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Características do feijão Carioca, um nôvo cultivar

Characteristics of "Carioca", a new dry bean cultivar


Características do feijão Carioca, um nôvo cultivar* * Trabalho apresentado no III Encontro de Técnicos em Agricultura, de 21 a 23 de agosto de 1968, em Serra Negra, SP.

Characteristics of "Carioca", a new dry bean cultivar

Luiz D'Artagnan de Almeida; Hermógenes F. Leitão Filho; Shiro Miyasaka


"Carioca", a new dry bean cultivar originally found at Palmital, S.P., is 20% more productive than the varieties "Rosinha G-2" and Bico-de-Ouro", presently the most cultivated ones in São Paulo State. The plants of the new cultivar have indeterminated growth and a cycle of about 90 days. The flowers are white. The pods containing 5.78 seeds each in average are pale yellow at maturation. The seeds are 0.95 cm long, 0.60 cm wide and 0.51 em thick in average, showing a light chestnut color with havana brown stripes, white hilum and yellow halo. Field observations showed that rust, anthracnose, bacterial and virus diseases were more severe on the other varieties than on "Carioca".

Cooking tests showed that "Carioca" bean has excellent culinary properties being the beans very tender and rapidly cooked.

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Recebido para publicação em 11 de março de 1970.

  • *
    Trabalho apresentado no III Encontro de Técnicos em Agricultura, de 21 a 23 de agosto de 1968, em Serra Negra, SP.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      18 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
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