Determinação do consumo de água e freqüência de irrigações em cultura de rabanete, empregando-se a técnica da moderação de neutrons nas avaliações dos teores de umidade do solo* * Trabalho apresentado na IX Reunião Anual da Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil, realizada em Goiânia, Go, a 20-26 de julho de 1969.
Consumption of water and frequency of irrigation in radish (Raphanus sativus L.), by neutron moderation method in soil moisture determinations
João Batista Ioriatti Demattê; Maria Esmeralda Soares Payão Demattê; Toshio Igue
A study was made on the daily water uptake by radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cultivated on a red yellow Latosol "série Barão", at Experimental Center, Campinas SP. Soil moisture was determined by neutron moderation method, using a Radium-Berílio source (3,0 mC) for production of a rapid neutrons and Troxler scintilator and Scaler for its detection.
The highest average of soil moisture was between 15.°-18.° days after germination, with 5.6 mm, while the lowest in 20.°-23.° days after germination, with 3.6 mm average throughout whole life cycle of the plant 3.5 mm. The irrigation frequency was 4 days.
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Recebido para publicação em 26 de setembro de 1969.
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18 Mar 2009 -
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