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Teaching health services administration: profile of nurses engaged in education


OBJECTIVE: To describe the profile of nurses engaged in teaching a course in hospital administration during the 1970. METHODS: This was a historical documentary consisting of primary and secondary sources produced between 1975 and 2009. The content contained in these sources was analyzed against the nursing work process, and studied in light of the theory of bureaucracy. RESULTS: We described the professional profile of four nurses: the first faculty director of The School of Nursing, University of Sao Paulo; the second was an American professor in a master of science course at Incarnate Word College, Texas; the third was the first president of the Regional Nursing Council of São Paulo; and the fourth was Director of Nursing Service of the Heart Institute of the Hospital de Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. CONCLUSION: We found that these nurses held positions of esteem and status in their careers and that this prestige, possibly, has added value to the courses discussed

Health administration/education; Faculty, nursing; History of nursing; Education, higher

OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de enfermeiras que exerceram a docência em um Curso de Administração Hospitalar nos anos 1970. MÉTODOS: Estudo histórico documental constituído de fontes primárias e secundárias produzidas entre 1975 e 2009. O conteúdo constante nessas fontes foi analisado frente ao processo de trabalho em Enfermagem, e estudado à luz da teoria da Burocracia. RESULTADOS: Foi descrito o perfil profissional de quatro enfermeiras docentes A primeira era diretora da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo; a segunda era americana, professora do Incarnate Word Collegge, Texas, mestre em ciências; a terceira foi a primeira presidente do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem de São Paulo; e a quarta era Diretora do Serviço de Enfermagem do Instituto do Coração do Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se que essas enfermeiras eram detentoras de projeção em suas carreiras e esse prestígio, possivelmente, agregou valor ao curso citado.

Administração em saúde/educação; Docentes de enfermagem; História da enfermagem; Ensino superior

OBJETIVO: Describir el perfil de enfermeras que ejercieron la docencia en un Curso de Administración Hospitalaria en los años 1970. MÉTODOS: Estudio histórico documental constituído de fuentes primarias y secundarias producidas entre 1975 y 2009. El contenido constante en esas fuentes fue analizado frente al proceso de trabajo en Enfermería, y estudiado a la luz de la teoría de la Burocracia. RESULTADOS: Fue descrito el perfil profesional de cuatro enfermeras docentes. La primera era Directora de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sao Paulo; la segunda era americana, profesora del Incarnate Word Collegge, Texas, magister en ciencias; la tercera fue la primera presidente del Consejo Regional de Enfermería de Sao Paulo; y la cuarta era Directora del Servicio de Enfermería del Instituto del Corazón del Hospital de las Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Sao Paulo. CONCLUSIÓN: Constató que esas enfermeras eran detentoras de la proyección en sus carreras y ese prestigio, posiblemente, agregó valor al citado curso.

Administracion em Saúde/educación; Docentes de enfermeria; Historia de la enfermeria; Educación superior


Teaching Health Services Administration: Profile of nurses engaged in education*

Ensino de Administração de Serviços de Saúde: perfil de enfermeiras que exerceram a docência

Enseñanza de Administración de los Servicios de Salud: perfil de enfermeras que ejercieron la docencia

Divanice ContimI; Maria Cristina SannaII

IPh.D. in Sciences. Adjunct Professor of the "Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro" – UFTM – Uberaba (MG), Brazil

IIPh.D. in Nursing. Supervisor of the Postgraduate Nursing Program of the "Universidade Federal de São Paulo" – UNIFESP – São Paulo (SP), Brazil

Corresponding Author


OBJECTIVE: To describe the profile of nurses engaged in teaching a course in hospital administration during the 1970.

METHODS: This was a historical documentary consisting of primary and secondary sources produced between 1975 and 2009. The content contained in these sources was analyzed against the nursing work process, and studied in light of the theory of bureaucracy.

RESULTS: We described the professional profile of four nurses: the first faculty director of The School of Nursing, University of Sao Paulo; the second was an American professor in a master of science course at Incarnate Word College, Texas; the third was the first president of the Regional Nursing Council of São Paulo; and the fourth was Director of Nursing Service of the Heart Institute of the Hospital de Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo.

CONCLUSION: We found that these nurses held positions of esteem and status in their careers and that this prestige, possibly, has added value to the courses discussed.

Keywords: Health administration/education; Faculty, nursing; History of nursing; Education, higher


OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de enfermeiras que exerceram a docência em um Curso de Administração Hospitalar nos anos 1970.

MÉTODOS: Estudo histórico documental constituído de fontes primárias e secundárias produzidas entre 1975 e 2009. O conteúdo constante nessas fontes foi analisado frente ao processo de trabalho em Enfermagem, e estudado à luz da teoria da Burocracia.

RESULTADOS: Foi descrito o perfil profissional de quatro enfermeiras docentes A primeira era diretora da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo; a segunda era americana, professora do Incarnate Word Collegge, Texas, mestre em ciências; a terceira foi a primeira presidente do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem de São Paulo; e a quarta era Diretora do Serviço de Enfermagem do Instituto do Coração do Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo.

CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se que essas enfermeiras eram detentoras de projeção em suas carreiras e esse prestígio, possivelmente, agregou valor ao curso citado.

Descritores: Administração em saúde/educação; Docentes de enfermagem; História da enfermagem; Ensino superior


OBJETIVO: Describir el perfil de enfermeras que ejercieron la docencia en un Curso de Administración Hospitalaria en los años 1970.

MÉTODOS: Estudio histórico documental constituído de fuentes primarias y secundarias producidas entre 1975 y 2009. El contenido constante en esas fuentes fue analizado frente al proceso de trabajo en Enfermería, y estudiado a la luz de la teoría de la Burocracia.

RESULTADOS: Fue descrito el perfil profesional de cuatro enfermeras docentes. La primera era Directora de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sao Paulo; la segunda era americana, profesora del Incarnate Word Collegge, Texas, magister en ciencias; la tercera fue la primera presidente del Consejo Regional de Enfermería de Sao Paulo; y la cuarta era Directora del Servicio de Enfermería del Instituto del Corazón del Hospital de las Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Sao Paulo.

CONCLUSIÓN: Constató que esas enfermeras eran detentoras de la proyección en sus carreras y ese prestigio, posiblemente, agregó valor al citado curso.

Descriptores: Administracion em Saúde/educación; Docentes de enfermeria; Historia de la enfermeria; Educación superior


In the 1970s, two renowned institutions–the Universidade de São Paulo School of Medicine Clinical Hospital (HCFM-USP) and the Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Business Administration of São Paulo (EAESP-FGV)–proposed the Programa de Estudos Avançados em Administração Hospitalar e de Sistemas de Saúde (PROAHSA – Hospital Administration and Health Systems Advanced Studies Program). The first activity accomplished by their partnership was the Hospital Administration and Health Service Course, in which several professionals participated, including nurses

When this Hospital Administration Specialization Course began in Brazil, the field of nursing was going through a series of transformations directly related to the predominance of individualized remedial care. This was favored by the expansion of private medical and hospital care systems, which somewhat influenced undergraduate and graduate Nursing courses' curricula. Indeed, in 1972, the minimum curriculum of undergraduate Nursing and Obstetrics courses encouraged nurses to increasingly acquire mastery over advanced health care techniques, due to the scientific and technological development and the funding system of health actions, all of which supported the biomedical health care model(1).

In the field of health care, Wanda de Aguiar Horta's Theory was becoming prominent. In its essence, such Theory included health care planning issues known as the Nursing Process. At that time, the elaboration of the Minimum Standards for Nursing Care was under discussion. Such standards were sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and aimed at health promotion, protection and recovery, with the objective of guiding the quality and control of health actions in a health care system which favored remedial and hospital-centered practices. Both initiatives were dedicated to the intellectual action of assisting and managing care, rendering nurses' intellectual work legitimate, which also led to the achievement of social recognition(2).

Based on this direction, there was an increase in assisting staff supervision and service organization and planning activities carried out by nurses. As a result, other managerial functions were incorporated to them, especially those associated with unit management, such as material and equipment control, among other functions(1-2).

At that time, there were also investments in human resources training and capacity building, especially those directed towards the area of nursing, all sponsored by governmental initiative and supranational and American institutions. This encouraged the creation of refresher and postgraduate specialization courses(1-2).

In this period, another fact which should be taken into consideration was that nurses made efforts for the growth of their profession(1-3). In this perspective, nursing specialization teaching was created according to a political conception that promoted Brazil's economic development, thus requiring qualified human resources.

At that time, there was also the introduction of systematical observation in nursing and of basic elements to diagnose health care aspects, in addition to the inclusion of nurses in multi-institutional groups of discussion about nursing care problems in hospitals of large urban centers. Thus began the discussion about the integration of nursing service and teaching focused on local and national problems. Based on this reality, the debate on the profile of nurses for the health services was brought about(1-2).

In this context, nurses had much to teach in the Health Administration Specialization Programs that began to emerge, given their competence in undergraduate training, their recognized involvement in management practice in hospital environments, and the beginning of a national nursing scientific production on this subject(4).

The observation of such facts led researchers to question the participation of nurses as professors in the previously mentioned course, considering its relevance to human resources capacity building in the field of health administration and the special historical moment the field of nursing was experiencing at that time. This investigation is also justified because it could support the assessment of nursing contribution to the political project involved in the course's creation.

Therefore, the present study aimed to describe the profile of nurses who have taught the Hospital Administration and Health Service Course promoted by the HCFM-USP and EAESP-FGV in the 1970s. The teaching practice of this group of professors was not an object of investigation in this study, as this will be discussed in another study.


The present study involved the historical investigation of documents collected from the PROAHSA Department, located in the EAESP-FGV.

Primary sources included seven documents dated from 1975 to 1976, which were collected in this Department. These documents were calendars with all school activities of the first and second course. They included the class dates and times, professors' names, and the content of the following disciplines, which were part of the previously mentioned course: "Hospital Equipment and Installations", coordinated by Professors Oscar Cesar Leite and Humberto de Moraes Novaes, and "Nursing Service Administration". There was also information on professors' professional background, in addition to newspaper clippings extracted from Folha de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo and Jornal da Tarde, including advertisements that promoted the course.

Secondary sources included books, theses, and periodical articles about the history of nursing, in addition to printed and online materials with records of these nurses. Data were collected from 2006 to 2009.

After the identification of the documents, they were selected and copied electrostatically, certified by the assignor and physically kept in folders. Next, documents were thoroughly read with the purpose of recording them in files, which enabled their cataloguing and organization by similarity, thematic relevance, chronology and origin.

Several techniques can be used to achieve this purpose, such as: expression, assessment or representational, utterance relations and thematic analyses. The latter was incorporated to this study's proposal because it allowed the identification of meaning cores, which may be relevant for the pre-outlined objective. The technique emerges from the proposal of interpretation, with the establishment of thematic areas and the transformation of rough data into knowledge units, which are subsequently transformed into record units and classified into categories according to meaning cores(5).

The products of documents recorded in files were noted down and organized in an electronic database to enable better handling of the study's document corpus.

The operationalization of the study used the thematic analysis system(5-6), which included a pre-analysis, when an initial reading was conducted; construction of corpus; formulation of hypotheses; and objectives. Therefore, parts of the documents were extracted, which were transformed into register units. These extracts were words, phrases, topics and characters. Finally, data were classified, grouped, and organized by similarity and thematic relevance of findings. This enabled the biographies of each professor of the course to be structured, using secondary sources to support them.

The documents studied revealed that the following four nurses worked as professors of the previously mentioned course during this period: Maria Rosa de Souza Pinheiro, Diane B. Greene, Maria Camargo de Oliveira Falcão and Vanderli de Oliveira Dutra.

Next, findings were classified, contextualized and interpreted in light of Max Weber's theoretical framework. This thinker was not concerned about defining bureaucracy and this cannot be seen as a prescriptive model, because it is a descriptive abstraction, a scheme which synthesizes points that are common to most formal modern organizations. Weber tried to develop the basis, the formal-legal foundation on which organizations are based(7-8). Taking this into consideration, researchers aimed to understand and contextualize the many dimensions of the nursing work process performed at that time of this study.


The participation of nurse-professors has occurred since the beginning of the Hospital Administration and Health Service Course.

The first one was Professor Maria Rosa de Souza Pinheiro, who participated in the team comprised of Professor Humberto de Moraes Novaes and Doctor Oscar Cesar Leite, in the discipline known as History of Hospital CareI(1-2,4).

Maria Rosa de Souza Pinheiro was born in the city of Araraquara, São Paulo. In 1908, she studied at Colégio Caetano de Campos, situated at Praça da República, in the city of São Paulo, and concluded the Course for Health Educators at the Instituto de Higiene de São Paulo(9), in 1930. She studied at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences, graduating in Neo-Latin languages in 1937. She was chief-educator at the Instituto de Higiene Health Center, in São Paulo and studied nursing at the University of Toronto, Canada, graduating in 1943(9-10).

She was granted a scholarship from the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) at Columbia University, where she took a master's degree. She also had a Kellogg Foundation Scholarship, where she served as an observer of nursing schools and American and Canadian hospitals. She participated in the Expert Committee on Nursing at the World Health Organization meeting in Geneva in 1951; and in the London meeting in 1954. In addition, she served as a nursing consultant in several situations in Europe, more precisely in Lisbon, and in Latin America, guiding the creation of postgraduate courses in the 1970s(9-11).

After her return to Brazil, she was named vice-director of the USP School of Nursing (EE-USP). In addition, from 1951 to 1955, she was the director of the Special Public Health Service, subsequently returning to the EE-USP as director, where she remained between 1956 and 1978(9-11).

From 1951 to 1955, she was president of the Brazilian Association of Nursing and participated in the preparation of the document entitled "Levantamento de Recursos e Necessidades de Enfermagem no Brasil" (Survey on Nursing Resources and Needs in Brazil), between 1956/58, the starting point of nursing research in Brazil. In 1975, she was elected the first president of the Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN – Federal Nursing Board), playing an important role in the implementation of the COFEN/CORENs System(10,12).

She retired in 1978, after having directed EE-USP for 23 years. However, she continued to work there as a collaborator, with an active participation in the editorial board of the journal of the USP School of Nursing. She passed away on June 21st, 2002(12).

The second nurse who worked as a professor in the first Hospital Administration and Health Service Course in 1976 was Diane B. Greene, an American nurse graduated from Incarnate Word College, in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Greene had a master's degree in Sciences

Professor Diane B. Greene's course proposed contents regarding several themes of interest in Brazilian Nursing which, at that time, was seeking qualification for new managerial and health care practices. The construction of a new body of specific knowledge was focused on the hospital area and it was closely associated with the North American model of nursing work organization. This course revealed the intention of promoting the qualification of Brazilian nurses to reproduce or appropriate the prominent American model of that time(1-3). Such course was conducted as an optional discipline in the program of the first Hospital Administration and Health Service Course and it was open to nurses who worked at the HCFM-USP(1).

Nurse Maria Camargo de Oliveira Falcão was also a member of Professor Humberto de Moraes Novaes and Oscar Cesar Leite's teamVII. She was accepted by the HCFMUSP as a practice nurse, because the school where she studied had not yet achieved recognition on the federal level. Her diploma was revalidated in 1956, when she was then promoted to the position of nurse(1,13).

Nurse Maria Falcão, as she is known, worked in several HCFMUSP service units. She was appointed to take the Postgraduate Course in Administration Applied to Nursing and Surgical Centers at EEUSP and received a scholarship from WHO-PAHO for an observation internship at the Hospital Distrital Universitário of the Rio Piedras' Medical Center, in Puerto Rico. In 1971, she took the Hospital Administration Course at the USP School of Public Health, which was coordinated by Professor Odair Pacheco Pedroso. She participated in this course because she was a member of the work team that participated in the organization of hospitals in Brazil(13).

This nurse was also substitute director of the HCFMUSP Nursing Department in 1972. Subsequently, in January 1974, she was nominated director, remaining in this position until 1976. Before becoming director of that department, her professional participation had been centered on the Surgical Center area. In the same hospital complex, she was also director of the Psychiatry Institute Nursing Service from 1977 to 1985(13).

She also took part in trade associations. Maria Falcão was president of the Brazilian Nursing Association – São Paulo Section. As a board member, she organized the 22nd Brazilian Congress of Nursing, which discussed the inclusion of graduated nurses of the state of São Paulo's public service.

With the enactment of Law 5,905/1973, which created the COFEN/CORENs System, she was the first president of the Regional Board of Nursing (COREN-SP), beginning the registration of Nursing professionals(4,13). At this moment of São Paulo's nursing history, her inauguration was considered to be significant as it brought together all nursing professionals of the State of São Paulo.

The discipline taught by Nurse Maria Falcão was "Center of Sterilized Materials". It should be noted that she had much experience in this area, as she worked for the HCFMUSP and with the organization of similar services in Brazil, in addition to being an advisor for the Ministry of Health in this area.

At the time this nurse worked at the HCFMUSP, her work in the surgical center was viewed as a unit organization process where surgeries were performed, apart from being the place where certain sterilized equipment and materials were prepared. These were indispensable for surgical procedures and general care for hospitalized patients to prevent infections(13-14).

Nursing practice in the surgical center was primarily aimed at managerial aspects, i.e. the provision, handling and maintenance of materials and equipment in the operation room which, in its turn, was turning into a high-technology unit. This unit required preparation for highly complex surgeries, such as the first kidney and heart transplants(13-15).

Vanderli de Oliveira Dutra was another professor who participated in the team of Professors Humberto de Moraes Novaes and Oscar Cesar Leite. Graduated in Nursing from the Brazilian Red Cross – State of São Paulo branch, in 1962, she also graduated in Pedagogy in 1976. Vanderli de Oliveira Dutra completed specialization courses in Nursing Service Administration at the EE-USP and in Hospital Administration at the USP School of Hygiene and Public Health. She obtained the title of Master in Education in 2008 at the Universidade Bandeirantes

Vanderli de Oliveira Dutra's professional work was aimed at the areas of teaching and hospital care, particularly service administration. She participated in the group that organized the Nursing Service of the Heart Institute (INCOR-HCFMUSP)(16) and was the first director of this service, remaining in this position for 15 years. Her experience offered the opportunity of coordination, establishment and implementation of nursing care systematization, based on Wanda de Aguiar Horta's Nursing Theory.

Between 1988 and 1995, she was the coordinator of the HCFMUSP Personnel Improvement Center, working with the planning, establishment and organization of educational activities of hospital professionals, interns and external students, except for those in the medical area(16). At the time she was in this position, Vanderli de Oliveira Dutra implemented and systematized improvement programs in several fields of health sciences at the HCFMUSP and led and achieved the recognition of these specialization programs, in accordance with the law.

With regard to her participation in trade associations, she was the vice-president of the COREN-SP, between 1996 and 2002, and a member of the Ministry of Health's Technical Committee in the following two projects: Minimum Nursing Care Standards in Health Recovery, in 1979, and Hospital Accreditation, in 1997(16). In the first Hospital Administration and Health Service Course held by the HCFMUSP/FGV, she was responsible for the content of hospitalization units and nursery and outpatient services.


The presence of these nurse-professors in the Hospital Administration and Health Service Course demonstrated the possibility of taking local action and building political alliances. Such measures were capable of broadening the participation of nurses in the field of human resources capacity building in health beyond the scope of Nursing. In the context of great transformations that resulted in the creation of the specialization course studied, the presence of these professionals represented an increase in the power of nurses. This could be achieved with their inclusion in a prominent group, in a pioneering and recognized initiative. However, such fact was not exclusively linked to the individual action of each of these nurses, but rather the typical social action in the Weberian view, as it will be seen as follows.

In the Weberian interpretation, concern over specific qualification is required by modern bureaucracy, which is aimed at efficiency and technical improvement for individuals to perform their jobs or positions in public and private structures in complex organization systems.

Professor Maria Rosa de Souza Pinheiro's presence in the Brazilian nursing context involved the conscientious and honest performance of the representative role she had. In Weberian language, this process is understood as political vocation that requires fighting to transform one's intimate convictions of order and rule(7). Thus warned the thinker: to mistake these vocational duties would doubly degrade political life in the permanent domain organization and exercise of leadership, attributing the legitimate and associative way to these representatives(7-8).

In this case, for the author used as point of reference in this analysis, those who are charismatic and make efforts for a cause in a responsible way do so because of their personal convictions. They may achieve this as social agents who influence decisions on several spheres of society, because they have not only certain instruments of power, but also the ideology that shows them the end to be reached, in addition to motivating them to participate in the political life(7).

In its turn, the course given by Professor Diane B. Greene brought about innovative themes of certain specialized knowledge, which could improve the understanding of the transformations that the American Nursing course was undergoing and which should be presented to Brazilian Nursing, aiming to produce new forms of knowledge about the nursing administration process.

The same occurred with the work of Nurses Maria Falcão and Vanderli de Oliveira Dutra, who, supported by their institution, sought to acquire specialized knowledge and abilities based on the American model to perform the managerial work. For this reason, both professionals were invited by the coordinators of the disciplines they taught to disseminate these knowledge and abilities, which gave them the opportunity to show the knowledge and capacities of Nursing in their field of work to students enrolled in the reference course of Health Administration.

In this sense, it could be affirmed that the professors portrayed here used the reputation and recognition that they had in their areas of work. As a result, they manifested the bureaucratic domination, which is inherent in specialized individuals, so that the quality of specialization prevailed to the detriment of "cultural quality". Thus, the idea of usefulness became relevant in experts' educational process(7,17). In this sense, these professors, who were specialists in their respective fields of work, provided the course with meaningful characteristics and influenced the qualification of professionals to also work in the specific area of Health Service Administration.

By portraying these nurse-professors, it became clear that the relationships established by them were based on instrumental rationality, understood as a socialization process that transformed their contributions into a product of society, manifested in the individuality of each of these professors portrayed here. It could be understood that, in this cycle, the individual success of each of them prevailed, although guided by their own behavioral characteristics, which are included in modern society and associated with it, thus guaranteeing the presence of bureaucracy.


The study of these professionals enabled the in-depth characterization of this group of educators of the specialization course that was under development. It should be emphasized that nursing-professors had already achieved a measure of success in their careers and their reputation probably increased the value of the previously mentioned course.

The contribution that the present study provided to the teaching of Health Service Administration in the 1970s is evidenced by the more in-depth discussion on the occupation of the space of formal educational social practices and human resources capacity building for this specific area. It should be emphasized that the participation of these nurses reaffirmed the valuing of attributes in the sense of validating the political and social interests of that time.

The Weberian theory was adequate for the analysis of the results of this study, especially in the concepts of bureaucracy with their typologies and of comprehensive sociology, when treating collective situations –regarding the matter of notion of sense and causality in that historical context– and in the social action, aimed at understanding domination and validation, both commonly present in modern formal organizations.

It is worth mentioning that this documentary study provided legitimate contributions to the understanding of this historical period of health and nursing, although restricting itself to the institution and period analyzed. Findings of this study may raise new questions, causing other researchers to seek new insights which will enable the limited knowledge observed here to expand towards the object, actors and circumstances analyzed.


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  • 16. Oguisso T, Dutra VO, Campos PF. Cruz Vermelha brasileira: formação em tempos de paz. Barueri: Manole; 2009. 150p.
  • 17. Weber M. A ética protestante e o "espírito" do capitalismo. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 2004.
  • 1*
  • 2*
    , which included the discipline of "Nursing Service Administration". This discipline was offered as an extension course and its content approached themes of interest to Nursing in Brazil. This course was advertised in several major national newspapers such as Folha de São Paulo
  • 4*
    , Estado de São Paulo
  • 5*
    Jornal da Tarde
  • 6*
  • 8*
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      03 July 2012
    • Date of issue


    • Accepted
      18 Nov 2010
    • Received
      11 May 2010
    Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil