéré. It is a type of public housing, whose leasing values are more affordable. To take advantage from this program, HLM applicants cannot have an income above a certain ceiling. If the tenant has an income beyond this ceiling, he must pay an increment over the rent called “supplement de loyer de solidarity”. This reality does not exist in Brazil.
  • 39
    Translation: Guarantor. Definition. A person who pledges with the creditor, as collateral, to fulfill the main debtor’s obligation in the event that he fails to do so and who, being in principle bound only alternatively, may require the main debtor’s assets to be challenged first. (CORNU, 2009, p.138).
  • 40
    Translation: In legal terminology, it accurately designates the person who is obliged to pay another person’s duty, promising to fulfill it or to pay it if the debtor does not fulfill it.
  • 41
    Notes on Equivalence. The linguistic expression caution names two different concepts in French, one of them refers to the Portuguese equivalent fiador, the other concept refers to the Portuguese equivalent caução.
  • 42
    Translation: Notes on Equivalence. In French leasing terminology, the terms bail commercial and bail professionnel refer to the lease agreement intended for a facility where the activities of commercial companies (shops, restaurants, etc.) and independent professionals (lawyers, hairdressers, etc.) are performed, respectively. In Brazilian leasing terminology, the leasing in these two categories of commercial facilities is designated by the same term, contrato de locação não residencial (non-residential lease agreement).
  • 43
    Translation: Real estate lease agreements. 1.3 - Faults. 1.3.1. - Default. 1.3.2 - Tenant’s fault. - Abandonment of domicile. - Abandonment of property. - Abuse of enjoyment
  • 44
    Translation: Home Insurance.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Dec 2019


  • Received
    02 Aug 2018
  • Accepted
    22 Nov 2018
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, 01049-010 São Paulo - SP, Tel. (55 11) 5627-0233 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil