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Uma ferrugem do saguaragi

A new rust of colubrina rufa reiss

A. P. Viégas


Saguaragi is the name by which Brazilians call Colubrina rufa Reiss, of the Rhamnaceae. It is a tree much prized for its heavy timber. The leaves of the plant are affected by a rust which apparently has not been described up to the present. The name Phakopsora colubrinae n. sp. is the binomial proposed for the fungus which belongs to the order Uredinales.

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Recebida para publicação em 31 de dezembro de 1959.

  • Uma ferrugem do saguaragi

    A new rust of colubrina rufa reiss
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      14 Abr 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil